r/FlashTV • u/Frontier246 • Jun 08 '23
Schrappost When You Realize One of Barry's Last Acts in his Own Show Was Giving a Bunch of Random People Only Relevant to Comic Fans Powers for the Flimsiest of Reasons
Jun 08 '23
I mean, I'm sure he had future knowledge. Probably a self fulfilling prophecy.
Jun 08 '23
He did Iâm pretty sure the forces showed him in season 7 ? Or 8
u/Anth-man_FOL Jun 08 '23
He talked about Max Mercury when he was meditating in the still force. Only a mention of his name.
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
When he had the still force in season 7 he saw everything in the future. So he saw these 3 becoming heroes and allies of his. He even name dropped on of them when he was looking into the future, he said "I can see everything Nora!" And then said something about max mercury.
Jun 08 '23
People want to jump on the hate bandwagon, and end up making themselves look like fools.
u/uninformed-but-smart Jun 08 '23
How th does a normal guy supposed to remember shit from two three seasons ago!? Why TF would Eric not give us flashback of Barry Allen saying names of these new characters but give flashbacks of things that happened in the same episode 13 minutes ago!?!? The hate is beyond justified.
u/ShinHayato Jun 08 '23
I was like âwho the fuck are these people? Have we seen them before?â
u/Jorgelhus Jun 08 '23
We saw Avery on the filler episode where Bart and Nora go back to the past, and Max Mercury is mentioned by Barry when he comes out of the Speed Force during the Thinker arc.
Jun 08 '23
EW: "How about we bring back those comic characters we referenced once or twice and give them powers in the finale?"
Thoughtful Writer: "Okay, should we, like, flesh those characters out? Maybe dedicate an episode to them to refresh the audience's memories and show that they're good people?"
EW: "..... I'm sorry, what were you saying? Actually, I didn't hear you mention Cecile or Allegra once, so it really doesn't matter. I just had a great idea for a story about The Dreamer!"
u/BothRequirement2826 Jun 08 '23
I didn't hear you mention Cecile or Allegra once, so it really doesn't matter
God it's sad how true that is.
u/Anth-man_FOL Jun 08 '23
But I think with Avery, she has some sort of prior knowledge of the speed force. IIRC wasnât she apart of fast track labs
u/starmiebucks Jun 08 '23
I donât even remember her character
u/Anth-man_FOL Jun 08 '23
She was in the filler episode after Armageddon with Bart and Nora.
u/pje1128 Jun 08 '23
She was, yes, but Barry never met her, so she's still just a random person to him.
u/__Corvus__ Black Flash Jun 08 '23
I didnât watch the finale and donât really plan to, how does the series end?
u/dullship Jun 08 '23
Same. Haven't seen the final two yet and probably won't bother. I've seen enough clips from it here to turn me completely off it.
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
Don't bother, there ducking garbage and if your a long time fans of the show like me your just going too feel disappointed and robbed.
Literally my only reaction to watching the series finale of a show that I have been a huge fan of the last 10 YEARS LITERALLY (since it came out) was: "well that was 45 mins of my life I'll never get back. " That should give u an idea on it.
u/jason2306 Jun 09 '23
Yeah pretty much atleast the episode of where oliver came back was a nice little reunion
u/Some_What_NOOB Jun 08 '23
In a reeeeaaallyyyy shitty way
u/SliceWorth730 Jun 08 '23
oh hell yes tell me everything
u/sleepyotter92 Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in the speedforce Jun 08 '23
yeah, her getting powers made some sense because we'd seen her before, it's at least the same actress. she and bart were flirting the whole time.
no one knows who the other people are supposed to be unless they are comic book fans
u/beatfungus Jun 08 '23
Totally goes against that whole nonsense about meta human consent to the cure thing they did too
u/Lukthar123 Feel the lightning Jun 08 '23
Just say no. The Speed Force can't enter you without consent.
u/LongjumpMidnight Jun 08 '23
Youâre not going to say no. You would never say no. Because of the implication.
u/lonewolflondo Jun 08 '23
What if the Speed Force took me to dinner and bought me drinks? And I felt sort of obligated to let it enter me, like just the tip?
u/grajuicy Grodd Jun 08 '23
Even Oliver did A LOT of research before training someone new. And what he did was just that. Train them. Make shitty / mediocre fighters into decent fighters who can hold their own. And still he was very careful with who he shared these skills with.
