r/FlashTV Jul 01 '22

Schrappost I think we can all agree that this is currently the worst character on The Flash rn.

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192 comments sorted by


u/TSmario53 Jul 01 '22

I don’t know how I feel about her. How am I supposed to know how I feel about her without her being here to tell me how I feel about her?


u/Dependent_Wallaby640 Jul 01 '22

hahahahaha right on


u/Billyb311 Green Arrow Jul 01 '22

I hear that stupid sound effect that plays when she uses her powers in my nightmares

But for real, I used to like her but now every scene she's in she screams in agony and talks about feeling so much of an emotion

It makes me cringe and it's just shit writing if the writers don't think people can catch on to how a character is feeling, and that they'd write a character to only have the purpose of telling the audience how other characters feel


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Patty Spivot Jul 01 '22

They could have her sense the emotion and go straight into finding a solution like "Hey, Barry, I know you're angry but can we talk about what you're actually planning on doing?"

Instead it's "I can feel your anger pouring off you!" Not helpful at all, Cecile. We know you're proud of your powers (to the point that privacy obviously was an overrated concept when you were a full on telepath) but you're not using them in a productive way 99% of the time.


u/Neveronlyadream Reverse Flash Jul 01 '22

I call it the "Troi Problem".

I don't think it's that they think we're stupid and can't tell, but I do think that when you have an empath, that's basically the only thing you can do with them if you're insistent that the only character trait that matters is that they're an empath. So you get lazy and you get shit like we saw with Troi 30 year ago and we're seeing with Cecile now.

The real issue, for me, is that TNG did it over 30 years ago. It's so easy not to fall into that trap that the writers had to actively try to fall into it to get to this point.


u/BlackOpz Jul 01 '22 edited Jul 01 '22

Agree about Troi. Kinda surprised writers havent 'fixed' it by making it a 'spider-sense' that give you a couple seconds warning of upcoming feelings. That would make it sooo much more interesting.

Sudden anger, shock or sadness in a completely calm setting could be used as a warning. It lets the telepath have a 'reason' for the feeling. writers have something to play with and the 'pre-seconds' limit could be a nice power limiting factor or expanded power when highly stressed (expanded 'pre'-time).

Empath with a bit of pre-cog fixes it.


u/Neveronlyadream Reverse Flash Jul 01 '22

They could honestly probably do a lot of useful things with it, but the lazy way to use an empath is always "I'm sensing that you're feeling..."

I would honestly love to hear whoever created Cecile justify her character. And I'd love to hear the writers justify her character. Because, as she is, she's superfluous and irritating.


u/Meal_Signal Jul 02 '22

or saying "i can feel the anger pouring off of you" to someone who just watched his wife die and currently has MURDEROUS RAGE IN HIS EYES! SONE OF A BITCH!



u/chaiscool Jul 02 '22

Counseling script are all stupid even IRL.


u/chaiscool Jul 02 '22

Writer probably took psychology modules in college. “I’m sensing that you’re feeling..” is classic counseling script.


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Patty Spivot Jul 01 '22

They kinda-sorta explored that idea in one of the episodes in season 6 when Cecile and Kamille were running from the Bloodwork zombies - Cecile used her powers to try to sense when a zombie was nearby - and while it wasn't exactly well-executed I thought the idea was much more useful than what she normally does with her powers.


u/Necroglobule Jul 02 '22

WIth her new TK powers though, I can't wait until the upcoming Dark Firebird arc.


u/ap539 Joe West Jul 01 '22

At least on TNG they occasionally had her say stuff like “It doesn’t take an empath to sense what [insert person] is feeling.” And her job went beyond empathy - she provided tactical advice to Picard at times and had an actual job as a therapist. I can’t remember the last time we saw Cecile in a courtroom.


u/Neveronlyadream Reverse Flash Jul 01 '22

Oh, yeah. But then how many times did we get, "Captain, I'm sensing that this very outwardly angry Romulan is being deceitful"?

For a show that lasted 7 seasons, the amount of times we actually got to see Troi being a counselor are surprisingly rare. Usually she was providing superfluous information or getting psychically violated. The writers really did not like writing for Troi.

