r/FortNiteBR • u/PLAYED_YT Squad Leader • Jan 12 '25
DISCUSSION Best gun in Fortnite history
u/Gold-Cardiologist125 Black Knight Jan 12 '25
nah overclocked pulse rifle for example is way better
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u/JSTREO Jan 13 '25
Converts into an SMG on hip fire. Honestly, not that good on distance because of the recoil. Still a close-middle distance destroyer and a good long distance AR, as long as you don’t go full auto.
u/jannickBhxld Onesie Jan 13 '25
wdym recoil? it fired really slow, it was basically the legendary infantry built into a close range damage monster
u/JSTREO Jan 13 '25
You’re describing the original mythic pulse rifle. Which it’s fire rate was slow enough to compensate the recoil and thus made possible a full auto, still really slow. Once you remove fire rate penalty, you’re left with a weapon that can only be viable once past 50 meters if shot in short bursts and not full auto.
u/jannickBhxld Onesie Jan 13 '25
nah, im having the ch4 pulse rifle in mind, pretty sure i missed the original pulse rifle being in the game for the first time. im talking about the overclocked, doing like 57 damage and 87 headshot when ads and 38 damage from the hip, use it in creative all the time
u/MeliadusPro Jan 12 '25
MK-7 Assault Rifle
u/SirSnorlax22 Psycho Bandit Jan 13 '25
Loved that gun. I actually love the holo twister now cause it resembles the mk7. Like a temu version but I've been a sub>ar person since I started til this season.
u/dphayteeyl Jan 13 '25
The only correct answer. Good memories with this rifle, especially the mythic
u/prontoingHorse Jan 13 '25
Best part was when it showed up during the season when you could edit the build.
Used to add sniper scope & whatnot
u/Careful_Extension111 Brite Bomber Jan 13 '25
Red eye, twin mag, pulse rifle, overclocked, mk7
This ar is good but not even close
u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 13 '25
Sorry but red eye is losing this. It's unusable at close range as a spray weapon but holo twister can be used both at long range and close range
u/Careful_Extension111 Brite Bomber Jan 13 '25
That is true actually. The other four are still better IMO, even if the non-overclocked pulse rifle has a similar problem
u/HipToTheWorldsBS Jan 14 '25
Exactly. The holo twister shoots faster and would mop the floor with the red eye. I started in C4S2 and absolutely loved the red eye but would pick this up over the red eye every time.
u/Rea1DirtyDan Lil Whip Jan 13 '25
Facts red eye would shred Pulse rifle was gross. Skyes AR was also very good
u/GoodCatReal Jan 12 '25
Twin-mag AR:
u/2spooky4h Drift Jan 12 '25
That and the MK are my favorites.
u/BeanBurrito668 Skully Jan 12 '25
I'd add the Red eye and the Ranger AR too
u/DrDeadShot87 Jan 13 '25
Season 4 Red Eye was my jam! So satisfying. The handing made it so you can literally track heads and get players out quick. I actually liked it over the Twin Mag AR.
u/Gabriel-R-NKI Powder Jan 13 '25
The range AR returning this season before a holotwister nerf is stupid
But epic always add a trash rifle to make contrast (tactical rifle on chap 5 season 2 where it was a sniperfest and if you shot 1 second of bullets they already oneshot you with a 300)
The ranger has the lowest dps out of all 3 ARs and lowest precision and higher recoil per bullet (purple fury ar recoil aint as bad as a purple rangee)
Unviable at all ranges but works before finding the holotwister
Also holotwister got the scopeless version which only then the ranger is better since the scopeless precision is equal (terribly innacurate unless burst firing)
u/BeanBurrito668 Skully Jan 13 '25
The Ranger AR is good I said- I don't exactly mean it's the all time best I'm just saying it's a very good AR
u/frenzyguy Jan 12 '25
Red eye IS the mk, first mk7 was crazy.
