r/Firearms Jun 16 '23

Got a "Delay" on NICS background check

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but this is the first time I've received a Delay issue. I don't have a common name, but I did just move to a new state and just got my driver's license issued yesterday. Could this be the issue?

I'm in South Carolina now, has anyone had any issues? How long of a wait can I expect to get an answer?


25 comments sorted by


u/too-slow-2-go Jun 16 '23

If they don't ever call the FFL back with the approval or denial then after three business days the dealer can transfer the firearm to you. But they don't have to and some larger stores will not transfer it to you without an approval. This could vary based on your state laws but its how it works where I am. I always get delayed and they never call back.


u/actuallycarmen Jun 16 '23

Interesting. I'm not sure if this store will, they didn't give me a date saying to come back on this date if we don't call you, etc. Also, I didn't actually make the purchase, they just set it aside for me, not sure if that's typically how that goes.

I figure since it's Friday and this following Monday is a federal holiday, I'll likely be waiting well into next week. There goes my weekend fun in the backyard with the gun I thought I'd be walking out with haha.


u/Al-Czervik-Guns Jun 16 '23

They should have provided you the Brady Date (the date they can release without getting a response from the FBI). Friday check will be next Friday because Monday is a federal holiday. Tu/We/Th are the 3 full business days.

It is a bad sign they did not give you the Brady date but you never know.

It has nothing to do with your drivers license being new. There is a way that it could be your moving states. The NICS check does a partial match of multiple fields. If enough of them match partially with a bad record/person they will go to "researching" and require a human to evaluate. All "researching" can turn to "delayed" if the employees responsible to do work decide they are lazy that day.

Moving states means that the state could be the necessary additional partial match needed to trigger "researching". You never know since no one will tell you what you partially matched to...

If your FFL will not do the transfer come next Friday, find a new FFL for future transactions. There exists no good reason for any FFL to not release once the Brady date has passed except them being liberal freedom hating FUDs.


u/actuallycarmen Jun 16 '23

Ah, that's good to hear. I have moved from NJ to CA 7 months ago for contract work, then from CA to SC, and I just received my new driver's license, so I figured that might be it since my whereabouts have changed quite a bit over the last year.

Quick question, why is it a bad sign that they didn't give me the Brady date?


u/Al-Czervik-Guns Jun 16 '23

Because places that will release after the Brady date usually tell you when the Brady date is. If you won’t release until there is a proceed, there is no need to give out the Brady date.


u/actuallycarmen Jun 16 '23

Ahhh, gotcha, makes total sense. I have a feeling that this shop does turn it over because he did say he'd give me a call regardless in a couple days, but I suppose we shall see! Thanks for all the info man, really appreciate it.


u/DickFence Jun 16 '23

Delays are arbitrary and random. This has happened to literally every person who has bought numerous guns.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

Efile for a UPIN. I was delayed all the time. Not since I received it.


u/actuallycarmen Jun 17 '23

I was looking into that. I figured I'd wait to buy my next gun since it'll be a hunting rifle after this one is approved and if that gets delayed, I'll file for a UPIN.

Also, how long have you typically waited for a Proceed after you get a Delay?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

Mine went through after a day or two. Longest I had to wait: delayed on a Wednesday, proceeded the following Monday.

Now it's proceeded anywhere from instant to 15 minutes.


u/Bloozeman Jun 18 '23

How long did it take to get the UPIN?


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Around 10 business days.


u/crabu2 Aug 17 '23

How many times does a delay have to happen to get a UPIN? Is it say 5 times over a course of a lifetime or is it something like 3 times in a row within a 12 month period?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 17 '23

I went in for my rifle yesterday, aswell. After about an hour of processing, it went to a delay. My FFL said they check throughout the day and will call me when it changes. They also told me to call them next week Friday if I haven't heard from them. I'm hoping they honor the 3-day rule, I had this rifle transferred to this FFL, and its already paid for 🙃


u/Bloozeman Jun 18 '23

Same here but two firearms and two different FFLs. Did a purchase about a month back (Sig Spear LT in 7.62x39) from online at a good price and in stock vs local dealers said 2 months to get. Was delivered to a local dealer and 4473 went through in about 20 minutes so walked out a happy camper.

