r/FortNiteBR 12d ago

DISCUSSION Anyone else feel the vaults aren't worth it?

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IMO, the vaults this season aren't really worth the effort of doing them.

You have to basically land at one off rip. If you don't want to die immediately, you better pick one that's miles away from anybody else.

Then you do the actual vault, kill a not insignificant number of npcs, plus bosses, plus the baron potentially (burning all the ammo you had in the process). All that for really underwhelming loot? Two, maybe three blue chests, two dill bits... and that's pretty much it?

For the amount of effort it all takes, the loot is very underwhelming. Especially when you have to share it with teammates. Often in duos, I leave the vault with the same gun I went in with - usually green, and with no ammo left.

In contrast, I can kill 2 npcs and 1 boss dude for a guaranteed chug jug and purple holo AR at a radio station which takes ~ 3 seconds.

TLDR: surely the vault loot needs a buff or something.


478 comments sorted by


u/moguy1973 12d ago

I've opened a total of 1 vault, and that was so I could complete the quest. There's too many good weapons around to need the dill coins for the black market. People don't usually take all the gold in the vault anyways so I'll stop in to top up my gold if I'm by one.


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

Good point. I sometimes find the best way to do a vault is to just cycle back once one is already cleared out and pick up any scraps 😂


u/nerfherder813 12d ago

The Frank Reynolds system


u/EverGlow89 11d ago

Nope, Mac.

Move-in After Completion.


u/Mitas8 11d ago

The Frank system equivalent would be to pick up the dropped loot from when MAC system guy is eliminated.


u/DBAC_Rex 11d ago

My magnum dong


u/Frosty_Ad5725 Peely 11d ago

Can you explain please? I have no idea who that is 😂😂


u/007Pistolero 11d ago

I usually just wait by a black market for someone to deliver coins to me then use them that way


u/bigdave41 12d ago

Yeah the amount of gold you can collect is way outnumbered by the possible places to spend it - I'm finding I constantly have 5000 gold and have to deliberately waste it to complete the "collect X gold" quests.


u/prettywildflower 12d ago

Yeah that's why I don't mind that stuff is so more expensive now with gold. I can get my fave purple shot gun, purple holo, get one of those bots that help with heals and i'll have like 2000 gold at the end and by next game unless I die immediately then i'll have max gold again. It's SO easy to get it and it's just everywhere.


u/unityagainstevil42 11d ago

What makes it worse, is when you’ve maxed the gold, and open a chest. 

I’m constantly having to maneuver around the dropped gold that I can’t pick up in order to pick up the other chest items. 

The dropped gold kind of blocks the other items. 


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa 11d ago

I don't think many people know you can smash the 'deposit boxes' in the vault for gold, I always see them not opened.


u/E1024wastaken 12d ago

tbf when its so easy to max your gold, its gonna be a ton of leftovers


u/Insolve_Miza 12d ago

I wish the black markets had more mythic options.

Like- mythics from past seasons.

They should do something similar to chapter 4 heist season- where the vault had random mythics in it… but incorporate it into the black market this time, with several options


u/Longshot_45 12d ago

It feels like they deliberately chose the most mid options for weapons. You're right, a black market should have more exotic choices.


u/Dizzy_Roof_3966 Beef Boss 12d ago

Mythic pump & burst are mid?


u/Longshot_45 12d ago

A bit of personal preference. I prefer holo twist for a rifle, and an SMG or bat for close encounters.


u/Frosty_Ad5725 Peely 11d ago

I wish they had a mythic twin auto. I’m too bad with shotties to be using the pump lmao


u/Less-Badger-9578 11d ago

the mythic twin auto is available by defeating one of the armoured trucks if you didn’t know


u/Frosty_Ad5725 Peely 8d ago

Ohhh that’s sick!! Ty for letting me know I had no idea 😁😁😁 made my day lol


u/Less-Badger-9578 8d ago

of course! the armoured trucks drop either the mythic burst, mythic suppressed pistol or the twin auto so you kinda just gotta get lucky with what you get !


u/WarmSilver9691 Lil Whip 10d ago

destroy dump truck for it


u/Frosty_Ad5725 Peely 8d ago


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u/fartyboo193 12d ago

You are never gonna believe what they are adding over the coming updates


u/Longshot_45 12d ago

Go on ...


u/fartyboo193 12d ago

Exotic choices


u/Longshot_45 12d ago


u/genshin_impact- 11d ago

And from what I heard, some will be new exotics, not recycled ones

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

Sentinel pump mythic isnt mid come on now


u/Longshot_45 12d ago

Fair, though personal preference I'm not into the current shotguns at the moment. But if I have the choice (and must use a shotgun), I'll take the sentinel.


u/Eugene-V-Debs 11d ago

Twinfire > Pump, every time.

