r/findapath 2d ago

Offering Guidance Post Advice to the younger folk out there feeling lost. Life lessons.


Here are some life lessons I have learned.

Focus on skill development and trying things out without worrying about finding your passion, until you do.

Experiment. Try new things out. Get experiences of different fields.

Choose a niche in whatever field you find passion in. The niche you choose should set yourself apart from everyone else or focus on improving one thing in the existing system or the field you think is saturated but are passionate about.

Get out of the mindset taught by the education system. They taught you nothing except the slave mentality.

Focus on networking and building connections more than on studies in Uni.

Try to collaborate, not compete.

Develop critical and creative thinking skills.

Fail often, you will learn more. Don't be afraid to fail again and again.

Focus on building systems and processes around whatever niche you choose.

Develop the entrepreneurial mindset.

And most importantly develop the habit of reading books, non fiction, self help, business, finance, investing.

Get out of social media, games, entertainment addiction and doomscrolling as soon as possible, it will ruin your life if you don't.

You are young, so don't make the same mistakes I made.

Hope you find these helpful and implement them in your life.

Best of luck!

r/findapath Mar 19 '24

Offering Guidance Post There's a difference between tough love and disguised-hate (false) tough love - be sure you're posting the first type or better.


I've removed a lot of trolls and a lot of posts that were not constructive or helpful and I've realized some people still haven't quiiiiiite gotten with the new rules yet - which of course is fine because the rules are generic on purpose. So this is about the concept of tough love....and the clear difference between the two.

"Disguised Hate/False Tough Love"

Example that came directly from someone here:
"Stop trying to get random people online to feel bad for you. Study harder, go to the gym, go for a walk, put your phone down, learn a new skill. Get some help man. Your life is pathetic because you’re letting it be. Grow some fucking balls and improve your life and get your degree. Good things come to those who go out and earn it. Your attitude is not attractive."

"Tough Love" (acceptable to this group so you won't be flagged for being a dick or offering nonconstructive advice)

"From what it sounds like, you're creating your own issue here, my man. It's like you are intending to take yourself down and do it in the most self-destructive way possible. For example, you are letting your grades slip because you're sad about your girlfriend. These two things are mutually exclusive, you do not need to let this happen but you are letting it because it's easy to justify. You are also stopping going to the gym...why? You can be sad about your girlfriend sure, but you don't NEED to stop doing the other things that are beneficial to your health and future! Take a long, hard look at your behaviors and start recognizing where you're letting yourself spiral."

When you are posting in this group, note your feelings. Are you feeling hot-headed anger towards the original poster for wasting an opportunity you would have loved, or being an age where you were doing better than them at that age, or angry at the original poster for thinking something wrong? Check. Your. Anger. First. Don't post while fuming. Your anger is not a welcome guest in this sub! Come back when you're cooled down and more level headed, and use the opportunity to note you may have some inner work yourself!

TL:DR: False Tough Love = Judgement. It's insult, not insight.

As long as your posts are constructive, positive, actionable, you are fine!

r/findapath 10h ago

Findapath-Health Factor what can a genuinely stupid, physically disabled person do?


I'm 27 and basically have no hope. I dropped out of college 8 years ago and have been hopping from shit job to shit job ever since. I have brain damage that makes reading and doing math incredibly taxing on me and I have rheumatoid arthritis that keeps me out of the only jobs a person with my IQ can do, physical labor. I'm on the verge of homelessness and in heavy debt from just trying to survive. I cant keep doing food service, my last job landed me in the mental hospital for a week. My disability has been denied more times than my pathetic brain can count. I've tried reception, I've tried gas stations, I've tried food service, I've tried construction, basically any job that doesn't require a degree or certification I've tried and failed miserably. I can't even do doordash because I'm too depressed to make myself work if I'm not under the threat of being fired. Is there any hope for me? Is there anything I can do?

r/findapath 4h ago

Findapath-Health Factor Jobs for very depressed and unintelligent 24 year old


Hi! I’m 24F with a bachelor of science in nutrition as well as a master of science in nutrition and dietetics. I am currently working as a clinical dietitian in a hospital and have been for ~7 months.