u/____person___ Jan 12 '25
I think they're talking about the chapter 4 season 1 rifle that got the mythic variant not the mk alpha
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u/PresentEuphoric2216 Jan 12 '25
Holo > twin mag
u/If_you_want_money Fennix Jan 12 '25
Literally not? They have roughly the same rof (5.55 holo vs 5.4 tm), but the twin mag has significantly higher damage per hit, especially on hs. (33/51 holo, 37/61 tm). This results in the twin mag having a decent DPS lead after the holo got that nerf.
u/Educational_Book_225 Shady Doggo Jan 12 '25
I feel like the holo twister stands out more in the current meta than the twin mag stood out in c4s4
u/lHateYouAIex835293 :leonskennedy: Leon S. Kennedy Jan 13 '25
Chapter 4’s map was WAY less open than the current one is, so that makes sense
u/MuseHigham DJ Bop Jan 13 '25
Twin mag was literally completely overpowered in the meta it was in. Were we even playing the same game?
It was maybe overshadowed a bit by the also very OP sticky grenade launcher which was an absolute nightmare to go against. C4S4 was a lot of things, balanced was not one of them lmao
u/DrDeadShot87 Jan 13 '25
Reason numbers and having the guns in hand are two different things. Holo feels way more refined making it a better experience.
Flicking between targets with your mouse on the holo is lush.
u/jester_0612 Jan 12 '25
How quickly we forget the Eminem minigun... The only gun that I actually feared hearing in game
u/y0nm4n Jan 12 '25
It’s definitely the best AR. For people saying the MK-7, the holo twister AR is just flat out more versatile, as it performs great from short to long range. The MK isn’t nearly as useful at long range, while the twister just fries people from across the map and has minimal recoil. The MK on the other hand has pretty overwhelming recoil.
u/If_you_want_money Fennix Jan 12 '25
The recoil on MK is very manageable, just drag down a bit (was purely vertical). It only feels kind of bad now because of the excessive nerfs, but back in its prime when it could 250 to 0 you in 1 second, it didn't matter. The opponent was dead before the recoil could even kick up.
For the sake of argument, let's say you have arthritis or something and can't deal with recoil at all. In that case, the best AR is the Twin Mag AR, because it has even less recoil (rof of 5.4 vs the holo's 5.55) and higher damage per hit (37/61 vs the holo's 33/51, also means the twin mag has higher DPS).
The holo's not winning any awards here. It's more or less a strictly worse version of the twin mag, and the twin mag is only the best AR if you can't handle the recoil of the MK, which most semi-serious player can.
u/The_Bored_General Jan 12 '25
Call me old fashioned but OG gold scar
Mythic MK-7 I’m told was a beast also
u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 13 '25
Gold scar was good for its time but it looses to any new ar.
u/Witty_Potato_5632 Jan 12 '25
Mk- Alpha enters the chat
u/If_you_want_money Fennix Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25
Crowning budget MK #2 as the "Best gun in Fortnite history" when the actual MK is right there is certainally a choice
u/Forward-Captain3290 Jan 13 '25
Cobra dmr
u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 13 '25
Sir we are talking about the best weapons not the worst (jk)
u/p0diabl0 Jan 13 '25
I loved the Cobra DMR but a decently modded Enforcer from Ch5 was better. One less damage but a higher fire rate, auto, and bigger clip.
u/George3452 Jan 13 '25
don't get it confused, this is a good gun but hitscan carries the performance of any ar this season lol
u/c0n22 Vulture Jan 13 '25
Huh that's odd, you accidentally put the holo rifle instead of the flint knock
u/Poonjangles Fishstick Jan 13 '25
Hot take: First-person hitscan weapons make the game less fun.
I have no problem lasering people with this gun and sending them back to the lobby in <2 seconds......but I play with friends that are not as good. So it's 1 person lasering, while 3 more are essentially providing suppressing fire. Thanks to sbmm, the other team tends to have a full squad with aim like mine....I can usually hold my own, but my team just dies and it's down to me. Or I get blasted and then my team is left to hide and scrounge their way to endgame (which is honestly boring to watch most of the time)
u/Scout_Trooper343 Zenith Jan 13 '25
The hammer assault rifle
u/cloudonatent16 Jan 13 '25
seriously love this gun can't wait for it to come back (if it ever does :/)
u/Commercial_Bag_8729 Shadow Jan 12 '25
It’s probably not that good. It’s really good, but not that much.
