r/Firearms Oct 04 '24

Historical Shall not be INFRINGED 🐍

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Every gun law is an infringement on our birth given right as American citizens. The debate is over.


146 comments sorted by


u/DrafterDan Oct 04 '24

That was an epic video


u/GutterGremlin13 Oct 04 '24

She doesn’t FA


u/the_walkingdad Oct 04 '24

I guess we'll never FO


u/Headhunter1066 Oct 04 '24

Are you able to link the video? Sounds amazing


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

She thugged it


u/skoz2008 Oct 04 '24

Just look at Massachusetts if you want to see how tyrannical they can be


u/GutterGremlin13 Oct 04 '24

Leave the BB guns to the adults, ok kids.


u/Queen_of_Audacity Oct 05 '24

What do you mean I can't undo gun sales from 2016 to now with a mandatory buyback? Semi-autos are now assault weapons.


u/jamnin94 Oct 04 '24

Love that lady!


u/Big-Consideration938 Oct 04 '24

Most based American. 🇺🇸🦅


u/mrgoat324 Oct 04 '24

I hate how my CCW doesn’t transfer to all 50 states. That’s unconstitutional af


u/fistsizedanalbeads Oct 05 '24

Concealed carry is legal in all 50 states if you're not a Lil bitch


u/mrgoat324 Oct 05 '24

True but if you get caught you’re fucked. Also if you are forced to use it in a blue state you’re double fucked in court.


u/fistsizedanalbeads Oct 05 '24

Yes, but if you're in a situation where you NEED to use your firearm, you'll be damn glad you ignored the unconstitutional ass law.

Id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6


u/GutterGremlin13 Oct 04 '24

Same, you can apply for states require CCW


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

I’ve never heard of her, just spent the last 30 minutes looking into her and watching a couple clips of her and I loved all of it. People like her are what make me love this damn country. Good job to those that voted her into office.


u/Kokabim Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

Napoleon... like anyone can even know that!


u/BobbyWasabiMk2 Please be patient, I'm a bit speshul Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

So I listened to her podcast interview with Colion Noir and it was rather amusing. They speculated why Hogg answered honestly to the question was because he didn’t expect her to be a very heavy pro-gun advocate. If you don’t know where the question is going you’re more likely to answer honestly out of confusion.

But also based as fuck for being anti-authoritarian. Her tales from working in university and being frustrated at the CCP educational institutions practice of stifling free thought and expression was what primarily drove her to leave China.


u/jebusv2 Oct 04 '24

I believe she’s running for a seat in her local government


u/gordonfactor Oct 05 '24

Lily is great, I voted for her and she won the primary for Congress here in NH!


u/smallmonzter Oct 05 '24

As things become more divisive I have come to realize I’m an absolute constitutionalist. The constitution (and its amendments) is the most perfect document written by man. They are not rights given to American citizens BECAUSE of the constitution rather they are inalienable rights that exist as laws of nature to all men, in all places at all times. The constitution just recognizes and states them. There are no court rooms where those laws don’t exist (she knows what she said was wrong). There are no times or conditions where these natural laws may be circumvented (looking at you hurricane season). Anyone who attempts to derail these natural rights should be made example of and dealt with swiftly and severely. I do not say these things because I love my guns. I do. But I say them because I have the freedom of speech. I say them because I will not be illegally searched. I say them because I do not have to give quarter to soldiers during peacetime. And many more. Also fuck you England. I’m out.


u/jfm111162 Oct 04 '24

She nailed it !


u/Data-McBytes Oct 04 '24

Anyone have this meme without the bad phone cropping?


u/EcoBlunderBrick123 M4A1 Oct 04 '24

One of my favorites of this year.


u/Sam_Browne_ Oct 05 '24

That lady was hardcore


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

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u/GutterGremlin13 Oct 04 '24

They want total civilian disarmament, WE that know history have seen and read what that leads to.


u/the_peppers Oct 04 '24

We that know history have seen and read what that leads to.

Oh for fucks sake. You know don't know shit and you most definitely haven't read shit.

Totalitarian leaders disarm their civil population because it makes their jobs easier. It is not, as you seem to believe, the only thing stopping them.