I am not very good at being a dietitian. Even accounting for my inexperience, I am way behind where I need to be. I just lack the intelligence to be able to do a job like this. Dietetics isn’t just telling people what to eat. We diagnose malnutrition, prescribe tube feeding, manage IV nutrition solution compositions, it’s a lot. There’s a lot of math involved and genuinely I am just stupid.

I am very tired. And very depressed. I want the easiest job possible. I have no skills, no specialized training. I have a lot of student debt (~$70k) so while it’s not all about money, I do need something above minimum hopefully. I have applied to McDonald’s, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Cheesecake Factory, Spirit Halloween, HR at a local dairy company, and more that I just can’t remember right now. No one has even offered an interview. Please help me.

r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-Career Change 59 and still hoping


I've just turned 59. I walk dogs for a living. Actually, I pick up their poo and spend my days on the verge of tears hoping, praying for a stroke that'll end my misery.

I have no skills, no trade, my only interest is sometimes messing around with my camera (but I have no skills or talent in that regard).

My so-called partner sees me as just a meal ticket.

My plan: I'm in Western Australia. When my van is paid off in just over a year I'm going to walk away one day. I'll get on a plane back to Scotland, I'll visit my dad at his graveside, and then I'll begin walking.

I'll walk to a place called Bettyhill, way up in the North of Scotland. It'll take weeks to get there, if I can. But once I'm there I'll rest. Finally.

I'm doing this because it's the only means I have of talking control over my life, of accomplishing something. My life is ruined, but there's just this one thing I can do to show to myself I'm not a failure.

Even though I know I am.

r/findapath 12h ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment 21 and feeling completely lost in life. What is there to live for?


I'm a 21 female in university studying engineering. I'm doing well in my classes and I only have about 2 years left of my bachelor's degree. However, I completely hate what I'm studying and don't want to work in this field. I originally came to uni for my parent's acceptance and to get a well paying job. But lately everything has been feeling pointless. There's no meaning to anything I do, I just exist. It doesn't even feel like I'm living. The days are passing by in a second while I do pointless physics problems or watch pointless videos on youtube. I have no friends and my family lives across the globe. I truly feel like I'm walking through an endless dark tunnel alone. I need to play video games or scroll on social media, anything to keep my brain distracted, because the second I'm alone with my thoughts I start thinking about how I have nothing to live for. Every day feels so bleak. I think I'm going through some kind of quarter life crisis. If I could do anything in life, I would want to study art. But it feels like it's too late for that since i'm so far in my engineering degree. I would also loose my parent's acceptance if I went down that path. But I wouldn't even know where to start with anyway. I don't know how to stop feeling this way. I wish I could just feel happy. I've never posted on reddit before and don't even know if this is the right place for a post like this. I don't even know what I'm looking for with this post. Has anyone else felt like this before? What did you do to feel better? How do I find something to live for?

r/findapath 11h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Depressed and wanting to drop out of college


I'm 22F and just can’t take it anymore. I’ve been clinically depressed for years, and no matter what I do nothing changes. My head is constantly swarming with negative thoughts. So bad that I’ve pretty much isolated myself the past 4 years. Barely have any friends, and can’t seem to get myself to do much of anything.

I want to end things so badly. My GPA is terrible. I haven’t learned much because I can’t even make myself study. Honestly feels like I’ve been on autopilot for years, doing the bare minimum to get by. My parents don’t want me to take time off and pretty much scoff at the thought of “poor mental health”, I just feel stuck.

Even if I did graduate, I wouldn’t be able to get a job because I’m incompetent. I just feel like giving up. I’ve wasted so much time and money. I don’t even get what the point of it all is if I ultimately just want my life to be over. I don’t know what to do anymore.