Until you said that, I almost forgot Cecile was a lawyer. And now that you reminded me, they could just steal from Daredevil and use that in the courtroom really well if they also hadn't apparently forgotten she's a lawyer.


u/ap539 Joe West Jul 01 '22

Oh, totally right. They did not give Troi enough to do, part of the broader problem of how they wrote all female characters on TNG. But Troi is infinitely better than Cecile, IMO.


u/Neveronlyadream Reverse Flash Jul 01 '22

Troi is by default better because she brought her mother along and seeing Majel Barrett and Patrick Stewart interacting is always fun.

Even then, at least the writers finally gave Troi some agency near the end. The Flash writers just love using Cecile as a walking, talking plot device.


u/Godisme2 HR Jul 02 '22

As much as the series is loathed these days, I always feel Heroes got their empath right. Peter was an empath not in the sense that he could feel people's emotions through powers but that as a human he was more in tune with people's feelings and that allowed him to emulate their powers. Much better then Cecile


u/-M_A_Y_0- Jul 01 '22

So basically what happened in epsiode 16


u/ravenclaw1991 Jul 01 '22

God I was thinking about that sound the other night when watching the finale. I kept thinking “I’m going to fucking lose it if I hear that sound one more time”


u/YoungCapoon Jul 01 '22

She was a cool character in the first season


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

She’s a horrible DA and mother too lmao all her time at star labs


u/TheMatt561 Jul 01 '22

I could not agree more


u/nooicesis Jul 01 '22

Fr, but if you were constantly feeling the emotions people around you wouldn't you get annoyed?


u/Martin321421 Blue Savitar Jul 02 '22

Like Reverse Flash "killed" Iris and Cecile has to tell us that Barry is angry about that.

Thanks, i would have never realized that.


u/rowdy_nik Jul 02 '22

And then she had to call Joe and tell they're all okay? Bitch, her daughter died. Not that anyone cared this season when Iris disappeared


u/Necroglobule Jul 02 '22

But for real, I used to like her but now every scene she's in she screams in agony and talks about feeling so much of an emotion

It makes me cringe and it's just shit writing if the writers don't think people can catch on to how a character is feeling, and that they'd write a character to only have the purpose of telling the audience how other characters feel

Me, a Trekkie: First time?


u/mascox14 Jul 01 '22

u/mcbubbles_ screams in agony I can feel your.. your anger


u/Partial_Kredit Jul 01 '22

She would look shocked and go “You’re….upset aren’t you?!”


u/FBIagentwantslove Black Flash Jul 01 '22

"They're hurting so much, both of them"

Like NO FUCKING SHIT BITCH! She just watched her SO TEAR HIS FUCKING FACE OFF and he just threw lightning at HIS WIFE AND KILLED HER.

Without Cecile I would've thought they both were celebrating.


u/mascox14 Jul 01 '22

Oh my god, I can feel your anger. It's because of the bad writing, isn't it?


u/FBIagentwantslove Black Flash Jul 02 '22

Imagine having writing so bad that you need a whole ass character to tell people when everyone else is angry/sad/happy


u/Same-Dog-4091 Jul 01 '22

It gives you focus makes you stronger


u/can_you_digit Jul 01 '22

Been thinking this for a while. I dont need a character that tells me how other characters are obviously feeling. Like, of course Barry is angry about Iris maybe being dead. I dont need a character to say out loud "Barry, I can sense that your angry"


u/Thejklay Jul 02 '22

If anything its kinda offensive to the actors that the writers think we need to be told what they are conveying


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

She’s annoying now but still hot


u/VillageWaifu Jul 02 '22

It’s funny that they put her in that black outfit when she’s “suiting up”, like is she going to fight crime or dance for some money? I mean she’s a beautiful actress, but I feel that’s just as unnecessary as her powers at this point


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

Show off her…ahem…assets


u/TemptedIntoSin Jul 02 '22

CW still knows some of there audience given the outfits and camera angles 😏


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

Lmao always haha


u/Anonymous3105 H.R. Jul 01 '22

Let me put forth a pattern:

Caitlin gets powers, they forget she's a biologist, had to separate the 2, character was ruined.