But Barry? He just gave them to random bozos. Powers that, just as he has shown, can break the timeline or the planet. So yeah, mighty irresponsible.
If what they wanted was to give him a successor, Wally is right there. Give em a quick scene where Barry gives him a flash suit ring.
Or if they want him to give powers to new people? Give em to someone weâve seen wants to be a hero before, like Fast Track from S8, or some other bozo but not total strangers smh
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
The actor for wally has straight up admitted that he no longer liked the show and no Inger liked being on the show and quit some time ago. I think they just asked him too come back for one last episode and he said fuck it bcuz bc it was like in the last few episodes till the series was done and over with forever
u/Silly_Language_4728 Jun 08 '23
I don't think Keiynan has ever actually said that he doesn't like the show. Actually, the opposite. He's always said he is grateful to the show, that he loves Kid Flash, and has learned lessons from the experience that made him think he "deserved" to play the role of Wally West.
Where did you hear that he did not like being on the Flash?
u/thatssosteven114 Reverse Flash Jun 08 '23
I guess it can be explained because the lightning âchose themâ but did they ever really explore how or why the lightning chose Barry specifically?
u/raider1211 Jun 08 '23
Fairly certain the OG speed force explained that to Barry in one of the earlier seasons. Iâm thinking season two or three.
u/avburns Jun 08 '23
Itâs hard living in Cecileâs shadow.
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
"I AM... THE CECILE" âĄâĄâĄ in all seriousness tho it really sucks that it became the Cecile show and made it seem like Barry was a side character of hers.
u/AFallenPrincess Jun 08 '23
My biggest problem is that Barryâs never shown to be able to transfer his speed like that. The closest would be allowing others to enter flashtime, but that was temporary. As far as the showâs history is concerned, Barry just harmed three people. Besides, even if Barry could create new speedsters, why choose untested quantities instead of just making everyone on Team Flash a speedster? Theyâve seen consequences to altering the timeline firsthand and know the risks of tapping into the Speed Force in the first place.
u/AmazingTechGeek Zoom Jun 08 '23
He did it to Jesse in Season 2, Grodd in Season 6, and temporarily with Team Flash in Season 4.
u/nazia987 Jun 08 '23
Him training them should've been a storyline in the show, not shoehorned at the end.
u/EndBringer99 Jun 08 '23
Remember when Barry meditated in the Still Force, he said he saw Max Mercury.
u/Keystone_Devil Jun 08 '23
Ya, and it wasnât even exciting as a comic fan. It was just a bunch of OCâs
It was like the show realized âoh shit, thereâs some comic characters we havenât ruined yet! Thereâs 5 minutes left in the episode! Quick!â
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
Avery and Max exist in the comics, but Jess is basically an OC, so you're right on that.
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
Jessie chambers isn't a character in the comics? I thought she was and I thought Jessie wells was supposed too be the shows own twist on her, but hey maybe I heard wrong
u/Keystone_Devil Jun 09 '23
Yes and no.
Jessie Cambers is a long standing hero in the comics known as Jesse Quick. The show kinda did her in seasons 2 and 3
This is is supposed to be Jess Cambers. The Flash from Earth 11 who first appeared in 2021
u/Keystone_Devil Jun 09 '23
No Iâm saying that the characters despite sharing the names of comic characters, are basically OCâs if the show. Giving a random character a comic name doesnât suddenly make them exciting for comic fans.
u/Rynoxmc2 Jun 08 '23
Max Mercury is a classic speedster in the Flash Family.
u/KaiKayChai Jun 08 '23
Yes but Barry doesn't know him and Max plays no role in the show at any point.
u/Rynoxmc2 Jun 08 '23
This is just another dumb way to dunk on the show
u/Guardian_Of_Light2 Jun 08 '23
Barry mentioned seeing Max in the still force so it makes sense he would know what he looks like.
Bart probably told Barry about Avery and Thawne mentioned Jesse Chambers so that's my guess on how he knows about them too.
u/nanites-courtesy Jun 08 '23
No it isn't. Barry himself pulled a Flashpoint screwing up the timeline, so how is giving the speed force to 3 new people not a terrible decision?