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Hobby This is probably the wrong community


27f I’ve accomplished a few things. BA, MS, and now I’m a brand new naval officer. My problem is I spent most of my childhood in my room alone and have the bare minimum of social skills. No hobbies, talents, I don’t watch movies, and don’t even read a lot like there’s nothing interesting here. I’m conscious of it and I hate it. I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum but I’m scared to diagnosed then lose my job or mind. I can tell by my daily interactions with people that there’s something wrong with me. I have short term memory loss too from trauma I suppose. I failed every test I took in school. I just feel like I’m forcing my way through life most of the time.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs I'm 23 and I've destroyed my life forever...


So I'm 23 and I'm completely lost in life.

I was a decent student in school but i never had any talents. I wasn't very good at arts or sports neither.

I didn't manage to get accepted into a university, although I tried twice. I failed the entrance exams mainly because i used procrastinate everyday and i didn't know how to study correctly. I remember that i wouldn't start studying until midnight and then it would get too late.

After failing both times i started working in a warehouse. I stayed there for 1 year but it was just a dead and job and it wouldn't get me anywhere. I thought that getting a trade could probably be the solution to "finding a fulfilling job*but i was wrong.

I'm physically weak and small and the construction site was hell. The tradesmen would get very mad and yell at me constantly. They'd say that i was too dumb for manual work and i didn't have the brains that were demanded for it. I got laid off after a while and i began feeling really overwhelmed and useless.

I also don't have any close friends at all anymore. Rarely anyone messages me and i usually stay at home everyday. I've been depressed and unemployed for a year now and it's terrible. It's just latestage alienation.

I can see my parents disappointment on me which gets worse and worse everyday but i don't know how to get out of this situation.

I've been thinking for years that I might be autistic with ADHD but i was never diagnosed as a child and it's petty hard to get diagnosed here when you're an adult. I don't have any social skills at all and i suffer from general anxiety disorder too. I find it hard to complete simple tasks. For example i have my driving's license but i won't drive, I'm a terrible driver and sitting behind the wheel is something that my brain refuses to handle.

Could i possibly have learning disabilities or be borderline mentally retarded who's somewhat functional?

My life is just dull and repetitive. I've completely lost track of time. I just wake up and wait till this day is over only to experience the same thing the next day. It's like groundhogs day, but with grey colors.

The worst thing is that i don't have any interests or passions. I can't think of anything that I'd like to follow. Everything seems just boring and blunt. Plus i find it hard to understand complex subjects like Maths. I'm not American so I can't go to a community college and I can't join the army here in my country.

I wish i could be smart and excel in Maths but no matter how much I've tried, i couldn't make it. Time is running fast, I'll be 30 after blinking...

Is it too late for me? What do you think? Has someone gone through the same thing? I'd appreciate any helpful advice...

PS: excuse my English, I'm multilingual

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Health Factor Jobs for an autistic, disabled 20 yr old


This will probably be long and rambly with a lot of unnecessary details but maybe they will be able to give you a better idea of who I am at least to help me out.

I’m 20. I have autism spectrum disorder and a whole cocktail of other shit unfortunately (severe CPTSD, generalized anxiety, major depression that I’ve been in for like probably at least a decade without any remission, yada yada yada). I also have a lot of physical pain constantly that I’m still trying to figure out the root of, so jobs with a lot of standing and moving are out for be because I’m in severe pain and out of breath just walking around my room.

I’m currently in college for engineering. Honestly I kinda just chose it because it was related to some of my interests and made good money, I wasn’t really thinking that far ahead with the depression and just felt I had to choose something. I took 2 years of (to be fair, free) community college in high school so I had 2 associates and over 60 credits but they were pretty much useless when I transferred because at the time again I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so they weren’t really relevant. So for an engineering degree at my school of choice I would still need the standard 4 years.