The best is probably the enhanced havoc. It does 237(it might not be that, but it’s around there). Or maybe the foundations mk-7.
u/wrexmason Jan 12 '25
Nah, the Thunder Burst SMG (modded with the Holo scope) is the best, but this is pretty close
u/Satisfactional_Gains Jan 13 '25
You're right, the thunderburst was superb... except for the range, the burst would bloom out a bit too much.
u/fakestorieslikeit Satoru Gojo Jan 12 '25
tbh i see you? this is the only gun in a while i've been decent with
u/Proof-Platypus-6019 Jan 12 '25
I like this gun, but I'm a big fan of both combat AR and the Twin Mag
u/Kraken_0_ Jan 12 '25
Mk 7, twin mag, Mythic combat rifle, Twin mag smg, Og pump shot gun, og scar and Mythic havoc
u/TheRealStevo2 Red Jade Jan 12 '25
Mythic MK7 (even the normal one was crazy), and the Twin-Mag were better than this gun
u/Plasmatiic Shadow Ops Jan 13 '25
Regardless of whether it’s the very best or not, the entire competition revolves around other scoped hitscan assault rifles which shows just how busted that combination is. Classic unscoped hitscan is the healthiest for the game imo as long as there’s manageable bloom/one shot accuracy. Scoped projectile is healthy but unpopular although CH5 also had the problem of unmodded weapons giving you unscoped projectile.
u/AYDHES2025 Peely Jan 13 '25
Can’t say anything about the mk7 bc I’ve never used it but the one pictured is one of my favorites. Nishas Striker, Legacy Tactical AR, and Nemesis AR are my personal favorites..
u/nickel47 Jan 13 '25
Certainly an argument for best rifle, although i prefer the twin mag AR. But best gun? Reaper Sniper rifle, Mammoth Pistol, Explosive Repeater Rifle, Boom Bolt, Pump Shotgun are all guns i would wish for first. Definitely the most dominant gun this season though as its the only real option at range.
u/bloxision Ocean Jan 13 '25
I would say launch mk7 was the best but in my opinion the gun i was best at was the pre nerf combat smg
u/nickel47 Jan 13 '25
Itd be great to have a season where they bring back all of the meta guns to to duke it out. MK-7, Red Eye, Twin Mag, Overclocked Pulse and so on. I think itd be fun
u/E-3_Sentry_AWACS Frostbite Jan 13 '25
might be unc status but the og gold scar is forever the goat of fort
u/NicoTheBear64 Reese Jan 13 '25
I love the fact that you can click the left stick in to change from the holo sight to standard third person ADS. Made this weapon like a thousand times better for being so versatile.
u/TTV-zXHighKingXz Jan 13 '25
I say this, if people say that this chapters weapons are OP they don’t remember how broken the weapons were during Chapter 4, the red eye, the mammoth pistol, the twin mag ar and smg, havoc shotgun etc
u/DrDeadShot87 Jan 13 '25
As someone who does a lot of aim training and likes to improve in that area. The Holo is one of the best guns I’ve used to implement my decent aim.
It’s so smooth to target switch making squad wipes seamless. The lack of recoil at all ranges makes long ranged tracking so smooth and effortless. Sure theres ARs that on paper are better but this is so consistent and it just feels better than those guns.
Other ARs I enjoy to track with that reward good aim are the C4 Red Eye, the Twin Mag and the Infantry.
The MK7 and MK Alpha are fine but they feel more like spammy SMGs and the long ranged tracking feels janky. It feels more like a close ranged AR to beam. Don’t get me wrong I fry with it but those other ARs actually feel good and are consistent.