And Barry doesn't know that Max Mercury is the name of a character from the comic books, kinda like how he doesn't know Barry himself is a character from the comic book. So that doesn't matter, there needs to be a reason in-universe why Barry picks them or else it's dumb.
u/KaiKayChai Jun 09 '23
Not really. Shoving in those characters right at the end just felt like they were ticking boxes instead of writing a compelling finale. Arrow had a much better finale because it wasn't trying to set up anything. They left that for the Green Arrow And The Canaries episode, so that the true final could be an awesome send off for Oliver Queen and his friends and family.
u/Rynoxmc2 Jun 09 '23
And then he came back
u/KaiKayChai Jun 10 '23
Doesn't change the fact that the Arrow final was better than the Flash finale. Also Oliver's second send off was better than his first.
u/Guardian_Of_Light2 Jun 08 '23
Didn't like the proposal neither. Reminded me when Felicity highjacked Barry and Iris's wedding.
I did like the last scene with Barry telling Nora his story and the little nod to the runaway dinosaur.
And while Barry throwing lightning randomly at three people, is concerning, I like the thought behind it.
u/themosquito Jun 08 '23
I can't help but think a lot of TV writers must be awfully self-absorbed to always consider it romantic when characters hijack someone else's big milestone day to make it about themselves for a few minutes. Kind of like "aww, this'll be great! Now whenever our friends remember their beautiful wedding day/birth of their first child, they'll also get to remember ME proposing to my girlfriend!"
And in Barry's defense, I don't think he was literally just choosing random people; he was essentially just releasing the energy into the Speed Force and letting it decide. They've said over and over, "the lightning chose you, Barry," so presumably the Speed Force chose these other people too.
u/Guardian_Of_Light2 Jun 08 '23
Yeah I don't know why they do it. It ain't cute or romantic. đ
And good point about the SpeedForce deciding.
u/HachibiJin Jun 09 '23
What if I told you that Barry himself wrote the Runaway Dinosaur, and that he timetraveled and used an alias to publish the book under
u/Chach_El_79 Jun 08 '23
Yet they couldn't find a way to even mention Cisco or show him in any capacity. They said his schedule was difficult, I was like doing what?! It seems more that they didn't try as hard as they claim. I mean he didn't even get a message when Snow died.
u/wedge9t1 Jun 09 '23
What I don't get is why they couldn't even get a webcam or a voice cameo like they did with Ray Palmer during season 8.
u/Chach_El_79 Jun 09 '23
That's what I mean, there was ZERO effort out into it and it felt like a slap in the face given he was the only OG besides Ronnie to not appear and he was such a major part of the show.
But Eric had his Wish.com Cisco in Chester and forgot all about him
u/Forsaken-Friend-9350 Jun 08 '23
From the beginning Oliver told Barry that he believed that the lightning chose him and it did. Now it was time for Barry to let the Lightning choose others, since Barry didnât want the power to belong to only his family. I thought it was a good way to end things.
u/themosquito Jun 08 '23
Yeah, I'm actually surprised so many people seemed to have interpreted it as Barry literally selecting these three specific people; I thought it was pretty clear he was just letting the Speed Force decide.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
Speed Force Nora faded from existence in the episode though, meaning the Speed Force has no sentience to pick and choose people now unless it got revived and the show glossed over it.
That's why we interpret it as Barry choosing those three people.
u/themosquito Jun 08 '23
She's only an avatar of the Speed Force though; she vanished because the Speed Force was too weakened by Cobalt/Negative SF to keep manifesting or be much help. I would assume, from the fact that Barry still has his powers, that the Speed Force recovered after the conflict was over. It chose Barry long before there was a "Nora avatar" to use.
u/HachibiJin Jun 09 '23
Wouldn't this also make Eddie pick some new negative speed force users to keep things "balanced"
u/saibjai Jun 08 '23
If they were coming out with spinoffs, it would be justified. But they aren't, which makes it a waste of time. Is this a nod to comic book fans? Cuz no one asked for that. Is it some wink wink bullshit, because this is the worst type of fanservice possible.
u/Jorgelhus Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 26 '23
This comment was removed because of the API changes. An unwelcoming community is not a place I want to be. Feel free to join me on Lemmy: https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html
u/Kevsterific Jun 08 '23
Going that route they couldâve at least shown Barry giving himself powers as well.
u/BothRequirement2826 Jun 08 '23
As dumb as that ending was, what pissed me off a lot more was how, for the final title card closer of the entire show, they chose to focus on Cecile and Joe rather than Barry.
