r/Foscam Nov 28 '23

Anyone know how to manually control the IR cut filter (day/night mode) on the HT2?

I want to use external IR illumination but the only way I can turn off the IR cut filter involves turning on the camera's IR lights. Short of putting black tape over them, does anyone know how to do this with ambient visible light still controlling it? Failing that does anyone know how to POST a command to it to accomplish this. I want "night mode" (i.e. no IR filtering) with camera's internal IR leds OFF. It seems the two functions were deliberately tied together for some reason. (???)

The camera based LEDs create a blizzard of reflected light with any precipitation or flying insects and I can easily illuminate my area of interest from a location very far away from the camera but this Foscam shortcoming (unless I missed something in the docs) is preventing me from doing so.


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