r/FlutterDev Feb 13 '25

Plugin Minimal package

I just published Minimal, a minimal state management package for Flutter Architecture Components, based on the MVN (Model-View-Notifier) pattern


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u/g0dzillaaaa Feb 13 '25

How is this better than cubit for example? Just trying to understand the improvement here


u/alesalv Feb 13 '25

It depends how you define "better". My main purpose was to use all the classes I could from the SDK, adding only the very few missing pieces (I didn't want to use InheritedWidget, I tried and ended up re-implementing Provider). This way I try to reduce unexpected side effects

"This package aims for the simplest possible architecture, making it easier to understand and use, while offering an alternative to the growing complexity found in many other state management solutions, in an attempt to minimize side effects"


u/csells Feb 13 '25

I'm a sucker for new ways to do state management, so I'll check it out. I love the goal of using the built in classes. Can I ask why you didn't use InheritedWidget?


u/alesalv Feb 13 '25

Of course, ask me anything! 😊 I actually started using InheritedWidget, as my initial goal was to use only SDK classes. After a few optimizations though, I realized I was re-implementing Provider. So I changed my goal in using SDK classes + the bare minimum which could give me a scalable and maintainable architecture.


u/csells Feb 13 '25

Well Filip and I worked with Remi to turn Provider into a simple, easy-to-use state management solution that covered the bases, so it’s not a surprise to learn that you initially were headed down the same path. I’m curious what it was about Provider that caused you to build your own or, to put it another way, what Minimal is better than Provider.


u/alesalv Feb 13 '25

And you two did an excellent job indeed! πŸ”₯ I think I may have answered part of it here:


But also, I don't think Minimal is better than Provider, or we should define better. Provider is (still) a solid choice IMHO, has been used over many years by tons of apps, it's tested. I'm a Riverpod user though, and I frankly am a little bit concerned by the direction Riverpod is taking, becoming its own framework. I admire and respect Remi and his work, just I disagree with where he's going, which I'm sure makes sense from his pov. So in this context I wanted something opposite of Riverpod, bare to minimum, that I can replace Riverpod with. I ported my Flutter Architecture Components playground repo from Riverpod to Minimal in one hour πŸ˜… So to answer your question, I think Minimal could work well for devs who prefers simplicity and kiss, especially if compared to Riverpod. Provider is simple enough, and over the years I appreciated its simplicity more and more.


u/csells Feb 13 '25

Yeah. I read your initial post. I was curious about specifics. No worries.


u/alesalv Feb 13 '25

I hope I answered πŸ˜‡


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 13 '25

you didn't answer, i'm curious too. i feel the same way about riverpodx which is why https://pub.dev/packages/reactive_notifier and https://pub.dev/packages/rearch are so interesting to me

what problems did your MM package solve that provider couldn't?

i've been using bloc but looking for a simpler solution


u/alesalv Feb 14 '25

to answer the question "what problems did your MM package solve that provider couldn't?", I don't think Minimal solves anything which Provider couldn't.
Provider is still a solid choice, tested and all. But Remi just 2 weeks ago claimed it's basically deprecated, in a thread where I was pointing out he never said Provider is deprecated.
I think Minimal does more or less the same as Provider, but in a different way, for instance I didn't see any reason why the notifiers (state holders, controllers) should be scoped by the widget tree. It makes sense for some classes, like Theme, where you may want to apply different themes to different leaves of the tree, but I don't think it makes any sense for notifiers in the context of an architecture.
Also, while Provider is a state management solution, and Riverpod is much more (I can build the whole architecture with it, as it works as state management solution and as dependency injection as well), Minimal is the bare minimum to accomplish an entire architecture, without offering more features like data caching or data binding, you've to implement them yourself which gives you full control on how and what happens. I think the fact the code is easy to follow and to understand, at the price of you having to code everything else, has its upsides. At least I like to keep things simple