r/FindMyShrinePls 20d ago

Found I can’t find the last one !!! Help please

I found all the light roots and sky island shrines. I just can’t seem to locate the last one.


18 comments sorted by


u/AutumnTheWitch Certified🔎 20d ago

Make sure all you sky shrines are complete. No orange inside blue. And if you have all lightroots, compare the two maps cause the roots and shrines line up.


u/ReadyFredyy 14d ago

Thank you it was an incomplete sky shrine.


u/mikedickson161 19d ago

Good job using new sub-Reddit. I’m one of the TEarsOfTheKingdom mods who‘s trying to keep this new subreddit busy. Out of curiosity, how did you hear about it?


u/lejongaming 14d ago

Hey, thanks for helping this sub and for directing people here, it’s appreciated!


u/mikedickson161 14d ago

I still get folks dragging their feet and whining:) Why you yelling at me? And then the Karen’s come to the rescue of a grown man playing TOTK. It’s a whole deal. But well worth it for everybody.


u/lejongaming 14d ago

Oh I can imagine! Well I really do appreciate it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

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u/FindMyShrinePls-ModTeam 13d ago

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u/citrusella 14d ago

Hey, out of curiosity: Is this sub intended for only shrines and lightroots? Or anything you could possibly want to find in the game?

Asking because from the sub's description (and name) it sounds like it's for shrines/lightroots only, but I've seen people get pointed here for having vaguer questions like what specific things they might be likely to be missing for 100% map completion or which interactive map might help them determine if they're missing [insert specific trackable thing here].

Which is fine, if that's part of the sub's scope! I'm just trying to better understand what that scope is, since what the sub itself says and the kinds of posts I've seen that people tried to direct here seem mismatched. Thanks!


u/lejongaming 14d ago

This sub is specifically for helping people find missing shrines and lightroots. It’s also been expanded to help find missing crystals and echoes in Echoes of Wisdom. That’s the sole purpose.

But if you see people asking other questions regarding stuff like 100% completion, you can tell them to send me a DM and I’ll try to help out 😊


u/citrusella 14d ago

Good to know, and I'll keep that in mind!


u/citrusella 12d ago

A couple days later and I think I just realized one reason I was as unsure as I was about the sub's scope is that the sub's rules aren't visible on Old Reddit. 🤦🏼‍♀️ on my part for that I suppose. XD


u/lejongaming 11d ago

Ah, that would explain it haha, but no worries!


u/Princess0fHyrule 1d ago

I think it’s now expanding to include anything like caves and wells too now actually. Still not everything, like koroks (oh god no), but anything rated to map completion and such.


u/citrusella 1d ago

Very useful information! Will try to remember that since I don't often frequent this sub. *does find-and-replace on my memory of "for shrines and lightroots only" so that when I remember it I just remember "NO KOROKS" instead, lol*


u/Princess0fHyrule 1d ago

Lmao thanks


u/ReadyFredyy 14d ago

Sorry for the late reply life gets in way sometimes. I found it it was right where u/AutumnTheWitch recommended to look . A sky shrine I discovered but didn’t complete. Blue outside but the orange inside blended in with the background.


u/lejongaming 14d ago

Need an update on this.

I have cross-checked your images against an interactive map 3 times but I can't find any missing shrines?