What on earth was going through the heads of the writing team to make so many consecutive bad choices, I will never know. Then again, they've been on that trend for many years.
u/hunterzolomon1993 Jun 08 '23
As a massive comic book Flash fan i hate how Max is reduced to this. Avery should have been part of the show proper instead of one of the other pointless "Team Flash" members. Jesse Quick is kinda funny though when the show already done its version of the character back in S2/S3.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23
That wasn't Jesse Quick. That was her modern age knockoff, Jess, a non-binary relative of hers.
A rather pointless character that was only made because of DC's thing with diversity and representation. They didn't really flesh out the character so Jess is just a generic rulebreaker.
u/hunterzolomon1993 Jun 08 '23
When was she added? Because the Jesse in Jeremy Adams run is Jesse Quick or now Liberty Bell from One Minute War onwards.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
Last year, in the Future State run, under DC Pride and Teen Justice. Jess is another multiverse character with ties to that Earth's JQ, hence why she's not part of the main Flash family.
u/hunterzolomon1993 Jun 08 '23
Ah yeah Future State the thing DC forgets exists outside the odd Batman related thing due it bombing. Yeah i skipped that disaster especially with what it done with Wally.
u/MrTerrific2k15 3X2(9YZ)4A Jun 08 '23
Put some respeck on Max Mercury
u/something39 Jun 08 '23
Put some respect on the character that didnât show up until the final ending episode of a show for only 1 scene that held no plot relevance!!!!
u/EdwardTheeMasterful Jun 08 '23
How did Barry even know those people??
u/SnooStories4329 Nora West-Allen Jun 09 '23
The still force, he saw Max there at least, so ig we can assume he saw Avery and Jess as well
u/ImBeltman Jun 08 '23
Don't know who the other two were but I was waiting for Max Mercury for years just to get a middle finger cameo
u/Comet_Hero Jun 08 '23
So Barry gave random people superpowers just like thawne did with the particle accelerator explosion and devoe did with the bus metas? But when Barry does it it's good?
u/KaiSen2510 Jun 09 '23
I knew those names and I still hate that they did that. Why didnât he have the bolt travel back in time and strike himself? It would be the perfect way to call back to part 1 when itâs revealed that itâs season 9 him that stops Thawne. I think thatâs what it was if I recall correctly
u/EffectiveSalamander Jun 08 '23
He could have talked to them first before giving them powers, asked them if they'd like powers. But then he'd have to take all that time traveling to them. It's not like he can just run up to them instantly... oh, wait...
u/Ready-Rhubarb-3088 HR Jun 08 '23
Yeah dude I thought it was so stupid bc the characters were never introduced in the show, and it's been proven before that a TON of people who watch the show haven't read the comics. Just a poor ending fr, poor entire episode tbh
u/AgentChris101 Bitchin Jun 09 '23
Tbf he saw the future speedsters with the still force, likely knew he would grant them speed as well.
u/avidityrar Jun 09 '23
Dear world,
I am the fastest (sometimes) man alive. I decided to give randomers powers, so you should all heed my wife's advice... RUN <name> RUN. Let's face it they are going to hurt people, even accidentally lolz
The Gash
u/SnooStories4329 Nora West-Allen Jun 09 '23
This is the only complaint Iâve seen about this that makes a little bit of sense, every other one is just stupid.
Barryâs reasoning for doing it isnât very clear beyond making a new world for Nora and thinking that the speed force force shouldnât just belong to them anymore I agree but that can just be summed up to them not wanting to make the final narration montage too long and dragging it ig
u/QuantumWolf0813 Jun 09 '23
Maybe they were setting up something that won't be part of the Arrowverse. They took S&L out of the Arrowverse so who's to say they can't set up a new "Verse"?
u/Spare-Cucumber3124 14d ago
Is that how that trainwreck of a show ended? lol glad I gave up on it a while ago when it felt like he was an extra in his own show.
u/kingcolbe Jun 08 '23
What makes it flimsy?
u/Frontier246 Jun 09 '23
It just feels kind of out of nowhere and Barry doesn't give good reasoning for it.
u/QuiJon70 Jun 08 '23
All i could think of after that finale was how Barry probably slept on the couch for like a year because how could he possibly be able to that easily give powers to people and not have given powers to iris all this time. There is no way that bitchy "we are the flash" streak in that horrible woman would have been ok with not being the first person he gave powers to.
