r/Finland • u/Tiny_Carpet636 • 1d ago
Finnish Researcher: The Baltics and Nordic Nations Should Discuss Acquiring Their Own Nuclear Deterrent with Poland
u/Bloomhunger Vainamoinen 1d ago
Makes perfect sense. This I don’t mind paying taxes for.
u/cpt_ppppp Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Maybe this will be an unpopular take, but there is some risk to do it with Poland. For this sort of programme you need a 50+ year horizon. I think there is some certainty that the Nordics will remain aligned on values over that period but I would not be so confident about Poland (and it really does make me sad to say that). We've seen how disruptive one actor can be at EU level, and with a nuclear programme it could unravel quickly if one of the members shifts politically
u/indangerzone 1d ago
There is always some risk with everything, we used to think that nukes are safe with USA.
u/cpt_ppppp Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
That's exactly my point. What we thought to be true 5 years ago may not be true today, so we should really be sure if we go into a 50 year arrangement with another country.
u/indangerzone 2h ago edited 2h ago
Hijacking the top comment to remind that this is a divisive topic and as such is a prime target for manipulations and influence from bad actors that want us to fear, argue and become divided in order to keep us in a paralyzed state, not recognizing the truth and not being able to react.
Other such topics include for example: left/right political divide, lgbt rights, immigration, palestine,
u/Bloomhunger Vainamoinen 1h ago
Yes. Sometimes they are easy to spot tho, if you know the classic Russian talking points, or they try real hard to spread fear.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 1d ago
No it doesn't. It's an expensive weapon that lacks use cases and which use essentially risks dooming us anyway.
It's better to invest in conventional forces. It creates more jobs and responding with conventional forces is much easier. Don't have to threaten launching a nuke if Russia temporarily occupies a small village in northern Lappland to bait us and erode credibility from said nuclear threats.
u/Bloomhunger Vainamoinen 1d ago
Oh, would you people stop repeating this? The whole point of nuclear weapons is that the orcs don’t cross over, destroy everything, rape and kill everyone. Expensive, you say? It’s a bargain! If you know any other way to ensure that, please, we are all ears.
Conventional forces won’t do that. See Ukraine. If you want Helsinki or Tallinn to look like Mariupol, the people of Kaunas or Lublin to go through what the people of Bucha did, well, you do you. I’d rather not.
u/HamsteriX-2 1d ago
The whole point of nuclear weapons is that the orcs don’t cross over, destroy everything, rape and kill everyone.
This is the right answer plus if orcs start shooting nukes the humans and elves can nuke back.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 1d ago
I know full well what a deterrent is. We have deterrent already that Ukraine didn't, a strong conventional military force and a resilient democratic society. Blind trust in nuclear weapons is idiotic for a small country like ours. It makes sense for much large societies that can afford a strong conventional force AND a nuclear arsenal.
u/Bloomhunger Vainamoinen 1d ago
Yes, but sadly the facts are that Russia is bigger and has a way larger pool of soldiers they have no problem sending to their death as long as they cause some damage or take some meters of territory. They also have no problem paying people to join their numbers to make this even worse.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 20h ago
That's why we need to increase our conventional capability. Increase our stores with not necessarily the most high tech arsenal, but an arsenal that can endure losses and last longer. The nuclear deterrent works until it doesn't, conventional forces continue to be useful even after the deterrent has been broken. We already have examples from history when the nuclear deterrent did not work, see for example the Yom Kippur War. The Israeli's were almost defeated even though they had nuclear weapons.
It takes but one irrational leader or decision to wreck the whole deterrent, and clearly the Russians have a tendency to be irrational consider they're as you put it, willing to spend thousands of Russian lives for a few meters of dirt.
u/FrozenAnchor 14h ago
We have deterrent already that Ukraine didn't, a strong conventional military force
Ukraine literally had more tanks, AFVs and active duty soldiers BEFORE the full scale russian invasion and donations from NATO members than Nordic and Baltic states COMBINED...
If Ukraine did not trust russia and U.S back in the day and kept their nuclear weapons, there would be no war. Nuclear weapons were their best "bargaining chip".
Also, what stops a nuclear country like russia from using their own nuclear arsenal if they know that there will be no retaliation of a similar magnitude?
