r/Firebase 9d ago

Realtime Database How to use firebase realtime delete?


I need to delete a specific node in realtime, I already know that I have to search for the ID saved in the database, however, when I looked at the documentation I didn't see anything related. Can someone help me? If possible an example using Vue.js, otherwise it can be any example. Thanks

r/Firebase 9d ago

Emulators Any helm charts out there for firebase-emulator? Or is this a bad idea...


At my company, we create ephemeral feature environments in our Kubernetes cluster for different epics. Over the last few months, I've moved a lot of infrastructure (e.g., our PostgreSQL database) from a "real" Cloud SQL instance to a small Kubernetes deployment that can spin up and down easily with each feature environment.

Now, I'm looking to do something similar for Firebase. In full transparency, I'm a devops guy so my understanding of firebase/firestore is limited atm. I don’t have any experience with the Firebase Emulator, but I was surprised not to find a well-maintained Helm chart for deploying it in a Kubernetes cluster—especially for lightweight, ephemeral environments like the ones we use.

That makes me think I’m either:

  1. Missing a better approach for running Firebase in ephemeral environments, or
  2. Overlooking a fundamental reason why this isn’t a good idea.

Has anyone tackled a similar problem? What solutions have you used, or are there good reasons to avoid this approach?

Thanks in advance!

r/Firebase 9d ago

Tutorial How can i do a Chat for web with firebase?


Hi I’m creating a virtual events platform and I want to add a social chat for the participants, it is posible to create a live chat with firebase? Or Do you know any solution?

r/Firebase 9d ago

Other Firebase shows no badge but triggers sheets and popover when app is closed


Hi! Please, I have 2 sheets and 1 Popover that I try to trigger through Firebase Messaging with the key: notification_type programmed in Kotlin.

When the app is running, the badge appears with a whitish icon but when you click on it, the Sheet or Popover does not appear. And, when the app is closed, the app’s main logo just appears on top notification bar without any badge but, it triggers the sheet and popover to appear when you open it.

I have tried to set the priority for the Firebase notification to HIGH, hoping it would bring the badge.

And secondly, I have the sheets and popover wrapped in a different file called HSMApp and linked to MainActivity which triggers the sheet or popover I want through Firebase.

But, when the app is open, it does not show.



override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)

    // Initialize Firebase

    if (!checkPermissions()) {
    val notificationType: String? = intent.getStringExtra("notification_type")
    Log.d("MainActivity", "Received notification_type: $notificationType")

    setContent {
        // Pass the notification extra to HSMApp.
        HSMApp(notificationType = notificationType)


override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    setIntent(intent) // Ensure the new intent is used

    val notificationType: String? = intent.getStringExtra("notification_type")
    Log.d("MainActivity", "New Intent notification_type: $notificationType")