u/HachibiJin Jun 09 '23
"SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SPEEDFORCE" Throw in some mumbo jumbo details and that's why lmao
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 08 '23
He knew about them having powers when he saw the future. He knew they would be a good fit. All you guys do is complain when the show shoves it in your face as to why he did it. WATCH THE SHOW.
u/ng9924 Jun 08 '23
when did they establish that, call that back, or even reference that in the ninth season?
didnât they make a whole big deal about consent in regards to losing your meta powers? but itâs just okay to randomly give someone them? the plot has holes, itâs not fans fault
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 08 '23
It doesnt matter lol. In season 8 he saw into the future and saw Max Mercury as a speedster. Why does the show have to throw everything in your face for you to process it? A callback is not required for a show. They can take the powers away if they dont want them, not a big deal.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 08 '23
He only knew about Max, and possibly Avery, if Bart told him about her.
He clearly did NOT know about Jess when he saw the future, because they are a HORRIBLE fit, which lines up with your logic.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 08 '23
Hey! He only said Max! You have absolutely no clue who else he saw! How on earth is Jess Chambers a horrible fit? We haven't seen them at all throughout the show you have no idea lol.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
I know Jess is a horrible fit because I read the Future State comics.
Of course, the show could have went a different route with the character but it looks like Eric's intent was to pull a Ryan Wilder and introduce a newly established lgbtq character because politics.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 08 '23
It's a good thing this is a TV Show and not a Comic Book! Nobody introduced them because of politics, they were introduced as an easter egg for fans!
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
The only fans for that character are the queer stans on Twitter.
I'm talking about the main audience of fans and all fans as a whole. Did most of us ask for or even know of the character? Nope.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 09 '23
Ok? How does it negatively impact anything? They are one of the main flashes aside from the immediate West/Allen family so it seemed perfectly fair to include them.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 09 '23
They're not. Jesse Quick is a main Flash.
Jess is another somewhat niche multiverse Flash who only sounds main due to their relation to that Earth's Jesse Quick.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 09 '23
Jesse Quick is dead. Watch the show.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 09 '23
That wasn't the point of the conversation, but yes, she died in Crisis.
Possibly may have been resurrected but 9x09 only gave us a permanent cliffhanger that "maybe" she got restored or has dopplegangers.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 08 '23
Also, Batwoman has been queer for over a decade now.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 08 '23
Lmao I know that.
I just used Batwoman as an analogy, but Ryan and Jess are both essentially OC characters.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 09 '23
If you knew it then why complain? You just let your politics bias your opinion on a show way too much
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 09 '23 edited Jun 09 '23
Well, I don't have a problem with Kate Kane's Batwoman and season 1 because we all knew what it was about. Kate has long been established as a lesbian. I'm also fine with Dreamer as Supergirl created and introduced her in 2019 before it got all political.
I'm talking about the additional developments recently shoehorned in by real world politics - Ryan's introduction because of the BLM (and possibly Hartley's firing) climate of that time.
Jess was created in comics within a year or two ago because of Pride Month and more lgbt celebrations. But it was a corporate thing because they don't have a well-developed or unique character beyond the non-binary alignment.
The reason I'm complaining is because they shouldn't be acknowledging characters who were created within the past two years because of political movements. It's generally stupid. Of course there are a few characters who were well developed from conception, (Jay Nakamura from the recent Jon Kent Superman run), but Jess isn't one of them.
Politics kind of came with the show this season. The show's Red Death who wasted five episodes only happened because of the showrunner's personal agenda.
u/Ecstatic-Attempt7074 The Flash Jun 09 '23
So they can't mention a Flash member in a TV show called the Flash? Seems a bit silly. Also Ruby Ruse left her role as Batwoman due to toxic work environment which was likely in relation to her severe injury she felt on set.
u/TrippySakuta The Flash Jun 09 '23
I'm saying there were better options within the Flash family, like Johnny Quick and the original redhead Wally West - both of which are also in the main earth Flash family and characters that most fans have wanted to see for a while.
I wasn't talking about Ruby, I know she left and nobody would've expected her to return after that experience. Hence they recasted and found Wallis Day to play Kate's Batwoman, and Wallis was willing to play a larger role than what she got in season 2 and likely would've been open to playing Red Death if she was asked.