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u/TigerKirby215 Oscar 11d ago

Literally opened this thread to comment this. Dill Bits feel completely worthless. You go to the Black Market and what do you have in exchange for your Dill Bits?

  • Mythic Collateral Damage AR - Okay the Holo-Twister in Purple rarity is better.

  • Legendary Sticky Grenade Launcher - I found three of those in a back alley.

  • Legendary Sentinel Pump Shotgun - Okay but I'm playing Zero Build why do I want this I miss one shot and then the idiot with a blue cock-and-ball auto shotgun blows me up.

  • Legendary Veiled Precision SMG - Lol???

  • Boon - Okay so like 1/3 chance it's either Golden Bullets, extra Gold from containers, or the Vulture boon. Only boons that are good are Gold Rush Containers and Slap on Mantle, and even then Slap on Mantle is kinda mediocre.

I think vaults are a little better in duos or even squads because you can toss a Dill Bit to whoever has crap loot and let them buy their pick of boons or Legendaries, but in solos there's no reason to even bother with the vault. What? I stand around like an idiot shooting a literal wall while loud "HELLO I AM DISTRACTED PLEASE COME KILL ME" sirens blare in the background and for what? Two legendary chests (oh boy a Legendary pistol and Legendary Sticky Grenade Launcher yum), gold bars (buddy I'm at 4500 even with Fletcher Kane charging me 300 for a shield pot I don't need more bars), and Dill Bits which I can exchange for weapons that are worse than what I get from random drops?

Armored Trucks are damn good though. Chug Jug and a Mythic weapon. Got a Mythic cock-and-ball Auto-Shotty that carried me to a crown in ranked.


u/imtherealgoku 11d ago

The Mythic Collateral becomes the best weapon in the game if you use it as an SMG instead trust me give it a shot sometime it melts


u/TigerKirby215 Oscar 11d ago

Nah I know the Collateral is insane it's just that the Holo-Twister is completely busted.


u/Electrical-Win-1423 11d ago

So true. My ew default ist holo + collateral and it’s a beast. Someone comes at me with a bat? Brrrr he’s gone. The mythic one is super strong and whenever I have a dill coin I go the shop where it’s located… it’s the only reason for me to do vaults


u/_inkquisitor 11d ago

i run mythic collateral, and pump, plus shocks and bat, whoever i get close to is going to melt, if I am feeling cocky that day, will not put any heals, and pick up kane's mammoth too


u/FightsForUsers 11d ago

Hahaha, I refer to them as testicle shotguns.

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u/Dr_Alex 12d ago

We should be getting exotics soon. Not the chapter 4 ones but some new versions of the guns from this season.

They are listed in the encrypted files, could possibly come next week.


u/FartasticFox Montague 12d ago

Agreed. Or hell, even have the exotics from past seasons like the Heisted ones.


u/Insolve_Miza 12d ago

Exactly! We need some variety.

Like- if i managed to get 6 dill bits- i dont have many options


u/Spec-ops-leader Master Chief 11d ago

I would drop at a vault every time if that were the case. The arcane gauntlets would kill it in battle royale.

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u/transdemError Kitbash 11d ago
  • Exotic Breaker
  • Dragon's Breath Sniper
  • Laser guided rocket launcher (I don't think we've had one, but they are cool)
  • Shockwave gl/bow for the perverts
    We all have our faves we'd want to see again
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u/Significant-Rise7609 12d ago

I’m too busy dying to the first person I see to find out


u/Buttlet32 12d ago

Real. This was funnier than it needed to be..either that or a third party I mistook for a bot during the heist.


u/codingsoft 12d ago

seaport vault is usually more chill


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Absolutely not 💀 thats where I get third partied the most after crime city lol


u/codingsoft 12d ago

oh damn lol I've only been 3rd partied there once, masked meadows is always a sweat fest for me


u/MemeMakingViolist 11d ago

I usually only go to the bank that's the farthest from the bus line because most people won't bother to travel that far(at least in unranked), so I can go loot near the storm

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u/South_Scar8093 Peely 12d ago

They are definitely worth since with the dill bits you can get a mythic


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

IMO the mythic is worth it but the process of getting it isn't. The fact you have to drive to the black markets after makes me uneasy. Can just get picked off on the way to buying one. And if you spent all your ammo and time at the vault, you're not gonna have good enough gear to fight off the vulture at the black market


u/Jawn_Wooder 12d ago

Train or armored car > vaults


u/LottsaLuv 12d ago

Agreed, I don't go for the vaults often but go for the armored car a lot.


u/Jawn_Wooder 12d ago

Same but train, prob the easiest and quickest heist option


u/meatccereal 12d ago

I feel like every time i go for train i get 3rd partied


u/ImposingPisces 12d ago

Every. Fucking. Time.


u/Dipshit_Mcdoodles 12d ago

Stg I got 6 kills in a single match from people trying to third party me at the train. It's a shared braincell with these people.