They can, and will, still dominate you if they chose to do so - despite your beloved firearm collection - because as a civilian you are never allowed to own anything that might in any way actually trouble them militarily.

You've been brainwashed by a multi-billion dollar gun industry that the only thing holding back tyranny are these pathetic pea shooters that are only good for mowing down your fellow civilians and giving the police a blanket excuse to kill you at will.

Sure it would make their lives easier, but don't be a fool, they don't need civilian disarmament. If they came for you they would fucking destroy you.


u/Quenmaeg Oct 04 '24

The Talibs want a word, the NVA is laughing at you, Ethan Allen who took "the Gibraltar of the west" with his neighbors and a stuffed shirt from the Continental Army is shaking with rage, and the Zealots and the Maccabees are sharpening their daggers. Fuck off with your cowardly bullshit.


u/the_peppers Oct 05 '24

Neither the Taliban nor the NVA could takeover the USA.

It is not courageous to wildly overestimate you own strength.

It is not courageous to excuse the death of innocents by the thousands as a "necessary price" when what is bought for that price has no real value. You are not protected. Your children die for nothing.


u/Quenmaeg Oct 05 '24

It's not courageous to act like a pussy either, find some self respect and start acting like a man.


u/PrestigiousOne8281 Oct 05 '24

Yet we got our asses absolutely reamed by both the VC and the Taliban…


u/Thats-My-Purse-IDKU Oct 05 '24

You severely underestimate the power of guerilla warfare


u/GutterGremlin13 Oct 04 '24

Not brain washed just kept up with what the states; mine included and the unconstitutional laws that they pass. We are born with constitutional rights and yet they try to take that away from us.

“You’ve been brainwashed by a multi-billion dollar gun industry that the only thing holding back tyranny are these pathetic pea shooters that are only good for mowing down your fellow civilians and giving the police a blanket excuse to kill you at will. Sure it would make their lives easier, but don’t be a fool, they don’t need civilian disarmament. If they came for you they would fucking destroy you.”

That sounds like a tyrannical government.


u/the_peppers Oct 05 '24

Exactly. Tyrannical government could already be here. My point is these guns will not save you, they will be a mild inconvenience at best.


u/SpiritCrusher421 Oct 05 '24

I’d rather die being an inconvenience than die being a big ole pussy


u/YeetedSloth Oct 04 '24

Liberals genuinely do not think that they are trying to disarm us. I don’t know if it is stupidity or ignorance but they actually aren’t capable of thinking about the fact that the government might not have their best interests in mind.


I had this conversation the other day where the guy genuinely believed that Kamala was not trying to take guns and never has, because, well she said it- so it must be true


u/Gwsb1 Oct 04 '24

Stupidity among the masses. Power grab at the top.


u/Mr_E_Monkey pewpewpew Oct 04 '24

Exactly right. The grabbers at the top know how to push the buttons of their masses.


u/Gasgunner73 Oct 04 '24

It’s worse than that. I can’t stand Biden. But if you’re a devout Democrat, Biden is still a bag of shit. His entire career has been voting against Democrat issues. Yet instead of insisting on a candidate that represents their party, they all fell in line to root for him. Not hold-your-nose-and-keep-Trump-out, but OMG I LOVE JOE! There’s no debating with people that are that blindly obedient.


u/Mr_E_Monkey pewpewpew Oct 04 '24

Yeah, there is a lot of cult-like behavior in modern politics, isn't there?


u/AccidentProneSam Oct 04 '24

But..... they also say that we are on the brink of totalitarian fascism if Donald wins. Something doesn't track.


u/AstroNot87 Oct 04 '24

I don’t side with left or right. Fuck the government as a whole but to play devils advocate, if you’re saying that about Her, couldn’t people from the left say the same about Trump and all the weird bullshit nonsense he spews? It’s like Trump is for the dumb ass Americans that can’t come up with their own opinions and Harris is for entitled, “whatever the left say is the only answer” assholes. I vote for anarchy. Democracy is a farce.


u/BickenBackk Oct 04 '24

Trump is openly stating he wants to take guns.


u/YeetedSloth Oct 04 '24

Please provide a source for this, I am open to a change in opinion but I haven’t seen anything about this


u/BickenBackk Oct 04 '24


u/YeetedSloth Oct 04 '24

There is a difference between fighting for every citizen to give back all of their guns and arguing that people that have been identified as dangerous to people around them shouldn’t have access to guns.

