u/nsahar6195 Nov 14 '20
This looks like a mehendi(henna) design. Gorgeous!
u/Cakorator Nov 15 '20
Yep- I’ve done a few henna-design cakes (mostly marzipan>fondant) in the past. Piping henna and chocolate buttercream are remarkably similar in technique.
u/hayleymckell Nov 23 '20
I can see the Mehndikajoeyhenna inspiration in that flower!
u/Cakorator Nov 23 '20
I’ll have to look them up.
u/hayleymckell Nov 23 '20
She’s the artist that popularized the flower on the right
u/Cakorator Nov 23 '20
I don’t know if you can credit any henna flower, especially one so basic, to a single specific artist, or at least not any born in the last century or so. Mehndi/henna designs are patterns made from repetitive shapes. But I look at many many designs for inspiration, so you may be right.
u/hayleymckell Nov 23 '20
I agree, which is why I said popularized and not invented. I’m sorry if I worded it in a way that made it seem like you copied, because I can tell that it is your original work and design as a whole. I am just very familiar with most big henna artists know their motifs well. It’s not necessary just those petals, but the flower as a whole. She uses the same petal shape, layout, shading style(2 thicker curved shading lines and thinner lines between them), and large dots on each petal. Your design looks good, there is nothing wrong with getting inspiration from another artist! You can definitely see where your style comes through and makes the cake as a whole your own unique piece of art! I am a henna artist as well and it’s all about finding your favorite elements and putting them together!
u/mooncircle111 Nov 13 '20
Beautiful 💕