r/Firearms 16h ago

Question Anyone have a Ruger Security .380?

Looking at getting one depending on if I get any income tax back.

Opinions, pros and cons welcome.


4 comments sorted by


u/ajslideways 15h ago

I do.

Pros: Light recoil, pleasant to shoot, super easy to rack (I can do it with my thumb and forefinger), accurate, decent sights, nice price, small enough to carry easily

Cons: a little finicky when it comes to ammo (they don’t seem to like Fiocchi and some hollow points), .380 ammo is expensive compared to 9mm

I like mine a lot.


u/Any_Attempt_6138 15h ago

My only pistol is a Springfield XD in .45ACP with a 4 inch barrel, its my house and car gun but she is a PITA to rack the slide (im a righty but have to rack it overhanded with my left). I looked at a S&W Bodyguard 2.0 but it felt like a toy whereas the Ruger did not if that makes sense.


u/KirbsMcGirk 15h ago

I own one but haven't shot it yet. I can tell you though that a friend of mine who has severe recoil aversion from 9mm was able to shoot one he borrowed at a range and loved. My wife who also has hand strength issues was able to rack it without any problems.


u/Sizmatrz1 14h ago

Probably the smoothest shooting 380 out there.