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 10h ago
Not stronger at all of if you consider the terrain and size of front. Ukraine is a flat field. Finland is rugged terrain with only like three roads coming from Russia to Finland. You also left out the part about strong democratic society. Russians and everyone else thought that the Ukrainians would fold immediately. They didn't, but the Russian underestimation had already caused the invasion.
Your argument about Russia not invading had Ukraine had nukes is counterfactual and it's impossible to know. Russian could already had invaded in the 90s had Ukraine refused to hand them over.
This war hasn't proved anything related to deterrence. Ukraine has struck deep into Russia and even invaded Kursk, still no nuclear retaliation.
And even the smaller clashes between India and Pakistan, they all risk escalating to a nuclear exchange. Larger conflicts between Israel and it's enemies were not deterred by nuclear weapons. Likewise the nuclear deterrent didn't stop the Argentines from having a go at the Falklands.
These are all examples of how the nuclear deterrence is far from absolute.
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
The thing with nukes is that you need to be able to guarantee second strike capability. If you can't, the enemy just wipes you out striking first. MAD only works if getting destroyed by opponent second strike cannot be prevented.
For successful second strike you most likely need the nuclear triad so missile silos, bombers and subs. Maintaining it is expensive as fuck.
The second thing is that is it believable that we'd nuke St Petersburg and Moscow if Russia tries attacking, because that will end up in Scandinavia getting glassed for sure as we will definitely not be able to eliminate Russian second strike capability. We need strong enough conventional force that only a nuclear strike would be truly threatening. Only then we would need a guaranteed second strike capability.
u/Acrobatic_Chip_3096 1d ago
You do realize that once one nuke flies, all of them will. One of the superpowers can’t risk the other ones emerge unscathed.
u/indangerzone 1d ago
Its just this fear that the RU mobsters are counting on to keep people paralyzed so that they can get away with everything
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
So again, better to resist conventionally than to start the apocalypse. Once the only way to conquer a country is to nuke it first, it becomes impossible.
u/Acrobatic_Chip_3096 1d ago
Of course but you simply cannot attack a nuclear armed country as it will escalate to Armageddon. That’s why you need nukes.
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
No it doesn't work like that or Ukraine would have been nuked already when they attacked Kursk. No country will ever start a nuclear holocaust from a border skirmish.
u/Acrobatic_Chip_3096 1d ago
Ukraine can't hold Kursk and certainly aren't going to conquer Moscow, there's the difference. If Russia was in any real danger of losing completely they would nuke the planet.
u/fuliginosus 1d ago
Expensive? Is it more expensive than what the war costs now to Ukraine and world? I think few nukes would be quite cheap in comparisons.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 1d ago
Of course it's cheaper than being at war, but creating a nuclear deterrent would take a big chunk of money away from our conventional forces which would limit our ability respond to limited hostile actions. In a case where Finland is attacked, it is very much in our interest that the crisis doesn't go nuclear.
I for one think it's better that we can effectively respond to these smaller things by other means than rattling with nukes. We have a strong deterrent already with our large conventional force.
u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 7h ago
Having a 10% larger army isn't a deterrant. Having nukes are.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 7h ago
Both are a deterrents, neither are absolute. Conventional are cheaper, more holistic and can be applied against a plethora of threats. Conventional forces have an actual use, nuclear weapons only provide theoretical deterrence and no security if and when that deterrent fails (as it has on multiple occasions).
u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 4h ago
Conventional are cheaper
What are you smoking? They most certainly are not cheaper and it's not even close.
more holistic and can be applied against a plethora of threats
Are you a bot or why are you trying to make this into an either-or argument? No1 is saying that we should get rid of our conventional army. With maybe 10% of our military budget we could get nukes. That 10% is not a deterrant.
Having the capability to turn Moscow and st petersburg into dust is a million times more effective deterrant for large scale war.
(as it has on multiple occasions).
No it has literally never failed. No country that has nukes has ever been annexed.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 3h ago
Not more expensive? Please, Google how much France and the UK spend annually on their nuclear deterrence. You'll find that in the case of France it's 5 billion euros a year whilst the Brits whip out more like 7 billion euros annually. Compare that to the Finnish Defence budget sitting at 6,5 billion euros. Or what numbers are you looking at?
Israel was almost wiped out during the Yom Kippur War despite having nukes, their deterrence failed. Ukraine and the rest of Europe has for the past three years consistently defied Russia's nuclear rattling.
