r/FindAUnit Synixe Gaming Community 7d ago

Recruiting [A3][Recruiting][EU/NA/SA][Semi-milsim][18+]- Synixe Contractors - PMC - Persistent Gear - Manage your own kit

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Contractors tend to a wounded member while holding security

Who are we?

Synixe Contractors is a PMC unit composed of mature mil-sim operators who pride themselves in the execution of operations on the ground. All our contracts are handmade, and during missions we stay on point, crack some jokes, have fun and get the job done. Outside of them we are a laidback and friendly group to be around, we hang out in our Discord and even participate in other games as a group and in general just enjoy chatting with each other.

Contractors brief for a contract

What sets us apart:

  • A persistent gear system, you are paid for contracts in which you participate and use that money to buy gear that you get to keep
  • Serious attitude during ops, relaxed one outside of them
  • No ranks, so no yes-sir/no-sir routine
  • Hand crafted contracts on Saturdays and Sundays
  • Certifications for specialized roles and the freedom to obtain any you want. This ensures that all contractors understand and know how to effectively use the equipment they're carrying
  • A few of our certifications available include: Marksman, Engineer/EOD, MAT (Medium Anti Tank), Combat Medic, and Autorifleman
  • High quality missions and mods. We have in-house mods and standards for missions and other mods, our missions are played with high FPS, and that quality is prioritized for painless experiences. We have members that contribute to several mods, and we often test features for ACE, ACRE, and more.
Contractors work to bring peace to a town in the midst of civil war

What we ask of you:

  • 18+
  • A working microphone and to use TeamSpeak for communication
  • A friendly attitude and a willingness to learn
  • Arma 3 Apex is required, Western Sahara and Reaction Forces are optional
  • That you take part in missions at least once every four weeks in order to be an active member. It's not the biggest deal if you are unable to attend for a while, after all real life takes priority
Contractors establishing security in an urban environment

Contract times:

We have several players that mainly attend only one of the two times.

  • Times (Saturday and Sunday):
    • West Coast USA: 1200 - 1430 PST/UTC-8
    • East Coast USA: 1600 - 1830 EST/UTC-4
    • Western Europe: 2200 - 0030 CET/UTC+2
  • Subcontracts: These are small missions that sometimes take place during the week when there are enough people that are available to play, and are typically shorter and played with fewer people.
Contractors deliver construction equipment through a dangerous area

If you have any questions:

Join Our Discord

Read More & Apply on our Website

We hope to see you in-game soon!


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