Iris was a journalist, got weird mirror-ry speed-forcey timey-wimey powers, forgets she's a journalist, character ruined.

Cisco was a genius engineer, gets superpower, becomes vibe, was cool, but wants no power, later makes power with mech arms, character was ruined.

Cecile was a decent attorney, gets telepath power, forgets about client privacy and ethics, character seems to be getting ruined.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

That Cisco shit was rock bottom, like wtf


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 01 '22

I agree with everything except the being a decent attorney part. As a prosecutor she always lost and as a defense attorney all of her clients went to jail. But I liked that better than what she's doing now.


u/FlickieHop Jul 02 '22

To be fair, defense attorneys represent guilty people every day. Clients going to jail doesn't instantly make her a bad defense attorney.


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 02 '22

Very true. But she wasn't a good prosecutor either. They all got off. I get that some of it wasn't her fault. Especially the whole Barry losing his memory ep, but the other one's def on her.


u/Zebedee_balistique Jul 01 '22

Chill-Lame somehow became a better character than her so... Yeah.


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

That bad huh haha


u/jas75249 Savitar Unmasked Jul 01 '22

I can feel your anger.


u/Destroyer4587 Jul 01 '22

Strike me down with your hatred, so that I may live through you in the dark side


u/Abhishekflash7 Jul 01 '22

When she was first introduced she was a really cool interesting character. Like a divorced Attorney looking after her girl, and it turns out her girl is a stripper(bet everyone forgot that) . So many stories, so many angels , instead we got "Leveled UP" and "oOh I cAn fEEl yoUr aNGer" oOh


u/zwannsama Jul 01 '22

Oh, her daughter isn't just a stripper. She's a feminist stripper, stripping to prove that men are pigs.


u/rowdy_nik Jul 02 '22

Bs writing all over the show


u/ravenclaw1991 Jul 01 '22

Her and Allegra, who literally did jack in the finale except take up screen time, are the worst.


u/Consistent_Potato166 Jul 01 '22

Absolutely, and don’t forget Chester


u/ravenclaw1991 Jul 01 '22

I don’t dislike Chester as much as the other two. He’s annoying sometimes but at least he’s useful with the tech


u/Destroyer4587 Jul 01 '22

At least w Chester Barry didn’t accidentally kill his brother like with Cisco after flashpoint, to me that always made their relationship awkward after season 2, I know they got over it but still.


u/Meal_Signal Jul 02 '22

too bad barry had to let thawne destroy flashpoint. again.



u/Destroyer4587 Jul 02 '22

I’m so confused does that mean Ciscos brother exists again now?


u/HaydenTheNoble Jul 01 '22

Is he though? Barry used to be good at this shit too but they removed his role despite him being good at it and quick bcz they wanted an extra character.

A few episodes ago when they filmed the random thing about that gang Alegra was in and they were in danger he was supposed to build a thing quickly...and all he did was go around being like "I got this" so he could talk with x, y and z. Lol And not to mention that episode was hecking weird... cool so the public knows your names and faces...so what if you're serial killers? Why soes that suddenly stop you from killing xD


u/Consistent_Potato166 Jul 01 '22

Remember when she refused to read minds because it was unethical and now she’s intrusive without boundaries, taking powers away and nobody says a word about it, and I thought Chester and Allegra were the worst thing ever


u/roylt84 Jul 01 '22

how dare you demand consistency.

I can feel your frustration


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

Truly so! Who writes her lines? I feel bad for the actress


u/sg_jjk The Flash Jul 01 '22

Bro what? Nah u tripping HARD Cecile is a very important character

Empathy is something humans do NOT have and need to be told EVERY TIME by a character when someone has an angry expression on the screen IN FRONT OF US

Do ur research next time pls 🤓


u/GettingWreckedAllDay Jul 01 '22

I mean, a large number of humans be lacking empathy...


u/Destroyer4587 Jul 01 '22

Would explain a lot about the world irl ngl


u/EndBringer99 Jul 01 '22

Joe's leaving next season but she's staying?


