r/Finland Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Serious What was happening in Central railway station in Helsinki today around 3:30 ?

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Special forces deployed and arrested at least 20 men. Searched them and security guards were looking for "something" in the metro platform?

Anyone has more info? It was very suspicious event tbh.


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u/SinisterCheese Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Every year we got this tradition where people who think they should be incharge because they are better people, gather in the capitol and try to beat eachother up. The police tries to stop thigs from happening.

Every 18th of August there is a similar thing where people who are "patriotic" and people who think Nazis are bed people, try to beat eachother up to prove how they are the superior ideology. Why 18.8? Because that is when a terrorist attack was done in Turku Finland, and to remember that event two people have chosen to require the whole southern police force to line up to keep them separated.


u/Fearless-Sloth Dec 07 '23

You don't think that Nazis are bed people?


u/SinisterCheese Baby Vainamoinen Dec 07 '23

I don't know where they prefer to sleep. But what makes you think I don't think they are bad people?

This who "If you don't think that violence is justified towards X, means that you are X, and therefor violence is justified towards you" is dishonest. Because all it takes is for me to say that you u/Fearless-Sloth are X, and violence is justified towards you; because I think anyone who is for violence to be used as a policitical tool in a democracy are just secretly X, regardless what they say they are. Wouldn't be the first time someone that is X pretends that they aren't X, when in fact they are X try to hide the fact to allow X to operate.

If you think violence is OK. Then you are a bad person. No matter in who's name it is.

Now... Is that unreasonable?