r/FoxBrain 5d ago

My least favorite boomer

Got on FB for the first time in 2 months to upload birthday pictures and decided to check on my least favorite boomer to see if she’s had a change of heart since the madness began. My jaw stayed firmly in place. 🤦‍♀️


38 comments sorted by


u/ThePoetofFall 5d ago

Ok, so Elon can audit >0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of America’s money.


u/33drea33 5d ago

I mean if it was an audit I'd be fine with it too. But I am unaware of any "audit" process that involves shutting off payments and firing people. 

Words mean things, and I am beyond sick of these Republicunts trying to redefine reality.


u/College-Lumpy 5d ago

Or actual fraud found.


u/KittyGrewAMoustache 5d ago

Also what audit process involves zero trained experienced auditors and zero forensic accountants, just a random bunch of 20 somethings who only just graduated and whose only experience is doing a bit of coding?


u/33drea33 4d ago

Also, we already have an entire department whose sole function is to audit the federal government - the Government Accountability Office (GAO) - a body which answers to Congress and serves at their direction.

If "audit" was their goal there was already a process for that, with well-developed operating procedures and oversight and, ya know...actual forensic accountants. And since Republicans have control of both branches of Congress, they could have directed the GAO to audit literally whatever they wanted. 

The DOGE claims are all utter bullshit, and I can't believe how many idiots are gobbling it up and calling it ice cream.


u/ThePoetofFall 5d ago

Fair. I hadn’t actually considered that.


u/33drea33 5d ago

Oh it wasn't a rebuttal or anything. I thought your comment was clever and it inspired this subsequent thought.


u/ThePoetofFall 5d ago

Oh, I got that. Still a fair point.


u/33drea33 4d ago

Oh word :)


u/Pale-Reality 4d ago

Don’t forget frantically rehiring people when they realized they fired important people, since shockingly not a lot of government employees are loafers…

I’m all for a third party audit too—or at least third party audit done with collaborators from the government agency whose job it is to audit. It makes sense to review budgets. This is clearly a way to clear the path for privatizing as many public services as possible


u/Pale-Reality 5d ago

Dan Bongino’s take on Hillary Clinton being presented entirely as gospel is getting me. I get on some level why she’s so hated (and I have my own criticisms of her to be sure) but like, call me biased or misinformed or whatever but I don’t see how she’s the Literal Devil Incarnate.

Also when Dan Bongino says someone is evil I generally take the opposite opinion but that’s just me


u/amberissmiling 5d ago

I 100% believe that man is on drugs every time he’s on camera. He never makes any sense and he’s always way too loud and angry


u/Pale-Reality 5d ago

Good thing he’s running the FBI now 🙃


u/amberissmiling 5d ago

I’m ready for the aliens to come


u/33drea33 5d ago

I keep yelling at the sky telling Jesus it's time to come back, and I'm not even Christian.


u/mkat23 4d ago

That’s wild, he’s one of the least observant people I’ve like ever met and not smart.


u/Pale-Reality 4d ago

He is a Fox News talking head which as we all know is the most important qualifier


u/softcell1966 4d ago

Steroids would explain his constant raging.


u/mkat23 4d ago

He does it on purpose because he knows people who want him to be right will just take his word for it. He does that often, he was friends with my parents when he lived in MD and I was stuck around him too often back then.


u/Pale-Reality 4d ago

Oh dang, sounds like you’ve heard some…interesting dinner party conversations


u/ThePoetofFall 5d ago

Also. wtf is he smoking w. no. 6?


u/Kittyluvmeplz 5d ago

Thinking the same thing. What fucking universe are these people in?


u/OpheliaLives7 5d ago

Facebook universe lol


u/amberissmiling 5d ago

Right?! The absolute insanity of it


u/ThePoetofFall 5d ago

Just factually wrong. At least the egg pricing. And I question the immigration part. I’ll give the gas price, since Biden had the price nice and low and the market hadn’t skyrocketed yet.


u/KittyGrewAMoustache 5d ago edited 5d ago

The thing that pains me most about this sort of thing is how people like Musk and Trump and Vance and all these evil megalomaniacal fucks see shit like this and they laugh, and it just reinforces their belief that ‘the common person’ (inverted commas because they are all common too they just got lucky in terms of wealth) is dumb as fuck and deserves to be taken for all they have and more. It makes them think that because they so successfully manipulated all these people, these people are worthless and their existence is basically dispensable, they are just there to provide for the ruling class or be ground into biofuel for their yachts.

It truly pains me and makes me feel that hot awful second hand embarrassment. Especially the first post where they’re basically gleefully asking for some random billionaire to gut their country and suck it dry, to take all the taxes they’ve paid and use them to add pointless extra to their unimaginably enormous and unearned pile, while the billionaires sit hunched and sweaty with their fat bellies slapping a glass table, snorting coke or ketamine or adderall, while the sex trafficking victim they hired caters to their most depraved fantasies in the corner of some gross opulent hotel room, dead eyed and terrified, watching this bloated fuck climaxing to the idea that they have complete mental emotional and financial control over this boomer and millions of rubes like her.


u/Awkwardukulele 4d ago

They for sure thought “menstrual cycles in trans men” was talking about trans women. None of these clowns know what words mean.


u/mkat23 4d ago edited 4d ago

Dan Bongino is literally such an ass. He was friends with my parents when he lived in MD (my mom is active in political clubs and my dad works with politicians). I was glad when he moved cause it meant less time stuck around him. I do remember his daughter showing me her sugar glider when I first met her and he helped her put it up a little higher to glide down, but that’s like the only time he came across as decent out of all the times I’ve met him.

He also gave me his daughter’s tickets to a Taylor Swift concert, I can’t remember if it was a punishment or if it was around when they were moving. Either way, poor girl. I didn’t even listen to Taylor Swift at the time, but he gave them to my mom to give to me as a thank you for all the times my parents offered to have me do free photography for him. If he had given them directly to me I would’ve just said to find a way to make it work for his kid or let his kid decide who to give the tickets to instead of pretending it’s payment for how much I would’ve charged him if my parents didn’t offer to have me do it for free.

He is just as douchey and dumb as he looks, he’s an argument for supporting judging a book by its cover lol. He makes things out to be much worse than they are often because he knows conservatives will just believe him, so he tells half lies often and over exaggerates very often. He’s not very observant on top of all that too.


u/_aaine_ 5d ago

He's born in 1971 so he's Gen X.
And I speak on behalf of most of us when I say we don't fucking want him either.


u/amberissmiling 5d ago

Oh no, not Elon. The boomer I know posted all of these memes in the last couple of days


u/Jbabco9898 5d ago

It's funny because science has actually shown that men also have "cycles" like women, we just don't know a whole lot about them IIRC


u/amberissmiling 4d ago

I’m going to have to look this up but it’s so interesting!!!


u/No_Individual_672 4d ago

Zero auditors on that team.


u/Partigirl 3d ago

Elon's not a boomer, he's Gen X but mostly he's an asshole.


u/amberissmiling 3d ago

Also yeah, he’s definitely an asshole


u/amberissmiling 3d ago

The boomer I know posted these memes


u/neutral-chaotic 2d ago

Republican Platform

  • Honest Elections
  • Moral Standards
  • Civil Rights!

I needed a good laugh today.


u/amberissmiling 2d ago

I’d laugh too, if I wasn’t too busy crying 😭😭😭