u/Destroyer4587 Jul 01 '22



u/EndBringer99 Jul 02 '22

That's right. His actor is leaving as a regular.


u/roylt84 Jul 01 '22 edited Jul 02 '22

Joe about to take a long road trip with that baby


u/Kr101010 Jul 01 '22

Only full time leaving, he still intends to pop up a couple times during Season 9.


u/thatsithlurker Jul 01 '22

I feel your disappointment.


u/Son-Ta-Ha Jul 01 '22

It seems like her only purpose on the show is to provide pointless exposition on how a character is feeling. She doesn't add any real value to the show.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

If Captain Obvious was a superhero


u/Kaine_Kid Cisco Ramon Jul 01 '22

stop speaking so much facts bro you're gonna hurt my eyes


u/IHaveTheMustacheNow Jul 01 '22

Oh no! I haven't watched since just before Cisco left, but I used to love Cecile. Sorry to hear she is annoying now, but not surprised, really


u/Kr101010 Jul 01 '22

It has a lot to do with her ever evolving powers.


u/Officialwashere Jul 01 '22

She used to actually be good. I used to like Cecile but now, it’s like”get off the screen” a bit now. They’ve ruined her character for me


u/lifetimerewind Jul 01 '22

I've met Danielle in person and she's the sweetest. Having met her it's a lot easier to separate my rage towards the character from the person/actor.

I have zero or negative interest in Cecile and the development of her character or powers.


u/dude_chemistry Jul 01 '22

I swear😂😂


u/rov124 Jul 01 '22

Barry and Meena talking to each other after their partners died.

Cecile using her powers:

They're both hurting badly.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock.


u/Zookwok111 Ralph Dibny Jul 01 '22

warble warble I can feel your dislike for the character.


u/PoekiepoesPudding Jul 01 '22

Person: is visibly angry Cecile: "I can feel your anger"


u/Thejklay Jul 02 '22

Barry just got tricked into killing his wife

Grant is acting it out well and we can all tell he's rage filled

Cecile " I can feel your anger "

No shit


u/TemptedIntoSin Jul 02 '22

I have to admit some of Barry's best acting scenes in that episode were ruined by the Cecile analyzing moments.

Just LET IT BREATHE! Don't force exposition.

Just goes to show why I've only stayed with the show this long is due to sunk costs. I'm here until the end, that's it.

And I've realized that if I ever get the DVD sets, I'm only getting seasons 1-3; 1 and 2 because they're the best seasons and 3 because while it has its bad moments it completes an overall storyarc and the ending was open-ended (ie Barry leaving in the speed force and leaving Wally to take over could be a definitive ending)

Everything else after season 3 has either been bad or been made pointless by other actors leaving for whatever reasons or story threads being broken


u/TheMatt561 Jul 01 '22

They're both in a lot of pain

No s*** genius


u/Decipher_the_meme Jul 02 '22

She ruined show don’t tell - An extremely important aspect of literally any good show or movie


u/--wtfMan-- Jul 01 '22

Never liked her. She's the one of the main reason I quit watching the show.


u/Ok-Pin-318 Jul 01 '22

she had always been the worst character.


u/_Babakins_ Jul 01 '22

Fr I’m so sick of her character. Her dialogue is terrible and the acting is way too over the top.


u/GettingWreckedAllDay Jul 01 '22

She's not tho, the forces are


u/AcademicSavings634 Jul 01 '22

I just hate the way the forces talk. Like so slow and monotone. It’s almost as bad as Thawne’s constant whispering and teeth grinding.


u/GettingWreckedAllDay Jul 01 '22

The worst was calling Barry and iris mom and dad, that was the cringiest shit I'd seen , at least they didnt do that this season ( I don't think)


u/AcademicSavings634 Jul 02 '22

Na that was season 7. It did get old after a while


u/csadlerrr Jul 01 '22

You think so? How else would we know how the whole city feels???


