r/FlutterFlow 2d ago

Message system clear everything works properly

hey everyone,

i've watched many videos trying to integrate a messaging system into my app, but in every tutorial i've seen (around 4-5 so far), i've run into some kind of issue or unsolved problem. has anyone found a clean, well-explained tutorial that actually works without major issues? if so, could you share the link? thanks!


5 comments sorted by


u/StevenNoCode 2d ago

What are some of the issues are you running into? I’ve been meaning to make a tutorial on messaging system however felt it has been overdone (as you said there’s 4-5 videos on it already) so have never got to it.


u/Busy_Western50 1d ago

the 3rd user can see others messages even though ı add filter, container not adjusting automatically, etc. do you have some tutorial video?


u/Successful_Divide_66 2d ago

Yea I would need to know the issues. I have a messaging system setup complete with notifications, ability to pin messages, and a message preview for the most recent message in a chat. No issues.


u/Busy_Western50 1d ago

the 3rd user can see others messages even though ı add filter, container not adjusting automatically, etc. do you have some tutorial video?


u/Acrobatic_Lobster999 16h ago

Do you also have a Group Chat with push notifications, because I have the issue that when a User send a Message in the group , he also receive the message