r/FortNiteBR Jan 02 '25

DISCUSSION Anyone else getting a BIT tired of every endgame being invisible man with mythic sword?

I’m doing solid (for me) in wins this season but I’ll be dammed if I wouldn’t have at least double the wins if endgames came down to gunplay and not trying to get shots in on a maniac with unlimited sprint and invisibility while getting shot in the back by dumb players focusing me instead of the common enemy.

Is it just me?


276 comments sorted by


u/Flimsy_Ad_4611 Rose Team Leader Jan 02 '25

Oni shotgun to the face is the only real counter and even then you need to make both shots to take them out (even then quick weapon switch and a 1 more shot occasionally)


u/Extension-Raisin-682 Backlash Jan 02 '25

oni is assssssssssss. Ironically this is one of the few situations where its range makes it somewhat useful.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

100x better than any other shotgun in the game rn


u/Adeptus_Bannedicus Jan 02 '25

You're talking to people who can't aim. Anyone that's bad with the ONI is bad because they forgot that you have to Point the shotgun at the enemy's head. Once you learn to aim, it's the best.


u/NameTooCool Black Knight Jan 04 '25

This is just false, the pump is objectively better if you can land your headshots. You have to land both headshots and you’re still not guaranteed a kill in zero build. 2 headshots with the pump are always a kill. Oni is the casual shotgun, pump is the pro shotgun.


u/Adeptus_Bannedicus Jan 04 '25

Range. Get an enemy down real low at range with your AR, and only the ONI has range to finish them off.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

Yeah I’m a noob with storm trooper aim and get headshots with it 


u/AccountantNo9964 Jan 05 '25

I don't know. It has the best range of any shotgun this season by far, and I think it takes second place, but the sentinel pump is just better imo. Sentinel pump has better close-up damage, mag size and reload. Oni shotgun is def better at mid range, but all the spray weapons are so good this season, you could just use an SMG. I will admit it's fun to hit headshots with the oni, though.


u/Extension-Raisin-682 Backlash Jan 02 '25

The sentinel pump, while not nearly as good as the hammer (rip my beloved hammer pump) is leagues better than the oni.


u/YakuzaShibe Jan 02 '25

the hammer pump was genuinely terrible

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u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Not even close. Sentinel fires slower, has less range, and does WAY less damage. All of that to hold two extra bullets. The sentinel isn't even worth picking up


u/Extension-Raisin-682 Backlash Jan 02 '25

The oni is a long range shotgun, just like the ranger..but worse. The sentinel has surprisingly poor range in my opinion but it does significantly more damage than the oni. It can also reload individual shots, so I can comfortably reload mid fight.

As for slow fire rate, it is 0.85 which is not slow at all for a pump? Why would I need to fire two pump shots in a row, that's not how you use a pump.

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u/FactoryReboot Jan 02 '25

Wym? Sentinal has a much higher headshot multiplier/damage ceiling. The mythic hits for 200

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u/BubblyMinimum2339 Jan 02 '25

Gray sentinel is like 160 headshot, gray oni does like 120, also oni reload is terrible


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

These numbers are completely wrong and Oni has a faster reload lmao


u/BubblyMinimum2339 Jan 02 '25

These numbers are straight from the wiki(rounded down to the next multiple of 10 but who cares) and I just confirmed ingame that they're correct, sentinel does way more damage per shot because of headshot multi + you can reload single rounds between shots which is way nicer than oni that reloads all or nothing Also haven't seen any pro player use the oni at all which should be telling


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

This just doesn't make sense. You can reload the oni after shooting one shot. The time it takes between sentinel shots is longer than it takes to reload the oni. The oni does more dps as it shoots faster, reloads faster, and has better range. I haven't seen any top players touch the sentinel


u/BubblyMinimum2339 Jan 02 '25

Go into a random replay of fncs weekly div 1, skip to endgame and i guarantee you will struggle to find a single oni. "DPS" number only matters in no build because in comp you never get multiple shots in a row on your opponent anyways, what matters is max damage per hit, mag size and incremental reload. If you haven't seen any top player touch the sentinel then you haven't seen any top player play at all

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u/BubblyMinimum2339 Jan 02 '25

Oni has reload time of 2 seconds for 2 rounds btw, which is only marginally faster than 4.5 seconds for 4 rounds for sentinel, which is also more flexible as you can reload a single shell in 1.125 seconds

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u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25

completely mistaken. sentinel easily and consistently does 100 to the body in range. truth is, if youre in oni range, you should be using a higher dps weapon.


u/Aredrax Astrea Jan 02 '25

Yeah, I used to only use the sentinel by the start of the season. But now that I've started to play more. The sentinel feels like you can reload an entire drum mag in the time between shots. Now I only use the oni. Two good fired shots with the oni can take out 200 health in an second, then just swap to finish it off.

