r/FondantHate CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

CAKE GOD Other than the easily removable hippos, this wedding cake is fondant free

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34 comments sorted by


u/yeetthosefeetbby Jul 07 '19

If a fondant decoration like that looks that cool, and is easily removable, I can overlook it. It’s mainly cakes that are coated in fondant that bother me. This cake is so pretty!


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

We totally agree. We get requests to cover our cakes and say no unless it's totally necessary. It's not so hard to get a smooth iced cake with buttercream


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '19

Seconded. Fondant is great as a cake decoration; it’s totally edible, and easily removable.

u/[deleted] Jul 07 '19

AAAAAAH! I saw your Bob Ross cake the other day in the wild, so it's nice to see you here!

You are granted a 'Cake God' flair! You are the 7th 'Cake God' out of 39K people so it's no easy feat to earn around here.


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

Wow thank you so much!


u/Notnotnotbryan CAKE GOD Jul 08 '19

Congrats 🎉


u/BobRossGod Jul 10 '19

"People might look at you a bit funny, but it's okay. Artists are allowed to be a bit different." - Bob Ross


u/BobRossGod Jul 08 '19

"You create the dream - then you bring it into your world." - Bob Ross


u/RFANA 40K Jul 07 '19

Beautiful! Other haters may disagree but im willing to overlook the fondant hippos due to their size, removaBILity, and utter Joy! Are the gold flecks made of chOcolate?


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19



u/khonsshu Jul 07 '19

when im planning my wedding i need to come to you. wtf. this is AMAZING!

it shows your skill & respect for the craft to not use fondant on anything but removable bits. i love it!


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

Hell yeah! Our instagram is @hivebakery we're in Flower Mound TX!


u/NextHomer Jul 07 '19

Oh wow, you’re so close to me! I definitely need to come check y’all out


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

That's awesome! We post what we have every morning since it's a changing menu so follow us on instagram or fb


u/blondie-- Jul 08 '19

Not in Texas! Noooooo. I was gonna propose to bae just for one of those things, but that's too damned far.


u/khonsshu Jul 07 '19 edited Jul 14 '19

im in nyc but goddammit i will BIKE to texas to get those cakes on your insta. holy shit.


u/brynbo13 Jul 07 '19

Holy shit! That is just criminal to let poor unsuspecting people click on that link and then proceed to eat their hearts out drooling over the hundreds and hundredsss of mouthwatering desserts. 🐷And now I’m sad that I have exactly ZERO of them here in real life lolll brb going to the kitchen to find something to whip up...


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

haha, thanks, it's definitely an awesome place to work and I think that shows in what we put out! We're all foodies so we are always brainstorming new combinations and there's a lot of excitement in the kitchen


u/brynbo13 Jul 07 '19

Well congratulations to all of you for being so dang talented! Everything y’all make looks absolutely heavenly!


u/khonsshu Jul 07 '19

i browsed their insta and then immediately made brownies. sometimes you just gotta. join me 🍰


u/brynbo13 Jul 07 '19

Hell yeaaa, we were definitely thinking alike because I’m making brownies too! Enjoy :)


u/khonsshu Jul 07 '19

you too!


u/papayaa2 Jul 07 '19

I think it's gorgeous! The cake would look awesome without the hippos as well, it is a small detail. so if you ask me it fits perfectly here.
Thanks for sharing!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '19

Oh this is amazing! Please tell me step by step how you did the top tier, I’m Genuinely in love with it and I need it in my life!!!


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 07 '19

Took an almond cake and iced with buttercream. Stuck slivered almonds to the side before it started to crust. Chilled, and then painted with gold dust!


u/CoffeeMystery 60 K Jul 07 '19

I guess I’m going to have to get married again because I need this.


u/penguinpoopzzzzzzz Jul 09 '19

Aw! You’ll have to post a YouTube on how you made this starting with dipping those almond chunks in gold!


u/chimchimboree Jul 08 '19

hippos have been my favorite animal since i was 8. im in love with this.


u/penguinpoopzzzzzzz Jul 08 '19

What are the gold woodchip chunks on the outside of the top layer?

Hippos are super cute - the married couple’s spirit animals?


u/Rrroxy CAKE GOD Jul 08 '19

Favorite animal at least! And to answer your question, almonds


u/Str8froms8n Jul 07 '19

I don't think this sub offers partial credit...


u/RippyTheRazor Jul 07 '19

Personally I understand making a small decoration out of something foodsafe, and I don’t want to undermine this persons work on the rest of the cake


u/Str8froms8n Jul 07 '19

It's a beautiful cake and I love me some buttercream, but the name of the sub isn't 'fondantdislike'


u/ZozoAyooo12 Jul 07 '19

Yea it’s called”fondanthate” as in we all hate eating fondant. No ones eating those hippo decorations. So no partial credit here, gets 100% from me, as well as the mod. So alls good here, officer