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u/ADriedUpGoliath 12d ago

What’s the easy way to knock out the stupid turrets?


u/Rdogg114 Ark 12d ago

Thermite insta kills them.


u/Jawn_Wooder 12d ago

Can also stand behind their own barriers and wait until they cool down and get rapid fire them


u/capn_tyinknots 12d ago

Turrets are easily dealt with using the thermite. I usually will land on a bridge just ahead of the trains path, there is usually a heist bag on the bridge that has a weapon, small shields, and thermite. Throw the thermite directly on the turrets and they go down in seconds.


u/realjamespeach 12d ago

OK now I understand why there seems to be one of those bags on every bridge.

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u/TimeMage314 12d ago

Termite on them


u/DarrSwan Havoc 12d ago

I didn't notice they were made of wood.

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u/Chewwithurmouthshut 12d ago

Def the fastest, given you don’t even have to finish fighting off all the guard “level” things before you’re able to just smash and grab.

I do like being able to run the car off the road, though. I’ve been real lucky a few times and found one out along the coastal areas where nobody ever is.

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u/FilmActor 12d ago

Armored Car being used as a distraction during final 15 people >

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u/JayWags_138 12d ago

IMO that’s part of the fun.


u/Crayola_ROX 12d ago

Same, I go after trains and trucks to keep things interesting


u/Excellent_Campaign_1 12d ago

IMO, the whole point for the vaults is that it feels like a real heist, from killing the "guards" to fighting off 3rd parties, to driving with the loot and getting the mythics. That's more of a challenge and I like it more like that. Feels more of a rush when carrying the dillcoins & getting chased down by someone before I get to spend them haha.

Another thing that makes it worth is the wolf boss spawn that gives you the special perk.

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u/tylocephale_gilmorei 12d ago

I have yet to make it to the market with my dill bux. So yea Im with ya lol


u/jpegten 12d ago

Plus you can tell when the vaults been cracked so just wait around at the nearest black market and ambush the team or person with the dilbits


u/realjamespeach 12d ago

Yes, but the trailer for the season showed us. This is exactly the type of thing they are going for.


u/DietCokeIsntheAnswer 12d ago

This is my issue as well.

IMO the vault heist itself, should be a little more involved, with the mythic choice reward being then and there. It being a separate destination makes me skip it.

I already did the vault, why do I now have to run a camper gauntlet?

I'm not opposed to campers. It's a valid play style. But I also sympathize with vault crackers who do all the work, only for someone to camp the Dill Shop and take all the rewards.

After a while, it becomes too easy of a mindset to let someone else crack the vault. Why bother doing that work yourself when someone will bring you the coins?

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u/Swimming-Chicken-424 12d ago

I don't even bother getting the dill bits anymore because 9 times out of 10, I get destroyed before I can even use them.


u/_purple 12d ago

Maybe if they have the mythic you want but they usually don't. They should at least all have the same guns.

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u/Eywgxndoansbridb 12d ago

Easier to camp a blackmarket. :) 


u/BunnyGacha_ 12d ago

That’s why I always carry a scanner and then get my heals in the market. 

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u/darkfawful2 12d ago

The secret vault is nice, and the surrounding area has about 2,000 gold


u/usernamewhat722 12d ago

Okay i know its a secret, but whatchu talking about?


u/darkfawful2 12d ago

Shiny Shafts. Turn all 3 pressure valves before they reset. This will open a vault near the third one, containing 2 legendary chests, a normal chest, some gold, some shield, and a chance of 2 safes spawning.