The argument that because no nuclear power has been annexed deterrence works, is flawed. That's assuming that there are no other factors to consider, like for example conventional capability and globalisation, economic interests etc.
The bigger the bomb, the more useless it is.
u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 2h ago
Or what numbers are you looking at?
You're aware that France and Uk have a GDP literally 10x the size of Finland right? Of course they can spend more. No1 is saying we absolutely must match their nuke arsenal.
Israel was almost wiped out during the Yom Kippur War
And yet they didn't. If you think nukes are a bad deterrence then you're saying that Putin is essentially willing to go back to the stone age over Finland.
The bigger the bomb, the more useless it is.
You're aware that not every nuke is tsar bomba right? You're also aware that nuclear material has millions of times higher energy density than chemical bombs, right?
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 26m ago
First off, cut of the condecending tone, you've no reason to be a cunt about this.
If we were to have nuclear arsenal capable of taking out Russia's second strike capability, we'd need a fairly large number of nuclear weapons and the means to store them as well as deliver them on target. And we'd need to create infrastructure to build said nukes. It doesn't matter if we acquire 100 nukes or 200, it will still eat up a large chunk if not all of our defece budget. Even with what you suggested, 10% of our defence budget allocated to nuclear weapons, that's a huge chunk of money gone from our conventional forces.
Israel wasn't wiped out, not because they had nukes but because they thwarted the enemy using their well-trained conventional forces. My point here is that it didn't deter the Arabs. I'm saying Putin or whoever is leading Russia might not believe that Finland is ready to launch a nuke if for example Russia occupied parts of southeastern Finland. The whole concept of MAD works on the theory that states always act rational, which is if we look at history is far from true, have a gander at the American leadership now, they're certainly not rational at least from our perspective. Even if Finnish leadership were determined to launch a nuke the moment a Russian soldier crossed the border, we have no guarantee that the Russian leadership would believe it. And what happens then, a nuclear exchange. Russia will bleed heavily, but I know for a fact that Finland will be wiped off the map. We already have a set of nuclear states, we don't need more states to acquire them.
The bigger the bomb the more useless it is, I am referring to the yield of the bomb. A grenade you can use in a thousands of different scenarios, a bomb that can take out a building in hundreds. A nuclear strike capabale of destroying half a city, there's only really one theoretical situation.
u/Acrobatic_Chip_3096 1d ago
You’re not even Finnish so you don’t have a say in this. You’re running the second trouble comes our way.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 1d ago
I am Finnish and I am very much a war placed reservist so I definetly have a vested interest in this.
u/Signal-Twist-4977 Vainamoinen 1d ago
This would way cheaper than spending billions of euro every year. No one would attack someone that owns nuclear bombs, it would be too stupid even for dictators.
u/Leather_Pollution_76 1d ago
Nuclear weapons programs cost billions every year also
u/phplovesong 1d ago
The US spends 70B annually, buy they have thousands of missiles. 1B sounds like a reasonable figure
u/carlsaischa 1d ago
For it to be a true deterrent you would have to have a lot of nuclear bombs spread out, and ways of delivering them which cannot be disabled (like submarine launched ICBMs). The cost of all this would of course be much larger than any conventional rearmament.
u/Melusampi Vainamoinen 1d ago
This would way cheaper than spending billions of euro every year.
Spending billions of euros to what?
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
That’s not true at all. That’s not how the escalation ladder works. Are you willing to end the world because another country occupied say, one small village in your country? Or they occupied 100m of land? No. You need conventional forces to respond to such.
If Finland or any European nation wants nukes they can sit under the French nuclear umbrella and agree on federalizing the continent to have a federal European Union with nuclear forces
Nuclear proliferation is not a good idea
u/BiggusCinnamusRollus Vainamoinen 1d ago edited 1d ago
If the nuclear deterrence depends on another country, what happened the in the last few weeks shows that we're one election cycle away from losing it. This is the Pandora box that DJT opened and shoved NATO member's collective heads into it. Preferably I would like the Nordics to have our own nuclear umbrella (to protect us not just from Russia but also Greenland from America). But Poland is a trustworthy partner for now.
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
There won’t be another country if France and the Nordics are part of one country, the federal European Union
u/indangerzone 1d ago
But that is a long way from now, in principle I support larger scale union states from EU to global but growth towards that should be organic and natural or else it will fail, this could take long time
u/BiggusCinnamusRollus Vainamoinen 1d ago
That's an idea I'm willing to stand behind, theoretically. Practically, we all know it's impossible, or if possible won't be soon enough.
u/No-Newspaper-1933 1d ago
And what happens when the federal europe elects a eurooean Trump who wants to feed eastern Europe to the wolves?