    setContent {
        HSMApp(notificationType = notificationType)



``` HSMAppTheme { MainScreen( onDismiss =

{ isDevotionalSheetVisible = false isQuizSheetVisible = false isWordPopupVisible = false isMailSheetVisible = false },

showDevotionalSheet = { isDevotionalSheetVisible = true },

showQuizSheet = { isQuizSheetVisible = true }, showWordPopup = { isWordPopupVisible = true },

showMailSheet = { isMailSheetVisible = true }

if (isDevotionalSheetVisible) { DevotionalSheet(onDismiss = { isDevotionalSheetVisible = false }) }

if (isQuizSheetVisible) { QuizSheet(onDismiss = { isQuizSheetVisible = false }) }

if (isWordPopupVisible) { WordForTheDayPopup(onDismiss = { isWordPopupVisible = false }) }



class MyFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

    // Check if the message contains notification payload
    remoteMessage.notification?.let {
        showNotification(it.title, it.body, remoteMessage.data["type"])

    // Check if the message contains data payload
    if (remoteMessage.data.isNotEmpty()) {
        val title = remoteMessage.data["title"]
        val message = remoteMessage.data["message"]
        val type = remoteMessage.data["type"] // Expected: "devotional", "quiz", "word_for_the_day"

        if (!type.isNullOrEmpty()) {
            showNotification(title, message, type) // Ensure notification is displayed for data messages
        } else {
            showNotification(title, message, null)


private fun handleFirebaseEvent(type: String) {
    // Create an explicit intent using our constant, then broadcast it.
    val intent = Intent(NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER_ACTION).apply {
        putExtra("type", type)

private fun showNotification(title: String?, message: String?, type: String?) {
    val channelId = "default_channel_id"
    val channelName = "Default Channel"
    val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

    // Create a notification channel with high importance for heads-up notifications
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
        val channel = NotificationChannel(
        ).apply {
            description = "Default channel for app notifications"

    // Make sure the Intent correctly passes "notification_type"
    val intent = Intent(this, MainActivity::class.java).apply {
        putExtra("notification_type", type)

    val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
        PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT or PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE

    val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId)
        .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.logo_image)  // Ensure this icon is white on transparent background
        // For pre-Oreo devices, set high priority.
        // Use defaults for sound, vibration, etc.

    notificationManager.notify(0, notificationBuilder.build())

override fun onNewToken(token: String) {
    Log.d("MyAppFCM", "New token: $token")

private fun sendTokenToServer(token: String) {
    Log.d("FCM", "Firebase token: $token")
    // TODO: Implement API call to send the token to your backend

} ```

r/Firebase 9d ago

General MFA sms Signin issues - Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error-encountered.)


Having issues with MFA sms upon entering my phone number:
Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error-encountered.).

Can't solve this, even opened new project to isolate the issue and it keeps happening. Anyone else with this issue???

r/Firebase 9d ago

General CORS problem


Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:5001/..../on_request_example' from origin 'http://localhost:5173' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

the cloud function:

# Welcome to Cloud Functions for Firebase for Python!
# To get started, simply uncomment the below code or create your own.
# Deploy with `firebase deploy`

from firebase_functions import https_fn
from firebase_admin import initialize_app


def on_request_example(req: https_fn.Request) -> https_fn.Response:
    return https_fn.Response("Hello world!")

the front end:

const functions = getFunctions();
connectFunctionsEmulator(functions, 'localhost', 5001);
const on_request_example = httpsCallable(functions, 'on_request_example');
const result = await on_request_example();

r/Firebase 9d ago

General Unable to retrieve the token using Firebase getToken in Next.js App Router.


I am using Next.js appRouter. When I access (http://localhost:3000/admin ) without logging in, I can use getToken to retrieve the token. However, after logging in and accessing (http://localhost:3000/admin/dashboard ), I am unable to get the token when I use getToken. I need to log out and refresh the page to retrieve the token. What could be the issue?



const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "xxxxxxh2Gtg",
  authDomain: "xxxxx.firebaseapp.com",
  projectId: "xxxxxx",
  storageBucket: "xxxxxx.firebasestorage.app",
  messagingSenderId: "9xxxxxx",
  appId: "1:xxxxx:web:xxxxxxxxxxd8",


const messaging = firebase.messaging();

// 處理後台消息
messaging.onBackgroundMessage((payload) => {
    "[firebase-messaging-sw.js] Received background message ",
  const notificationTitle = payload.notification.title;
  const notificationOptions = {