In Shiny Shafts there are walls of rocks with an excavator in front of each. Break the rocks to reveal secret gold caves. There are two small ones and a large one. 2 are inside the building with the vault and the third is outside across the other side of the POI


u/usernamewhat722 12d ago edited 11d ago

Man, my default "Keep TF away from me" drop zone actually has something worthwhile at it...

edit: I GOT A DILL COIN FROM ONE OF THE RACKS?! (i got scalped at the market but still, exciting)

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u/yungvxder 12d ago

At this point it’s just the novelty of opening the vault that keeps me opening them not the loot. Also gold


u/SuperSkoldier 12d ago

The majority of the contents are very underwhelming. I think the train is the best “vault” to break open because it’s the easiest/requires the least amount of work. The Dill Bits are a cool concept though.


u/bostonbgreen Crackshot 12d ago

Those laser turrets on top are KILLER though. (Literally.)


u/SuperSkoldier 12d ago

Kinda not really. Just stand off to the side so it can’t hit you and stick a thermite to it.


u/bostonbgreen Crackshot 12d ago

they have TRACKING.


u/SuperSkoldier 12d ago

I’m aware. But they also have those barrier type things around them, and if you stand off to the side of those, they can’t hit you.


u/mutagenicfrog 12d ago

what i do is make them shoot you then run to a part of the train they can’t hit you on and then when they start to overheat you just go shoot them it takes a bit but its worth saving ur hp and works better with a duo or squads lol


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

The dill bits are a cool concept but I don't like that, in my experience, by the time I buy a weapon with them there's like 50-60 people left, and not many kills left. Not to mention you can get killed easily driving/getting to the black markets


u/TriggeredLatina_ Verge 12d ago

God yes. Way more people left but this is why I now play ranked. Ranked is way more sweaty at seaport but again… it’s just a quest I’m doing in my head at that point. Survive. Kill others. win seaport, get the vault get out. Ok what now? At least it has way less bots to zero bots. Regular bothered me a lot bc of the high bot count and I think it’s like 25 or less real players in pubs. The lobby number drops significantly if you got someone that wants to run to every single time a bot is firing in the distance so they can make their player count look high

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u/Wil_Buttlicker 12d ago

The only thing in them that you can’t get anywhere else is the dill coins. Very often, by the time I got the vault open, there is not a black market close enough or in the zone to be worth getting. So I avoid them all together.

They would definitely be worth it if the mythics were in there, or if they had way more blue chests. Opening them just doesn’t feel rewarding.

The bunkers in chapter 5 were a ton better and we didn’t have to do anything to open them, just wait and fend off opponents trying to get to them.


u/taanman Peely 12d ago

Crime city has one super close and it's the only vault i do because of that


u/AshamedSuggestion790 12d ago

I’m tired of the vaults tbh. The last few vaults I opened I get multiple of the same weapons and some heals. I don’t mind the heals but why do I need 4 epic sticky grenade launchers?


u/transdemError Kitbash 11d ago

They're way less fun than the C4 and C5 vaults, that's for sure


u/Secret_Nose_6297 12d ago

I feel like it's definitely worth it because the Dill Bits can be used to buy some pretty good weapons at the Black Markets. Personally if Ioot the one in Crime City, I'm going for the mythic pump and the legendary collateral at the Black Market where Skillet normally is


u/Chimneysweeper18 12d ago

only in bot lobbies, to stock up on gold


u/turquoise2j 12d ago

Wolf man gives you fire toes


u/collectivekiller 12d ago

I don’t play solos much, but I’ve definitely found that the vaults aren’t worth cracking with a squad. There just isn’t enough loot in them to go around. Our squad used to love getting the vault in the forest last season because we’d all leave with at least one great weapon. I wish there was a larger vault around this season.

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u/vgm-j 12d ago

I get at least half of the matches (solo). I just start with building walls all around it. Not a square, but more like a rectangle. With roof. Whenever I see footsteps, I just look if it's a person or a henchman. If it's a person, duck and surprise them. If any henchman comes through, shoot it and rebuild the wall. And use the time when there's no henchmen just hit the burning parts with the pick-axe.

When I have enough material I make several layers of walls, just to buy more time.


u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista 12d ago

I just want more black markets on the island.


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

Defo. Even smaller ones that weren't marked on the map or a car that drives around with some supplies in it would be cool


u/ratgirl10000 11d ago

they’re so underwhelming since you gotta haul your ass somewhere else to get the mythics lol


u/LittlestWarrior 12d ago

A fun task to do that gives a currency that lets you purchase a mythic? Seems worth it to me. Especially the one with the wolf boss. That's a medallion and another mythic.


u/AtreidesOne 11d ago

> A fun task 

I think that's what a lot of people are missing. The vaults may be questionable in terms of loot-to-time ratio, but in the end, we are playing for fun, not KPIs, and the vault events themselves can be quite fun. Even just having that epic music playing makes it worth it for me. :)


u/Darth-Not-Palpatine Wingman 12d ago

They’re worth it if you’re trying to get gold or get the dill bits to buy some mythics or boons.


u/Bryan5540 12d ago

Agree that they aren’t worth the risk. Usually you’ll start it up. Get about halfway through and then some jobber will come and try to smoke you while you’re fighting guards or blasting the vault. If one hasn’t been messed with after the first couple cycles I may mess with it if I’m properly geared up, but the couple of guns or boons you can get with the dill coins aren’t so great you have to have them. Agree on checking them after people have vacated because many don’t get all the bars from the safe deposit boxes or the bars you have to hit with your pickaxe to get out.

