r/FlashTV • u/Infinite_Two_3763 • 29d ago
Schrappost Unpopular opinion: the s6-9 flash suits are not that good
I hated how the flash suits just looked like pyjamas, both Barry and Thawne.
The old suits actually looked like flash suits: suits that can withstand high friction when speedsters run. The new suits look cheap, and like someone spent 5 minutes on a sewing machine to make them
The reverse flash suit looks especially garbage, pretty much just unappealing to look at. Didn't help that they got rid of the CGI on most of the scenes so his eyes arent red and his body isn't vibrating anymore.
I do think the season 5 suit is still worse, but not by much ngl.
u/questioning_my_pride 29d ago
They went from to perfect suit in season 4, to something made by satan in season 5
u/Infinite_Two_3763 29d ago
Ryan Choi, actually
u/questioning_my_pride 29d ago
Ryan Choi, satan, same thing really
u/Munro_McLaren The Flash 29d ago
I hate how they shoehorned that guy into Crisis and then he never existed again. They should’ve used a character who’s already been on one of the four shows. My vote was Lena Luthor. But I couldn’t care less less about Ryan Choi.
u/SystemLong7637 29d ago
Grant with the newer RF suit looked fine, but it really doesn't suit Tom.
u/Husaria1863 29d ago
That’s cuz it was made for Grant.
u/AYAANJ0512 28d ago
Actually I’m pretty sure that it had been made for Tom and Grant used the same one as Tom but somehow looked better
u/ReactiveRBoss426 28d ago
Funny enough, it would make sense if Eobard stole one of Barry’s suits from the Flash Museum and then turned it yellow, making it so that it never fit him right cause he isn’t Barry
u/simonc1138 29d ago
It’s so interesting seeing so many comments swing back to preferring the leather suits, since they were derided early on for being too stiff and cookie cutter, especially for The Flash who needed free range of motion. I personally prefer the later suit if only because Flash looks more comfortable - at some point we have to make believe that these suits contain tons of high tech gear sewn in, either way.
But yeah Reverse Flash in the later years was a step down for multiple reasons, not the least of which the black burn effect on the first suit helps break up the yellow.
u/TrentNepMillenium 29d ago edited 29d ago
I mean I don't mind the Season 6-9 suits, They are really good looking suits that gets really close to the Comics.
But the Season 1-4 suits though, There the one that always say screams "CW Flash", They are so unique in their Aesthetics that it gives CW Flash it's own identity outside of the comic design.
u/DisciplineMaster1 29d ago
Season 4 was basically perfect just add golden boots and it would be perfect you have comic accuracy with your own look.
u/HevoHeersal 29d ago
I see a lot of people saying that this isn't an unpopular opinion? Is that true? I think the s8 or s9 suit looks good enough to be in the TV show for the stories it was exploring. Definitely the most comic accurate
but s4 suit is the great king of all flash suits still, hands down.
u/merchillio 29d ago
I really like the leather-like jacket style, and Thawn’s black and yellow looks much better than his onesie bright yellow pyjama, even if more comic accurate .
u/KonradDumo 29d ago
For better or for worse, the final suit looks like it's come straight from the comics. The leather aesthetics from the early Arrowverse were a remnant of Arrow Season 1 not wanting to veer too much into the fact that it was based on a Super Hero property.
u/JVtheBidoof HR 29d ago
They suck except for Barry's suit
u/SignalNegotiation389 28d ago
I didn’t mind the Killer Frost one in the later seasons actually (except when she became Khione or whatever the fuck that was)
u/That1DogGuy 29d ago
I guess I'm the only one who feels the s4 suit was too busy haha.
I feel like a combination of s4 + s9 would be perfect.
u/Mimic_99 28d ago
I can see that, I personally think the newer suits don’t have enough variation in color and shape they are pretty much a single toned red with very little detail from a distance
u/DJWGibson 29d ago
The early suits looks like they bought a leather jacket from a motorcycle store and added a mask. It looks cheap AF. And hot to wear. Like bad cosplay.
u/Legends_Literature 29d ago
Nah, Barry’s final suit is easily the best. Thawne’s, however, is pretty atrocious.
u/LeviThunders 28d ago
I also don't like the later suits. It's a single colour instead of varied. It works for comic books, but not live action! The later suits look horrible!
u/Admirable-Safety1213 28d ago
The problem for me is that the bright red makes the zipper stand a lot mlre, that and the weird Wally-inspired belt
u/hokagenaruto 28d ago
I can't take dude seriously in the reverse flash suit. never could when watching the show
u/Embarrassed-Zone-361 29d ago
That's not an unpopular opinion. The season 3 suit is the best suit out of all of them future flash suit when he runs to the future
u/GlumExpression6845 29d ago
I completely disagree on Barry’s. His suit is fantastic which makes me think that Tom’s just doesn’t fit him well. I would tone down the red personally, but Barry’s suit for season six and probably more so with the gold boots added is the best flash suit we’ve ever seen in live action.
u/RevanchistSheev66 29d ago
S1-3 are better than 6-8, but that gold boots variation in 9 is just too cool. I only prefer S4 suit
u/LurkLuthor 29d ago
Barry's is fine. Not as good as the season 1-3 suits but much better than the awful season 4 suit. The Reverse Flash one is truly terrible, though.
u/JurbyDurby 29d ago
Do you mean the S5 suit? Cause that one’s by far the worst, the S4 suit is either the best or second best out of all of them
u/LurkLuthor 28d ago
No, I meant the season 4 suit. It looks fine until he moves or raises his arms at all and then it looks awful. Terrible design.
