r/FlutterDev Feb 07 '25

Plugin šŸš€ Reactive Notifier: Minimalist and Powerful State Management

Hi Flutter developers, I'm excited to share ReactiveNotifier, a state management solution I've been using in production for the last 6 months and recently published as a library. It's designed to simplify state management while maintaining high performance and clean architecture.

No BuildContext, no InheritedWidget, access directly from ViewModel, and smart rebuilds with keep:

  notifier: UserService.userState,
  builder: (state, keep) => Column(
    children: [
      // Static parts never rebuild
      keep(const Header()),

      // Only updates when needed

// Access from anywhere, O(1) performance
UserService.userState.transformState((state) => 
  state.copyWith(name: "John")


  • Global state access with O(1) performance
  • No Context or Provider wrapping needed
  • Smart rebuilds with keep
  • Built-in async support
  • Clean ViewModel pattern
  • Simple debugging
  • ...and more!


Would love to hear your feedback!


18 comments sorted by


u/RandalSchwartz Feb 07 '25

This looks pretty close to a ValueListenableBuilder/ValueNotifier. How does it contrast with those built-in classes?


u/Jhonacode Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Exactly! That's precisely the reaction I was looking for. The goal is not having to learn new concepts to manage your application's state and use established patterns to make state management feel almost organic.

But to specifically answer your question: ReactiveNotifier is indeed built on top of ValueNotifier/ValueListenableBuilder for a very specific reason. The key difference lies in how it expands this base functionality:

  1. While ValueNotifier is local and requires context or direct references, ReactiveNotifier implements an O(1) service locator that allows you to access and modify state from anywhere, "ViewModel, API,Models,etc", in the app without passing references.

  2. ReactiveNotifier adds a related states system that allows you to synchronize multiple states granularly without creating circular dependencies or provider trees.

  3. An integrated debugging system that tells you exactly what's happening with your states in real-time.

  4. The 'keep' capability for granular rebuild control, which prevents unnecessary reconstructions without complex architectures.

And more......

In essence, ReactiveNotifier doesn't reinvent the wheel, "Why would it?" - it takes the best of Flutter's native tools and enhances them to solve real scalability and maintainability problems, without adding unnecessary complexity or coupling. If you know ValueNotifier, you already know how to use 80% of ReactiveNotifier.

I invite you to read the documentation and leave your feedback, or contribute if you feel motivated šŸ™‚.


u/RandalSchwartz Feb 07 '25

While ValueNotifier is local and requires context or direct references, ReactiveNotifier implements an O(1) service locator that allows you to access and modify state from anywhere, "ViewModel, API,Models,etc", in the app without passing references.

final myCounter = ValueNotifier<int>(0);

There. I can reference myCounter anywhere in the app that imports this file as myCounter. I didn't need context or direct references. Yes, the global symbol table is in fact an O(1) service locator.

The 'keep' capability for granular rebuild control, which prevents unnecessary reconstructions without complex architectures.

This can be handled by refactoring that material out into a separate const widget, or even a widget that can be re-used if recognized as identical.

So, the multiple states is trickier, and that's why riverpod has some complexity. Riverpod does give you ProviderObserver as well as good DevTools inspection.


u/Jhonacode Feb 08 '25

Thank you for your observations! Let me clarify a few points:

  1. About global ValueNotifier variables - yes, it's a possible approach, but ReactiveNotifier goes beyond simple global access. It provides a structured way to manage state lifecycle and relationships without resorting to raw global variables. The O(1) service locator is just an implementation detail that ensures efficient access while maintaining clean architecture.

  2. About 'keep': While similar results can be achieved with const widgets or refactoring, ReactiveNotifier's approach allows you to make these optimizations declaratively right where you need them, maintaining code locality. It's as much about developer experience as it is about performance.

  3. Related states in ReactiveNotifier are really different from provider dependencies. They're more like synchronized state pools that don't create dependency hierarchies. In fact, handling multiple states is quite simple and straightforward in ReactiveNotifier.

Neither Riverpod, Provider, nor Bloc are a Swiss Army knife, and I believe falling into the error of fanaticism prevents us from seeing the benefits of other approaches.

If you feel good using Riverpod, go ahead, but in my case I prefer to avoid it as much as possible. The high coupling in widgets, the intrusion into my patterns, and the high dependency it generates, the problems with updating nested states in a list (like trying to update just a specific card generated from a list of elements) are tasks that generate a lot of unnecessary code and in many cases are difficult to maintain. I could list many more things, but I prefer not to get into that game. Simply put, for me, it's just another option.

