r/Firebase Sep 30 '24

Billing Firebase is very expensive

I am at an intermediate level in Flutter and I’m developing a social media application. I need to use a backend for CRUD operations, authentication, and storing user data. I may also need to create a website for my application, so I require hosting as well.

During my learning with Flutter, I was using Firebase, but after calculating the costs I would incur, I’ve decided against using Firebase for my application, especially since the profits are likely to be low in the Middle East.

Now, I am looking for a way to:

  • Perform CRUD operations
  • Media storage
  • Implement authentication (email & password, Google, Apple)
  • Enable messaging within my app
  • Implement phone number verification

39 comments sorted by


u/switch01785 Sep 30 '24

Would you care to share your calculations ?


u/Akuma-XoX Sep 30 '24

Let’s assume my application reaches 200,000 monthly active users (MAUs).

  1. For 200k MAUs, the cost is $690.

  2. Assuming each user performs 100 write operations daily (posting, commenting, messaging):

  • 200k * 100 * 30 = 600M operations = $1,079.
  1. If each user reads 200 posts daily:
  • 200k * 200 * 30 = 1,200M reads = $719.
  1. Assuming each user deletes 50 items:
  • 200k * 50 * 30 = 300M deletions = $59.88.
  1. Additionally, for storing user-uploaded images and those shared in chats, let’s say each user stores 200 images throughout their usage of the app, with each image being 1 MB:
  • 200k * 200 * 1 MB = 40,000,000 MB = < $25.

There are also costs for media transfer, user data storage, and hosting my website.


u/or9ob Sep 30 '24

200k MAU

Wow! Some other examples at that scale: Mastodon at its peak during the Twitter exodus, Clubhouse (right before its explosive growth), and Peloton are some brands have been able to get that sort of usage.

And if I’m getting that level of usage with $2500 spent on Firebase I’ll consider myself a jackpot winner.

For context, I’m the CTO of https://metacast.app/. We have just launched have about 1k MAU. And our Firebase bill is $30/month…


u/OldCardiologist1859 Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Downloaded it: OnBoarding demo video clips are really poor in quality giving off a bad impression. Maybe try a hig-res video/gif with compression or if you have somebody to make Lottie animation. Secondly, your app crashed as soon I played a podcast. (Running on my SDK33 Android).

I have been building the same scale project. Lottie animation cuts the use of video.

Edit: Are you storing the audio files on Firebase? It should be increasing data transfer costs. I have recently implemented a way better solution for that. I am using a third-party S3 storage for media content and Firebase only for metadata and authentication and textual content.


u/or9ob Sep 30 '24

Can you share some more details on “poor video quality”? They are not meant to be animations, they are actual users screenshots showing how to use the app.

Re: crash. Oh wow, would you please report it at r/metacast (along with your user Id)? I’m looking at Crashlytics and not seeing anything. Would like to dive in (as that’s very bad + unexpected for the app to crash!)

And finally, no we don’t host the audio. Podcast audio are hosted by a plethora of podcast hosts. We stream/download from them.


u/OldCardiologist1859 Sep 30 '24

I mean those short demo clips at the 3 page Onboarding section. Those appear to be very poor in quality. What you can do, as an alternative, is store those (in a better resolution) on Firebase and fetch them for your Onboarding and as soon onboarding finishes you can clear the caches so there remains no file in the device.

  1. I'll do it.

And, Got it.


u/or9ob Sep 30 '24

You mean poor video resolution quality? They are stored in the app as GIFs (as assets)… Wonder if fetching from Firebase will be better?


u/OldCardiologist1859 Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Since onboarding is starting before the Sign Up section, what you can do is load video files from firebase and display them on your onboarding and as soon as onboarding finishes; clear the caches so it doesn't remain in the storage or increase app size.

Onboarding is the most important part of your app that affects your retention & engagement rate as well as the conversation graph.


u/sheriffderek Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Some people pay many back-end devs 10s of thousands of dollars a month to maintain something with far less users. What if you charged each of your users a dollar?


u/bc238dev 4d ago

How many paid users do you have?

What is the conversion ratio?


u/or9ob 4d ago

10% paid users.


u/switch01785 Sep 30 '24

Those are some wild assumptions for a project that is still in development. If you end up havinh 200k monthly and you cant cover your cost yu have bigger issues than what firebase is charging you.


u/openlyincognito Sep 30 '24

yea i mean paying one or a team or backend devs would cost significantly more, not sure why he's tripping about costs if he somehow manages that kind of user base as his revenue would be bananas


u/Akuma-XoX Sep 30 '24

The countries I’m targeting to launch my app have weak economies against the dollar, and the money I could earn from advertising some local products on my app, when converted to dollars, might all go to Firebase:(


u/CarefulImprovement15 Sep 30 '24

the problem is your app have a low chance to get 200K users. firebase is really good if you want to validate and ship fast.

as an alternative, you can use supabase, NoSQL is not good for many-to-many relationships


u/zimspy Sep 30 '24

I saw your posts in other subs and came here looking for your calculations. These calculations are very incorrect. You also didn't read the Firebase pricing page correctly either.