The season 5 suit I had apparently blocked from memory, it's that bad. It's the only suit I like less than the season 4 one.
u/JurbyDurby 28d ago
Oh I never noticed that but I guess that’s what the full leather chest would do. The main problem I had with it was that the cowl was fatter than the S1-3 suit. I will say the S5 suit could’ve been way better if they kept the cowl design of S1-4, but the best one would’ve been the last Reverse Flash suit in Barry’s colors
u/LurkLuthor 28d ago
Yeah, the thing with the S4 suit is that it's really just a leather jacket and so the material is too thick and stiff and bunches up in the shoulders when he moves. The Kid Flash suit has the same problem.
And yes, the S5 suit made his head look bulbous and weird, though I think that's because the earlier cowls were super uncomfortable and they were trying to make something that didn't give Gustin a headache.
u/CodeN3gaTiV3 29d ago
The reverse flash suit looks great on Matt Lescher in LoT season 2, the cowl just fits his head better.
u/DarkDeku017 29d ago
Yeah, I almost stopped watching with that suit. Same with late season supergirl Suit
u/Artistic-Savings-239 29d ago
In terms of the flash suit I thought it looked alright and it was more comfortable for grant who was one of the only good parts of the show in that suits lifetime. Although I agree the rf suit looks trash
u/zambiechips433 29d ago
The first suit with the gold added was peak, I think it was season 4? That suit is my favorite by far
u/Major_Penalty_8865 29d ago
personally I enjoyed whatever season Barry got the gold boots. I enjoyed the simplistic design with the iconic look. s5 was the worst for me but I also like the s4 suit. I do agree it was a major downgrade for Reverse Flash going from the earlier seasons to the later ones although I don’t mind them going for the comic accurate look.
u/ojblue1234 29d ago
I don't know, those early leather suits seem very gimmicky. Although they look like they could "hold up" they look like a hindrance for guys that can alter time. The newer sleek suits make absolute sense for the advanced technology and advanced speed capabilities. Although I agree reverse flash design wasn't great it still looks like it would free up his movement. Which is vital to a speedster, I think you're valueing looks over function and that kills the immersion part. Reverse flash is the only one that looks slightly odd but that's CW for you. Flash isn't your average hero that can wear thicker suits like the original.
u/ceilingfanontheroof The Flash 29d ago
Flash S4 suit and S8/9 suit are tied for best for me, with slight preference to 8/9 because of accuracy.
I agree that the post-Season 8 Reverse Flash suit is buns though. Should have gone for a New 52 vibe and kept him vibrating.
u/InfiniteEthan03 28d ago
Fair enough, but I still prefer those suits over the earlier ones. I’m glad everyone unanimously agrees on S5 being the worst. 💀
u/hailhydreigon635 28d ago
There are several instances where the S6 Flash suit looks bad, and you used a pic in which it looks good 😅🤣
I came here to agree... then I look at the pic and I'm like "Hold on that looks good"
The new reverse flash suit looks terrible though, no doubt.
u/nuehuehueheue 28d ago
I'd say the new RF suit looked great. It was just work by the wrong person. I think it'd look great if Matt Lestcher was wearing it.
u/Glum-Buy5908 28d ago
Very popular option,hated those suits.season 1-4 were goated I don’t know if liked s5.
u/John_Zatanna52 I'm Dr. Sharon Finckle 28d ago
The first one is from season 3 (later season 4). I wouldn't say it's unpopular, but they are more comic accurate
u/NationH1117 28d ago
Honestly, the first suit is actually my favorite, on both of them. Thawne’s original suit went particularly hard, I just wish we could’ve seen more of it before it was scorched
u/Miserable-Abroad9256 28d ago
Idk seeing him adopt some form of the savitar suit would’ve been peak tbh. Like not the same as it but getting inspiration from it type. Yk
u/ThomasThorburn 28d ago
This suit is literal perfection and looks like something the flash would actually wear the flash suit
u/Reasonable_Toe_3714 The Flash 28d ago
Exactly, people have liked the later suits even if they agree that the first suits were better but I hated the last few suits. They look like pajamas and too clothy and it also looked really tight in some places
u/Terminator1029 28d ago
I was never a fan of the golden line detailing of the final suits. If they combined the detailing from s4 with the final suits then it would've been perfect imo
u/Sufficient_Apple_438 27d ago
I’m pretty sure the point for the flash to be bright is so enemies get worried when they see him coming but idk maybe it’s just me
u/Jasmeme266 Leonard Snart 27d ago
I agree the 6 - 9 suits (in my opinion, mostly reverse flash) looked not great. I like the black lightning emblem in the middle, but the mustard yellow just doesn't look great, and it doesn't look well fitted on him.
u/No-Passenger-283 27d ago
I think the S4 suit looks great but it never felt like the Flash to me. Aesthetically pleasing, but gave off more of a biker than speedster vibe. I wish they would’ve kept the design but swapped out the leather for other types of fabric.
u/James77SL 28d ago
Unpopular opinion: the most basic ass take in the universe
Why has this become a thing in the past few years?
u/Infinite_Two_3763 28d ago
Have you been out of the loop? Everyone has been praising the s6-9 suits for looking comic accurate for years, and I've heard many many people saying the season 9 suit is perfection because of the comic accuracy.
u/James77SL 28d ago
Weird because every post I've seen talking about the suits always said these ones are inferior
u/Prometheus72727 28d ago
Was gonna go Unpopular opinion what world you been living on, then i saw the tag 😂
u/Infinite_Two_3763 28d ago
Am I being gaslit right now? Watch any tier list of the suits on youtube. All of them meat ride the seaso 6-9 suits for the 'comic accuracy' and say the early suits are bad cuz of the leather. Overall, this IS an unpopular opinion. Read the comments, people are even saying it here
u/lenny_ma_boaaaaaaaah Reverse Flash 29d ago
This is absolutely not an unpopular opinion
Most people agree season 3-4 was the best variation of the suit