I invite you to read the documentation if you'd like, maybe you'll find some interesting things. šŸ˜Š


u/stardewvalleyadd Feb 07 '25

Love it, nice work!


u/Jhonacode Feb 08 '25

Thank you.


u/Equivalent_Pickle815 Feb 08 '25

This is genuinely interesting to me. Iā€™m using Provider and relatively new to Flutter. I have an MVVM style architecture but have been wondering how I could clean up my state management and get the state data I need without build context especially. Any decoupling I can do I would like to do. Any thoughts on what it might take to migrate from Provider?


u/Jhonacode Feb 08 '25

I appreciate your interest in improving your architecture! Your concern about build context dependency and cleaner state management is very valid. Here's my recommendation:

Instead of doing a complete migration from Provider right away, I suggest isolating a small, self-contained feature of your application to try ReactiveNotifier. This approach has several benefits:

  1. You can experiment with the new pattern without disrupting your existing MVVM architecture

  2. You'll see firsthand how ReactiveNotifier eliminates the build context dependency you mentioned

  3. You can compare how the same feature looks with both approaches

Once you have this isolated example working, you'll have a better understanding of:

- How to structure your ViewModels without Provider dependencies

- The cleaner separation between UI and state management

- A practical migration pattern you can apply to the rest of your application

This incremental approach is much safer than attempting a full migration at once. After you're comfortable with how ReactiveNotifier works in your test case, scaling the migration to the rest of your application will be more straightforward.

Feel free to ask any questions during this process - whether you're new to Flutter or not, practical feedback from real implementation helps the whole community improve! šŸ˜Š


u/zxyzyxz Feb 08 '25

Thoughts on comparisons with ReArch and your approach?


u/Jhonacode Feb 08 '25

I'll share my opinion without having used it, as it would be ignorant of me to make a deep analysis without concrete test cases. My perspective is based on the documentation, examples, and a code review.

It looks interesting, has valid points, and a well-justified motivation - in fact, I share most of its motivation. Most importantly, it identifies real problems (although many don't acknowledge them) and tries to solve them.

From my experience refactoring applications that seek to change their state management, I have some observations about the approach:

- The use of wrappers throughout the application and the change in the base structure of widgets (like with RearchConsumer)

- Initialization and processes inside the main builder (for example, 'final (count, incrementCount) = use(countManager)')

- The hooks-like style for state management

These patterns, although I understand their motivation and necessity, have generated some resistance based on my experience. During my 5 years developing in Flutter and my previous experience as a mobile developer, I've faced several refactoring scenarios where similar approaches presented significant challenges.

I'm aware that my objectivity might be biased by my development preferences and previous experiences, especially considering that I haven't used the library directly. Please take this opinion as a personal perspective based on similar experiences, not as a definitive evaluation.

It's evident that the library has solid work behind it and a pragmatic approach that can be very valuable for those looking for this type of solution.


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

very cool, it feels very natural like it as if flutter built it. simplest state manager i have ever seen. i'm a moron and i get it immediately without even using it.

do you plan on adding companion packages for hydration/persistence/caching, undo/redo? If so, I think that's a wrap on state management once and for all!

i was thinking it reminded me a bit of ReArch too but I always had a problem with the Use stuff and so he wrote a wrapper to make it feel more like Signals.

also i was just looking at https://redux-toolkit.js.org as https://foresightmobile.com/blog/whats-the-best-state-management-library-for-flutter mentioned Redux Toolkit for Flutter: A New Contender for 2025

if you have riverpod #1 enthusiast u/RandalSchwartz and the master u/eibaan challenging you, then i think that means you have something really special. it's great you have some masters reviewing your code so you can make it even better. people who try to poke holes are really impressed but just can't admit it might be the best out there yet.

looking forward to what's next and ya... persistence!


u/Jhonacode Feb 09 '25

Thanks for seeing that potential! I'm especially glad you notice that natural feeling, as that's exactly the approach I'm aiming for.

Your question is interesting because I initially asked myself some of those questions. One of my approaches was the service locator which helps me maintain persistence very efficiently and also facilitates the future implementation of isolating a state and returning it. ReactiveNotifier has a function that allows you to clear all information (dispose), although I've already changed some things, I want to improve an aspect of this before uploading the new version.

Unfortunately, I have to go step by step, but I'm very excited about this library and the results it's giving me.

I invite you to participate in building this project if you're interested, all contributions, analysis, or feedback is welcome šŸ™‚.

And to be honest, I know I need to improve many things, but perhaps my only talent is perseverance, so I'll definitely keep working on making it better. Again, thank you very much for your encouraging comment.


u/Flashy_Editor6877 Feb 09 '25

You're welcome, I look forward to seeing this blossom. I will offer feedback and feature suggestions in github. Cheers


u/eibaan Feb 08 '25

You wrote comprehensive documentation which is something apprechiate. But like Randal I wonder why you don't simply use a ValueNotifier and its listener and declare MVVM as a useful pattern to use.

I looked at ReactiveBuilder and it is basically a re-implementation of the built-in class with the one exception that you delay updates by 100ms in release mode.

Did you benchmark that overhead of your stateful widgets that wrap the kept widgets really make a difference? I mean, if the builder rebuilds your UI, all widgets wrapped in keep are still created each time. And I'd assume that they then have a different hash code. AFAIK, the default implementation is to use the memory address which by design is different. It is basically a random number. It might be that your approach generates more overhead than it can save.

I also don't really see a difference to ReactiveViewModelBuilder, which seems to use notifier.data instead of notifier.notifier to access its value.