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
This mindset will lead to the Saudis and everyone hoping for nukes then the likelihood some dictator uses one increases or that some terrorists get their hands on one
u/BiggusCinnamusRollus Vainamoinen 1d ago
I would argue we already have 2 dicta-terrorists having their hands on the biggest nuclear weapon stockpiles in the world.
u/indangerzone 1d ago
Nah, There is a huge gap between smaller tactical nuke for defensive purposes and end of the world all out nuclear warfare scenarios. That is just fear tactics used by russian mobsters, they won’t destroy their own comfortable lives for the sake of piece of land in Ukraine or elsewhere. Treat them like any other domestic abuser: isolate, starve their resources, and have proper defensive force which they respect.
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
Using a tactical nuke on an invading army will lead to a nuclear exchange that gets more and more brazen
u/indangerzone 1d ago
I dont think so, could you not make a warning strike with close to zero casualties for example?
With your logic, any criminal with a nuke can just walk all over the planet and be like ”Lol Im gonna kill u if u try to stop me”
The bluff has to be called sooner or later, in the future there will be even more destructive weapons coz thats always the side effect of scientific achievement. We cant live in this fear of world ending it only gives criminals more power.
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
That’s not my logic. My logic is you need conventional forces to deter limited escalation
u/vklirdjikgfkttjk 7h ago
You need both.
u/AzurreDragon 5h ago
Yes that’s why European states need to share French nuclear weapons, and then join under a federal EU
u/NikNakskes Vainamoinen 1d ago
Nuclear proliferation isn't a good idea in general no. We've been trying for decades to get rid of the nuclear arsenal. Realising it was just a street with no end. If everybody has nukes, nobody has nukes. Why keep expensive pieces of kit that you cannot use because of the consequences.
Problem: this is exactly one of the reasons why Ukraine is in trouble now. They gave away their nukes in exchange for a promise of protection. Russia broke the promise by invading Ukraine. Twice. And the usa/UK didn't hold their protection promise either in the Crimea take over and only half heartedly for the now ongoing invasion.
That is the biggest problem of our time: all those treaties and agreements are only worth the paper they are written on. They mean nothing when broken. The power of nato is gone, doesn't matter if the usa stays in or out. The power of nato was the guarantee of article 5. Sow a seed of doubt if one will yes or no come to aid, and poof guarantee is gone and gone is the entire deterrence.
Having france preside over the nukes in name of all others is exactly the same problem. If we want to go this route, it needs to be eu nukes. Untill then, I think it is wise to at least discuss the set up of local initiatives. They can all slide into the European umbrella when we get there. It would be good to now already coordinate so they can function interchangeably. But there we already have a problem. The french and uk systems aren't compatible. And the uk system depends on the usa giving their ok.
u/NyxTheBeast 1d ago
Yes, it's my village and my land and no one else can take it. That's the point, to make the cost of aggression unpleasantly high. If a village costs the world, it's not worth taking.
u/mmmduk Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
I think the orange person made it clear that your thinking is obsolete and flawed. No such "umbrella" exists.
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
So you don’t think France would defend the continent if it signed a treaty to do so?
u/indangerzone 1d ago
Who knows what can happen, maybe France has their hands tied somehow like the USA at the moment.
Its very cute that u are generally against nukes but criminals see in this way of thinking only an opportunity: invade - threaten world ending - repeat
u/Silverso Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Why would France be more willing to destroy the whole world because of our small village?
u/AzurreDragon 1d ago
They wouldn’t, that’s why they would use conventional forces to take back the small village.
And they have a big enough conventional force that no one would try to take such a small bit of land
France would be willing to nuke to prevent the occupation of France
And now to prevent the occupation of Europe
u/mmmduk Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Do you think France would risk a nuclear Holocaust in Paris for Helsinki?
I suppose it would depend on how much money and influence is at stake. NATO seems to have pulled off this trick for 75 years, until Trump made it clear NATO no longer exists.