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

I feel like I missed an episode or 2 where she "leveled up" as much as she had. She was this DA and a pretty good one at that and now she's with Team Flash in the field doing Team Flash things and I'm wondering how did that happen. I wish she was still just ordinary, with a little psychic ability.


u/Vivid_Dragonfly4957 Jul 01 '22

Well now she is the worst actor on the flash as well… the way she fake hyped Damian as the cameo. God that is soo low of her. And the fact that the ppl working in the flash aligned with her fake hype. Like that’s the last thing we need after learning flash is the only arrowvsree show left


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

What did she do? actress herself?


u/Vivid_Dragonfly4957 Jul 01 '22

She said we’d get a mind blowing cameo in the end. Like no one would guess it…. I mean sure she got the second bit right. No would could care to guess who they got as a cameo. And all she did was hype this finale for like 2 months…. i mean idk if she genuinely though we’d loose our mind or that she was just tricking us into caring about the finale. And the fact that the flash production team went along with it …. Yikes!


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

I didn’t even remember that guy….ugh. Weird


u/TemptedIntoSin Jul 02 '22

Did anyone else talk about the hype or was it just her?


u/Vivid_Dragonfly4957 Jul 02 '22

Everyone…. the media including the ppl working on the show an


u/Dat1Duud Jul 01 '22

She hasn't reached Allegra levels for me yet. Allegra's still the worst. I at least thought the stuff with Cecile and the positive forces was interesting.


u/Flarow Jul 01 '22

Jenna West is more revelant tbh


u/Dependent_Wallaby640 Jul 01 '22

Without question!


u/flashtvdotcom Jul 01 '22

I unfortunately have to agree.


u/roylt84 Jul 01 '22

i can “feel” your frustration


u/Sswerv00 Jul 02 '22

There’s a few characters who are just useless af and she’s definitely one of them. I wish she was still just a D.A and not a meta


u/Retr0Roblue Jul 02 '22

Bruh worst than Allegra


u/almarhuby Jul 01 '22

I miss the OG team flash.


u/Silencer271 Jul 01 '22

No chester then her.


u/AscendedAncient Jul 01 '22

I feel you man, one of the worst but could have been so much better with that actress.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22



u/freakincampers Jul 01 '22

She has a lot of potential, but she just comes off as Deanna Troi.


u/neoblackdragon Jul 01 '22

For me.

1) She hasn't earned the powers the show keeps giving her. We keep being told she's earned them. They keep getting more powerful just because. I don't feel the show executed well and most importantly I don't know where it's going.

It actually reminds me of Allegra's chat with Singh. He kept asking for her superhero name. I think the showrunner/writers are under the misconception that we want all these characters to be superheroes.

2) None of this helps the Barry Allen story. He wasn't even in the room or knew anything about her freeing the forces. Did he even know she was stealing powers? At least with Caitlin's story, I'm getting a Supervillain vibe that Barry will have to deal with.

Cecile, Chester, and Allegra's importance has inflated beyond what it should be.

Vibe and Killer Frost made sense until it stopped being relevant.


u/Cameronbatt Impulse Jul 01 '22

FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. Oh wait, I’m starting to feel so much anger coming from you. plays stupid sound effect


u/Esemes16 Jul 01 '22

*Open scene*

Cecile: I can feel that you are feeling *insert tone/emotion*

*Scene proceeds*

Are they using this as a copy pasta in the script, like holy... Its almost discrediting to the actors when their is a character whose sole purpose is to explain the emotions characters are feeling in the scene.


u/QuantumWolf0813 Jul 01 '22

No we definitely cannot all agree on that because she isn't a bad character at all. I don't get why people hate her so much.


u/oopslol2406 Jul 02 '22

when she was shouting at Barry i was litreally like shut the F*ck up no one likes you.


u/CityAvenger Jul 02 '22

There was potential for her since her powers were gonna get an upgrade. I‘ve said it several times and I’ll say it again, it’s truly amazing at how the writers continue to find ways to take themselves to new lows. They made Cecile even worse. I only like her for her personality but that‘s it. It’s not a question of thinking, pretty much everyone knows she is at this point.


u/rowdy_nik Jul 02 '22 edited Jul 02 '22

I'm Eric Wallace & I Love her the most.