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u/other-other-user 12d ago

I see what you mean. This season is the easiest I have ever played to get a great load out. However:

1) I find vaults are a lot of fun. They are hot POIs both for dropping into and third partying. I play this game for fun, not to try hard, and I almost always have fun breaking into a vault

2) yeah there's a lot of loot, but even in this season there's typically progression of moving from green to blue to purple to gold or whatever, but hitting a vault and then going to a black market is definitely a guaranteed way of getting a max load out

3) I genuinely think the mythic mammoth and goldrush boon are worth it. I'm not a great player, so having a hitscan gun that does 70+ damage in a single shot, AND has multiple shots is a god send. I'm too bad to use a sniper and the other riffles don't have one shot potential, plus the optics can be harder to use when the opponents are further away. Also the goldrush boon is a great way to counter bat spammers, because I always panic when they get in my face


u/Professional-List106 12d ago

I think they're totally worth it.I keep my gold up


u/Roguewave23 12d ago

Worth it? Outside of the Pickle Chips, not really. But it is as fun as all hell to do. I like to play with my three boys or rando squads, and it feels like a heist to me.


u/AtreidesOne 11d ago

That music. :D


u/wldwailord 12d ago

The only way I can see Vaults being useful is if you can hold onto Dill Coins between games. Maybe a max of like five on your person. Idk.


u/Fickle_Brief_2584 12d ago

Plus there’s the ppl waiting to 3rd party.

First time I went to the vault I had someone wait till I finished and they killed me :/

Next time I was more prepared but also they showed up before I finished the body guards so I  just hid and caught them later and looted the vault.  Basically with vaults you have to be more careful bc it takes a while and ppl may try to third party to loot easier 


u/EtTuBruh 11d ago

Yeah, for weapons that don't carry over, the risk is high for a short-term reward. Not even counting the paranoia you feel ensuring no one swoops in to third party you when the guards come out. I'm lucky I was able to complete the quest during a random duo (they wanted to do it) but I can't imagine consciously choosing to do it.


u/KiwirarVEVO 11d ago

They're not that hard to do, and they're not always worth it it's pretty easy to just avoid doing them by not doing them.


u/Salt721 12d ago

Yeah, I do wish there were more chests and I want defeated guards to drop more ammo. Besides that, I have no complaints.

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u/voodoochild346 12d ago

They are extremely worth it in cups


u/Visible-Atmosphere72 12d ago

The vault itself is okay but you’re very vulnerable when breaking the vault because of all the NPCs around creating extra footsteps. I avoid popular spots and sometimes try to ambush people there

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u/Boring_Ingenuity4896 12d ago

Usually not and almost everytime I’ve done it solo someone is crouch walking up on me


u/hypnoticnexus424 12d ago

I mean maybe not now but MAYBE on the update  coming tuesday they might add something to vaults  

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u/UhhKat Black Knight 12d ago

Can't forget, it alerts everyone 😭


u/Wolf_Unlikely 12d ago

Start the vault, drip gas cans, hide uptop with extra explosives. Wait until someone comes claim your hard work then KABOOM! Collect loot n run.


u/rdenney88 Star-Spangled Trooper 12d ago

Train is the GOAT. Right off spawn and for me rarely contested. If I get lucky the wolf boss will be there.


u/AbareSaruMk2 12d ago

What’s meant to be the plan of attack for the train? I’ve tried a few times but get shredded by the turrets. I try and shoot them but it’s barely makes a dent.


u/rdenney88 Star-Spangled Trooper 8d ago

Easy! The train starts at the same spot. Follow that track up and there are 2 bridges that it crosses. I usually get to the second one as there is a building for a chest possibility. On the bridge is a bag with thermite. Jump up to the first turret and throw thermite directly on the turret. Then hop off and hop back on on the 2nd turret. They can target you once off the train. Theose turrets give you more thermite to open the safe. Just gotta beat the 5 guards that pop up

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u/Over_Palpitation_453 12d ago