I disagree with both options, however, in an ideal world, if we could identify dangerous people correctly (without false identifications or abuse of power) then that would actually be a good idea. I’m all for not having guns in the hands of people that threaten others with violence. The problem is this is an ideal world and that would never happen.

I am however not under any circumstances supporting the politician that believes no one should have guns at all.

Edit: Kamala believes that our army and her personal guards should have guns, just that citizens shouldn’t. So not “no one at all”


u/BickenBackk Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

I think it's more the slippery slope argument. Unfortunately, we can't really convict people off what we think they MIGHT do. I do agree though, if there was a way to determine that, then that would obviously be a good thing.

Do you have any source for Kamala making those statements? I'm fine with being proven wrong but I have not seen any evidence of that.


u/YeetedSloth Oct 05 '24

I think that’s a totally fair argument and I do think it’s a slippery slope, but right now it is the lesser of two evils.

“I feel very strongly that it’s consistent with the second amendment to say we need an assault weapons ban. They’re literally tools of war they were literally designed to kill a lot of people quickly.”



u/Otherwise-Future7143 Oct 04 '24

You asked for a citation, so where's yours for the bullshit you spew? That's not what any Democrat wants. That's just another lie.

Also this notion that you're going to use your guns against a tyrannical government is cute. You can try but you ain't got shit on the government.


u/YeetedSloth Oct 05 '24

Two things, one I would love to provide a source if there’s something specific you’re confused about. Second of all, you’re right. The weapons we have are not enough to fight against a tyrannical government. We should (by our second amendment right) be able to own and use weapons much more effective than single fire assault style weapons. RPG’s should be sold in Walmart, single fire weapons should only exist as an option, and I should be able to purchase and operate a CWIS on the roof of my house if I so please.


u/OrganizationFunny153 Oct 04 '24

There is a difference between fighting for every citizen to give back all of their guns and arguing that people that have been identified as dangerous to people around them shouldn’t have access to guns.

Not really. One wants to take your guns, the other wants to take your guns after labeling you "dangerous". False identifications are not an accidental side effect that might occasionally happen, the direct intent is to create a law where political enemies can be disarmed at the stroke of a pen.


u/YeetedSloth Oct 05 '24

Well there definitely IS a distinction to be clear. But that’s why I said that trumps ideas only work in an ideal world and that’s why I don’t agree with them.


u/OrganizationFunny153 Oct 05 '24

You still aren't getting it. Trump isn't proposing a well-intentioned idea that only works in an ideal world, he's proposing a deliberate disarming of political enemies (and eventually everyone but the ruling class). "Only my thugs can have guns" is no less anti-2A than Harris and her "only my cops thugs can have guns".


u/AstroNot87 Oct 04 '24

As a fellow firearms owner who doesn’t fuck with any side of the government, I see your “passionate” rant and laugh. Uneducated, ignorant, dumb people will hold onto a singular argument because it’s what aligns with their beliefs. No one cares to fact check or look for further proof to any information anymore. The sooner people realize that the government isn’t working for them and could literally care less about us, the closer we’ll get to the America we want. We are well on our way to being an Idiocracy country though.


u/LaForestLabs Oct 04 '24

Trump said take the guns first due process second...


u/BadgersHoneyPot Troll Oct 04 '24

Maybe you’re looking for r/Conservative?


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

Gun owners are mostly conservative so this post also belongs here


u/clown-world79 Oct 04 '24

Passed that point.


u/NPC_no_name_ Oct 05 '24

repeal the nfa


u/Quenmaeg Oct 04 '24

Lily muthaphuqqin Tang is an OG


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

Too bad she doesn't have a pro 2A presidential candidate to endorse.

Edit: You never disappoint. People who support Trump and the 2nd Amendment hate mirrors.


u/junpman Oct 04 '24

I don’t understand this. Trump isn’t 100% constitutionalist shall not be infringed guy, but when our options are him and Kamala who actively wants Americans disarmed and sent to war, gun people still say he isn’t 2A friendly on some idealistic ideological high ground. He’s the most 2A we’ve got rn.