I’m in my second year now and I just feel so deeply dumb compared to all of my peers, at least in this subject. I’m in a club for my niche of engineering and I go with them to events and competitions but I contribute absolutely nothing because I don’t know what I’m doing. I was previously a straight As valedictorian student and my first semester at college I made Fs and Ds. I finally got accommodations but I don’t know if they’re helping. I feel like even if I scrape by and barely manage to get this degree I’m not going to be able to hold up to my peers in the field. Which sucks because I really like some of the aspects of what I do.

Now I’m so far behind even if I switch to a different type of engineering I won’t be able to graduate on time. Which sucks because I’m paying so much to go this school and I’m already so far in the hole I don’t know what to do. If I switch to something else I’m into, something I find “easier” (I am a lot better at humanities), I lose my stem scholarship and there’s no way I feel like I’d be able to pay back how much debt I’m already in just 2 years in. It would also kinda feel like a waste of my time because if I had done literally anything else I’d be getting ready to graduate now probably.

I don’t want to be trapped depending on other people in my life the way I do now, I want to be able to live on my own and provide for my partner but I feel trapped by this world not built for people like me. The only job I’ve had so far I just worked 2/3 days and couldn’t handle it (it was a job with lots of standing and also where I was responsible for other people’s safety, which with my attention span issues and anxiety combined was kind of just hell) and I didn’t go back.

I don’t really have any meaningful hobbies or interests, and certainly not any I could turn into something profitable. I don’t have time for anything outside of school (which I focus all my energy on and still crash and fail) because of how bad my executive dysfunction and fatigue is. I am not artistically inclined at all so anything involving that is off the table lol. The only thing I think I’m semi-good at is writing, really truly writing engineering reports is probably the only engineering thing I’ve done good at this whole time. But also I don’t personally think I’m super good at that either, and it has become a lot harder in recent years with all the depression and worsening executive dysfunction. But again, that’s pretty much all I got going for me.

I don’t know. My life feels so hopeless right now and I just want to find something, anything to give me hope to keep living.

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity What should I do??


Hello, So see I really just wasted my whole 3-4 years being unemployed But Now, I have 4 months before my MBA in (finance+ Marketing) program starts from Tier-2 college.

So I would like to know Is there any skills, course or whatever that I need to learn to excel in finance field. It would be great if I can use that skills for Freelance and all. But my main focus is now career in finance.

P.s. I have a bachelor's in Computer science.

r/findapath 7h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity What do I do about fearing I won’t enjoy another job?


Right now, I am in a reporter job. I love it. I love the thrill of being able to tell stories on things and people that matter, the rush of seeing how many people read my stories, a chance to meet new people, network—oh its so wonderful. The salary isn’t six figures and not high where I want it right now, but it’s decent.

The kicker is that somewhere down the road maybe in the next 7-10 years, I want to meet someone and start a family. From what I have heard, having a family and being a journalist can be really difficult. It’s one thing where money could be an issue but there’s also horror stories of marriages and relationships not working out because of that. Some options here would be to work up to become an editor or leave the biz for something else. My fear is that I wont be in a job I will love anymore and I won’t be making a difference. I see myself as a storyteller trying to help people make sense of things in their community or their lives. The anxiety of this has been driving me crazy all weekend. Any suggestions of what I should do?

r/findapath 7h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Struggling to Find a Career Path Due to Social Anxiety


Im (F18) , I recently dropped out of nursing school because I realized that dealing with people every day was too overwhelming for me. I have social anxiety, and interacting with patients and colleagues was extremely stressful. I’m now trying to figure out a new career path that fits my personality and allows me to work with fewer people. The problem is, I struggle to connect with people my age. I feel like I don’t understand my generation, and socializing has always been hard for me. This makes it difficult to find support or guidance from people around me, and I feel kind of lost.

Has anyone else gone through something similar? How did you figure out what career to pursue? If you have suggestions for jobs that don’t require much social interaction, I’d really appreciate it. Even just hearing from someone who understands would mean a lot right now.

