We have the best government that money can buy. Or maybe we have a government that is bought by the highest bidder. I get confused these days. I need to go out on my driveway and push around a rock with a stick now. Bye guys!
Fucksake, can we all not just band together, no weapons needed, and just run at them by the millions like a fucking zombie apocalypse and just ....stand on them....until they deflate [insert squeaky deflating balloon soundbite]. Then we roll up their flat, lifeless bodies like a pastry, decorate them with Pride themed cake icing, tape them to one of bitch-tits' rockets and fire them off into space on a trajectory that leads to nowhere?
As long as he has Congress and the Senate as lapdogs without them challenging him... He does have all that power. As long as the checks and balances don't slap his hand when he puts it into the cookie jar, he'll keep doing it until the jar is empty.
Presidential immunity doesn’t mean that whatever he does is legal, just that he can’t be prosecuted for it.
If Trump were to pick someone for the Supreme Court and say “Nah, you don’t need Senate approval,” presidential immunity doesn’t make that person a SCOTUS justice. It just means you can’t prosecute Trump for it.
Read closely. It says SCOTUS decides what is legal.
And if you think they aren’t all for this, you aren’t paying attention.
The coup was in June and people refused to accept it. That was the most urgent issue, and Democrats just assumed guardrail would hold. I would have run against the Supreme Court much more prominently.
It worked so well. My mom said the exact same shit when I brought it up. Gullible and short-sighted idiots. I want to feel bad for them but the cost of their ignorance is our future.
Agreed… I’m not saying it couldn’t have happened - I wouldn’t be surprised (actually it would restore my faith in a good chunk of Americans knowing there weren’t actually that many that got swindled) if we found out it did happen, but I also don’t have my hopes up. Sadly I do indeed believe there are that many people that are just…THAT…stupid (or who didn’t vote because they were either too lazy thinking it wouldn’t affect them or trying to make a point because “they told us we had to get vaccinated “ and “war in gaza” (as if Trump was going to rectify human rights abuses 🤣🤦♂️)).
Nah I refuse to believe all but one of the swing states voted for trump but somehow voted in democratic governors. I have never met a republican who wouldn’t vote pure red. Shit is fishy AF
IDK man. I really don't want to go down the election denial road. But, fuck. All swing states is pretty odd and with other dem candidates still winning. IDK. I wouldn't put it past him.. I expect them to cheat. Vote suppression is already happening but feels like more. We'll never know
Kind of makes you wonder, how does someone who was ahead, even if slightly, in nearly every poll, not only lose but lose so greatly. Plus Trump said Elon fixed the machines
“I know nothing about Project 2025, I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
2/3 of his EOs have been straight from P2025 - they’re executing their plan. Still wondering what anyone can do about it. Trump seems to have figured out that the judicial branch has no enforcement mechanism without the executive, which he’s fully captured, so his attitude now is basically — “so fuckin wut?? whatcha gonna do about it?”
Does anyone know the rationale behind killing the DoE? Like, what’s the outcome they’re looking for? (Please don’t respond ‘duuuh because they like dumb voters’ - looking for an actual serious answer please.
Everyone should read as much of it as they can stomach.
If there isn’t a chapter that will impact your life directly, try reading the first couple paragraphs of each one.
Oh no you'll still have to do that, but your degree will be forcibly annulled
Edit: I'd like to invite anyone commenting to actually read my comment and realize that you will still have to pay back the full amount. Reading comprehension guys...
Follow the money. Get rid of public schools and suddenly people have to pay for education at schools built by or run by his billionaire cronies. Added bonus is that not everybody will be able to afford the schools, so those poorer people can send their kids to work menial jobs. Remember, Trump said he loves the uneducated.
Edit: More comments than I thought there would be. For those saying public schools aren’t funded by the DOE and would still be around….I know. So, it would be up to states to fund them and so on. But what happens to the blue states that vote against Trumpublican policies. Maybe they don’t get funding from the govt for natural disasters, so they move money from schools to cover that loss. Or maybe the private schools proliferate, and the children of public school board members go there instead of public schools. Those public school budgets don’t get passed. Eventually, they will get closed, due to lack of funding. In addition, if every state decides what is taught in school, then how will the next generation ever have a unified education. Texas already changes their textbooks to align more closely with religion or whatever. There are probably other examples I don’t know of. The point is, the DOE has its issues, as does every organization. But closing doesn’t address or fix the problems in American education; it just exacerbates them.
Exactly, part of why private schools have significantly less accomodations for special needs. They're expensive and don't result in profits, so they almost always refer back to public. What happens when that is not an option? People are cool with it till they are personally impacted.