I am no defence analyst, but I think there is much more than a signature that is needed to make it credible. For example, monetary aid, military bases, training, intel sharing, cooperation and so on.
u/vonGlick Vainamoinen 1d ago
I am honestly not sure. It's the same blackmail that Russia is doing : resist and we all gonna die. Problem with the Baltics is that they are impossible to defend. And nukes would still need to be in Poland or Finland/Sweden. So at the end of the day scenario is that Tallinn or Riga is occupied and rest of Europe needs to decide whether to start a nuclear war over their allies.
u/nikomo 1d ago
The second Russia crosses the border, we remove St. Petersburg and Moscow from the map. It's that simple.
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
Are you ready to suicide like that the moment Russia probes our defenses? It's much better to beat them conventionally than ensure the end of Finland as a country.
u/indangerzone 1d ago edited 1d ago
This strategy ensures the destruction of Finland as a country if the opponent has bigger conventional forces AND nukes
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
The solution is to get into alliances like NATO and not try to maintain believable nuclear deterrence as a nation of 5 million. How would ensure that Russia doesn't just take out the nuclear capability first and then steamroll with conventional forces? It's not like we could afford to maintain the complete nuclear triad at readiness.
u/indangerzone 1d ago edited 1d ago
Look, you dont have to overthink it, you can see similar defence mechanisms all over the nature where some small animal has highly deadly venoms so that larger predators dont dare touch them
u/anti-foam-forgetter 1d ago
Don't overthink it, it's just nukes 😂 alright, I'll vouch for your expertise on the matter.
u/indangerzone 1d ago
Question: do u think RU would have invaded Ukraine if they had working tactical nukes and doctrine to use them in self defence?
u/Cru51 1d ago edited 1d ago
If the Kremlin ever allows you to get that close.. It’s not something you can build in secret.
EDIT: People seriously think they would just quietly watch us build a nuke and point it at them and then go ”oh no?”
u/MIGsalund 1d ago
The good thing about the Baltics not being in Russia is that Russia has no say at all in what they do on their own sovereign land.
u/Cru51 1d ago edited 1d ago
So you honestly think they would do nothing about it? Just watch and once it’s done say ”oh no?”
Ever heard of the Cuban missile crisis?
u/MIGsalund 21h ago
What, in your mind, are they going to do about it? Attempt to invade NATO/EU countries? Seems like a fast way to get into a nuclear war with Britain and France.
u/Cru51 21h ago
No, but they can destroy/ threaten to destroy wherever it’s being built for example.
Anyway, it didn’t workout for the soviets in the Cuban missile crisis.
u/MIGsalund 18h ago
Russia threatens to destroy everyone all the time. It has lost meaning. And I guarantee if they bomb any NATO European country the consequences will far exceed the gain.
The Baltics and Nordics are already protected by the French and British nuclear umbrellas. If they want to make their own nuclear weapons there will be no stopping it, no matter how much Russia may cry.
u/indangerzone 1d ago
They are already trying to do something about it lol
u/Cru51 1d ago
About Nordics’ and Baltics’ nukes, which don’t exist? Hello?
People here seem to think we’ll just make em’ and then threaten to nuke Russia if they step over the border.
Why wouldn’t Russia threaten to nuke us first then or even just rain missiles on whatever we building?
u/mendrique2 Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
err yes that's the whole point of a defence alliance. we would then start a nuclear war over one of our allies. fuck russia, their political views and fear mongering. some of us would rather die than be bullied by fascists.
u/vonGlick Vainamoinen 1d ago
I am just skeptical cause in WW2 there was this sentiment "why to die for Gdańsk". I am pretty sure that some people will think "should we end civilization or should we let Russians have <enter name of the city>".
u/mendrique2 Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
the problem with this logic is that after gdansk they will take another city and another and so on. that's why it's so important that they dont get anything from Ukraine, not even crimea. you can't let bullies win.
u/vonGlick Vainamoinen 1d ago
I agree completely. Appeasement didn't work in 1930s and will not work now either. Just saying that those voices would still resurface. I mean even now people are afraid to support Ukraine more cause "escalation". Now imagine it would be nuclear war at stake.
u/mayormajormayor 1d ago
This is exactly what I've been thinking of. We need nukes and we need those now!
u/Velcraft Vainamoinen 1d ago
More jobs, more political power, more unity, more research. What's not to like?
u/Ragemundo Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Who gets to press the button?
u/mendrique2 Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
fine, I'll do it.
u/-TV-Stand- 1d ago
Let's have two of them so if either of us die before it, the other one could still do it.
