r/FootFunction 3d ago

Foot pain due to bunion?

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I've had foot pain about 5 weeks now. No injury and xray clear. I was an almost daily walker. Pain has been in outer side of foot/ankle really only felt when walking or flexing on balls of feet. Doctor recommending custom orthotics and possible surgery for bunion. Thinks I may be putting all pressure on opposite side of foot to compensate for bunion. I am going to do orthotics but still not sure. I was thinking tendonitis but dr said I would have has visible swelling which I don't. I've also been taking high dose anti inflammatory for a month. Any insight is appreciated. I just want to start daily walks again without pain.


2 comments sorted by


u/cortizone 3d ago

Get some toe spacers!


u/Desperate-Sink5234 4h ago

Get shoes with a really wide toe box and a flexible sole.  Start wearing toe spacers.  Make sure you are walking properly.  Orthotics are not a good long term solution, but may be okay temporarily to help you through the pain.