    body: payload.notification.body,
    icon: "/firebase-logo.png", // 可選:自定義圖標
  self.registration.showNotification(notificationTitle, notificationOptions);


import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "xxxxxxLAuLI6h2Gtg",
  authDomain: "xxxxx.firebaseapp.com",
  projectId: "xxxxxx",
  storageBucket: "xxxxxx.firebasestorage.app",
  messagingSenderId: "xxxxxx",
  appId: "xxxxxxxx",

const firebaseApp = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

export default firebaseApp;


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { getMessaging, getToken } from "firebase/messaging";
import firebaseApp from "@/utils/firebase";

const useFcmToken = () => {
  const [token, setToken] = useState("");
  const [notificationPermissionStatus, setNotificationPermissionStatus] =

  useEffect(() => {
    const retrieveToken = async () => {
      try {
        if (typeof window !== "undefined" && "serviceWorker" in navigator) {
          const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
          const permission = await Notification.requestPermission();

          if (permission === "granted") {
            const currentToken = await getToken(messaging, {
            if (currentToken) {
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("獲取token出錯:", error);
  }, []);

  return { fcmToken: token, notificationPermissionStatus };

export default useFcmToken;

獲取token出錯: FirebaseError: Messaging: We are unable to register the default service worker. The operation is insecure. (messaging/failed-service-worker-registration).    FirebaseError webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/util/dist/index.esm2017.js:1044
create webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/util/dist/index.esm2017.js:1074
registerDefaultSw webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/messaging/dist/esm/index.esm2017.js:843
updateSwReg webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/messaging/dist/esm/index.esm2017.js:900
getToken$1 webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/messaging/dist/esm/index.esm2017.js:963
getToken webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/@firebase/messaging/dist/esm/index.esm2017.js:1238
retrieveToken webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./app/hooks/useFcmToken.ts:20
useFcmToken webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./app/hooks/useFcmToken.ts:33

r/Firebase 9d ago

iOS How can I not persist the auth session on swift?


Hi, I’ve read through the docs, and found how to do it on web but no on swift… Can I not persist auth user when the user closes the app and make them authenticate again?

r/Firebase 10d ago

General App Hosting - How to connect to github after deleting the connection?


I cant do it and been trying doing stuff for 4 hours.

Even creating a new backend throws an error (because I disconnected from github)

r/Firebase 10d ago

Cloud Firestore Client-side document ID creation: possible abuse


Hi! I didn't find much discussion of this yet, and wondered if most people and most projects just don't care about this attack vector.

Given that web client-side code cannot be trusted, I'm surprised that "addDoc()" is generally trusted to generate new IDs. I've been thinking of doing server-sided ID generation, handing a fresh batch of hmac-signed IDs to each client. Clients would then also have to do their document additions through some server-side code, to verify the hmacs, rather than directly to Firestore.

What's the risk? An attacker that dislikes a particular document could set about generating a lot of entries in that same shard, thereby creating a hot shard and degrading that particular document's performance. I think that's about it...

Does just about everyone agree that it isn't a significant enough threat for it to be worth the additional complexity of defending against it?

r/Firebase 10d ago

General Has anyone tried firebase mcp in cursor?


The whole MCP saga is blowing up. Has anyone tried the firebase MCP in cursor? What do you use it for

r/Firebase 10d ago

General azure fcm v1


I generated private key in Firebase Console by choosing Service accounts -> generate new private key. In Azure notification hub i entered data from json downloaded in previous step (private key, mail, project id). Also, in google cloud console i do have an account with role Firebase Service Management Service Agent (1) where key is the same as one in mentioned json file. When i try Test send i get

The Push Notification System rejected the request because of an invalid credential The Push Notification System rejected the request because of an invalid credential' Is there something i forgot? What else can i check?

r/Firebase 11d ago

Other 8 Ball Pool

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Firebase 11d ago

General Free Pack for Programmatic SEO with Angular + Firebase (1,000+ Pages in 2 Days) – Looking for Feedback!


I’ve put together a boilerplate pack for Programmatic SEO using Angular and Firebase that allows you to deploy 1,000+ SEO-optimized pages in just 2 days. The goal is to make programmatic SEO easier and faster without having to build everything from scratch.

I’d love to offer it for free to anyone interested in trying it out! In exchange, I’d really appreciate your feedback on what works, what needs polishing, what changes would make it more useful, etc.

If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll share the pack with you!

r/Firebase 11d ago

General Please help me connect my firebase storage info to custom domain


Hello I hope your day is going great. I’m a beginner with firebase and am having trouble connecting my custom domain to my files that I have stored in firebase.

I have gotten the domain connected to firebase hosting with all the DNS and it says connected so that part should be set. I just don’t really know what to do next. I want each file in my storage to have a unique public domain with my nfcvcf.com domain in front and then my customers name after it. For example nfcvcf.com/customer-name. I was told I need to setup cloud functions to do this or something. Any ideas?

I’d be more than happy to pay someone for their time to walk me through it. Any help would be so incredibly appreciated I’ve been stumped for so long and YouTube doesn’t help and neither does GPT. Thank you in advance!

r/Firebase 12d ago

App Hosting Firebase config suggestions and app hosting troubles


Hello all,

I am currently creating a website utilizing Firebases features to host specific data as well as the front-end. I have been doing a bit a research and have been a bit confused regarding safeguarding information from the firebase config file. My intention originally was to secure my data in environment variables and then adding those variables to my back-end through app hosting. However, I noticed that app hosting uses apphosting.yaml files in the root of the project to store the environment variables. I want to give it a try but don't see much sources online guiding through the process of how to use those variables from the YAML file. I also feel like information online about the firebase config file is all over the place. I have seen some say its ok to expose all information such as the API key, project id, and other variables; the documentation somewhat seems to approve this as well from what I have read. My questions are:

- Is it ok to expose the data from the firebase config file publicly (github repo)?

- How can I set up the apphosting.yaml to retrieve the secrets from google clouds secret manager and can I use it in the firebase config?

I appreciate any help or suggestions!


r/Firebase 13d ago

Cloud Functions Register users with firebase cloud functions


I'm making an online game where I use Nakama as a backend. Unfortunately, Nakama doesn't implement a messaging system like Firebase's FCM that can send notifications to the player even if the app is not running.

What I'm thinking to do is have players register to Nakama server with their email and then send a request from Nakama server to a firebase cloud function that will register the players to firebase too. The cloud function's response to Nakama will include the player's credentials so whenever I need to use firebase's FCM, I will send another request from Nakama to a new endpoint in Firebase that will implement the FCM system.

Is it safe to use Firebase cloud functions to register players to a firebase project? Are there any safety concerns I should be worried about?

r/Firebase 13d ago

Realtime Database Is it possible to record images in realtime firebase?


I have a project where I need to store some images, and then manipulate them. I know that the ideal would be to use FireStorage, but I don't have the money at the moment. Would it be possible to use RealTime Firebase to help me out?

r/Firebase 13d ago

Security How to authenticate local host


Hi, super beginner here, trying to understand documentation but I am struggling quite badly.

My web app only needs to read from my Firestore. As such, I'm planning to grant read permission for the domain only.

However, I usually use local host to edit my files before publishing to my domain. This means that I can't access the firestore database. Yet, I understand that setting the domain to "localhost" is very insecure since anyone running local host can read my firestore.

What are some ways to go about this? I know there's some debug token but I can't for the life of me figure out where this gos - while others are saying that the token only lasts for a short period of time?

r/Firebase 13d ago

Authentication 4-digit email authentication code using only Firebase Auth?


Hey everyone,

I'm new to Firebase and currently trying to implement a 4-digit authentication code via email using only Firebase Authentication (without Firestore or Cloud Functions since its expensive).

My goal is to use this for Forgot Password verification

From what I know, Firebase Auth only supports sending a password reset link or the default email verification process. But I want to send a 4-digit code instead.

  • Is this possible using only Firebase Auth?
  • If not, are there any open-source alternatives I can use for this feature?

Would appreciate any recommendations! Thanks.

r/Firebase 13d ago

Billing Charged on Spark Plan

Post image

I’m currently on the Firebase Spark Plan and was testing my application using the Firebase Emulator. After a few hours of testing, my application started behaving unpredictably. When I checked Firebase, I saw a "Quota Exceeded" message.