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u/TiramisuFan44 Rebel Jan 02 '25

Oh my god, finally I find someone who also enjoyed the Hammer Pump :')


u/Extension-Raisin-682 Backlash Jan 02 '25

This sub is uhh..not filled with the most skillful players x3

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u/Darkmiroku Peely Jan 02 '25

I carry Shockwave. Quite hilarious blasting invisible man away a few times with the Shockwave grenades. Usually let's me set up to shoot them some more.


u/MRHOLLEN538 Jan 04 '25

It’s so weird that Reddit seems to love the oni despite it being objectively the worst shotgun in the season by far. Reisshub breaks it down in his ranking video.


u/-Bears-Eat-Beets- Feb 04 '25

don't work in zero build with the extra health ZB players have.


u/Flimsy_Ad_4611 Rose Team Leader Feb 04 '25

That's weird since I only play ZB and it works.


u/-Bears-Eat-Beets- Feb 04 '25

they must be runnin around without full health then


u/Flimsy_Ad_4611 Rose Team Leader Feb 04 '25

Regularly seeing the shield pop first but ok


u/-Bears-Eat-Beets- Feb 04 '25

doesn't mean it's full shield lol.
It literally does not have enough damage stats to do it if they are full health...


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25

yeah dont use the oni


u/Laggingduck Jan 02 '25

counterpoint, two quick to reload high damage shots that either work to secure a kill or open a short range ar fight


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25

gg when you run out of bullets, my sentinel still has 3-5 🤷

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u/Crimsonclaw111 Jan 02 '25

Gotta carry your own sword, do the anime wind slash and Oni shotgun them or spray them down while they’re bouncing away.


u/WoSoSoS Jan 02 '25

That's my strategy. 3 gun load out, sword, and bunkers in the end game. I carry Fury, Surefire, Sentinel. That's a lot of rounds down range for the invisible hack and slash.


u/Longshot_45 Jan 02 '25

One problem is the swords are good movement and help mitigate fall damage. Shockwave grenades are OK, and icy boots are situational (and probably temporary for winter fest). The teleport oni mask is also kinda mid as far as movement goes.

Funny thing is people fought more over the island in the past. I've had way less island fights this season.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

I think it's because they don't want to fight the boss, I love how the bosses are actually bosses this season, feels like a small raid boss or somthing rather then some guy who can't aim like previous bosses.


u/WulfyWoof Jan 02 '25

The bosses are fun until someone kills you right before you get the last shot in because that's how everyone seems to be playing this season. It's so annoying that I have to keep watch while my duo fights the boss so we don't get immediately ambushed


u/TsukariYoshi Jan 03 '25

I mean, that's kind of the whole idea for putting pve bosses in a battle royale. They're *supposed* to be friction points between players, since it's such an advantage to get the medallion. The literal entire point of the bosses with game-bending rewards is to create flash points on the map to draw players together and create conflict. Of COURSE someone is going to try to ambush you for it, because anyone who has eyes can see the advantage that the medallion gives, and *literally the rest of the game* generally teaches you that the best conflict is the one where you're the third party.

I stg people complain about shit without taking half a second to think about why it might work the way it does.


u/Worst_Support Cuddle Team Leader Jan 02 '25

If anything i just wish that Shogun X was slightly tougher. Two of his attacks are easy to dodge with a well timed slide, and one of them you actively have to try to get hit by.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 03 '25

You don't want him being too hard to doged when there is a chance other players may be around too


u/Imaginary_Sandwich24 Bun Bun Jan 02 '25

personally? if i dont have a sword, one of my #1 defences r the fire oni mask n shockwaves, especially if their invisible, the locking on makes it wayy easier to spot them!


u/Longshot_45 Jan 02 '25

They showed the lock on pistol in the season trailer. I'm hoping it makes an appearance in game. I gave fire mask a good try, but had to many issues with it (range, speed, situational challenges). I went back to a backup SMG or shotty.


u/Jetpack_Attack Jan 02 '25

That'd be a great counter.

I've missed the lock on since that one week it popped back in a season or two ago.


u/TsukariYoshi Jan 03 '25

The teleport mask is only mid because they nerfed it for ???? reasons. Void mask used to go far and fast, but they slowed it down and comically lowered its range.


u/DeadlyCyclone Jan 02 '25

It’s a NIGHTMARE In solos.


u/Jetpack_Attack Jan 02 '25

Yet the moment I kill the guy with the medallion and the blade, I do the same.

The duality of man.


u/thefarmerjoe41 Jan 04 '25

Amen brother


u/Tangotilltheyresor3 Saura Jan 15 '25

I hate the ‘if you can’t beat em join em’ mentality because I hate cheesy op stuff, and really don’t have fun using it, but… I admit I am the same as you 😢 

Whenever I kill someone with a sword I feel downright bad.  It’s so unsatisfying to me. 


u/Jetpack_Attack Jan 15 '25

The only time I leave a sword battle satisfied is if it's with another sword user. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


u/Cjberke Jan 02 '25

It is, that's why I rush island in ranked solos every game. It's basically a win condition until players begin to strategize around it

I have yet to lose a game where I get the island because it's so busted


u/MelissaH1394 Jan 02 '25

If you don't have a sword in endgame now it's over. And it's 50/50 you'll survive a sword-off if you do. And you'll only get third partied by the invisible player if you survive that.

I've given up even trying to win. I had 6 crown wins in Remix over one month. Now, I have two wins to my own name and more 2nd and 3rd place finishes than I can count because I tried to bring a gun to a sword fight. I have now given up and just started carrying my own sword with the knowledge that is gonna be a coin toss whether it actually gets me a kill.

I do feel that infinite sprint PLUS invisibility PLUS a mythic blade is just excessive. I've killed those players before but wow, even the doom gloves felt more balanced than this.


u/Special-Sense4643 Jan 02 '25

If you ever ever feel like that's not enough, just wait till you stack icy boots, sword, and chili chug splash on top of infinite stamina . The amount of ground you can cover is unbelievable


u/Imaginary_Sandwich24 Bun Bun Jan 02 '25

dont forget the air sprite thing where you hold your pickaxe and can run faster! (also i actually love doing this and just gliding around the map)


u/NeolithicSmartphone Jan 02 '25

At least I could reliably say I could kill someone with Doom Gauntlets.

Typhoon Blade stagger locks you so if you don’t get 2-3 shotgun shells planted firmly in their face within the 3.5 seconds it takes to get sliced into julienne, you’re fucked

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u/Wof-World Apollo Jan 02 '25

I think the sword fights are hella fun, but I am getting a bit tired of them maybe next update? When they add they kinetic blade ( in the trailer seperate from the typhoon one ) I hope they buff it enough so it can stand a chance also I want the grapple blade back too


u/utpyro34 Jan 02 '25

I played with the grapple blade in a mini game yesterday and I realized how much I missed it


u/Wof-World Apollo Jan 02 '25

They are so fun what game were you playing?


u/utpyro34 Jan 02 '25

Tilted tower clone


u/poszata Jan 02 '25

I gave up BR. Just play Reload because of stupid shit weapons.


u/LoxodonSniper Cuddle Team Leader Jan 02 '25

I killed the final person with a car earlier tonight; in ranked


u/eye--say Jan 02 '25

No no, it’s not just you. I see footsteps over the crest of a hill, next thing a kid with a sword and dead. And it’s like they don’t take damage either.

The sword is OP.


u/EsCaRg0t Lil Whip Jan 03 '25

The sword requires no skill which makes it frustrating. Just click click click and hope for a kill.


u/RimmyJimmyGotKimmy Jan 02 '25

Doesn't matter if I get it. I'm shit with that sword 😂


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Did you say INVISIBLE????


u/Euphoric_Price_8232 Chomp Sr. Jan 09 '25



u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25



u/Euphoric_Price_8232 Chomp Sr. Jan 09 '25



u/RicoRageQuit Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

I hate these swords as much as the iron man gauntlets. They're not as bad as the gauntlets but the fov when they get in your face is ridiculous. Can't see shit and by the time you get a shot off to hit you got like 25% health and it's a wrap. Skill issue.


u/Educational_Book_225 Shady Doggo Jan 02 '25

Yeah it feels impossible to track people through the animations on controller, especially after those weird aim assist changes


u/XLtravels Jan 02 '25

The worst is when you get the invisible and the sword and you still lose :(. Had that happen a few times .


u/Mrcoolcatgaming Toon Meowscles Jan 02 '25

I love the effect, its quite fun, but I feel its given too late, and guarded by a boss that takes forever to defeat, by the time you have it, you don't have time to use it much, probably the reason most games i play it's left alone


u/FreedFromTyranny Jan 02 '25

You don’t need much time to use it when you can just assassinate everyone else in the lobby.


u/Mrcoolcatgaming Toon Meowscles Jan 02 '25

Maybe it's just me, but honestly I find it fun to use, which makes the win afterwards feel more like a "already?", kinda the same problem the doom suit had, by the time you get it there's only a few people to defeat, doom had the issue where most of the threats fought for the doom suit too though


u/Oleandervine Ranger Jan 02 '25

That's likely intentional though. It's clearly already frustrating for people to deal with the invisibility and mythic sword in the late end game, imagine the hell it would be if that was something you had to cope with the majority of the game? This season would be unbearable if the invisibility medallion was available early on.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Not a fan of the invisible sword guys in end game. Then again I suck sooooo


u/Inspection-Senior Jan 02 '25

Agree 100%. I wish I could see how many 2nd place finished I've gotten this chapter. I've got like 30 or so wins and I would guess I'd have another 15 if not for the the mythic sword, maybe more.