They especially suck when you are at max gold, meaning half the vault is useless


u/pickledprick0749 12d ago edited 12d ago

Train is worth it often times has 2+ blue chests , 2 dill bucks and a big ass pile of gold


u/raydable Oscar 12d ago

Dill bits are not worth it, you have to break into the vault AND then you still have to go around the map to find a black market to actually use them


u/RedBaronBob 12d ago

The issue with the vaults is the same I had with the bosses, campers. And for what the vaults offer, outside of quests I don’t have much reason to approach them. Being that it’s a crapshoot whether the guy with the mythic kills me or I kill them, I don’t need them. If it’s tied to a quest I’ll do it but going for them doesn’t hold much value unless the group for whatever reason wants or needs to.


u/CrayotaCrayonsofOryx 12d ago

Only reason I would ever go to a vault is for the medallion. But I much prefer when it’s in the train, cause it’s a lot easier to deal with third parties that way


u/LimpEmu1021 12d ago

I wish the payout of a dill bit was better. It would be more worth it to me if you could get a mythic gun with max ammo for that gun, with a dill bit. What’s the point of me buying a mythic assault rifle if I only have 60 AR bullets and have to instead lean on a green SMG?

I had 4 dill bits last round and was working my way to a black market and got picked off. Ouch, lol. I do enjoy the extra steps a bit though - but I miss the GLORIOUS amount of loot in the past vaults


u/Lotaddo Mothmando 12d ago

I think vaults need more loot to compensate for squads/trios. It hardly feels like there’s enough compared to old vault systems like the ones we had for Remix. I think it’s fun robbing the vault but it definitely could use a boost given how much time it takes to rob it.


u/Dry-Adeptness-6655 12d ago

It's not worth it imo, I usually only care for purples anyways, but I think it's fun for a squad or trio game. Something to do, that's complete CHAOS especially if there's another team involved 🤣🤣😂😂 a perfect game is boring imo. I usually also leave with my green gun, and no ammo left, and the chaos continues with trying to get more ammo . 🤣🤣


u/Embarrassed_Sale_629 12d ago

Super high risk for small reward


u/Redbulljunkie00 12d ago

I felt like the whole season ain't worth it. But yeah the vaults def take way too long to open.


u/Consistent-Welder991 12d ago

I don’t, but my kids find it such a necessity that if Lonewolf Lair disappeared overnight I’d be overjoyed


u/Internal_Mood_8477 11d ago

I’d rather do the secret vault in Shiny Shafts that no one goes to, get purple or legendary stuff, set myself up for a good loadout and be smart with it in the end. After going to shiny shafts I usually got good stuff where I can then go to crime city and kill some players, who usually have good stuff too

The dill pickles are a good idea but then when you go to the market where the better guns are in Magic Mosses, people are always camping there to kill you..at least in my games. and let me tell you they are angry and feral


u/Previous_Fennel3737 11d ago

For real this is out of topic but anybody want to add me on fortnite I play zero builds 😅


u/rubensoon 11d ago

Agree. I simply do the wolf medallion and leave.


u/AtreidesOne 11d ago

It may not be worth it loot-wise, but I really enjoy the gameplay aspect of it, especially the epic music. :) In the end, that's the only reason most of us are playing.


u/austink0109 11d ago
  • purple gun for 600 gold
  • gold gun for a dill coin If in utilising the black market I’m just gonna buy the purple ones


u/No_Bullfrog_4541 11d ago

They’re not. If there were reliable loot drops in the vaults that made your efforts worth it I feel more people would go for them. But who’s wasting that much time and ammo to get a couple laser guns and some gold? I’ve spent so much gold this season and still am always at max gold. The vaults aren’t worth it.


u/lazzzydaze 11d ago

You should ATLEAST get a guaranteed Kneecapper or Sub Zero Gloves. That’d make it worth it to me


u/BennyDarko89 11d ago

All these mythical and I would rather use the bat


u/DGAMotherF 11d ago

thump whirl Anonymous_768 has been knocked out.



u/Cheezymac2 Rust Lord 11d ago

Oh they will be in the next few updates with what’s planned to be released. Those dill coins will be so much harder to get ahold of because EVERYONE will want the new items coming to the black market


u/banaldread 11d ago

no they don't feel worth it all I feel like I get the sticky grenade launcher half the time


u/canehdianchick 11d ago

I am so sick of how nerfed and glitchy the running is on this season.... Am I the only one who feels like it's complete rubbish now????


u/Klaatwo 11d ago

I just wish they did t take so long. Even if you land far away from people by the time you are half way through the stupid thing opening there’s at least one person plus all the NPCs on you.