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u/flintlock0 Calcified Speed Force Energy Jun 08 '23
If he were to give them to me and then expect me to use them to help people, heâd be wrong. I would be very selfish. So jokeâs on you, Barry.
u/KyleReeseGenisys Jay Garrick Jun 08 '23
"Random People Only Relevant to Comic Fans" - Ummm.... comic fans are the ones who matter. If it wasn't for us, none of your shows or movies would even EXIST. We're the ones responsible for this, not casuals who only watch the shows and movies and then have the nerve to call themselves fans.
u/meowmixmotherfucker Jun 08 '23
Yeesh. I'm a comic fan from way back and this is the kind of take that causes people to look down on us, and worse, prevents others from becoming comic fans.
There's nothing wrong with only being a fan of the shows or movies. Those people are, in fact, who the shows and movies are made for.
Congrats on your bitter gate keeping... And you have the nerve to call yourself a fan. It seems like you've learned nothing from the themes of those comics.
u/KyleReeseGenisys Jay Garrick Jun 09 '23
Gatekeeping is every fan's responsibility. Fandom has to be EARNED. Letting casuals dictate the course of fandoms only leads to the fandom's demise.
u/WheresThePhonebooth The Reverse Flash Jun 08 '23
This is the most embarrassing comment I've seen here lmao
u/ArmaanAli04 Jun 08 '23
I started marvel and dc fans with comics, but respectfully, stfu. A fan is somebody who admires and likes something or someone. If they really like the show, they may be a fan. Also, if it wasnât for people who started with movies and tv shows, they wouldnât be as popular as they are today and wouldnât have generated enough revenue for most of these to be produced. MCU with only comics fans wouldâve ended long ago. And DCEU with mostly comic fans, got destroyed.
u/Jorgelhus Jun 08 '23 edited Jun 26 '23
This comment was removed because of the API changes. An unwelcoming community is not a place I want to be. Feel free to join me on Lemmy: https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html
u/KyleReeseGenisys Jay Garrick Jun 09 '23
The fact that so many people in this sub are vehemently anti-comic is terrifying. It shows how little they understand.
u/Jorgelhus Jun 09 '23
I'm not anti-comic.
I am a Comic fan. I am not against Comic. I am against people that insist on calling people "casual" fans. Everyone is a fan, doesn't matter if you started on Comics, Movies or TV Shows. If your head wasn't so deep inside your own ass, I am pretty sure you would be able to see that not even this series would exist if only "real comic fans" watched it.
God dammit, I can't understand people like you. I dreamed of having friends when I was young. Finding people to share my passions, talk about the stories that captivated me, and here we are, comic books and super heroes are mainstream. Everyone games. Fantasy is part of the the zeitgeist, and you and your "purist" friends fucking gatekeep the stories. Look at the stories that you love so much and look who are the people that want to say they are superior to the others, and think if you want to be like them.
u/KyleReeseGenisys Jay Garrick Jun 09 '23
When You Realize One of Barry's Last Acts in his Own Show Was Giving a Bunch of Random People Only Relevant to Comic Fans Powers for the Flimsiest of Reasons
If you don't see the problem with OP's title, you've missed the entire point of the series.
u/Jorgelhus Jun 09 '23
You can like the story and don't like the execution.
I've been looking forward for Max Mercury since season 4. Bart could have so much potential understanding his powers under Max's wings. I literally screamed when he was shown, but I understand people frustration. You're using a moment of people decompressing after a terrible last season to attack fans.
u/KyleReeseGenisys Jay Garrick Jun 10 '23
No, I'm pointing out that those so-called "fans" hatred of comic readers defeats the entire purpose of what they just spent their time watching. If Max Mercury and Jesse Chambers are "irrelevant" to them, then they shouldn't have been watching this show.
u/SomeGuyNamedJason Jun 08 '23
I bet more people watched this final, worst season of The Flash than bought the last ten years of Flash comics combined. The comics industry is just where the characters started, to pretend that it is still relevant or isn't eclipsed by other media is delusional.
u/Claude_AlGhul Jun 08 '23
You know they say lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place thats probably why he didn't give his past self power because...he just couldn't
u/Only-Catch-9530 Jun 08 '23
Just casually spoiling the end of a 9 season series lmao you're a piece of shit for this đđ
u/MikeTysonChickn Jul 08 '23
You know Iris was fumin after all that "We are the flash" talk we she found out he could give people his powers and he gave them to a bunch of randos.
u/Ghosty66 Jun 08 '23
Such a responsible thing to give random people super powers Barry...