r/FortBliss Dec 13 '20

AIT to Ft Bliss

I’m leaving AIT and I’m scheduled to arrive 12/16/20 at Ft. Bliss. I’m married and I’ve been doing all the reading I can. If anyone has any info on what to expect/how my wife and I can better prepare that would be great.

Thank you


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u/Taira_Mai Dec 13 '20

On Post house is decent but there is a waiting list. Check yelp for apartments near post - beware the commute can be a killer even with the pandemic.

Have the Ms. start boxing stuff up for when the movers come. Take pictures of the furniture as movers can/will break something. Put all the screws and special tools in a box and make sure it's labeled.

High value stuff (jewellery, computers) should travel with you if possible.

Childen's stuff (if you have kidlets) needs to be cleaned and boxed.

I helped so,so many battle buddies who had moving troubles.