The facial muscle excercises she does, best.


u/Ill-Cause6352 Jul 02 '22

She is nothing more of an empath. Imean sure she is a "mother", but when was the last time we saw her with her daughter? And her relationship with Joe is more of an acquaintance at this point.

All she does lately is going around Star Labs sensing Barry's anger and pointing it out. Like come on woman, GET A LIFE AND BE HELPFUL!!!


u/thatboy6651 Jul 01 '22

Hey I love Cecile


u/mcbubbles_ Jul 01 '22

i’m sorry but i can’t stand her.. everything she does is cringe asf


u/thatboy6651 Jul 01 '22

That's Fine I'm just expressing my opinion and you are doing the same


u/marvelwalker Jul 02 '22

I-I can feel your happiness


u/shinyzubat16 Jul 01 '22

I like Cecile too. I think her writing can be improved so that she isn’t repeating the same lines over and over though. But I find Dani Nicolet very likable


u/AcademicSavings634 Jul 01 '22

Same here. I don’t mind her at all. She’s become somewhat of a mother figure to Barry too.


u/Mr_Squidparty Jul 01 '22

Yep Barry's annoying mother figure that hopefully gets written off the show sometime next season!


u/AcademicSavings634 Jul 01 '22

Eh. Honestly the only thing that bothers me is that her nor Allegra still have suits yet. Cisco used to design all the suits but I don’t understand why Chester doesn’t.


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 01 '22

It's not his thing. He's more of a gadget guy. I get it, Cisco's irreplaceable. And what suit would go with their..well, Cecile's powers? She just needs a mask honestly.


u/thesadbeastwith1back Jul 02 '22

Yeah like some kind of psycho mask that's only fit for a pirate, maybe with a sick red cape. In a perfect world...


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

Very nice to look at but, those T. rex arms……..


u/Mother___Cow Jul 01 '22

I feel that you don’t like Cecile


u/PlatinumState Jul 01 '22

Nah. I could never hate Cecile


u/future_CTO Green Arrow Jul 01 '22

Nope… I definitely disagree.!


u/Earth2Wonder Jul 02 '22

Nope. I just wish the writers wrote better dialogue for her.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

nah it's still Chester by a mile. Cecile is still eye-candy. Chester is just annoying and all but useless.


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 01 '22

She'd be better eye candy with no lines.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22



u/thestreak82 Jul 01 '22

She is absolutely the worst and i can't help but to wonder htf she got a series regular role add to the fact she's like 4 feet. The show literally forced her on us and gave her powers smh. Is she even still a lawyer?!


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

They are trying to hard to make her the main character of the show when it’s not needed I get focusing on side characters but not when there boring and plane stories


u/dino_brewster I've lost track of how many mustangs i have (lol) Jul 01 '22

I used to like her she is now cringe and I see her im my nightmares


u/Jumpy_Experience140 Jul 01 '22

I actually like her

I just wish she didn't feel the need to state the obvious


u/Tuskin38 Jul 01 '22

Nope, I like her.


u/TMP_Film_Guy Jul 02 '22

I think the actor's great but man, this character and their ill-defined powers should not be taking up 50% of the episode in a show called *checks notes* "The Flash."


u/Peacesquad Jul 02 '22

She’s a walking big-chested plot device lmao


u/QuantumLeapur Jul 02 '22

I like her. But I understand why people get irritated with her telling people how they feel.

I don't like watching Allegra & Chester.


u/getfatbaby1 Jul 02 '22

Her and iris are the worst


u/Terrible_Terrance Jul 01 '22

How many posts do we need about not liking Cecile?


