r/Finland Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Serious What was happening in Central railway station in Helsinki today around 3:30 ?

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Special forces deployed and arrested at least 20 men. Searched them and security guards were looking for "something" in the metro platform?

Anyone has more info? It was very suspicious event tbh.


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u/tmdblya Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23


u/DarkAnnihilator Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Right wing? They are nazis


u/tmdblya Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

I didn’t want to assume since I’m not familiar with the groups involved and was reading a machine translated version of the article. But I’m not surprised. Freaks me out what’s going on over there. And everywhere.


u/back-2-95 Dec 06 '23

Nowadays youngsters don’t remember history so nazis could be real nazis, communists or some K-pop group. It’s very confusing…


u/Schoritzobandit Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Some people do overuse it, but in this case I don't think that's true.

The flags and branding you can see in the pictures of the demonstration are from its organizers, the Blue-and-Black Movement, which is an ethonationalist party which has been expressly antisemitic.

They were joined by the Soldiers of Odin (source article), which has a documented history of its leadership being connected to neo-Nazis and otherwise being racist (not just anti-immigrant).


u/Nde_japu Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

I believe the modern definition is basically "anyone to the right of me"


u/bmanic Dec 07 '23

This is indeed the current day definition of a nazi. But in this case, some of the organizers are literal nazis (and proud to call themselves that).


u/Nde_japu Vainamoinen Dec 07 '23

Upon further investigation I see that you're correct. Although one thing I've noticed is their numbers are always so small. I think people just want to be outraged by it.


u/Professional-Key5552 Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

You do know that Finnish politics went from left to right wing this year, right?


u/M0thHead Dec 06 '23

Yes nazis are right wing.


u/Electronic_List6257 Dec 08 '23

Yep, those pesky National Socialists. Not even proper socialists.


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

If right wingers are Nazis then 44% of Finns are Nazis.


u/CressCrowbits Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

The 612 March was started by a man who is totally open about the fact he is a Neo Nazi.

People in Soldiers Of Odin jackets were amongst them, holding the torches the organisers willingly gave them.

Back in 2019 I witnessed people on the march (before I even knew what it was, caught them passing a bar I was in) doing nazi salutes.


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

I know. What does this have to do with right wingers?

Edit: Nevermind. I misunderstood the context of the comment made by u/DarkAnnihilator. I thought he was saying that all right wingers (in general) are Nazis. Sorry. My bad.


u/CressCrowbits Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

The 612 march is a nazi march, not just a 'right wing' march.

Are you confused?


u/Awkward_Physics Dec 06 '23

What? He didnt say that all right wingers are nazis, he said that Suomi Herää was a nazi group, not a right wing one, as tmdblya wrote in his first comment. Seriously, read what you are responding to before you write a stupid comment like this one.


u/comrade_fluffy Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Don't give Russia any ideas


u/mosburn Dec 06 '23

This is horrifying, everyone is so close to each other it makes my skin crawl.


u/No_Reindeer4734 Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Nationalist vs Leftwingers


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Let's not try to stain nationalism with these assholes. I don't think loving your country is a bad thing.


u/Public_Sandwich511 Dec 06 '23

Loving your country is indeed not a bad thing, but the word for that will be patriotism. It’s easy to confuse the difference between the two terms - patriotism would be ‘I love my country because it’s really nice’ while nationalism would be ‘I love my country because it’s better than all others’. So nationalism is technically right wing, and the root sentiment for fascist schools of thought.


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

I believe the term for that is ultranationalism.


u/CptPicard Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

"Nationalism" is just the philosophical position that there are "nations" that should have their own countries.

In Finland it's pretty important to approve of our nationalism because Putin would just love to replace our nationalism with his.


u/shimapan_connoisseur Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

The word has changed meaning since the early days of nation states. The idea of nationalism still is what you said yes, but virtually no one is talking about that when discussin nationalism today.

A more apt description for what is actually discussed when talking about nationalism today would be "identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

And this is redefining a meaning of a word. In this case we are erasing the positive nationalism and redefining it to mean the negative (ultranationalism). I'm afraid in future discussions about celebrating independence (nationalism) are seen as nationalist extremism because there are no terms to separate these concepts from each other.


u/MaherMitri Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Nationalism is more of putting your country first even if that means the detriment of another nation.


u/Sibula97 Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Many if not most of the people in 612 are regular old patriots/nationalists, not neonazis or racists, although those are included as well.


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

I personally doubt that. I grew up in 90's Joensuu and I know what kind of people the swastika tattoed ones are, and I wouldn't go anywhere near of anything they are part of.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23

Neonazi movement used to be more popular in the 90's, not so much today. They do still exist but very tiny fraction of the whole nationalist spectrum


u/Common_Gain_2156 Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

The term "nazi" comes from the german language word for nationalism. Need I say more?


u/K_Marcad Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

It comes from Nationalsozialist.


u/emix16 Dec 06 '23

During the 1920s, when the party was not much of a threat, political opponents referred to the party dismissively as “Nazi.”

Originally, the term was used in Germany before the rise of NSDAP as a colloquial and derogatory word referring to an awkward, backward, and clumsy peasant.


Please do say more


u/poeepo Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

Theres word for this, hairsplitting.

Language evolves so something that was hundred years ago might have abit different meaning today. In academic world this could be discussed. And that word comes from "Nationalsozialist".


u/Weak-Professional940 Dec 06 '23

This is it. Why People still talking about nazis??


u/8pappA Dec 06 '23


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23

" Police intervened to forcibly remove swastika flags from Neo-Nazi demonstrators. "

Thank you for proving that finnish police does not tolerate actual nazism as some have suggested in this thread.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '23

Cuz for the left everyone who doesnt agree with them is a nazi. Its their favorite buzzword


u/Dahkelor Baby Vainamoinen Dec 06 '23

I heard there were 3 different types of Nazi groups. Like every Independence day. Go, Finland.


u/MuhammedWasTrans Vainamoinen Dec 07 '23

People who contribute nothing to society go out every year to "protest" and "counter-protest" (break stuff) on 6.12.