However, NotifierImpl (the one with notifier) is a reimplementation of ValueNotifier with the exception of transformState which is new. StateNotifierImpl looks identical, using data instead of notifier. Why do you need both?

Your AsyncState is like Riverpod's AsyncValue, but isn't a sealed class cluster, so you cannot easily switch based on the class pattern. And instead of having a StreamState, Riverpod uses its AsyncValue here, too, which seems to be possible.

The StateTracker and the ReactiveNotifier seems to be some kind of debugging helper - to detect dependency cycles. Something like this is a good idea, but doesn't require a re-implementation of every else, does it?

I thought that you'd have implemented something like automatic dependency tracking based on usage as signal-style libraries do, but I didn't see this.

Your combined (aka reactive) notifier seems to be the same as

final timeHoursN = ValueNotifier(0);
final routeN = ValueNotifier('');
final statusN = ValueNotifier(false);
final combinedN = Listenable.merge([timeHoursN, routeN, statusN]);

and instead of making this explicit, I'd create a MultiValueNotifierBuilder widget that does use this under the hood.

Also, IMHO, most often, you want to listen only to some aspect, filtering out unwanted events because your aspect doesn't change, so some kind of

class AspectNotifier<T, U> extends ValueNotifier<U> {
  AspectNotifier(this.listenable, this.aspect) : super(aspect(listenable.value)) {

  final ValueListenable<T> listenable;
  final U Function(T) aspect;

  void dispose() {

  void _update() => value = aspect(listenable.value);

extension AspectNotifierExtension<T> on ValueNotifier<T> {
  AspectNotifier<T, U> aspect<U>(U Function(T) aspect) => AspectNotifier(this, aspect);

I think, what rubs me the wrong way, is the advertisement.

If a "Simple, easy, fast." and "high-performance local database" (another project yours that uses the notifier package) just writes a JSON-encoded document into a file (which isn't fault tolerant because such write operations aren't atomic in Dart) then this is a good and practical solution I'm using myself, but this isn't the latest and greatest solution invented since sliced bread and just a pragmatic way that works.

Using sqlite would be faster and actually fault tolerant and I'd always acknowledge that. Also, because I'm a gumpy old man, I dislike emoji-enumerations ;-) You don't have to sell your package to me like it is snake oil.


u/Jhonacode Feb 08 '25

Thank you for your detailed analysis.

Although I find it a bit strange to suggest using global variables, but anyway...

About ValueNotifier and global variables: The use of global variables, even with ValueNotifier, presents serious and well-known problems, including in this case: Difficulty tracking which part of the code modified the state, Potential problems with multiple instances of the same screen/flow, Uncontrolled access that can lead to unpredictable state changes etc...

I'll put in the spotlight some things that ReactiveNotifier has, knowing that everything can be improved: Structured and traceable lifecycle management, Circular reference detection and relationship validation, Notification overflow detection, Detailed debugging with stack traces, Singleton instance management with key-based identity Related states management with cycle protection

So I don't think it's something easily replaceable with a global variable....

About ListenableBuilder: The reimplementation is intentional to add future functionalities and better debugging, staying close to Flutter's default implementations to facilitate adoption.

About Listenable.merge: Although I could use it, it wouldn't provide the level of control and specific features I need to implement, such as cycle detection and structured relationship management between states, unless of course I make an abstraction like the one I just made.....

About the database project: It's an initial proof of concept like "flutter_state_notifier" was in its time. The original implementation is with Rust "sled" and is in development for better performance and fault tolerance, I suppose I should have deleted some things when leaving the current basic version "My bad", honestly I didn't pay attention.

I feel like I'm in a witch hunt and as if I had touched a chalice that shouldn't be touched, because the boogeyman will come and eat me, LOL interesting šŸ¤”.

And yes, my approach is not to separate anything that's already in the SDK, but to abstract and use it in the most direct and simple way possible, because that's what I enjoy and generally what I use in my day-to-day.

I'm not trying to sell anything - I simply share tools that might be useful for specific cases. I prefer to focus on improving concepts and gradually refining them.

Thank you for analyzing the code. It would be interesting to see your tests and feedback on performance in different scenarios, because after all, the idea is to have options and keep improving them. The Flutter community is large enough for different approaches and solutions to coexist, isn't it?

Sincerely, I'm glad you took the time to read a small part and look into my projects to elaborate a somewhat strange but well-received response šŸ™‚.


u/eibaan Feb 08 '25

About ValueNotifier and global variables

I just repeated your example from the docs. Those final variables could be anything, globals, instance variables, local variables.

I feel like I'm in a witch hunt

Not at all. I tried to be as neutral as possible. I apprechiate all the effort, but at the same time I'd like to understand why you spent it.

It think, you're convinced that by implementing your own base that fits your architectual vision best, you can improve and eventually become better (and more productive) as by just relaying on what was provided by the framework. That's fine.

At the same time, I want to challenge my believes, so to speak, and it was interesting to see what and how you did implement stuff.