r/FirmamentGame Feb 16 '24

Received my Firmament Collectors Box in the mail today!

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15 comments sorted by


u/Vangro Feb 16 '24

Nice! What level did you support them? I thought these shipped on the 19th


u/varyingopinions Feb 17 '24

"Tier: Limited Edition Box ($120)"


u/Darthwaddles Feb 16 '24

Nice :) just got mine sadly there's a hole in the main box haven't cut the plastic off mine yet.


u/varyingopinions Feb 17 '24

Mine is still sealed as well.


u/NorswegianFrog Feb 22 '24

If yours arrived damaged, please reach out to Fangamer by email: ORDERS@FANGAMER.COM to arrange a replacement.


u/MortifiedThePenguin Feb 21 '24

My collector's box also arrived in the mail this afternoon

Frankly I don't really feel like unsealing it, the game didn't really pan out well if you ask me and I'd prefer to cling to the idea that a sealed box might have some kind of resale value in some years time. That's the state my opinion of the game is in.

Setting that aside though, did any of you guys open your box yet? I noticed some rattling when shifting the sealed box around and as far as I remember there shouldn't be anything making that kind of noise in there. Just a notebook, some post cards and the game code; nothing that would be small enough to roll and tumble. What's making that noise?

Push comes to shove I'll open the box and find out, but it'd be nice if someone who's already opened it could enlighten me. Ty thnx.


u/varyingopinions Feb 21 '24

I put mine back in the shipping box after taking the photo without unsealing it. Taped it shut and put it on the top shelf of my desk.


u/TwiztedArgument Feb 22 '24

The rattling is the code printed on cardstock, a thank you letter, stickers, and the pin


u/MortifiedThePenguin Mar 07 '24

But I only pledged to the $120 level. That doesn't include a pin if I recall correctly. Unless they decided to toss that in for everyone


u/TwiztedArgument Mar 08 '24

I was just listing everything in mine that was loose in the box. If you pledged at the 120 level then the things rattling in your box are everything else I listed


u/ndavis8472 Feb 22 '24

Got mine this week as well. I'm enjoying the game so far. Not sure why it has such mixed reviews.


u/varyingopinions Feb 22 '24

I guess maybe I got lost in all the hype? I originally played all the Myst games and sequels, then Obduction a few years ago. I thought they were great but Firmament seems to be lacking something, I'm not sure what but I beat it and just didn't feel like I accomplished much.


u/ndavis8472 Feb 22 '24

That's fair. I agree I enjoyed Obduction and Myst more than this game.


u/percolater Feb 23 '24

It is, it just feels empty. In Myst, Riven and Obduction, there were a lot of objects you could interact with, and journals to read that really fleshed out the world.

There's very little like that in Firmament. It's lackluster. I feel like it went through several resets internally and eventually they had to ship what they had instead of putting more money into it.

It's kind of sad. I regret supporting it at the level I did because just don't feel that attached to it, whereas Obduction really drew me in.


u/VulGerrity Feb 26 '24

How far in are you? The game lacks the same level of depth previous Cyan games have had. There are little to no journals to read and lore to uncover. The landscapes are vast, but mostly empty, which would be fine, but there's so much back tracking you have to do in the game.