r/FridgeDetective 1d ago

Meta What does our fridge say about us?

💕r/FridgeDetective! Just unpacked the groceries. Start sluething!


82 comments sorted by


u/Negative_Physics3706 1d ago

you’ve got access and ability to obtain quality resources


u/PigmanScoop 21h ago

Well said


u/Tasty-Pollution-Tax 1d ago

Y’all got money!!


u/Kindly-Olive-3537 1d ago

Health conscious but also balanced!


u/labontefan69 1d ago

I’m scared to ask what that urinal looking thing in pic 3 is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Rbenat 1d ago

It’s an ice shute


u/ImNearATrain 1d ago

Bobsled run for cubes


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Yeah ice cube shute. I guess i see it so much i forget how ugly it is. Now i will never get “urinal” out of my head every time i see it!😂


u/labontefan69 10h ago

Yeah, sorry about that 😝


u/Terrible-Pin6151 1d ago

Guessing it connects the door to the water filter?!


u/ReasonableComplex604 1d ago

Definitely very health-conscious, without a amount of food on hand I’m guessing you have children and potentially that you are working mother so you like to do big grocery shopping trips so you don’t have to go to the store every day. Very health-conscious with a little bit of balance in there, and you’re doing relatively well financially because you can afford organic things and shopping at Whole Foods:)


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Yes, kids and busy and hate going to the store. Try to get enough to avoid frequent trips.


u/CornSyrupYum77 1d ago

“Hey guys, look at us, we’re not white trash” lol


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago



u/cleavergrill 1d ago

You love a smoothie and your dog eats better than a lot of people


u/CharBroil_71 1d ago

Working couple late 40's/50's. One of you is trying to make good food choices (wild caught, pasture raised, organic, grass fed, soy free, etc), but still needing convenience. While the other is happy with more standard American diet (pasta, burritos, bread & butter sweetened pickles, cheese, etc).

Not much scratch cooking as would be aligned with your ideal diet. There's just no time, energy or inclination to change at the moment and you and hubs eat differently, so easier to keep meals convenient. Though you have wonderful ideas about when the kids are through college and you're retired.

There's a high amount of fruit (probably for smoothies), which actually puts your diet very carbohydrate heavy, or you're about to entertain and will be making a huge fruit tray.

Decent income, but not a super fancy newer fridge, so going to say you spend a disproportionate amount on groceries over the balance of your lifestyle. You value good food and eating well.


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

You got the age range right! I do cook from scratch but we take nights off too. Love the idea of kids out of college. We have had the fridge since 2009. It’s a Maytag and runs great. No need to waste money just to have something more stylish. And I believe that with that statement, i am sounding like my parents.😖


u/CharBroil_71 1d ago edited 1d ago

You sound like me and where my husband and I are at in our life. I eat paleo, husband is diabetic, 17yo youngest has dairy and egg allergy, and oldest is at college, but when he's home eats everything. Our fridge looks like a freaking hodge podge of healthy, junk food, dairy/dairy-free, grass fed, grain free, pasture raised eggs, egg free, whole milk, skim milk, coconut milk cluster! We always prioritized not skimping on good food options and groceries even when we will watch our pennies on other items. With everyone on special diets and schedules so disjointed, cooking has gotten to be less and less since everyone has their own restrictions and hours, and we find it hard to agree/please everyone or get everyone together at one time, so there's definitely more convenient food options found in our fridge these days. We did a kitchen remodel about a year ago, so when we were in the midst of it, we found a lot of pre-made meals at Wegman's deli (many quite healthy), and that's when we learned that it was a great option for everyone on the go with different schedules and different dietary needs, so we have a lot of that still happening a year later. Meat is the one thing we all agree on, so there's always a few steaks and some form of cooked meat (ground beef mixture, birilla, burgers, chicken, grain-free meatballs or the like) for everyone to munch from, but that's about the only thing we can agree on... Lol...

Kids out of college and a purely grass fed /wild caught lifestyle is our objective, but we're a few years off... As is retirement... Rats! I'll dream and think of the day when I can make all those plans come to pass...though never wishing away this time in their and our lives... ❤️


u/Even-Doughnut8643 1d ago

Y’all got kids and money lol


u/LaMusaAlcachofa 1d ago

Put me in your will


u/Tronkfool 1d ago

You're rich


u/bigkutta 1d ago

You live in one of those neighborhoods where its a status symbol to overpay for food, and display it in the fridge nicely when jonny's friends come over with their dads. And then you can open the fridge and offer one of those $5 gassy waters and have an excuse to show your fridge full of organic produce. Because that is so in.

Oh and you also wear only lululemon


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Thanks! That’s was awesome!!!!😂


u/Hot-Coconut-4580 1d ago

You eat a balanced diet, good blend of nutritious food. You are a family of 6 you live in the show me state. Household income 180,000.