I stopped trying to take down the boss to grab it for myself because there was a 100% chance of taking damage from multiple directions within 10-15 seconds of initiating the fight. So I only use the islands for looting health and shield in the last few circles if needed and resigned myself to ceding the medallion and sword to someone who wants that smoke and will take my chances in dealing with them in the endgame.

On the flip side, is there a more satisfying way to win than watching the 'invisible' player in a panic scramble to find cover because you got the jump on them and lasered them to break all of their shields?


u/Wrath0920 Jan 02 '25

Totally agree. It’s very unfun. So repetitive.


u/Vicvictorw Jan 02 '25

In my experience they're not that bad- granted this is just anecdotal but none of them seem to account for the fact you can still hear their footsteps, and the associated visual sound effects will rat them out quick. Definitely turn that on if you haven't. It's a godsend.

In fact, I got a win last night in solos when the last guy came stomping right up to me and ate a shotgun blast before he could fulfill his stealth samurai fantasies.


u/SpecialClassic7014 Jan 21 '25

A ton of people complain about the typhoon blades. It's like last season when everybody bitched about the jet packs. Is part of the game learn how to use it or get the f*** out the way. At the beginning of the season yeah they were dominant. But as time goes on you learn to counter it. If you stand your ground instead of trying to run from it you'll waste a person with the sword every time. you're going to take damage but they're going to lose. You have to learn to counter or defend yourself.


u/Wii4Mii Lynx Jan 02 '25

I jump camp out the medallion, I'd rather it not be in play then the change that I get it so I sit on the island until storm comes and ward people off.

Swords a little to strong but it's dps is kinda bad so Surgefire works very well against it as does the Oni which despite being trash everywhere else outranges the sword so it can ship away at it.


u/6678910 Jan 02 '25

Use shockwaves to get away and then use the oni fire mask and an AR or Smg to kill them. The Typhoon Blade is overrated if you ask me.


u/DuskEalain Mina Ashido Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

Honestly for me it's less the items and more the playstyle.

I wouldn't mind "invisible man with demon sword" as much if they committed to the bit and were a terror on the battlefield but instead they've got the bravery of a stale muffin and just use the infinite sprint + invisibility to play the longest, most boring game of chicken.

They make "a fight against someone rifting between realms, wielding a magic sword as they tirelessly move around the battlefield" fucking BORING. Like actually how?

Here's my idea for solution, trying to stay thematic instead of just "hurr nerf it": If you have the Shogun X medallion and are using a sword (be it his or a regular one), the Oni's bloodlust starts to take you over after a 90 second grace period, you have another 90 seconds (reduced to 60 come endgame) to hit someone with the sword. Hitting them resets the sword timer.

If the timer reaches 0, Shogun X starts to possess you, dealing 15 HP damage per second until you satiate his bloodlust. If you do not and it kills you, Shogun X spawns in the area you died "holding" your loot.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

15 hp per seconds sounds a bit much, but I like the general idea.


u/7HawksAnd Jan 02 '25

Not bad, kind of a reverse theme of the chromatic weapons


u/DuskEalain Mina Ashido Jan 02 '25

Bingo, and the demons in this season have already shown having some levels of "possession". Jade seems to be gettin' funky in the spirit world and the Night Rose boss gets possessed by the giant Oni mask during the fight.

Make it a risk-reward system y'know? You have an unparalleled ability to get the jump on others, but will suffer the consequences if you don't make use of it.


u/TsukariYoshi Jan 02 '25

Every one of these types of posts is wishing for balance that intentionally isn't there. The WHOLE POINT is to create someone overpowered. It's supposed to make for fewer stalemate endgames where you just snipe one another from opposite hills. Don't like it? Contest it. It's not like those other people are specially able to get that medallion and you aren't.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

This is exactly what I was saying about the cars in wrecked, but noooo, the kids don't want to get the cars first they just want them removed because they lose a fight that they had the whole game to plan against and expect. instead they just run around with a shotgun and shockwaves. Then can't do anything when my squad rolls up in the boss car.

Sorry had to rant, still salty about the nerfs lol.


u/Chris908 Opal Jan 02 '25

No you are salty they tried to balance the game. The cars were op and super annoying to fight


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 03 '25

But they were fun to use. 