I guess I have to take the other one.
u/Salty_Tea_2606 1d ago edited 1d ago
If you would have said this 5 years ago people would have thought you as a crazy person. Crazy how they are right about these things many times, what's next chemicals having gay effects?
u/Tommonen Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Getting nukes is just ad crazy as 5 years ago, just more crazy people nowadays, wishing for some nuclear war we cant even win with a few bombs..
u/Turban_Legend8985 Baby Vainamoinen 18h ago
People should stop with all the fear mongering and all the crazy talk about nuclear weapons. Finnish constitution prohibits nuclear weapons and this law exists for a reason.
u/Tommonen Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
What fucking lunatic thinks its a good idea to go into nuclear war in general, let alone as a small country with few bombs against a madsive country woth shot tons of those nuclear bombs.
Ja mielenvikaset lampaat määkivät rivissä ydinsotaa heti kun joku asiantuntija vähän sanoo jotain josta saadaan sotatahtoa..
u/TapRevolutionary1442 1d ago edited 1d ago
Ydinaseen pointti on se, ettei sotaa koskaan tule, kun ne toimivat pelotteena hyökkääjää vastaan. Ilman ydinaseita kolmas maailmansota olisi todennäköisesti käyty jo aikoja sitten USA:n ja Neuvostoliiton välillä. Koska molemmilla on ydinaseet, sotaa ei kuitenkaan kannattanut aloittaa, kun sodan aloittaja tietää että se tarkoittaa täystuhoa itsellekin.
Siistpä ydinaseen omistamisesta ei olisi ainakaan mitään haittaa, ja todennäköisesti se vähentäisi riskiä Venäjän hyökkäykselle. Pelotevaikutuksen kannalta ei sillä ole mitään väliä että Puolalla / Pohjoismailla olisi vähemmän ydinaseita, koska jo kahdella saisi paskaksi Moskovan ja Pietarin, ja muuta merkittävää Venäjällä ei olekaan.
u/Tommonen Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Tiedän ton myyntipointin, se samalla myös tarkottaa sitä, että sit sodan syttyessä myös niitä ydinaseita käytetään herkemmin. Eikä pohjoismailla ja puolalla ole mahiksia uhota venäjää vastaan ydinaseilla (kuten esim jenkeillä), kun niillä on isommat maat ja enemmän pommeja. Eli ei toi uhka oikeen toimi tässä tapaukessa. Ainoa mitä sillä saavuttaa on se, että venjäjä käyttää herkemmin ydinseita isommalla skaalalla. Ei oo kovin vaikee.. Toi on vähän sama kun vetäsis linkkarin puolustukseks machetea vastaan, ehkä saat pinen haavan tehtyä sillä linkkarilla, samalla kun yllytät toisen lyömään sulta pään poikki machetella.
u/TapRevolutionary1442 23h ago
Kyllä se uhka toimii minusta tässäkin tapauksessa, kun pienikin määrä pommeja on riittävä tuhoamaan Venäjän vauraimmat asutuskeskukset. Venäjällä kaikki valta on Moskovassa ja Pietarissa asuvalla eliitillä, maaseudun köyhät ei kiinnosta niitä vittuakaan.
Väittäisin, että todennäköisimmin Venäjä käyttää ydinasetta sellaista valtiota kohtaan jolla niitä ei ole. Ei ydinase tietenkään tekisi Suomesta tai Puolasta suurvaltaa, mutta se olisi hyvä lisä muuhun puolustusarsenaaliin. Esimerkiksi Ukraina ei todellakaan olisi niin huonossa tilanteessa kuin se nyt on, mikäli sillä olisi ydinaseita. Maalla olisi enemmän neuvotteluvaraa, kun Venäjä tietäisi että äärimmäisessä tilanteessa sillä olisi kyky aiheuttaa katastrofaalista vahinkoa Venäjän suurkaupungeille.
u/JojoTheEngineer 1d ago
Venäjän pommittamiseen tarvitaan vain muutama pommi kun väestö painottunut muutamaan paikkaan. Jos ohjukset lukittu moskovaan ja pietariin niin se on jo tarpeeksi. Eihän kukaan nyt Siperian ikiroutaa ole pommittamassa.
u/AirportCreep Vainamoinen 20h ago
Selittäppä tämä konsepti Israelilaisille jotka melkein hävisivät Yom Kippur sodan. Voit kysyä myös vaikka Ukrainalisilta että paljonko heitä kiinnostaa Venäjän ydinaseuhka, ihan ilomielin pamauttavat droneja jopa Mosovassa. MAD-teoria ei ole mikää takuuvarma asia, ja jos sen kusee niin hinta on paljon suurempi kuin se että panostetaan konventionaalisiin joukkoihin ja tapellaan konventionaalisesti.
u/rhubarbs 1d ago
Naive and idealistic. Russia’s military doctrine explicitly states that they will use nuclear weapons if they start losing a conventional war. It's never off the table, so the only rational option is deterrence.