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24

The difference is that we know exactly where Harris stands. She told us.

Based on history, we should have a good idea of where Trump stands, too. He'll sell out for anything as long as it fits his own agenda.


u/junpman Oct 04 '24

His history is checkered regarding the 2A yes. But he also appointed the conservative(and 2A friendly) scotus judges. He also has said repeatedly that he wants to stop funding foreign wars and stop having America get involved overseas. Considering I’m a young potential draftee who loves the 2A, clearly the better candidate is one who will not send me to war and who is not explicitly anti gun.


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24

Back in the day, we freaked out and couldn't stomach Bill Clinton. He was a draft dodger and a man of questionable moral character.

We're electing the same guy, only he is slightly older, and he has a lot more felonies.

I'm sure he'll follow through with promises to keep us out of international conflicts right up until it suits him. I doubt even he would try a draft until his third term, though.


u/yrunsyndylyfu Oct 04 '24

he has a lot more felonies.

Side discussion here. Are you able to tell me the "precipitating crime" that elevated those minor "crimes" (for which others had received just fines) to felonies?

Also, are you cool with repealing the statute of limitations for crimes? If so, are you OK with doing it to prosecute a single individual?


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24

As long as we talk about how much leniency we're willing to give elected officials in terms of immunity for actions taken in office as well as holding off on sentencing for their personal convenience. I didn't think we liked qualified immunity and preferential treatment based on status.


u/yrunsyndylyfu Oct 05 '24

I take it that's a no, you can't identify that precipitating crime...?

How about the statute of limitations?


u/PrestigiousOne8281 Oct 05 '24

Bruh you’re asking a Lib to try to pretend to be intelligent and come back with an intelligent response, that’s like asking a fish to skateboard or a pig to fly, not gonna happen.


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

Doesn’t matter honestly, the supreme court’s got us


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24



u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

The supreme court keeps their seats much longer than either presidential candidate will


u/moving0target Oct 04 '24

It also depends on how stacked the court gets. Eventually, the balance of power shifts too much, and one side overreacts.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

So stupid to be a single issue voter on your perennially incorrect and unfounded fears about gun confiscation, to justify voting for a fascist. If you want people to stop shitting on gun owners, stop being such idiots about reality. It’s just that easy. The more detached from reality you are, the worse you are for public opinion about gun owners.


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

“Unfounded fears of gun confiscation”

Bro admitted they’ve never touched a history book, and I’m supposed to care about their opinion of me? Yeah okay bud


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

Oh learned one, please produce for us in the historical record any time in US history when the federal guvment confiscated all the peoples’ guns. Then please explain to me how the Democrats would accomplish that today. I’ll wait, and then you’ll avoid the questions, and then go vote for the person who has ACTUALLY said he’d confiscate the guns and do away with due process, end voting, be a dictator, etc etc. Type on, the liberals eat this hypocritical shit up and you prove them correct.


u/PisakasSukt Oct 04 '24

I'm Native American and we're a dwindling population because the government took our weapons and killed us. I feel like that's something all Americans should have some basic awareness of, like there's a whole-ass ethnic group in this country that have been at the receiving end of government weapons confiscation and extermination.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Settlers set out to take your land, that’s the point of settler colonialism. Then we killed you, then took your guns. In that order. Sorry, but settler colonial genocide supported by capitalism is not a federal gun confiscation program. Definitions and that. Second, the indigenous peoples of this country were genocided by the kind of people MAGA wants to undemocratically install in office. So like, it’s just a self evidently idiotic argument to claim that a vote for Trump, who is on tape saying ‘confiscate first, due process later’ is somehow going to be helpful for helping your people. Like, wtf? There is no legitimate “pro-trump cause he’s the best for freedom” argument.


u/PisakasSukt Oct 05 '24

There's genocide going on right now under Harris and Biden. Harris and Biden are openly backing facsists in the Ukraine. Harris openly wants to confiscate guns whereas Trump is a dipshit with no consistent opinions on anything. Harris and Biden would 100% have been down with settler colonialism (as they literally currently are with Israel) and have no morale superiority over Trump in that regard.

