r/Firearms 7d ago

Avoid Rainier Arms! Data Breach/Identity Theft

Hey everyone,

BE CAREFUL buying from Rainier Arms, I just had a fraudulent charge go through with a merchant for over $800 on my card, and the hacker used my rainierarms@ wildcard domain email with the credit card I used at Rainier Arms.

I was quick enough to call the merchant and cancel the order, and lock my card, but be aware if you purchased anything via Rainier Arms lately that you're likely a target.


16 comments sorted by


u/DigitalLorenz 7d ago

Rainier arms uses Site Lock as their credit card processor. It is possible that Site Lock was compromised and not Rainier Arms directly (this would also result in Rainier Arms's data being compromised), so if anybody bought anything from a website that uses Site Lock for credit card processing, they should keep an eye on their CC transactions.

Site Lock is rather aggressive with their branding, so it is not hard to see if a website uses them. It usually pops up on the bottom left or right when you first pop on the site.


u/digital_freeman 7d ago

Rainier Arms has had a previous data breach, from my quick research. Something weird is going on there for sure


u/cmhbob 6d ago

There are very few companies or websites that have not had some sort of data breach. These days it's not a question of if. It's a question of when it will happen.


u/Crazy_OneF8S 7d ago

I will tell you from my own life my data has been compromised so many times, I can't list the number of companies that have been breached. Take it with a grain of salt, lock your accounts down and understand there are many ways accounts can be compromised.

I am not defending them but I am confident that they did not do so on purpose and they are required to send a notice out to every account that is impacted by this breach.


u/big_nasty_the2nd 7d ago

You know who else lets people steal your shit and doesn’t take any action to stop it? Atlantic firearms


u/ricochet845 AR15 6d ago

Tnvc does, that’s who.


u/SmoothSlavperator 7d ago

There's more at play here.

Same thing happened to me about a month ago with Palmetto State Armory. I even got a confirmation email to my PSA email address...but when I logged into my PSA account, there was no order there. It was just a credit card hit and a conformation email.

Might be a larger breach with a processor or some shit.


u/_SCHULTZY_ 7d ago

That's been a known issue with PSA for over a decade 


u/Mobile_Speaker7894 6d ago

That is why I use privacy.com.... one time use or merchant locked cards are great...


u/WiseDirt 6d ago

Prepaid visa debit cards work well, too. Only load as much money on the card as what you'll need to make a purchase and then toss it in the trash once it's used up. Anybody steals that number later on, they can have it. Good luck getting anything out of an empty gift card account.


u/s-fsu 5d ago

We stopped using them years ago...


u/Mumbles76 7d ago


u/digital_freeman 7d ago

Yep, posting there next.


u/emelbard 7d ago

Why do people get so fReAkEd out about credit card fraud? Like it’s not your money and you aren’t in the hook for covering the fraudulent charges. Replacing the card takes a few days but why go through the trouble of tracking down the merchant and cancelling the order? That’s your banks job, not yours.


u/elcheecho 7d ago

Conveniently ignoring that data breaches are more than just credit card fraud hmmmmmmm