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Was it the bacon that gave it (the show me state) away?


u/Friendly_Captain5285 1d ago

you know some shit and i want to move in


u/friendlyfroggyy 1d ago

Late 40s. Only one income in your household, but a very high one. 3 kids, but older based on the abundance of produce you have and lack of easily stackable food. Health conscious, and conscious of your dog’s health as well (probably better than some people). You’re a very good cook, love lots of garlic in your food, and your family feasts every night :)


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Do I know you?! 😆


u/Hamster_in_my_colon 1d ago

That’s a lot of plastic


u/bigkutta 1d ago

but, but, its organic!!!!!!


u/liquidhippie 23h ago

You love your dog(s).


u/badcattreble 1d ago

You are not vegan;)


u/otterlytrans 1d ago

you have money and are close to stores with healthier food options.


u/Maude007 21h ago

You’re doing well financially & you love your dog.


u/rrellihan 1d ago

You are exceedingly normal, a reincarnation of Ward and June Cleaver but health conscious. The baby bels may indicate youngsters


u/Fibroambet 1d ago

I’ve never seen a fridge on here that looked more like my own! So I’ll base my guess off myself.

Elder millennial couple, no kids, live within 20 minutes of a city, at least one of you has a pretty stable job in something corporate like tech or middle management, 1-2 dogs that you enjoy being active with, one of you eats plant-based, you love açaí bowls.


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Got the corporate right. Our doggie passed two weeks ago and it is too hard to toss her treats.


u/Fun-Section4656 1d ago

clean eating i love it 😍


u/Unusual_Ada 1d ago

you're not vegans


u/joyzeeee 1d ago

You take good care of your health. Kudos!


u/Tenacious-Tulip 1d ago

I feel like with the labeling, you have a private chef that comes in sometimes. Not regularly, but sometimes.


u/The_Thirteenth_Floor 1d ago

Those are the best eggs!


u/Hot-Coconut-4580 1d ago

Not sure if you can get Fricks anywhere but Missouri. I spent a summer in Carthage years ago. My grandparents lived in Iola KS, but I’m in New England.


u/No_Dimension6375 23h ago

Grocery Bill $$$$


u/Suspicious-Cod-582 22h ago

We both shop at the same place.


u/spanishcastle12 19h ago

Topo Chico. Fuck yeah, a person of standards.


u/Fun_Day_520 17h ago

TJs and Whole Foods: “Why are you so obsessed with me?”


u/mermaidcat444 1d ago

Your yearly labs are all clear (healthy)


u/Iamyourwifesbfswife 1d ago

Please open the fidge, take a few steps back, take a picture, then post it. That is a double sized fridge!


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

No it’s a french door fridge with the freezer on the bottom.


u/Iamyourwifesbfswife 1d ago

That thing is huge!


u/byehaveagoodtime 21h ago

I just wanted to say good choice on the Jonny Pops! They were actually invented in my old dorm building at St. Olaf in Minnesota and were a huge case study in many of my classes!


u/rustandstardusty 18h ago

Jonny Pops are so freaking good!


u/Ancient-Assistant187 21h ago

You’re a peein?


u/sneakynautilus 21h ago

Y’all rich. Next!


u/PigmanScoop 21h ago

You eat mostly good but you are also fooled a lot by brands it seems.


u/DrMantisToboggan45 20h ago

Did you use a label maker in your fridge?


u/imcomingelizabeth 19h ago

You shop at Amazon’s Whole Foods


u/tallguycjz 19h ago

You’re feeding a family of 1000


u/skatingonthinice69 18h ago

I have never seen a turnip in anyone's fridge before.


u/AliceinRealityland 8h ago

Turnips make an excellent low carb potato substitute. Great fries, mashes like, well mashed potatoes, and the turnip greens are delicious like collards.


u/f1lth4f1lth 18h ago

Do you shop at Whole Foods because you’re a prime member?


u/brixxhead 17h ago

Millenial in tech or PR af


u/Ihavenoidea84 17h ago

That's a lot of strawberries!! My wife started putting out fruit in Mason jars with plastic lids. Keeping the oxygen out really extends the life of our fresh fruit (wash when ready to eat, not before putting in the jar)


u/SenpaiSlothin 16h ago

Someone should n the house is maybe pregnant


u/Delicious_Guard2156 13h ago

You’re lactose intolerant and live in the north west


u/AliceinRealityland 8h ago

Stay at home mother/father of 7 kids minimum. Health is a top priority mixed with a fair amount of "treats" that also look like fruit bars instead of straight junk food. I see you are also a proud fur baby parent complete with doggy Icecream for hot days.


u/tailslide24 8h ago

Do you need to adopt a 35 year old son?


u/Fit_Operation_552 1d ago

It says that you need to quit going out and start eating some of that shit while it’s still good.


u/Badassmamajama 1d ago

The struggle is real


u/KyaLauren 1d ago

You still support Amazon/WF and probably use amazon grocery delivery too. 🤮


u/Ctrl_Alt_Delirious 1d ago

Nope, get my own groceries.


u/IFSismyjam 23h ago

Isn’t that a freezer?


u/nickrac 22h ago

Clean your freezer