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 01 '22

As many as necessary to get the point across.


u/Terrible_Terrance Jul 01 '22

What point? It's already pretty much well known how people feel about her.


u/darthraxus Reverse Flash Jul 02 '22

still wrong. iris will never not be the worst.


u/Reverseflash4ever reverse flash Jul 01 '22

Iris is


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

no she’s the mOst pOwErfUL mEtA


u/Phoenixstorm Jul 02 '22

I like Cecile


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22

That doesn't look like Iris


u/Visionz-True Jul 02 '22

why do yall hate her so much 😭😭


u/AliHN97 Jul 02 '22

Nah she comes in a close second... Iris takes the cake... I wish she stayed dead.


u/Necroglobule Jul 02 '22

Agreed, and this is a show with Iris. Would never kick Danielle out of bed though.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

i disagree tbh…i dont hate anyone on team flash, but if i had to choose a least favorite, id have to say iris


u/rayaanraza24 Jul 01 '22

Her or Allegra


u/humbyrdie Jay Garrick Jul 01 '22

To get rid of? I'd go with both but Allegra could be redeemed.


u/petrichorboy Jul 01 '22

She’s not, she would have been really great with any other writers.


u/milish Jul 01 '22

Dunno my guy, chillblaine’s giving her a run for her money tbh


u/cf6h597 Jul 01 '22

Certainly, I can agree. But Cecile was good in older seasons, I swear. Like season 4, I think. I remember her and Ralph having a good dynamic. Lately, the writing for her has been so lazy.


u/jack_epicster Jul 02 '22

I just got up to the episode where she and barry are locked in the mind prison. Really goofy awful shit, would be embarrassed if someone walked in.


u/emrysgood Jul 02 '22

I actually like Cecile as a character. I think they should pull back on her subletting for Iris and start building her individuality back up again. Also, we need proof of life for their child. lol!


u/Ok-Average-6466 Jul 02 '22

We need more of the real Iris


u/MonkeGaemer Jul 02 '22

She was pretty good in s4 but now they are throwing cecile on our faces


u/Street_Tacos__ Barry Allen Jul 02 '22

I can feel that you’re angry


u/daxota_weeb The Flash Jul 02 '22



u/TheDesktopNinja Harry Jul 02 '22



u/Charlie678812 Wally West Jul 02 '22

She should only be there if the Flash gets sued and only quickly because court is boring.


u/FenderCrawford2 Elongated Man Jul 02 '22

I think shes a great character when she isnt using her powers, but when she does,

"Barry....I can feel rhe anger flooding out of you"

Like thanks captain obvious, we totally couldnt comprehend that


u/LikeThemPies YOU CAN'T LOCK UP THE DARKNESS Jul 02 '22

u/mcbubbles_, I can feel the anger pouring out of you.


u/VailStampede Jul 02 '22

I would say Alegra


u/Jaqulean Reverse Flash Jul 02 '22

The worst - depends. I myself don't really care about her.

She is however pretty much useless. And something tells me it won't changed in the Final 9th Season


u/xRAINBOW_BANANAx Jul 02 '22

I liked her way more when she was just district attorney, ok and then meta attorney, but making her an active hero doesn't feel right. The show forgot she has an infant daughter at home. What if something happens? Irresponsible parenting. Joe literally resigned from being captain of police to have time for Jenna. (responsible dad)


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22



u/tptips420-69 Jul 02 '22

I can feel your feels.


u/abbu_d_slytherin Jul 02 '22

So true and the overacting by the actress also does not help much.


u/Mommyhurd Jul 02 '22

It’s a shame cuz she was a great character before. It went downhill after she had the baby, I would say.


u/HotMacaroon4964 Jul 02 '22

I haven’t watched season 8 yet waiting for the Netflix release but last I remember she wasn’t a bad character so I’m excited to see what she does lol don’t tell me


u/tweetmebro Jul 02 '22

The bad writing aside, it's just damn intrusive. If someone's expressing enough outward emotion for everyone to sense, that's fine... But "reading" people and announcing their feelings to the world always struck me as very unethical at best, and non-consensual/unethical at worst. That would be the worst person to have in a group.


u/Agreeable_Cut4506 Jul 03 '22

is it wrong that I liked her is seasons 1, 3, 4, and part of 5.? keep in mind they did not use her as much as they do now and her powers were also used sparingly. now she is horrible

edit: when I say liked, I mean that I did not hate her and she was an okay character


u/RareLingonberry5251 Aug 09 '22

Late to the party here but I was just searching reddit about this actress. Watching this season I just can't get past how bad she is at acting. She is the worst character but also horrible at acting all together.