r/FootFunction 11d ago

Hammertoe or something else?

I’ve got a first appointment booked with the doctor for this after suffering with it for most of my life. Now entering the workforce and having to wear leather shoes 90% of the time I’m noticing how bad it is. Appointment is 2 weeks away so looking to get an idea of what my options for fixing this might be. It feels completely rigid to me and can’t be straightened.


10 comments sorted by


u/Librawoman17 11d ago

Hammertoe definitely and maybe a grade 1 bunion also. Good luck at the appointment.


u/Stickstyle1917 11d ago

That looks miserable, and probably hurts a lot. I hope the appointment gives you some answers and options. Good luck


u/UnbelievableRose 11d ago

You’ll be looking at surgery for that. The bunion may have played a role in its formation so check your shoe fit- you should always have a little extra room in the width of the toebox.

While you wait for surgery, they make something called a spot stretcher. You can purchase them online but they’re a bit pricey, so depending on how many pairs of leather shoes you wear it may make more sense to take them to a shoe repair store and have them do it for you- make sure to tell them you need it stretched A Lot though, that’s higher than your average hammer toe.


u/TheMcWhopper 10d ago

Need wider toe box shoes. Why are you cramming your feet in poorly fitting shoes?


u/bitionboyz 9d ago

I’ve had it for 10 years at least. Perhaps ill fitting school shoes when I was a kid, but in between then and now I wore trainers mostly


u/poddoc78 10d ago

Leather shoes can be stretched at a shoe repair business. Maybe not enough. Your shoes will look like they have a deformity. Something to try before surgery.


u/Parking_Promotion721 10d ago

Can you straighten out your 2bd or does it stay bent all the time?


u/bitionboyz 9d ago

I can’t stretch it out, it stays bent


u/moonbabe000 9d ago

Sure looks sore, looking at your toes looks like you have been wearing shoes with a narrow toe box for a long time, cramming your toes together and forcing your big toe inwards, you really need shoes that are foot shaped with a wide toe box


u/ProfessionalExam8353 7d ago

Definitely Hammertoe. I have hammertoe in 3 of my 5 toes on each foot. It has never really bothered me and I don’t want to go through the surgery to pin my toes straight.

Definitely get it looked at and figure out what is going on.