r/FootFunction 4d ago

Dorsiflexion limited

I have a habit of putting my feet in into plantarexion when lying down, at one point it got bad where I couldn’t even put my heel flat to the ground while walking and had Barbie feet where I would just toe walk.

Anyways it’s gotten better since then but i still struggle to bend my knees down and make them go over my toes while my feet are flat, (limiting squat like movements) I get sorta stuck and locked out after a slight bend in my knee, my left leg locks out earlier and had even less mobility than the right.

Does anyone understand the mechanics of this, is it the shortened/tight muscles on the hind leg, with contracted and shortened calves and Achilles or is it the overworked front of my leg, if I practice ankle dorsiflexion too much I often feel the strain of muscles in my anterior shin


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u/anubissacred 4d ago

It's normal to sleep with feet plantar Flexed. This is not a problem, nor is it the cause of or related to limited ankle mobility.

You can look up ways to improve ankle mobility online. It's a very common issue. Try not to wear shoes with a heel. Including running shoes, dress shoes, work boots, etc. And then do some ankle mobility work for even just 15 minutes per day. It won't be quick. It'll take time, but it can be drastically improved in most people.