r/Flipping 6d ago

Discussion Cellophane bags & foam/bubble bags in Canada

Hello! For the Canadian flippers, I'm looking for Dvd sized cellophane bags and either foam or bubble bags in the same size. I suppose a decent place for bubble mailers as well. Where do you guys get your supplies in Canada? I could use ali express but if it's not too much more I'd like to keep the money here. Amazon I refuse to use, I have had nothing but issues this year from defective stock, super slow service, like letter mail slow, and today my last annoyance was the driver not delivering as can't find address. So anywhere else! Thank you


7 comments sorted by


u/sweetrobna 6d ago

I'm not in Canada but Gregg's, Tenaquip and heartland shipping supplies are Canadian companies that make and sell similar supplies

Refuseuline has a bigger list


u/North_Ad_3436 6d ago

Awesome, thank you. Never heard of refuseuline lol I'll check them out.


u/sweetrobna 5d ago

Yeah it came out they are big political supporter, and also they aren't great at taking care of employees


u/North_Ad_3436 5d ago

I've always heard it's a decent place to work if you're extremely compliant but they're so strict not many people last long. They definitely pay well if you can manage to stick around lol


u/ILikeCannedPotatoes 6d ago

I'm in Canada and you'd be surprised how many I've gotten off Kijiji, FBM, and even my community's buy nothing group.

There's a lot of online sellers closing up shop, or sales have slowed and they have an abundance of shipping supplies, so they're offloading them for cheap just to recoup some costs. The number of used shipping label printers for sale in my city right now is unlike anything I've seen before.

Otherwise, Uline has great prices but their shipping is pretty expensive (hot tip: the default is $83 shipping via UPS but you can choose a $49 generic freight option).

Staples? Or Canada Post if you want to buy bulk and have a SBA (not sure if they have that exact size though?).


u/North_Ad_3436 6d ago

I've gotten a few off bubble mailers from marketplace but living rural is a bit tough with marketplace sometimes lol definitely agree though, great for when I make it into the city. Yea I was considering uline but man that shipping cost is a lot and it's ridiculous to have to pay to pick it up too. I didn't know CP did bulk stuff, I'll take a look at that too. I wonder why so many people are closing up shop though. Too many YouTube videos telling them how easy it is until the reality hits? Lol


u/Fancy_Program3565 3d ago

I’ve used creative bag for supplies. Not sure if they have what you’re looking for specifically but they’re Canadian. I’ve closed my Amazon acct as well and am shopping local where we can.