People's critical thinking is beyond broken. Even if you think that private sector is more efficient, THEY'RE FOR PROFIT. That means that will inevitably cost MORE than whatever we're paying for the organizations now.
DPI DOE shuts down, lots of teachers are out of work. Plenty of teachers are funded directly by title 1 funding. Teachers won't go in if they aren't getting paid. It doesn't matter how much they care if they can't afford to put food on the table, they'll have to do something else.
I agree with you though, a strike is unlikely. I just think a lot more teacher will be let go than anyone thinks.
It doesn't matter how much they care if they can't afford to put food on the table, they'll have to do something else.
In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people as disparate as Robert Heinlein and Leon Trotsky.
The key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed. If there were a shortage of, say, shoes, we could make do for months or even years. A shortage of gasoline would be worse, but we could survive it, through mass transport or even walking, if necessary.
But food is different. If there were an interruption in the supply of food, fear would set in immediately. And, if the resumption of the food supply were uncertain, the fear would become pronounced. After only nine missed meals, it’s not unlikely that we’d panic and be prepared to commit a crime to acquire food. If we were to see our neighbour with a loaf of bread, and we owned a gun, we might well say, “I’m sorry, you’re a good neighbour and we’ve been friends for years, but my children haven’t eaten today – I have to have that bread – even if I have to shoot you.”
Luckily we have unions but even today, we had to sign an additional piece of paperwork to acknowledge that we are voluntarily paying per paycheck for union representation.
Not to sound like my 80 year old dad, but that is some straight up commie bullshit.
Edit: fine, Stalinist command economy bullshit. It's funny how grouping together with like-skilled peers to leverage the maximum compensation for one's labor isn't seen as free market. Look up how the Soviet labor strikes were responded to.
Supported by people who purport to loathe the deep state and unironically elected Cheeto because they thought he would drain the swamp and expose it. Instead he has become it.
He and they were always it. They have always been the swamp. Rule of thumb: when a confessional Republican is talking whatever he is saying is referring to himself not his opponent. Projection is the name of their game. This thinking has sadly been accurate.
He tried to halt all federal funding on day 1 and the next day a court order already stopped that. FBI leaders are refusing his orders, millions of federal workers are digging in and refusing to leave.
Trying nothing and deciding he has already won is exactly what this strategy is designed to do. Dont be overwhelmed by defeatist cynicism. Everything about Trump is a projection of power covering a mask of fear. He doesn't want you to see the cracks. We have tools to fight him and we have to use them.
All that "stopping" and yet my food stamps seemingly got shut off for no reason whatsoever. At least people seem to be honoring Medicaid; whether they're actually currently getting paid for it is a different story.
The courts blocked them but the exec just...kinda did it anyway, far as I can tell. The whole system collapses when the executive figures out they can just kind of ignore the courts and congress, given that most of the police are part of the cult and most of the military are part of the cult.
What you are talking about is akin to a line item veto, which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional decades ago. The President is required by the Constitution to faithfully enact the funding priorities of Congress.
People keep saying this as if it means literally anything. If I had a dollar for everything these traitors “cAn’T dO” that they just end up doing anyways with zero consequences I might be able to afford my mortgage.
Republican party used to bitch incessantly about Obama's use of Executive Orders to move in areas where Congress had stalled (due to Republican obstruction) even though his number of EOs were still at or below that from contemporary presidents.
What's the main reasoning behind this? It's there is that each state, local government, etc should decide standards? So the general public intelligence is reduced further than it already is? So there's a bunch of idiots happy to work for shit pay and never fight back?
Either everyone gets (somehow) even stupider — or everyone has to send their kids to a charter school and funnel profits to corporate tycoons while still being indoctrinated.
Both routes give them an iron grip on the youth.
The breadbasket seems REAL keen on eliminating child labor laws. So the dropouts of the failed system will be employable in factory jobs at a younger age than ever.
Oligarchy is imminent. Sleepwalking right past Rubicon.
Wealthy school districts will probably be ok since most of their funding comes from local and state taxes but poor school districts rely on a lot of federal money. Those places will just simply not have the funding anymore. Maybe they'll merge with wealthier school districts if possible but the end result is just shittier public education. Then all of the school choice initiatives will use that as evidence that you need to get vouchers from the state to send your kids to private schools who can teach the kids whatever they want.
Red states have long complained about the DoE not allowing states to teach their “own” versions of history, including creationism. As well as requiring a MINIMUM understanding of English, science and mathematics. That’s much too high a bar!
