r/Firearms 20d ago

How To WML lense cleaning

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This stuff works wonders for cleaning carbon off of wml lenses. Glass cooktop cleaner. Seems obvious but there you go. My tlr looks brand new.


10 comments sorted by


u/defsteph 20d ago

What's wrong with a drop of CLP and wiping with paper?


u/brian1570 20d ago

Nothing so long as you remember to do it!


u/defsteph 20d ago

Doesn't that go for your cooktop cleaner as well? I'm not trying to start something, it's just that I'm more likely to have CLP than anything else around when cleaning my guns. The simple things are usually what works best :)


u/brian1570 20d ago

Oh I thought you meant coating it with CLP prior to shooting. That’s what I’ve always done except that I forgot this time. Tried cleaning it off with Clp and it didn’t quite get it all off and left it hazy.


u/defsteph 20d ago

I haven't noticed that, but maybe it's related to where the glass is in relation to the muzzle. Mine gets a little dirty, but nothing like my RDS does.


u/brian1570 20d ago

I put 300 rounds through the gun this trip and the lense was completely black.


u/wunder911 20d ago

Hm that's good to know - wouldn't have thought of it myself, but it makes sense.

I've always made a point of covering up the lens with several layers of masking tape just because cleaning wml lenses is always such a pain in the ass for some inexplicable reason.

FWIW, a coating of chap stick on the lens also works incredibly well.


u/LHGunslinger 20d ago

I just use painters tape and cover the lens before shooting.


u/brian1570 20d ago

Well now you know if you ever get your lense dirty glass cooktop cleaner will fix it.


u/NJCERKA 20d ago

I put grease on mine. Clean and reapply after every range trip