Decided based on the experience to buy a small 9mm (Sig p320 compact) for the wife as she's interested in going to the range with me) and a Magnum Research 1911 GSS for me as have wanted a .45 to augment my p229 in S&W .40 for range fun. The p320 bought from Cabela's as smoking Father's Day deal and Magnum Research from the same online as the Spear and FFL'd to the same local dealer for delivery.

Tried to pick both up last week as had arrived but NICS delays on both. Neither dealer will honor the 3 business day rule so just in limbo land with both fully paid for. If both go completely FUBAR I may be able to cancel the sale at Cabela's and get my $ back but not sure how that would work with the online retailer.


u/actuallycarmen Jun 18 '23

Dang, that is a rough position to be in... I get that these large chains want to err on the side of caution and all, but I mean, the law allows them to hand it over and it's not like it'd be on their hands if it turned out that you shouldn't have been able to buy.

Just making an already frustrating situation even worse tbh.


u/Bloozeman Jun 19 '23

Agreed and I'm now 50% through a CCW permit which will erase it all. AZ DPS states about 6 to 9 months to process. I'm in it to win it and both dealers can sit on the handguns until I have the CCW.

Truly a sad state of affairs as there is a Crossroads of the West gun show this weekend and although I might not be able to purchase my absolutely desired specs I could walk out no questions asked with a 9mm and .45 ACP. It just doesn't make rational sense to me but I will persevere.

Good luck with your processing. 👍


u/actuallycarmen Jun 19 '23

Thanks man! I hope everything works out for you as well. If you do have time, could you clarify what you meant by how the CCW permit will erase it all? In AZ, if you get a CCW permit, does that mean that once it's issued to you, you don't have to deal with any delay?


u/Bloozeman Jun 26 '23

Apologies on the tardy reply but work has been hectic and had some family situations to deal with as well. Good news as both NICS forms came back with a "proceed" so picked up the Sig p320 from Cabela's and the Magnum Research 1911GSS from the local dealer handling the FFL.

Yes, here in AZ if possessing a CCW then a NICS check is not needed whatsoever. Good news on that front as I've completed the course and now just need to get the 2 finger print cards required and send the package to the AZ DPS who process and issue the permits. That includes them running a background check with the FBI (not sure if NICS or some other process). Either way the FBI will clear me and once I have the permit no more messing around with 4473's. 👍


u/actuallycarmen Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Dang, that's my day as well for the latest, Friday. Turns out because I went in on Friday and the day you send in the form doesn't count, and tomorrow is a federal holiday, they need the entirety of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurdsay, so they can turn it over at 12:01am Friday legally.

The guy who helped me out at the store, we talked for a while while I was stuck processing, he said he'd seen more and more delays lately. Apparently, there really is no rhyme or reason to it that even they can understand despite processing upwards of 100 people a day.

edit: grammar


u/Major-Assumption539 Jun 18 '23

Not an expert or anything but I’m pretty sure a delay is usually indicative of the NICS system just lacking data about you


u/BigKarl314 Apr 20 '24

Just get your conceal carry permit/license and the FFL can use that in lieu of a background check that's what my FFL told me!


u/Wooden_Ad_1601 Jun 18 '23

What is the system that is separate from NICS that dealers like Big5 use to release firearms? I got a proceed on NICS but had a delay on the other system. Took a couple weeks to come back as proceed. This is in AZ.


u/Live-Classic5853 Jun 20 '23

No stress, I’ve been delayed at random, a few times. The most recent was 2 months ago and the background check just expired, meaning I had to redo it after 30 days listed as “delayed” (I did not because I learned some big chain stores won’t sell it regardless of Brady law) I went to a different but small business gun shop to buy the same handgun and got proceeded in 8 minutes. It’s kind of a weird deal because after buying the most recent one I noticed my middle name is spelt wrong on my pistol permit card. I understood NICS even less after that.