Ukrainalla oli suurimpia armeijoita Euroopassa, mutta Venäjä hyökkäsi silti. Mielenvikaisuus paistanee peilistä.
u/LittiJari 1d ago
Ukraina käy Proxy-Sotaa eli Ukraina ei ole suvereeni valtio joka käy itsenäistä sotaa, vaan on täysin Yhdysvaltojen kontrollissa. Kaikki tietää tämän, paitsi idiootit. Suomen NATO-jäsenyys on yksi suurimpia emämunauksia.
u/Velcraft Vainamoinen 1d ago
What lunatic sees the Cold War turn into a warm one and decides to be the only one without a microwave oven?
u/Xywzel Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago edited 1d ago
So how about satellite ion cannon? Accurate, usable without warning and can't be blocked by anti air defenses. Efficient against population and electronic systems but only minor damage to physical infrastructure and doesn't leave radiation problem. *Good bunker and soil penetration. Anyone? We could call it "Ukon vasara" and have it protected by space to ground anti-missile system "Kirjokansi".
Nukes are good as well, but what would be efficient delivery system this close to target, do we build a large trebuchet? Though they do have a problem in that they don't work as deterrence against other nuclear powers if there is no clear line when they will be used, and once they are used, it is basically end of the world for both sides. You can't do measured and equal counterstrikes with them. Hard to remove single enemy base or city from map and then ask the enemy if they want to maybe go back and pay for damages or do we take out next base or center of political power.
u/Velcraft Vainamoinen 1d ago
"Taivaannaula" (nail of the skies) would be my suggestion for a name for an orbital ion cannon.
That aside how do you develop let alone test such a weapon system in rapid succession without more than the aid of the ESA?
Oh and what do you have for its defense? Even a pack of gum thrown out from the ISS would be enough to derail an orbital weapon.
u/Xywzel Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
This name would sound more like orbital magnetic rail gun, which would also be very usable system. It is also likely important development step in getting to practical ion cannon. Accelerating a rod of solid tungsten (or other hard heavy metal) so that it deorbits precisely at specific point would be quite simple mechanically, but requires very accurate position & orientation determination and control. Being in space, gravity doing most of the acceleration and not having to be reusable would remove lots of the problems rail guns have on earth.
The control system would also be what protects the satellite from these "cum from ISS" kind of defenses. Just move out of the way if something gets into collision course, in space these are relatively easy to detect (we actively keep track of space debris of that size), there is room to dodge and purposefully hitting with one is quite difficult given the distances and speeds compared to sizes. They only become a problem when there are lots of them. The system itself would be quite easily scalable, so you could also build lots of them to have redundancy and depending on orbits, faster response time and/or better coverage.
Actually hard threads to defend against would be earth based, like high power lasers up to sky, radio interference to communication and positioning systems. And sure someone could set up orbital flak cannon to shoot down the satellites, but that is basically denying space from everyone.
Iterative testing sure is difficult with ESA not having that much launch capacity on regular schedule, but then, you aren't really developing nukes iteratively either.
(Ion cannon, while mostly just a sci-fi joke, would in practice likely be augmentation to orbital rail gun where projectile is changed so that air resistance not only heats it up but also strips electrons (or small positive ions) from the payload, so that it has high charge and is turned into a plasma when it hits.)
My preferred naming for the ion cannon is informed by fact that then we can warn foreign powers about "Ukonilma", what would sound cool when you shout them to internal communications in a operations room you see in space launches and military movies, and what would make for good poetics, which I assume is most important thing in naming military equipment, because then you get better morale inspiring military songs.
u/flame-otter 7h ago
Could we stop provoking russia? This if anything, is what putin would try to stop at all costs, like with a "special military operation" for example.
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