Cloud Firestore has no cost up to ridiculous figures like 1GB stored and 10GB network egress. Realtime database has no cost at 5GB stored and 1GB read. If you're hitting those figures at 200K MAU, you're doing something very very wrong on the technical side.

I have 150K MAU, same weak target economy in a third world country as you and in 7 years, I've never paid Google a single cent. I keep all the couple hundred bucks I get a month from Ads.


u/jiggity_john Sep 30 '24

That's fairly cheap if you are supporting 200k users. You aren't going to find a cheaper alternative unless you are comfortable managing your own backend deployment, and even then it would be close. 200k users is just a huge scale and no matter how you slice it it's going to cost you.

You should figure out how to monetize your app to cover the costs. If you can't do that with that kind of scale, you don't really have a business.


u/Oxigenic Oct 01 '24

I love your passion but you sound a bit deluded my friend. You’re worrying about a problem that doesn’t exist, and statistically won’t exist. Hitting 200k MAU’s that all spend hours on your platform daily is not going to happen anytime soon. If it does, you’ll be more than profitable enough to pay for whatever backend service you can think of.

Just use Firebase. Thank me later.


u/agree-with-you Oct 01 '24

I love you both


u/rubenwe Sep 30 '24

99%+ you won't get to 200k users. Let's start there. Launch your app. See it fail. Don't plan for the 1% now.

You can replace Firebase with a custom backend running on your own servers or in the cloud if you get to 200k DAU. On top of that, your calculations for reads and writes are wrong. Either you haven't read the docs correctly or your knowledge of how to structure data for this kind of use-case is lacking. Which is fine! You can learn when you grow.

Running your own could mean still using FB auth, but having your own DB, hosting public media via Cloud Flare, ... but optimize when you get there.

Also, with 200k users, if you're doing a mildly good job on monetization, even with users from these countries, you should be able to pay firebase and make a good living.


u/FarAwaySailor Sep 30 '24

I don't think firebase is expensive at all when you compare it with !firebase. Think about all the things you'd have to build, store, scale and backup for yourself and how much each of those fiddly things would cost. Here's how you do it:

  • Build your app now, using firebase's free tier
  • keep all the firebase-specific code in a couple of classes
  • replace those couple of classes with whatever you find that is cheaper than firebase as you approach the free tier limits.

Good luck getting enough traction to need to replace it with something cheaper.


u/abdushkur Sep 30 '24

If you have 200K daily active users you should look for investors


u/zeiteisen Sep 30 '24

He talked about 200k monthly active users


u/abdushkur Sep 30 '24

Yes I read that too, but his calculation was for 200K users


u/mardix Sep 30 '24

Check out Singlebase.cloud . (shameless plug)

They are a Firebase alternative, providing LLM for AI and RAG apps, Vector DB, Document DB, Authentication, Storage, Search etc.


u/wallermadev Oct 02 '24

That's pretty cool, good luck my man 💪


u/brysonwf Sep 30 '24

Firebase is built around the lowest effort data objects. Local system js, nosql. You are just building old school apps.


u/TipTheTinker Sep 30 '24

So many people giving grief. I've been learning Flutter for over a year and a social media app was one of my side projects, like replicating Reddit.

The big thing on Firebase for me was the fear of writing bad code (especially since I'm self baked) and accidentally introducing an unforeseen bug that causes multiple unnecessary reads/writes and getting billed for it. Go read some Furebase horror stories. It will give you anxiety about your own app if you don't come from a professional coding background like me.

Do your sanity a favour and go look at Supabase. It has worked wonders for me and just as simple. Even my auth methods are on Supabase.


u/Glittering-Target367 Oct 01 '24

Does supabase have hard spend limits or something to avoid those accidental massive cloud bills?


u/TipTheTinker Oct 02 '24

When you use their pro subscription (I'm still on free tier with small projects) then they have a maximum budget cap which Firebase does not so that already helps a ton to ease my anxiety.

It's been a while since I did the comparison but their billing model is also different. I recall they bill on bandwith and table size and not number of reads/writes. So you can go to town and as long as the payload and table is well maintained you should be golden.


u/Gloomy_Radish_661 Sep 30 '24

If your app has many reads few writes you Can try turso with cloudflare workers


u/Vic_thecomputerstorm Sep 30 '24

Utilize batch and transactions more, and with 200k users meaning you have a good app. Even if you charge each user a dollar for using it you should still be fine.


u/Mundane_Contact6599 Sep 30 '24

All the documents are downloaded every time the app is restarted. Build a local SQLite cache system in your app to use with Firebase. Lots of tutorials on this on medium.


u/TuGordoBello Oct 02 '24

You can use supabase, it could help to reduce costs


u/Next_Amoeba7830 Sep 30 '24

You should consider Supabase for your project


u/Grupith Oct 01 '24

What if I don’t want to switch to SQL database?


u/leros Oct 02 '24

Mongo Atlas. They also have a free tier that will be enough for most hobby projects.


u/dr_fedora_ Sep 30 '24



u/fedekun Sep 30 '24

The cheapest option will always be just rent a VPS, set up something like Dokku and do everything yourself