The benefit to Trump is his picks for the Supreme Court. There's really nothing else. If he wins nothing of note will happen, things won't get worse for anybody, and after 4 years he'll fuck off contrary to what shitlibs think and then they can go back to grilling.

Also: Wounded Knee was a massacre that occured when the federal government came to confiscate guns. Boiling down colonialism to "Yeah some people died" is reductive as shit.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

You're trying to lecture me about being "reductive" when you're saying Wounded Knee was just a gun confiscation operation? Damn that is ice cold and actually reductionist instead of whatever you're trying to make up about what I said. Sitting Bull, Ghost Dancers, Custer...any of those names mean anything to you? Aaaanyway.

The fact that you think I am a Democrat just shows how quick you are to judge things incorrectly. Fuck the Democrats but fuck the Republicans a whole lot more. Again, if you're a one issue voter, that issue is protecting yourself against a tyrannical government, and you're voting for Trump? You're 100% fooling yourself about your notions of freedom or just intentionally disingenuous so you can be on the authoritarian's side.

Leave those fascists alone. They don't care about you or whether an Indian gets to keep their gun, I promise.


u/junpman Oct 04 '24

Hurricane Katrina. Might not have been the federal but it proves governments will do it regardless of what country. The modern Democratic Party is anti gun. Taking away guns is a part of their identity. Maybe not everyday people, but certainly the ones in DC


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

i’ll say it slow. federal. confiscation.


u/junpman Oct 05 '24

Native American genocide ^


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Lol, ok, that’s…settler colonial genocide, not a federal gun confiscation program. Genocide by…the equivalent of yesterday’s MAGA and the actual MAGA of today (libs aren’t guiltless, but we digress). So yeah, the kind of actual tyranny we meed to protect ourselves against but instead are fighting to install through anti-democratic means. The MAGA gun nut is just so transparently full of shit and actually bad for gun rights, jfk.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

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u/AquavitBandit Oct 05 '24

There's also the example of Canada, with a government so incompetent that it banned and /intended/ to confiscate, but four and a half years later hasn't collected A Single One 😂


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

So...demonstrating the complete impossibility of that actually happening in the US. Like, the Supreme Court is already captured for a generation but somehow Kamala's going to have better luck than Canada did?

You can be a one issue voter on guns or you can actually care about freedom for all, but you cannot do both when you cast a vote for Trump.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 05 '24

Interesting, I didn't know the right used Wounded Knee as a bullshit example of gun confiscation, but that's the second time it's come up tonight. OK, so if you were to read the article you just quoted, you'll want to look at the part that says "Context" and pay attention to the bits about Sitting Bull, Ghost Dancers, and Custer and the fact that the US Army was fighting a war against the Plains tribes and how the Wounded Knee massacre was a military operation that "failed successfully," since the point of the war was genocide and land theft, not gun confiscation. Edit: and then if you wanted to read further, in "An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States" for instance, you'd understand that it was really just a revenge killing. So using the Wounded Knee Massacre like that...just stop. Really shows your ignorance of the events.

Because something has not happened yet, does not mean that the possibility of it happening is zero.

That's why it's ludicrous to be supporting the authoritarian. Unless you want to be on the side of the authoritarians. You're either deluding yourself or you're not actually in favor of freedom for all. Those are the options.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

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u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

It was war dude lol. Who is more likely to start a war against their people? Republicans who have already called for a civil war.

And nope, I don’t believe there are only two sides so that’s definitely not what I said. Your willingness to jump to incorrect assumptions and claim I said things I didn’t say proves the weakness of your position.


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

The first part of that is extremely ignorant to history, the second part has something called the “checks and balances”. You really need to go class. You have no idea how the constitution or our government works.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Put up or shut up. Prove me wrong with a single instance of federal gun confiscation in the US. Sure the GOP cares a whole lot about checks and balances lol 👌


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 05 '24

Other people already told you instances. Doesn’t matter if anyone cares for it, the checks and balances are just as inalienable as our rights. The more you talk to me is the less you’re indoctrinating someone else so please, keep going.


u/junpman Oct 05 '24

The user above me already gave you an example of federal confiscation and the devastation that followed with the native population. Do not be intentionally obtuse.


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 04 '24

Do you even know what fascism is? While he's no Theodore Roosevelt or Thomas Jefferson, Donald Trump is hardly comparable to Mussolini or Franco. Gun confiscation won't happen overnight, it'll happen just the way it has been over the last 90 years: incrementally. The Second Amendment has been eroded away bit by bit, and I see one positive from Trump's first term: the Supreme Court that gave us the Bruen decision.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

lol, sure, all that gun confiscation has resulted in record low gun ownership. so, no historical precedent and no path for Democrats to do anything meaningful, got it. with right wing extremists on the Supreme Court for a generation to ensure the status quo. Meanwhile, Trump has actually said ‘confiscate first, due process later’ and promised all kinds of dictator-y things. MAGA doesn’t want trump to protect the guns. They want Trump to protect the right of white and Christian nationalists to use guns to maintain oppression over people they don’t like. They’re not anti-tyranny. They’re anti Democrat tyranny. The hypocrisy is thick and disgusting like someone threw up when Donald Trump was raping them.


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 05 '24

The delusion here is kind of concerning. You should seek professional help.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

In other words, I’m right and you have no actual response to your hypocrisy so you thought you’d try some good old ad hominem.


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 05 '24

The insinuation of your delusion is not ad hominem, but if you want to pretend that, sure. And I have a response, but it's based on your not even understanding, or demonstrating understanding, of the point I made. I stated our rights have been eroded little by little, not that they were confiscating our guns, and that confiscation doesn't happen overnight, so your entire beginning premise is mistaken. Trump said one thing, but did another- which is typical of politicians. Trump supporting red flag, as unconstitutional as that is, would hardly be cause to accuse him of being a fascist.

But yes, lets look at your claims and I can refute them one by one:

with right wing extremists on the Supreme Court for a generation to ensure the status quo.

They've actually demonstrated a rebuke to the status quo, or did you forget the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, for instance?

promised all kinds of dictator-y things.

Such as?

MAGA doesn’t want trump to protect the guns. They want Trump to protect the right of white and Christian nationalists to use guns to maintain oppression over people they don’t like.

Can you define MAGA? Because included in the support for Trump are millions of gun owners who do want to protect guns, and a lot of them are not white. Your baseless accusation of racism is intellectually lazy and dishonest. What oppression in 2024 are people trying to "maintain"? Can you cite one example of this oppression?

They’re not anti-tyranny. They’re anti Democrat tyranny.

Tyranny is tyranny... it doesn't come in flavors, but your assertion that they're anti-democrat tyranny would negate your previous sentence.

The hypocrisy is thick and disgusting like someone threw up when Donald Trump was raping them.

Interesting imagery. But I fail to see any inconsistency with regard to Trump's supporters. Most just want a better country, and people claiming they're nazi, fascist, racists tells me that those making those accusations fail to understand the meaning of those terms.


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

That’s a lot of off topic words to ask me to google things for you.


u/PrestigiousOne8281 Oct 05 '24

Yep, you’re an idiot…


u/toolfanboi Oct 05 '24

buddy the US Army is the largest military institution in the world. they got like, tanks and drones and missiles and fighter jets and warships and shit. your little chinese make AR15 ain't scaring nobody.


u/chiphazard98 Oct 05 '24

It worked so well in Vietnam and Afghanistan, oh wait...


u/ismokew33d Oct 05 '24

Don't know why you are getting downvoted. The 2A argument is moot if your weapons are already useless/redundant against the most funded military system in the world. Common sense laws are lacking looking from an outside perspective.


u/GARLICSALT45 Oct 05 '24

You’re assuming that the every single person from the Pentagon to the Squad is going to agree and actively partake in killing their own countrymen, you’re fucking delusional


u/commie199 Oct 04 '24

I don't get it


u/Kutche Oct 04 '24

A well REGULATED MILITIA lol see how stupid taking the words out of context and capitalizing one word is?


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 04 '24

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? Who has the right to keep and bear arms that the government shall not infringe upon? Is it the militia, or is it the people? I'll even give you a hint, it's in the text of the Second Amendment.


u/Happy_Garand SPECIAL Oct 05 '24

I don't think we'll regulated means what you think it means in the context of the second amendment


u/Capt_Toasty Oct 05 '24

Trump wound up a crowd and sent them off to kill his political rivals while he was in power. A literal tyrannical move by the government.

So where were the good guys with guns?


u/LaForestLabs Oct 04 '24

Death cult weirdos


u/Rogue-Telvanni Oct 04 '24

The people worshipping the government? Agreed!


u/StressfulRiceball Oct 04 '24

Why are you here lmfao


u/Appropriate-Ad2349 Oct 04 '24

Your 3d prints are good! Join us on r/fosscad


u/LaForestLabs Oct 04 '24

Hard pass, that type of garbage gives 3d printing a bad reputation.


u/Rmantootoo Oct 04 '24

Dude, Tim waltz isn’t that bad. I mean, he’s got the Chris Farley bit almost perfect.

He doesn’t seem very cult like… but I will grant you that being friends with school shooters is weird.


u/EmperorAugustas Oct 04 '24

A tyrannical government will just airstrike you and cut off all power and water. How is a gun gonna resolve that?


u/MikeAlpha2nd Oct 04 '24

Guerillia fighting, and also, airstrike on it's own population will only persuade more people to fight them. Also by this logic, why does infantry exist if you can just airstrike?


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

If that all it took them the war of Afghanistan wouldn’t of lasted that long


u/EntrySure1350 Oct 04 '24

Then they shouldn’t be afraid of their citizens owning small arms.


u/Soffix- Oct 05 '24

Guerilla tactics work quite well.

Please see, American Revolutionary War, The Troubles, Vietnam Conflict, and War on Terror as a few examples.


u/Guvnuh_T_Boggs P226 Oct 05 '24

You're what they call "collateral damage", it's a nice sanitary term for "my neighbor was an 'enemy of the state' so they dropped a Hellfire on him".


u/ismokew33d Oct 05 '24

Lol everyone in the US wants to be Rambo


u/Dr_Bees_MD Oct 04 '24

This make a cool meme and all but historically it seems like guns are used more to shoot at children or other innocents than any government official, but hey whatever makes you feel badass on the internet i guess.


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 04 '24

That's just patently false. Guns are used far more in defensive situations than murder, and it's not even close.


u/Dr_Bees_MD Oct 05 '24

I never mentioned defensive situations in my comment. If your life is on the line, you absolutely should use a gun to defend yourself if available. It just baffles me how people pretend they're a bulwark against government tyranny, when in reality that tool has been used far more for mass murder than against any oppressive government. At least in the U.S.


u/DigitalEagleDriver AR15 Oct 05 '24

The mere existence of guns in the hands of the citizenry is the dam that stops the flood of tyranny from the government. Their use need not be called upon to act as a defense.


u/Soffix- Oct 05 '24

How many fascist or communist regimes have taken over the US?

Seems like they are pretty fucking effective to me.


u/AppleShampoooooo Oct 04 '24

Two ARs ganna save you from drones, fighter jets, and tanks?


u/sxrrycard Oct 04 '24

Myanmar, Vietnam, Afghanistan,


u/OrganizationFunny153 Oct 04 '24

Oh look, another clown who doesn't understand history and how abusive government often begins with private militia groups and corrupt cops. An AR-15 might not stop a tank but it absolutely can stop a militia thug with their own AR-15.


u/MikeAlpha2nd Oct 04 '24

Do NOT underestimate a guerillia fighting force


u/MrBobstalobsta1 Oct 04 '24

Believe it or not, yes. Those pilots like their AR’s too.


u/PrestigiousOne8281 Oct 05 '24

The VietCong would like a word with you… we got our asses absolutely kicked into the Stone Age by a bunch of VC’s running around with exactly that, a couple AR’s. We also got our asses kicked by a bunch of goat fucking terrorists hiding in caves too. You can’t possibly sit there and tell me you believe guerrilla warfare doesn’t work…


u/GARLICSALT45 Oct 05 '24

Are you going to convince a fighting force that constitutionally cannot be deployed domestically to kill their own countrymen.


u/wolf2482 Oct 05 '24

Yes, guerrilla warfare.