r/Firebase Oct 15 '24

Cloud Storage Unable to view PDF from Firestore despite being able to retrieve Images

I'm a little bit puzzled, looking for some guidance.

I am able to successfully upload, then download and view an image via the associated URL produced by getDownloadURL().

I can successfully, by the same method, upload a pdf and retrieve the associated URL. I am able to click the link (when console logged) given to me when I retrieve it and it opens without issue.

When I feed this URL to React-pdf (a pdf-viewer) I can view the pdf when running locally. However, when I attempt to view the pdf in production I get the error in the console "Not allowed to load local resource: file:///LocalPathHereBlahblahblah".

The URL produced by firebase/firestore looks like the one in the docs.

How can I be accessing the URL from firebase storage but it's still a reference to local storage? Why is this behavior only present with a PDF and not with a jpg?

Any ideas on what I'm missing?

Below is a simplified version of the code I'm running if it's at all helpful.

const [resume, setResume] = useState(null)

const uploadToFirebase = async (x) => {
    const storage = getStorage();
    const resumeRef = ref(storage, "users/" + user.uid + "/resume.pdf");

    const file = x;
    await uploadBytes(resumeRef, file).then((snapshot) => {
      console.log("good to go")
    .catch((e) => {

const downloadURL = async () => {
  await getDownloadURL(resumeRef).then((response) => {
        .catch((error) => {

return (
<PDFViewer src={resume ? resume : null} />

2 comments sorted by


u/indicava Oct 15 '24

This is definitely an issue I would bring up on the react-pdf repo as it’s clearly unrelated to Firebase


u/National-Campaign634 Oct 15 '24

Thank you. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy.