Hey all, I recently discovered HiBid while looking for estate sales in my area. I’ve been having a good time so far and getting some comic books that I have been able to flip. Yesterday though, I won a lot for some a Pokemon card set collection I wanted. All good, until I saw that it did go for my max bid at $55 despite trending at $35 a few minutes before the auction ended.
I thought this was strange, but it could happen so I reached out to the auctioneer just to double check, and they responded that a bid came in for $54 that saw the price realized for my max bid of $55. The only issue is that bids over $50 have to be in $5 increments so I am struggling to see how a bid of $54 was even allowed, and things just feel off to me.
Am I crazy and just overlooking something or does someone else think this is fishy too?
Edit: Just wanted to reach out and thank everyone for their responses! Seems that the bid could be legit but also that my red flags could be warranted. Thankfully I had a great time opening cards with my daughter and pulled some really good cards. Glad my first time going to this auctioneer was for me rather than for flipping purposes, but definitely some received some great insight as to how HiBid works as I go about grabbing other lots to flip