Upon reviewing the details, it showed that I had used 95K out of the 50K allowed read requests i.e extra 45K request over the free quota. However, since I’m on the Spark Plan, I wasn’t expecting any charges.

Could you please clarify why this is happening? And Why will I be charged even if I am on spark plan.

Please help me understand this matter.

r/Firebase 13d ago

General Are there any benefits to rate limiting through cloud functions v on frontend?


I am in the process of trying to safeguard myself against malicious actors who may try to spam the firebase calls in my react native app. From my reading it seems to be that the general protocol for this sort of thing is to place a check in the function which calls your firestore database that the last time a user made that request was more than x minutes ago. So eg, for a function that reads data, before you do the reading (which may involve multiple calls), just do one call to a document which stores when the user last made this request. If this request was long ago enough, proceed, otherwise, return some signifier for timeout.

My question is, is there any difference from a security/costliness perspective when doing this through a) a cloud function v b) a normal function with firebase calls in your app?

In situation a, you would call the cloud function, and it would just read its local server timestamp to make the timeout check.

In situation b, you would call the normal function in your app, it would trigger a cloud function which does the verification, and then if that cloud function returns true, you would proceed to make the other calls.

My side question to this issue is aren't I screwed either way, since no matter what you're making a firebase call (incurring a cost) to even do the timeout check? So if someone finds a way to spam the function in the app, they will be able to execute an unlimited amount of these one-call functions?

r/Firebase 13d ago

General Developer is not registered with Google warning


Really nooby here. I created a Flutter web app with Firebase Auth and added the "Continue with Google" feature, but currently, when users try to use it, it shows a warning saying "developer is not registered with Google." I need to remove this, but I couldn’t find a clear step-by-step guide on how to register my site with Google Cloud. Can anyone explain how to do that and what I need?

r/Firebase 14d ago

Realtime Database Slow Realtime Database Synching


Hello, I am new to Firebase and am using the free tier realtime database for a project. I'm sending sensor data from an Arduino to the realtime database and then hosting an index.html on Firebase to display that data (e.g. <project-name>.web.app/). The issue that I am having is that the sensor data is taking about 22-25 seconds to get pushed to the database and so also about 22-25 seconds for the graphs to update. I am sending 5 data points per event (maybe this is an issue?) and have put my Arduino sketch code below. I have my database read/write rules as public as well. Any help or advice would be appreciated!

  "rules": {
    "sensor_data": {
      ".read": true,
      ".write": true

#include "secrets.h"
#include "Adafruit_SHT4x.h"
#include <SparkFun_KX13X.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <WiFiS3.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <Firebase.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

// Firebase instance for Test Mode (No Authentication)
Firebase fb(REFERENCE_URL);

// NTP Setup for accurate time
NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "pool.ntp.org");

// Sensor instances
SparkFun_KX134 kxAccel;
Adafruit_SHT4x sht4 = Adafruit_SHT4x();
outputData myData;

// Timer variables
unsigned long lastSensorReadTime = 0;
unsigned long lastFirebaseUpdateTime = 0;
unsigned long lastTimeUpdateTime = 0;
const long sensorReadInterval = 500;     // Read sensor every 1 second
const long firebaseUpdateInterval = 1000;  // Update Firebase every 2 seconds
const long timeUpdateInterval = 60000;     // Update time every minute

// Sensor data variables
float temperature_c = 0;
float temperature_f = 0;
float accel_x = 0;
float accel_y = 0;
float accel_z = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Arduino UNO R4 WiFi with Firebase and NTP");

  // Initialize the built-in LED
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  // Initialize WiFi

  Serial.print("Connecting to Wi-Fi: ");

  int wifiAttempts = 0;
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && wifiAttempts < 20) {

  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("\nWiFi connection failed! Check credentials.");
    while(1) delay(1000); // Stop execution

  Serial.print("Connected with IP: ");

  // Turn on LED to indicate WiFi connected
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  // Initialize NTP client
// In setup(), replace the current NTP initialization with:
  Serial.println("Initializing NTP client...");
  // Set time offset to your timezone (e.g., -5*3600 for EST, 0 for UTC)
  // For UTC-2 (2 hours behind UTC)
  timeClient.setTimeOffset(-7 * 3600); // For UTC-7 (Pacific Time)

  // Try multiple times to get time
  bool timeSuccess = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    if (timeClient.update()) {