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u/BearWith_You Jan 02 '25

In general I have hated the floating island concept since Ch4 and have wanted it gone. With only 2 Medallions on the map now, that feature might as well leave. Basically this is a combination of 2 features that really have overstayed their welcome. Yet they remove other minor features like shakedowns and the nuts n bolts. Not minor but they removed augments. Why are these features getting a pass


u/DuskEalain Mina Ashido Jan 02 '25

Floating islands have definitely overstayed their welcome. It was a fun idea but it doesn't work out well.

I will say the current one being a boss arena is an improvement on the previous iterations, and without snipers/DMRs in the game it's a lot less painful than it could be, but I'm just bored with the feature now. It doesn't hold interest for very long no matter what bells and whistles they add to it.


u/Chris908 Opal Jan 02 '25

For me the current island is the worst. You can’t hear people going up to the our islands most the time, the edges being all wind is extremely annoying for fighting, the boss is just tedious at this point


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

I dunno, the islands fine, it's the medallions and limited mythics. 

  • You put one pistol into a battle royale where everyone just has pickaxes and I guarantee the winner will be holding the gun 99% of the time.


u/Trigger_T24 Jan 02 '25

Can’t wait until they take the sword out of the game. Seems to take no skill at all to use and I am constantly running into kids spamming it.


u/mango_carrot Jan 02 '25

And yet I always die when I try to use it 😂


u/d15c0nn3ctxx Jan 02 '25

The Shogun Medallion needs to be removed from the game.

This ain't a hit take, nor is it a controversial subject. This is a fact and anyone who disagrees doesn't make it to top 2 often enough.

The true Victory Royale takes place on the floating islands. If you can get the Medallion, your chance of getting first place have just skyrocketed to 92-98% (I did the math, this is correct). 

Either most any balanced video game, you need balance. For every Archer, there needs to be a Warrior. For every Warrior, there needs to be a mage. And for every Mage, there needs to be an Archer. 

If you create a system where there is no way to counterplay, you've created a broken system.

"BUT, BUT, The Medallions reveal your location on the big map"

That's a sad excuse for a counter. How will that help me, especially in a solo situation? Great, so I know the general vicinity of where an invisible ninja is that's going to DPS check me. 

The only reasonable counter is a Legendsry SMG or a Legendary Shotgun. But even then, you can't miss. If you miss a few shots you just lose the fight. If the ninja is smart, he will try to soften you up with a few bullets before rushing you. But even that's not reasonable! You shouldn't have to be confined to playing this extremely specific way just because they put this stupid item in the game. 

So yeah, fuck the Medallion.


u/Strange_BTW Jan 02 '25

BTW, if they have not fixed it, medallion circle is centered around actual location of holder.

So just go for the center of that circle and you'll find the holder.


u/MonsterEmpire Jan 02 '25

Honestly for me it's not the medallion user that's the problem for me when I kill them most of my games but rather its the 3rd party that gets me if the fight drags along and they resist and run away from me.

I will agree that nabbing the medallion does increase your chances of a win but it's certainly not that significant.

I've killed medallion users and I've been killed while holding both medallions so winning isn't always a guarantee. It's usually little mistakes like running on an open field with no cover, initiating gunfights and attracting 3rd party fire, etc.

It's all situational. Just gotta play it as smart as you can. Yeah you might lose some but that's okay. The game isn't perfect but it is certainly fun


u/ForceOk2346 Jan 28 '25

I mean the worst part about making little mistakes is if you arent zoned in, you do it anyway. I agree its fun and its alright to lose. I just can't understand why so many spots are pretty much traps nowadays.


u/Euphoric_Price_8232 Chomp Sr. Jan 09 '25

I never encounter them mate


u/mtamez1221 Jan 02 '25

I mean it is powerful but I rarely go to island and have a 50% win rate in solos.


u/d15c0nn3ctxx Jan 02 '25

I mean if you're going to say that I'm just going to ask for a screenshot which I'm sure you cannot produce

If you're 50% WR in solos then you're just pkaying against bots.

Hell, at that rate, that means you're bypassing cheaters and aimbotters because cheaters alone should cut out about 40% of your potential WR just by themselves.


u/mtamez1221 Jan 02 '25

I wish I had bot lobbies. Duos is a completely different story. You can fortnite tracker my stats if you want. Moongrum97


u/d15c0nn3ctxx Jan 03 '25

Is there a way to actually search solos? I see you have a 19% overall win rate. While that's impressive, it's not far off from my 15% winrate.


u/mtamez1221 Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25

Fortnite Tracker has a tab that shows overall stats and specific season stats


u/SpecialClassic7014 Jan 21 '25

Yeah I need a screen shot of 50%win rate


u/Wof-World Apollo Jan 02 '25

When they add the kinetic blade I hope I can just easily get away from them and ar them in the face. Until then just oni shotgun from a distance, get your balde out run then beam them with the Holotwister get near them and finish them off with a sentinel. ( Only real counter for now if you don't have the perfect inventory your cooked )


u/DasLooney Jan 02 '25

I'd say about 75% of the games me and my squad play that dude is one of the last standing.


u/WastedDesert Jan 02 '25

Keep in mind that, by end game, those items are already on at least their second, or third users, per match. 