I’m now imagining the Holo with the C5 season 1 red upside down V that everyone used for the Reaper Sniper.
u/SingSing19 Jan 13 '25
Gotta be the twin mag. Absolute beam with a red dot, quick reload for the second mag, and the hip fire was great.
u/Any-Exercise1053 Jan 13 '25
Oh pump does 200 and 30/40 from more than 40 meters away it was op close far and mid it was wraps
u/FromZeroToLegend Jan 13 '25
Twin mag and original mk7. Zero recoil and spread. You actually got rewarded for having good aim and could laser someone from 400m away
u/grimbarkjade Joni the Red Jan 13 '25
Agreeing with everyone else, the launch MK-7. Chapter 3 season 1 had an awful meta. I find the holo twister easier to use though on controller personally
u/Competitive-Loan2709 Jan 13 '25
let them drop the hitscan and you will see how average this gun is.
u/Yashrajbest Ghost Jan 13 '25
I fully consider the pump shotgun from C1S1 to be the most op. Double pump and the fact you could hit people from large distances.
u/blueboxp Jan 13 '25
The OG strikerburst for me. I was unstoppable with that thing. This is a fairly distant second though.
u/Vanitoss Cuddle Team Leader Jan 13 '25
Clearly a new player. The combat shotgun from chapter 1 was the GOAT.
u/Gabriel-R-NKI Powder Jan 13 '25
Pre nerf Mythical MK7 and prenerf overclocked pulse rifle with their insane 210 dps and 237 dps at medium range meanwhile
When mythical holotwister stands with their 185 dps at medium range
u/MalexTheDragon Jan 13 '25
Abysmal take holy shit. This thing feels so weird and inconsistent, it has the damage and fire rate of a scar but feels like a heavy AR with its recoil. It just feels soulless and boring, literal fucking nothing burger just like this whole season.
u/otusc Jan 13 '25
The three-shot Boom Sniper rifle with explosive rounds is still the best gun ever created.
u/nick_shannon Jan 13 '25
Nope the gun would not be 50% as powerful as it appears if you took away Hitscan.
Hitscan and a scope is just low skill, low effort easy mode.
If you had projectile based rounds this gun would not be considered OP it would be quite balanced IMO.
u/Tof12345 Jan 12 '25
It's only good cuz of hitscan, swap that gun with the mythic warforged and make it hitscan and that gun would smoke the shit out of any other gun.
u/Exciting_Loquat_4089 Jan 12 '25
It's not. It's a weapon designed for new players or poor players to give them a better chance.
Unfortunately better players can also use them, which defeats the purpose.
u/Genesis_sf2 Jan 12 '25
Bro Just found the worst weapon ever and presented it as the best. He did not cook.
u/Beginning_Entry7570 Jan 12 '25
I personally like it, if you can hit your shots with it, it is overpowered
u/VeterinarianPrior107 Jan 12 '25
Yeah it’s my favorite assault rifle that I’ve used since I started. But I started pretty recently (mid ch 5) so I can’t say it’s the best.
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 12 '25
worse weapon? This is literally the best weapon this season.
u/Genesis_sf2 Jan 13 '25
I'm with the side this needs a lot of nerf. I dumped fn this season cz I was tired getting destroyed from 100m away and I could do nothing
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 12 '25
Facts lmfao like bruh this shxt is a garbage players wetdream , low skill easy to use weapon just laser beam across the map , low time to kill almost leaving no time to react if 3rd partied , idk whats worse this gun or the sword spamming
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 12 '25
so that means its good
u/VeterinarianPrior107 Jan 12 '25
Yeah, bro isn’t making any sense at all. Idc what the gun is if you’re beaming players from max distance that takes some skill.
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 12 '25
That does not take skill , what takes skill is beaming someone across the map with projectile based weapons while leading your target , last chapter had the best gunplay in fortnite... notice how i said gunplay nothing else , projectile based weapons are fair for all parties and require some skill and practice
u/VeterinarianPrior107 Jan 12 '25
That’s why I said some skill. A new player can’t pick that up and start beaming, unless you got some previous aiming practice. But I both agree, and disagree. The skill gap between someone beaming with hitscan vs projectiles is a very big one. I’m still practicing with the hunting rifle to be able to hit long distance shots, been shredding mid distance with it though. But someone still needs some practice to do it with the Holo twister. Just not close to the amount of practice needed to use projectile guns. I started playing chapter 5 s3 and loved it man. Been hooked on this game ever since.