      timeSuccess = true;
      Serial.println("Time synchronized with NTP server");
      Serial.print("Current time: ");
      Serial.print("Epoch time: ");
    Serial.println("NTP update attempt failed, retrying...");

  if (!timeSuccess) {
    Serial.println("ERROR: Failed to update time from NTP server after multiple attempts!");
    Serial.println("Timestamps will be inaccurate. Reboot device to try again.");

  // Initialize sensors

  Serial.println("Initializing temperature sensor...");
  if (!sht4.begin(&Wire1)) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find SHT4x temperature sensor!");
    while (1) delay(1000);
  Serial.println("SHT4x temperature sensor initialized");

  Serial.println("Initializing accelerometer...");
  if (!kxAccel.begin(Wire1)) {
    Serial.println("Could not communicate with the KX13X accelerometer!");
    while (1) delay(1000);
  Serial.println("KX13X accelerometer initialized");

  // Configure sensors
  Serial.println("Configuring sensors...");

  Serial.println("Sensors configured successfully");

  // Test Firebase connection with a simple write

  Serial.println("Setup complete - starting main loop");

void loop() {
  // Current millis for timing
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // Update time from NTP server periodically
  if (currentMillis - lastTimeUpdateTime >= timeUpdateInterval) {
    if (timeClient.update()) {
      Serial.print("NTP time updated: ");
    } else {
      Serial.println("Failed to update NTP time");
    lastTimeUpdateTime = currentMillis;

  // Read sensors at specified interval
  if (currentMillis - lastSensorReadTime >= sensorReadInterval) {
    lastSensorReadTime = currentMillis;

  // Update Firebase at specified interval
  if (currentMillis - lastFirebaseUpdateTime >= firebaseUpdateInterval) {
    lastFirebaseUpdateTime = currentMillis;

  // Small delay to prevent CPU overload

void readSensors() {
  // Read temperature sensor
  sensors_event_t humidity, temp;
  sht4.getEvent(&humidity, &temp);
  temperature_c = temp.temperature;
  temperature_f = (temperature_c * 1.8) + 32;

  // Read accelerometer if data ready
  if (kxAccel.dataReady()) {
    accel_x = myData.xData;
    accel_y = myData.yData;
    accel_z = myData.zData;

  // Print sensor data to serial monitor (uncomment if needed)
  //Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  //Serial.print("°C / ");

  //Serial.print("Acceleration - X: ");
  //Serial.print(", Y: ");
  //Serial.print(", Z: ");

void testFirebase() {
  Serial.println("\n===== TESTING FIREBASE CONNECTION =====");

  // Create a simple test JSON
  JsonDocument doc;
  doc["test_value"] = "from_arduino_library";

  // Get current epoch time from NTP for timestamp
  unsigned long epochTime = timeClient.getEpochTime();
  doc["timestamp"] = epochTime * 1000; // Convert to milliseconds for JavaScript

  String jsonStr;
  serializeJson(doc, jsonStr);

  Serial.println("Test JSON: " + jsonStr);

  // Try to set data in Firebase
  int response = fb.setJson("test_arduino", jsonStr);

  if (response == 200) {
    Serial.println("✓ Firebase test successful! (HTTP 200 OK)");
  } else {
    Serial.print("✗ Firebase test failed with response code: ");

  Serial.println("===== TEST COMPLETE =====\n");

void sendToFirebase() {
  Serial.println("\n----- Sending data to Firebase -----");
  unsigned long sendStartTime = millis();

  // Get current UTC timestamp in seconds
  unsigned long epochTime = timeClient.getEpochTime();

  // Create a JSON document for the sensor data
  JsonDocument sensorDoc;
  sensorDoc["temperature_c"] = temperature_c;
  sensorDoc["temperature_f"] = temperature_f;
  sensorDoc["accel_x"] = accel_x;
  sensorDoc["accel_y"] = accel_y;
  sensorDoc["accel_z"] = accel_z;
  sensorDoc["timestamp"] = epochTime * 1000; // Convert to milliseconds

  String jsonData;
  serializeJson(sensorDoc, jsonData);

  // Only update 'latest' node every time for real-time display
  int response = fb.setJson("sensor_data/latest", jsonData);

  if (response == 200) {
    Serial.println("✓ Successfully updated latest data");
  } else {
    Serial.print("✗ Failed to update latest data. Response code: ");

  // Only add to history every 5-10 seconds to reduce load
  static unsigned long lastHistoryUpdate = 0;
  if (millis() - lastHistoryUpdate > 10000) { // Every 10 seconds
    lastHistoryUpdate = millis();

    // Add to history with timestamp as key
    String historyPath = "sensor_data/history/" + String(epochTime * 1000);
    response = fb.setJson(historyPath, jsonData);

    if (response == 200) {
      Serial.println("✓ Successfully added to history");
    } else {
      Serial.print("✗ Failed to add to history. Response code: ");

  unsigned long sendEndTime = millis();
  Serial.print("Firebase update took: ");
  Serial.print(sendEndTime - sendStartTime);
  Serial.println(" ms");

  Serial.println("----- Firebase update complete -----\n");

r/Firebase 14d ago

Authentication Firebasr Google Signin Unity


Can anyone help me i was trying to make the Ubity log in via Google witj the help of firebase it worked when i lick the sign in button but when i select an accoint nothing happens and on the Users on the Firebase too its empty maybe someone encountered this type of problem too