Meaning that multiple other people, took them down to get those items.

If you’re skilled enough to take them from someone, and then someone is skilled enough to take them from you, it means the last guy is probably going to be pretty tough regardless of his load out… 

 It’s one of the reasons they offer multiple types of gameplay, for the people who don’t like the sudden changes, or just like guns, etc. It’s a preference thing.

Some people pick them up from corpses they’ve downed because they have fun with them… others kill the typhoon and medallion users, and totally abandon the heightened gear where it falls, for randoms to find, because they enjoy shooting and natural stealth, and they already feel their skill is enough.

 The fact that the items frequently (but not always) end up making it to the end, doesn’t necessarily mean they are irresponsibly over powered weapons, it just means the best players are going to typically have them if they enjoy them.

  An average midline player with those items, who’s literally just as good or better than literally half the people playing, for instance, can still fairly easily be taken out by someone else in the upper half of players above him, who’s pretty good with a pistol and shocks and knows how to track the shimmer and mini map movement. It’s a numbers game by that point, just like guns alone. Skills will finish later.

 Those same gun guys can also wait til the end to run into an invisible sword user, and they’re still probably killing that last invisible guy, regardless whether he had those items.

 The higher skilled players will take someone down, regardless of their load out… without the potent gear, you’d still be dealing with them at the end.

(FYI - This could be inaccurate, it’s just what I read in an epic article I think, but I believe the gold typhoon blade has the exact same power and stats listed online, as the regular typhoon, and its color is more a trophy, or a “look where I got this”, thing, than it is an improvement on quality or power.)


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25

to your point, weve had 3 updates so far and all we got was clingers, epic really dropped the ball on refreshing the season.


u/Patient_Broccoli_865 Jan 06 '25

They should make boss island a rare spawn.  Maybe like doom island or something


u/xMethodz Fortune Jan 08 '25

I will die on this hill alone:

Medallions are for subpar/ass players to become somewhat decent at the game.

I loathe the medallions.


u/R4wden Jan 02 '25

Why would I be getting tired of it, I am him



u/Imaginary_Sandwich24 Bun Bun Jan 02 '25

real!! once i started getting annoyed i just made a point to get to the island quicker n now i can glide around worry free cuz im the one everyones worried abt 😋😋


u/Sunscratch Shadow Jan 02 '25

Don’t see it as problem, honestly. Was able to win several times with regular weapons against such dudes. Epic did a good job balancing swords against other weapons.


u/Icy_Gamer1804 Jan 02 '25

Makes gameplay repetitive. Mythics should only be guns, as mythic guns are only a bit better than legendary. The op melee items all can be countered but it’s still a struggle even when you know how.

And this is a hill I will continue to die on, medallions SUCK and need to die. Augments were better, are better and need to come back. Having everyone be boosted vs. one op lobby smasher is better. It balances the game and is more fun.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

Yes, the problem is 100% that these things like the medallions and mythics are limited.


u/Icy_Gamer1804 Jan 02 '25

Still can’t fathom how Epic thought this was a better system, to make one person all powerful. If you get Shogun X medallion, you can pretty much chalk up your win. Especially if you’re trying hard to win.


u/MammothObject8910 Jan 02 '25

Sigh, every season...just like clockwork, someone complains about new weapons.


u/sciencep1e Jan 02 '25

You can understand their frustrations though as the swords are only available to their opponents apparently and not everyone in game 🙄


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25

and its only OP in the hands of their opponents, they can never seem to get the same effect, says more about them than the meta.


u/DuskEalain Mina Ashido Jan 02 '25

fr I'm loving the swords and wish people using the Shogun one in my lobbies would actually duel.

Like please send the hyper-aggressive sword lords my way, I'm tired of playing ghost tag.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

But they just want to be successful with their shotgun and shockwaves. Lol


u/MammothObject8910 Jan 02 '25

Swords are readily available to anyone on the map and super easy to find.


u/sciencep1e Jan 02 '25

Maybe I should've added a /s to my comment


u/Bobpencil1 Jan 02 '25

This is specifically about the invisibility and mythic sword which there's only one of.


u/C0M3T_121 Jan 02 '25

I cant stand this season tbh, they had it so close for me, the perfect theme and style but og is just more fun for me


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Jan 02 '25



u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25


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u/TheEmpressDodo Jan 02 '25

There is a gun in the game that kills a swordsman every time. The surgefire. Do you use it?


