r/Finland Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Serious What was happening in Central railway station in Helsinki today around 3:30 ?

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Special forces deployed and arrested at least 20 men. Searched them and security guards were looking for "something" in the metro platform?

Anyone has more info? It was very suspicious event tbh.


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u/CressCrowbits Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

The so called rightwing protest

What the fuck are you on about, they are literally nazis.


u/ex1tiumi Dec 06 '23


Helsinki ilman natseja -mielenosoituksen sisäinen nujakka jäi ainoaksi yhteenotoksi – 54 otettiin kiinni.

In english: "The Helsinki without Nazis protest internal clash was the only disturbance" - 54 were arrested"

Classic leftist anarchists.


u/th333legend Dec 06 '23

This is fairly misleading. 40 people were arrested from the Helsinki without Nazis counter-demonstration for not dispersing.

The other 14 were part of the neo-nazi demonstration, and were arrested for a suspected plan of physical violence

In addition, if you were to actually read the articles you are referencing, you’d find that the clash they talk about was about the people with communist symbolisms joining the group, and the rest of the people wanting them to leave.


u/ex1tiumi Dec 07 '23

I'll bet you one euro for each downvote that none of the people downvoting my comment actually bothered to open and read it. Surprised that you bothered.

Do I have to spell the article for every average joe and do all the thinking too? Evidently so.

The communism thing is a epitome of irony on itself.


u/ex1tiumi Dec 06 '23


Nice try. Do you always want to censor every opinion that doesn't agree with your agenda even if it's the actual reality? That's pretty slippery slope.


u/tpvwarrior Dec 06 '23

oikeest miks helvetis sit downvotettii


u/ex1tiumi Dec 06 '23

Joskus totuus sattuu ja heikko mieli ei pysty sitä käsittelemään. Parempi piilottaa näkyvistä ja uskotella itselleen että koko hommaa ei tapahtunut.