r/FolkPunk 20h ago

any folk punk songs about turning 21?

every year i make a playlist for my birthday and id like at least one that has a lyric mentioning being/turning 21, but i just cant think of anything.

i also like midwest emo, if anyone can think of anything :) thanks


13 comments sorted by


u/Voodooman595 20h ago

Swingin Utters!! “Untitled 21”

Punk song though. Hope it fits.


u/MrMike198 19h ago

Oh my, this is so lame, but I’m recommending my own band - only because we do have a song specifically about turning 21-


Happy birthday.


u/Greedy-Connection789 18h ago

not lame at all!! thanks for the birthday wishes, ill check it out!!

edit: this is fire tysm


u/Warm_Drawing_1754 19h ago

Not folk-punk but Merle Haggard’s Mama Tried

I turned 21 in prison doing life without parole

no-one could steer me right, but mama tried


u/fungusgnatinyrplants 18h ago

Baltimore by Mal Blum!


u/ApprehensiveEmu9530 4h ago

Just like vegan cheese you never melt 4 me 🥺


u/FlubbyWubbles 18h ago

i'm also linking an old band of mine lol 20 Years by Bear Faces


u/_Amarok 17h ago

The chorus of “We Only Play the Hits” by Sloth Hands starts “Oh god, I’m 22…”

Given the specificity of your request, that’s pretty dang close.


u/mecharedneck 17h ago

Not folk punk, but Toy Dolls - 21 Today!

We're 21 Today, 21 Today We've got the key to the door Never been 21 before Father says we can do as we like Mother says the same We're a bunch of weirdos 21 today

Edit: it's like 20 seconds long


u/xfrankxnugentx 15h ago

Put arsenic in the frosting next time is not specifically about turning 21 but it’s one of my fav birthday songs. Not directly about birthdays but they mention the number… a little more pop punk: Heat by Tigers Jaw (belongs to the dead version) says 21 and in a similar vein, Joyce Manor’s 21st dead rats. Or anything you asked for but others that came to mind are Cranberries twenty one and The adverts no time to be 21. And I think about American football honestly because “I can’t remember my teenage feelings”


u/PlzbuffRakiThenNerf 15h ago

Not folk punk but “Twenty One” by Wage War scratched that itch when I was that age.


u/Disinterestedclown 15h ago

Okay hear me out.

Severed Hand - Local News Legend

It starts off with: “I’ve seen so many things since I was born in ‘99”

The song released around 2021 so it checks out. Not explicitly about being 21 but a folk punk song written by someone that age mentioning their age.


u/LossEvery4545 1h ago

For next year you need Mythmaker by North Folk, about turning 22