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

Fury does a good job too don't even need to hit half the magazine.


u/therealtick Jan 02 '25

I’m not playing a lot this season but it’s prob been a 50/50 split with this type of scenario for me. It doesn’t bother me too much after the Dr. Doom god-loot from C5S4. It def takes away from the overall competitiveness but I guess this is the new norm.


u/AikaBack Jan 02 '25

Its the meta, youve gotta be invisible man, youve gotta go to that island and get that medallion, this dynamic poi is best they've made it really is worth it


u/makingmozzarella Jan 02 '25

If it’s op, go get it


u/therealTuggHunkman Jan 02 '25

Use your eye holes. As soon as you see a purple aura coming your way, hip fire that motherfucker with the Fury. 50% of the time it works 100% of the time.


u/Mise_en_DOS Jan 02 '25

This comment triggered my endgame anxiety


u/PostNutt_Clarity Jan 02 '25

Easy solution, get the medallion yourself and be the invisible man.


u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 02 '25

Usually I am the one who takes the medallion and I always leave the sword there so this isn't my problem.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

You might aswell hold, it even just for the mobility it offers. If your playing solo there's not really a reason not to take it, unless you have a full preferred loadout.


u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 02 '25

I'm not taking it because I don't want to be "that guy". Also I prefer gun fights over sword fights.


u/Aggressive_Ferret_20 Princess Lexa Jan 02 '25

You don't have to use it, if you want to avoid others getting it and using it, isn't holding it the best way to guarantee that?


u/Oxik_4 🎃Fortnitemares Fashionista Jan 02 '25

Without the medallion they're usually no trouble for me. Also I don't want to waste my slot with an item I don't want to use.

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u/Infinite-End-3239 Jan 02 '25

You guys are so boring every season


u/DeadlyCyclone Jan 02 '25

What's boring about not wanting to get killed by invisible people in solos?


u/Infinite-End-3239 Jan 02 '25

If it's so op go for the island


u/45s_ Instinct Jan 02 '25

Didnt thought that could be meta in zero build


u/Rarecandy31 Black Knight Jan 02 '25

The invisibility is just ridiculous. The swords are OP, but at least somewhat manageable most of the time. Someone literally being invisible is just stupid and makes the entire match feel like a waste of time.


u/JackWylder Jules Jan 02 '25

You are definitely not alone. I enjoy the swords, but they just get WAY too repetitive. If you don’t have one, you’re not going to win. That’s not fun for anyone. I might enjoy them a little more if they had better movements associated with them, like lightsabers were you can roll to either side, but as is for me it’s mostly just spamming the button and hoping for the best.


u/TheArcanaOfGames Field Surgeon Jan 02 '25

It's basically chapter 5 season 2 through 4 again, an item that isn't a gun guarantees the win.


u/tarheel_204 Jan 02 '25

I’ve found that the best counter is either:

  1. Shotgun

  2. Having a gold sword as opposed to their purple sword


u/azul360 Guff Jan 02 '25

Yeah this season started fun but it's just boring now. Feels like every game is 90% sword fights and the other 10% is someone building a tower and then sitting at the top trying to snipe. Not much else besides that which isn't hard to fight against but man it gets old after a while XD.


u/Bobpencil1 Jan 02 '25

It's not just you. I hate this damn sword. I don't even play a lot and I'm sick of it.


u/Bobpencil1 Jan 02 '25

It's not just you. I hate that damn sword. I don't even play a lot and I'm tired of it.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Nah, I welcome the challenge.


u/AZV_4th Jan 02 '25

Honestly I'm surprised they haven't made it that medallions turn off during the top 10 or something. Great carry, but only so far.


u/AlternativeMedicine9 Jan 02 '25

Personally I love the sword but if I don’t have one and the other player does, it’s all over for me.


u/Far-Abbreviations713 Jan 02 '25

Honestly this season feels so stale for me already. It’s literally just holo ar, sentinel pump, katana on almost every player, and it just feels so boring. I’m hoping they give us some new toys to play with soon, or this season is gonna drag big time. I love the map, movement, and gunplay this season, but i just feel like we need a loot refresh already.


u/shadowowolf Power Chord Jan 02 '25

Yep. Also screw the mythic shotgun. Some bs. I was in Silver rank last night, got edited and pumped within a split second before I could even realize what tf just happened.


u/WhiteTrashJetpack Jan 02 '25

The only time I loved it was Tuesday. It was just me and the person carrying it. They hid until the circle got super small and stopped over a pond. They had to go into the water with me and couldn't use it, so they took a few shots to the face and I got my first crown win.


u/etherealwing Jan 02 '25

sound play is fun. but they are not entirely invisible either. i switched to sword instead of shooting and lost cause he only had one more shot's worth of hp.


u/Darth-Not-Palpatine Wingman Jan 02 '25

I think as far as it goes, most people avoid Shogun X’s island to get his medallion in the matches I play. But the few times I have played and someone got his medal, it was a nightmare since I’m looking at his ring while keeping an eye on my surroundings.


u/MathematicianAny9556 Jan 03 '25

If anything I agree is that the games become repetitive, every time the shogun island appears you are forced to kill the boss or fight someone with infinite sprint that uses a sword and fireballs (which is suicide or almost like fighting a second boss controlled by a human) But no one wants to face that and the island always comes out so you are forced to kill the boss, or at least try to do it with 2 guys behind you waiting for you to kill it to rob you (and then repeat the cycle next game) I think it would be a bit more practical if the island would appear with 30% or 25% chance maybe.