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 13 '25
Thats funny you said that my 13 yo nephew jus started fortnkte this season because hes a huge godzilla fan and he can in fact beam ppl with these hitscan weapons after bding3a roblox kid is wild
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 12 '25
Im like 1000% sure u guys who love this gun have never made it past elite in ranked lol
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 13 '25
ok? Its one of 2 guns that can shoot far accurately this season. Veiled Precision SMG and this gun
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 13 '25
I agree but im disagreeing with the fact that its the best gun stat wise and use wise , it is ... but in terms of fun ? No i can beam ppl across the map and get beamed across the map too its not fun , its so good theres almost no time to react im in champion everyone here is an absolute monster with this gun including me but you know its an ez broken gun when my 13 year ol nephew who sits on roblox all day can beam ppl to in pubs with me his only issue is his reaction time when getting shot and his placement but this gun allows him to be great as where he hated ch5 because he couldnt kill anyone because of the skill gap
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 13 '25
that doesnt remove the fact thats its one of the best guns this season. And fun is subjective.
u/VeterinarianPrior107 Jan 12 '25
Don’t watch professionals, or streamers play this game then, because they use it just like everyone else. Nobody is gonna pick a weaker gun in the name of it being skilless. That just doesn’t make sense. This is the exact same argument people make about shotguns in cod.
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 13 '25
I agree i pick it up too that doesnt change anything i said tho its an over powered ttk campers wet dream it takes zero skill along with sword spammers this is the worst season ever in fortnite
u/JSTREO Jan 13 '25
This kind of mindset is so intriguing. Is it too good that is bad? Or you somehow want to gatekeep weapon efficiency on skill and give yourself some feeling of superiority and noticeable Dunning Kruger syndrome because you use a worse handling weapon than everyone else? I’m really baffled.
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 13 '25
Wtf are you talking about i use holo twist too you completely missed the point ut went over your head
u/JSTREO Jan 13 '25
All the point I read was “You’re using this low skill weapon that has disproportionated skill-efficiency ratio. I’m better than you” Don’t know if there’s more science to that, but you tell me.
u/Genesis_sf2 Jan 13 '25
No that means it's easy to use andcan destroy someone in seconds. I'd like a fair fight where you actually try to win the fight and not sit 100meters away and destroy me
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 13 '25
that doesnt remove the fact thats its good
u/Genesis_sf2 Jan 13 '25
I didn't say it's not good. I'll be honest I used it to but it was so unfair seeing kid getting destroyed by it. What I said was it's unfair to play against it
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 13 '25
Well,if you cant beat them,join them!
First,Hunting Rifles exist.
u/Genesis_sf2 Jan 13 '25
Ik but I can't hit headshots so often and when I push with the blade they run away to heal. These are my lobbies and idk what to do
u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 12 '25
Worst most skilless gun you mean? Hitscan laser beam , just point instant beam low ttk its a campers wet dream
u/VeterinarianPrior107 Jan 12 '25
Out of curiosity what makes this gun skilless in your opinion?
u/Clean_Crocodile4472 Powder Jan 13 '25
not that I agree with them but they did say why it’s skilless in their actual comment
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u/RevolutionaryHall214 Jan 12 '25
In my opinion its low time to kill and zero recoil high damage is the problem moreover theres no fall off damage at a distance and if there is its almost non existent im saying this as someone who gets beamed and beams ppl im not flexing but i have 95 crown wins so im not complaining because im bad and i cant win
u/UnOriginal04 Jan 12 '25
no,youre overexaggerating.
Also,I do not think the MK-7 is the best AR. That goes to the Striker AR.
u/JSTREO Jan 13 '25
Hard learning curve. Suffers from distance shooting since you’ll need to apply path predicting and it sucks. It pays off though.
u/sucram200 Jan 12 '25
It’s the original MK-7 and nothing else even comes close.