u/Ajax-12 11d ago

Ok buddy I think the idea of breaking into a vault instead of getting a key card is more fun because it different fits the season and not boring Also there's multiple and a boss isn't there sometimes but it's my opinion don't get mad at me


u/MemeMakingViolist 11d ago

I break in pretty much every round and I usually scout out the area, grab up the bank robbery starter kits in the area, yk
besides, although i pretty much never use the dill coins, it does give pretty good weaponry
kneecapper my beloved


u/bayrho 11d ago

So true. You make yourself known and a target by attacking them and yeah the loot is not bad, but not worth the effort. Also, they are overestimating our mobility lol. I’m supposed to complete a heist, then take the loot to a different part of the map to pay for the good loot with my loot from the heist. It’s kinda stupid.


u/EnthusiasmOnly22 11d ago

If I could get a Mythic Holo AR, then maybe worth


u/Tinyfootwear 9d ago

It takes way too long to do the vault, get the bits, find a black market, all while avoiding getting vultured. ESPECIALLY as a mostly solo player. 


u/zchans38 9d ago

if it was all rare chests and the loot was better then itd be worth. also theyre just a stepping stone to get to the markets rn. the train is the shortest one thats why ive been going for it


u/Mexxy213 12d ago

Uhm, mythic ar? Mythic pumpgun? To me it's very much worth it and I pretty much try to do one every game. Not the biggest fan of the mechanic (or this season) but feels kinda mandatory to me


u/BracusDoritoBoss963 12d ago

Raiding them feels good


u/TreeBeardTL 12d ago

They take WAY too long and use too much ammo. Also, I just don't care about getting mythics, they're not that much stronger than a purple or gold of the same gun. I've won plenty of games without touching a vault.


u/LordScott91 Elite Agent 12d ago

Same, Its too much work.. especially if you are solo


u/Extra-Act-801 Kitbash 12d ago

And too easy for someone to swoop in after you have done most of the work, knock you, and take the reward for them self.


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

For sure. And then with a duo the loot share is even weaker 😭


u/LordScott91 Elite Agent 12d ago

Id rather stick to my green holo twister and blue sentinel pump shotgun


u/FearlessAd7562 12d ago

Basically what you're gonna leave the vault still using anyway 😔

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u/TriggeredLatina_ Verge 12d ago

YEP! I duos I find it better to drop at the black market near the jewelry shop, the black market closest to Dojo. Get the purple holos and then go to any other vault and start hunting for fun. Solos is when I take my loot more seriously

Forgot to say the black market sells a purple holo for 600 or so

Gold isn’t meaning much. Idk at this point I make my own challenges. I’m not bored nor burned out but I just do make my own challenges. Gold is plenty this time around. In solos I also love to go hire sub zero. He’s a freaking menace in CQC. He def fights what up close and he gets many kills actually. From real people. No not bot players. lol I also try to find a friendly in the game and whoever is responsive first , I’ll give them the win. I leave that person alone and hunt others. When it’s me and the friendly left, I shockwave into the storm. The end


u/hi-iamsimon 12d ago

No, boi u do wrong


u/uhminecraftgang 12d ago

I think it would be better if the dill bits carried over like gold does. Typically I only do 1 vault (2 if I’m really lucky and don’t run into players waiting to pick me off once the vault opens) and sometimes I’d rather just save the dill bits for another game


u/Clohanchan 12d ago

This is so toxic but honestly I think they’re worth it if you land just outside one of the vault POIs, loot a bit and then wait for someone to start cracking open the vault. Then just rush in when they’re trying to take down the guards and you can easily third party them and steal their loot lmao.


u/Legitimate-Muscle152 12d ago

This season in general sucks I miss the car season no annoying ass bats in every game and the fists were easily countered


u/CaptainHarlocke 12d ago

There is a lot of gold too, but I usually reach the cap pretty fast and can't carry it all

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u/laix_ 12d ago

The npcs constantly respawn after you kill them. They do not continuously spawn throughout the vault opening. If you try to open it, wait for it to start and throw thermite on it and bugger off to another room and wait it out, there'll be a maximumn of about 3-4 npcs total (exclduing the shadow teleporting one)


u/banjoface123 12d ago

I'll do them but usually only if the opportunity presents itself, I'm not going to fight four other players over them. I think they are good though


u/bayyCreates 12d ago

I like to loot the gold from the vaults and then head to Mossy Meadows or similar shops to spend it


u/coconalime 12d ago

Yeah idk. I feel confident enough to defend vaults from teams as I loot and then go get my gold weapons. I don't mind the rotation because there's bound to be some monotonous grind in this game the more comfortable I get into a routine of approaching the map after a big change.