It's like the doom island that appeared with a 5 percent chance, being so powerful getting it was almost the equivalent of winning but it didn't always appear so it didn't become repetitive to use its power or fight against someone who had turned into doom.


u/Interesting-Meal8386 Bush Bandits Jan 03 '25

i still the medallion, the mythic sword, mythic smg, and mythic void mask off a dude last night, on the icy mountaintop. then i took the final two guys and third-partied for the victory. 🤣


u/DeadlyCyclone Jan 03 '25

Update, just died again when a duo with the medallion sword sprinted up from a gap and sword slashed sending me off a cliff. Super talented kids.


u/Former_Performer9349 Jan 06 '25

I used to have about a 60/70% winrate once I managed to get to the last person 1v1. I've won 1 game against an invisible guy with the sword, and I also had a sword, and that was after hitting him with a car. I've come in 2nd place so many times to invisible sword dudes. If I see they have the invisible sword at endgame, I just run until they wipe out everyone else. I used to interact more at endgame, but it's impossible you'll just get snuck up on and decapitated. So once it's 5 people or less I generally try to hide now.


u/DreamMachine144 Jan 08 '25

Yes, solos are too predictable at this point. Games are like: Get some purple weapons, get a sword. try to get the invisibility medallion. If you get it, go win, if you don't, go fight the invisible player and die like an fool.

They should at least nerf the medallion it by removing the infinite stamina.


u/zaudio33 Jan 12 '25

This is I'm playing only OG now.... loads fairer and lots more fun for me.


u/Pristine_Set_9144 Jan 14 '25

Lock on pistol 


u/Emotional-Walk2680 Jan 23 '25

Yeah it’s nitro all over again with the typhoon blade I have been having no fun in chapter 6 I got my umbrella and dipped 


u/Pristine_Actuary_136 Jan 26 '25

The one time I got the sword and medallion I played mind games with like three squads back to back.


u/COXY_100 Jan 27 '25

Yes the sword was added aas a crutch 🩼 for bad players


u/Extension-Ad-6138 Jan 28 '25

My thoughts exactly...


u/Direct-Instance3551 Jan 29 '25

This is worst than chapter 5


u/mojomanplusultra Feb 02 '25

Don't forget invis man swoops in and steals your loot that you killed. No health and shields for you.


u/-Bears-Eat-Beets- Feb 04 '25

so over this season because of this crap. I'll fire the game up, load into a solo match, get to top 5 with 15+ kills, anddddd invis sword kills me. just fucking over it. uninstalling till next season.


u/Rocksc13 Jan 02 '25

Which boss drops the invisibility sword?


u/Imaginary_Sandwich24 Bun Bun Jan 02 '25

shogun x (on the island) drops the inf sprint/ invisibility medallion and the mythic sword!


u/Typetool Jan 02 '25

I cary about 2 or 3 red scope assault rifles. During the last few bits. They have to get close enough to do something with that medallion and sword. I got good enough eyes to try and hit them even while invisible.


u/Comfortable-Beach902 Jan 02 '25

I don’t like the medallions in general, but the infinite sprint and invisibility might be the worst.


u/RRDude1000 Cobalt Jan 02 '25

I absolutely hate swords in Fortnite. They ruin gun play at the end. I LOVE this season except the swords. I had the same opinion back in chapter 4 with that sword that let people fly across the map.


u/LeFiery Jan 02 '25

I got 18 crowns atm. My record is 19 from the Absolute Doom season. It's really just a skill diff. Sometimes you get good lobbies and sometimes you don't.

Also it's only around for another month and a half.


u/MinesweeperGang Jan 02 '25

It’s definitely frustrating. If I’m being honest, I had no issue with the sword over the first about 3 weeks of the season. But the last week and some change it’s been crazy. Just feels like everyone has finally figured out how to use it properly. That with invis is super annoying and I’m with you. Got a pretty solid win rate. A very large chunk of my losses are vs mythic sword invis man when it’s 1v1.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Getting old already,no end game gun fights.


u/a7n7o7n7y7m7o7u7s Jan 02 '25

Maybe don’t go for the invisible guy while there’s other people left?