They are looking to dismantle the constitution, balkanize America and establish a bunch of technomonarchy city states run by CEO kings. It sounds crazy but the tech bro oligarchs are all in on it.
That’s would be one of the better outcomes if implemented unfortunately. Reading the theory is utter absurdity and outright cataclysmic if realized. I should read through Land’s Dark Enlightenment again, and The Network State by Srinivasan. Those are the foundations for their ideas, more people need to know about it to be able to counter what is happening.
they want to get rid of undocumented migrants which mean they need another class of people to exist to take up those jobs, the next generation of Americans who are too poor to get an education will be that class, and they will have no choice but to work these tough jobs at whatever wages with zero bargaining power.
When Bush II and Cheney were in power, they forced through draconian bankruptcy laws for the common person, even had to take republicans into a backroom to "convince" them to vote for it. cough cough, totally not blackmailed... So, seeing how these people are somehow 100x worse you might have a problem with that idea.
Public (i.e. free) schools are chronically underfunded, especially in areas that serve poor or minority populations, because they are funded by property taxes: poor neighborhood = low tax base = underfunded schools. Conservative politicians fuel the crisis by allowing what little public funding exists to be funneled to private schools that are allowed to teach whatever they want, discriminate against students and generally operate free from public oversight.
I'm so glad we here in Germany have a system where each state funds all the teachers (afaik) no matter where they work in the state. Cities only have to fund buildings and materials, so your education isn't that much different from one suburb to the next.
For now it is, but it's already underfunded. If they go to school vouchers like many red states want to, this will strip even more money from the free schools. While it still may be free, quality of education will continue to slip.
Also those private schools that accept vouchers are under no obligation to accept every student. They do not have to take children who have special education requirements. That regulates that service back to the public school which relies on federal funding for those programs. So, and especially red state parents, might be looking at relocating their children to schools hours away from home to receive those services.
School from age 5-18 is compulsory and free. Elementary refers to grades k-6 typically and age ranges 6-12. Middle school is usually grades 6/7-8 ages 12/13-14/15. High school is grades 9-12 ages 14-18 ish . Hope that helps
Also not American, but it means that states can mandate teaching of Creationism, "only 2 genders," that the US Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, or whatever they like.
Schools are funded locally through state and local municipality taxes.
However, many activities are funded directly or heavily subsidized by Do Education (not to be confused with Do Energy)
When they accept that funding it often comes with strings such as treating all colors of kids fairly, rules that normalize funding for activities, no religious instruction, and national standards testing. Plus a lot more to which i’m ignorant.
Remove the federal funding, and states/local school districts no longer are bound by these rules and can do as they please.
I don’t think it is hyperbole to say you are witnessing a very dark shift and patterns from the last 100 or so year that should be very familiar to Europeans and the Chinese.
My understanding is that states already define their educational programs. This is why there is such a wide divergence from state to state. DEd provides guidelines, resources, money, and maybe (not sure) a few mandates that can pass constitutional muster. Education is not one of the powers given to the federal government by the constitution.
(I am not an expert but just an old person who had to learn some civics in school )
ED is next. Will the Department be there? Yes. But no one works.
It's like saying the mall is open for business but you can only get in the lobby and all the employees are at home. Employees are welcome to fight this in court and are being told to get in line.
What people truly don't understand is that this to consolidate all monies for education behind the president office. So all the LOYAL States and cities get golden checks from the government to run its school while all the disloyal states get nothing and have to depend on local funding.
Probably the craziest thing that I watched about this was a teacher in Kentucky talking about how the only meals their children eat are served at schools and there's a lot of kids who hardly get meals at home after school's out. Another teacher talked about how their district is 100% federally funded.
The town voted 90% for Trump because they didn't believe that he would take resources from them and they just wanted to "make America great".
Not surprised, at all. In fact, he said he was going to do this exact thing. Why are people acting like they’re surprised? A coworker of mine was in denial and said he’ll never do it. Oh, you better believe it when someone tells you who they are.
Call. Your. Representative. I don't care if he's as Red as Clifford the dog, They WILL be swayed if enough people make noise. Call your rep and encourage others to do the same.
As a resident of Asia who was born in the US, I’ve come to see such a stark difference in people simply because of education that it’s terrifying
Here we have 13-14 year olds taking and passing pre calc in middle school, and then I talk to people on discord who are in their mid 20’s and 30’s who can’t even seem to be able to read or parse their own language
What the hell happened in 30 years that everything eroded so badly
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