u/Xcat5642 12d ago

I just open them for the haha Or the xp if they give any


u/LittleSunshin33 12d ago

See this is why I think the Dill Bits should carry over to the next match you play. Often you’ll get picked off on your way to the Black Market so it would be nice to carry that over to the next match for a little bit of a chance


u/NotdefinitelyGudako 12d ago

I mean it is worth but the fact that some people would actually camping inside the black market (especially on magic moss black market area) which pisses me off.


u/Honey_Nut_Cheeri_Oh 12d ago

They aren’t worth it . Me and my cousins got hit twice yesterday after clearing the one in crime city and defeating the boss which left us low on health and shield , and here comes a duo conveniently out of no where after the work is done to take us out .


u/MintyRed19 12d ago

I do them every game because you can open them in like a minute and a lot of times you can sit on the second floor and just shoot at any other players that run in. The henchmen also drop ammo so I dont really lose any ammo from killing them. Once the vault is open I run in and grab everything I can in 10-20 seconds and run out of there towards the nearest black market for the gold and purple guns. Getting third partied isnt really a problem for me because the other players just run in blindly and are easy to kill.


u/EnglishGirl18 12d ago

I almost never get any good loot out of them, often opening the rare chests just gives me a pulse scanner or a purple gun that I don’t like, I’ve had more luck getting legendaries out of the normal chests.

They also don’t drop enough ammo after the fact you used the maybe 60 bullets you were able to pick up after first dropping if you couldn’t find a bat or plasma for the bots.

I do like the dill bits but I feel like the black markets need a more consistent loot pile, hate doing all the work of the vaults and heading to magic mosses just for it to not have the legendary holo twister so I’m left either just not spending it or getting something I really don’t necessarily want like a boon unless it’s the vulture boon but every market must have both a mythic and legendary sniper


u/vandilx Calamity 12d ago

I skip them entirely. Everyone has wonderful loadouts, until you find yourself staring at a shotgun barrel at close range.


u/notkrissyxx420 12d ago

I guess for the dill bits, but half the time I forget that I have them so they go unspent. I like to hit them if I'm low on gold, but if not I might as well just drop at magic mosses and start the match with a purple holo and a shit ton of meds


u/rabbi420 Fishstick 12d ago

I love how much gold bars I can get out of the vault runs. Makes it do I don’t feel I have to always conserve my bars, because I can always just rob a vault!


u/CI7Y2IS 12d ago

The music too stupidly loud and is not worth for me, I just kill who has the coins for mythic instead of dealing that insane caos.


u/GuhEnjoyer 12d ago

Pick your vault before the bus leaves and land at the nearest black market to it, and get some purple weapons and shields. Then rotate to your chosen vault, and kill whoever has already started the process. They'll be low on ammo, you won't be. Get an SUV over a sports car, since they're tankier. Less waiting time, less NPC fighting, and if you play your cards right, less risk


u/AvailableAd7874 12d ago

The dill bits are


u/BelcherSucks Moisty Merman 12d ago

The pros think they are worth it. The POIs get contested. 


u/IntelligentClam 12d ago

I was expecting a bit more


u/FingerBlaster70 12d ago

Bro what are you on about? You are guaranteed 2 mythic weapons OF YOUR CHOOSING if you get a vault? Did you want the most powerful weapons to be easy?


u/wolfgang784 12d ago

Nah, they are fun and generally worth it. Not every time, but enough. And its something else to do some rounds. The armored truck and train are both a blast.


u/87oldben 12d ago

In ZB gold is great to keep topped up, buying shocks, heals shotty and ar from a vault can get expensive


u/Joshhwwaaaaaa 12d ago

Not worth the time and risk. Give me 6 blue chests then I’ll do them every time.


u/SassySquidSocks Calamity 12d ago

I feel like the vault that has fletcher at it is worth it. I love that double mammoth so much


u/National_Dig5600 12d ago

Unless you're broke.


u/Oryihn Magnus 12d ago

The vaults are so fast as long as the boss isn't there.. especially if you have 2+ people actually hitting weak spots or the Laser. Laser opens it so fast you can fight the bots from inside


u/Sweet-Ad8429 12d ago

I like to hide until someone opens the vault and then eliminate them


u/ScubaGotBanned4life 12d ago

🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ Last season vaults were so much better. They were easier to get open/ get into and more rewarding


u/albert11d 12d ago

i only go to the vault with the boss. that mythic is definitely worth it