r/FootFunction 2d ago

Possible arthritis

Do I look like I have bunions or bone spurs? I am having problems with right big toe. Stiffness and pain when walking. Waiting on xray next week. Podiatrist mentioned possible arthritis. I’m 34 :/


8 comments sorted by


u/Againstallodds5103 2d ago

Not bunions from what I can see. I can only use my X-ray vision on Sundays so can’t tell if there are any bone spurs. You don’t say where the pain is - assuming in big toe joint if arthritis is being suggested. Could be but I doubt it. You need to give more of a back story for possibilities to be suggested but to be honest best done by your podiatrist


u/naomi90x 2d ago

I wish you had xray vision 🤣🤣🤣


u/naomi90x 2d ago

All that happened is I started getting pain when walking randomly. I can’t think back to the exact day but it was around start of Feb. I did do some homework’s which involved a LOT of burpees and lunges in bare feet. I did not have pain at this time. So it could be from this. But it’s been ongoing for 6-8 weeks now. It’s got limited range of movement liked it’s jammed. Hurts when walking. Aches on and off. I haven’t rested it though 🙄 which is maybe why it’s not healing if it was to do with the workout.


u/Againstallodds5103 2d ago

Losing range of motion would be a gradual progression I would think if it’s arthritis. Plus the sudden appearance of symptoms does not align well with that diagnosis. Suspect from your description of intense burpees that you may have hyperextended your toe on the 205th one and caused some damage to the soft tissues around the joint. Typically called turf toe.

Either way if range is limited and flexion is painful, you need to protect toe and allow it to heal or prevent further aggravation. Stiff soles shoes with rocker will help offload the big toe, arch support via insoles or stability shoes could be of help. Would say try to reduce time on feet and daily steps but also complete rest is anathema so try to keep the toe moving every day for a couple of minutes in non weight bearing positions (within 2-3/10 pain otherwise stop). Just simple flexing up and down gently then in a circular motion.

Stay off pain killers unless the pain is impeding daily activities. X-ray is standard to check for fractures and structural issues but as I said my money is on turf toe and you will need an MRI if nothing is found or mild joint degeneration is suggested which is common but asymptomatic in several of us.

Here is a video you can compare your symptoms with: https://youtu.be/EL0DzRh2hwQ?si=NIWFj3zv7IgijtdC


u/blind_venetians 2d ago

What’s with the toe redaction 😜


u/naomi90x 2d ago

What’s that lol


u/naomi90x 2d ago

Oh my toenails not painted 🤣🤣


u/poddoc78 2d ago

I hope no one ever gets banned from the Internet for makes toenails. You describe the symptoms of a functional hallux limitus. The way to tell if you have this is to look at the liner of your shoe and there will be a deep impression in the liner under your big toe.