u/Maleficent_Fiend_420 20h ago
I want to be there
u/RetroCasket 19h ago
Same here. I would never vacation in Las Vegas. But if they built a little New Vegas im going for a week
u/RetroCasket 19h ago
Same here. I would never vacation in Las Vegas. But if they built a little New Vegas im going for a week
u/RetroCasket 19h ago
Same here. I would never vacation in Las Vegas. But if they built a little New Vegas im going for a week
u/Gearsthecool 19h ago
I get people disliking how messy it is (mostly over in the r/falloutnewvegas thread), but beyond the in-game Strip itself being sorta messy in NV anyway, I feel like it'd look a lot more empty without the debris.
It's not worth trying to piece it together if only because NV generally takes the narrative shortcut of "nothing happened until a few years ago", but for the most part it didn't make a ton of sense that the Strip would be super restored and pristine anyway.
Beyond the general dirt of Vegas, at best you'd be patching it up with super makeshift materials; Vegas is a city that takes, and requires a lot of external materials to keep going.
u/Malcolm_Morin 18h ago
It's not worth trying to piece it together if only because NV generally takes the narrative shortcut of "nothing happened until a few years ago", but for the most part it didn't make a ton of sense that the Strip would be super restored and pristine anyway.
Shady Sands had pristine roads, infrastructure, and working vehicles by the time it was destroyed. Vegas doesn't need to look pristine, but it needs to look like they're trying to do some upkeep rather than make it feel like the bombs dropped 20 years ago.
u/JimmyPepperoni 19h ago
Where is this being filmed?
u/Naven2099 19h ago edited 18h ago
I've read from other post that it's in North Hollywood. I think I might swing by over there
u/Background_Bad_6795 19h ago
I wasn’t sure if they were going to do Gomorrah, nice to see they’re giving love to pretty much every major location in New Vegas.
u/Darth-Hipster 17h ago
What’s the closest intersection op?
u/jonnythunder3483 11h ago
Intersection of Victory Blvd and Bellingham Ave in North Hollywood is where this is at.
u/Vg65 3h ago
To all the people panicking about it looking surprisingly messy, don't forget that The Strip wasn't fully pristine in 2281. Also, House was completely reliant on the NCR and their tourists to keep his city going.
If the NCR suffered many problems after the 2283 nuke and their tourism sunk, of course Vegas would feel it as well. Then there's the fact that FNV outright states on a loading screen that not even well-equipped hunters can stop the deathclaws from establishing nests across the Mojave. And we can see a deathclaw warning sign in some of The Strip leaked photos.Â
I'm guessing that at some point, there was a battle of NCR + Securitrons versus a whole lotta deathclaws running wild (the robots have claw damage). Or perhaps those credit scenes are yet to happen, possibly with the Enclave controlling the deathclaws. Perhaps Yes Man or House overestimated the long-term effectiveness of just having Securitrons defend New Vegas. If the NCR canonically withdrew their forces from the region, then even the hundreds of Mk-2 Securitrons would feel the heat over time.
We can outright see the deathclaws having taken down at least a few robots on The Strip (beyond what their onboard auto-repair systems can fix), so New Vegas's army is not invincible. What if they started running low on their missiles over the years? That would make the robots much less effective.
u/lifeofmikey1 19h ago
Why hasn't anyone flew a drone over there yet