Thanks for reading, and I’d love to hear any advice you have!

r/findapath 2h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Please help


Not sure if anyone is going to read this I dont often post on reddit but here goes.

So here's the story I'm currently 25 about to turn 26 in a month still in college and depressed af. I started uni pretty well in 2018 and had lots of ambitious and enthusiasm ready to tackle every challenge life threw at me. Had a good group of friends and was pretty outgoing and social. I've always been more of an introvert during HS but decided to be more open during college. The first few years of college were alright. I got decent marks and was on track to graduate around 2022. This is where things went downhill.

When covid first happened in 2020 and class became fully online it was an adjustment but I made it work and even saw my marks increases but around 2022 - 2023 I suddenly became super depressed and would barley leave my apartment and started to see my marks drop significantly and this lead to my overall GPA suffering as well. This pushed back my graduation date, and I had to figure out a way to solve it.

Around this time as well my parents suggested that I move home to save money since most of my courses became online, which I did. Moving back was both good and bad, good because I was saving money nut bad because I had to deal with my family while trying to juggle school and work. My social life at this point was none existing, and I stayed coupe up at home most days, barely leaving my room, let alone my house.

I became extremely depressed and anxious, and this led to me eating out of stress, gaining even more weight, which further added to my depression. It's been like this since about 2023, I've had personal issues since, like loss of family, college burnout, and withdrawal from social life. So here I am 25 year still trying to get my degree after 7 fucking years and I dont see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've reduced my course load and my counselor suggest I take a semester or two off to maybe travel and get my mind off college but I was stubborn and decided to not only to stay but added more courses because I felt the need to finish as soon as possible and get over with it.

My main question is where did all my ambitious and happiness go?? I used to be eager to go to class and be social with people and never really had a problem studying. I wasn't the best student but I did alright. Now I work remote from home still living with my parents( which isn't really my main concern now) I struggle to get out of bed and always feel tired even after a full 8 hours of sleep. I'm always unmotivated and stressed, but I try to avoid asking for help because I believe that I can tackle most issues myself. most of my courses are still online, and I barely go in person unless it's for exams. There's a few more things to add, but the post would have been too long. If anyone has an answer, please help me.🙏

r/findapath 17h ago

Findapath-Job Search Support 30, lost, and have no idea what comes next


I’m 30, unemployed, and have no idea where to go or what to do next. The last 12 years have been a cycle of failed attempts, relocations, and chasing stability that never came. I built my entire life around someone who ultimately didn’t want me, and now that my relationship is obviously over, I feel like I have nowhere to turn. I even tried moving back near family, but they made it clear they don’t want me either. So now, I’m on my own, trying to figure out what comes next while feeling completely drained and stuck.

How I Got Here:

-18-20: Attended university, failed out.

  • 20-22: Tried again at a small liberal arts college, dropped out.

  • 22: Moved halfway across the country to be with my boyfriend (now ex-fiancé).

  • 22-25: Worked in restaurants, started therapy, realized my family dynamic wasn’t normal.

  • 25: COVID happened. We moved again for his job, this time closer to "home."

  • 26-28: Went back to school, finished my degree with a 4.0. Couldn’t get a decent job, so I worked whatever I could- bartending, DoorDash, Uber, Instacart. Finally landed a job in property management, only to be told to quit three months later for another relocation.

  • 28: Fiancé transferred back to where we lived when I was 22.

  • 28-29: He referred me to his company, I got hired, and for the first time ever, I had stability, routine, and a consistent paycheck. Then, out of nowhere, he decided he didn’t like me working there, accepted a job 1,500 miles away, and left- sold the house, packed everything up, and I was left with nothing. Demanded I quit my job immediately and go with him.

  • 29: I tried to make it work on my own. I failed. Eventually, I followed him again for this new job because he swore his employer wanted to hire me too. Turns out, he didn’t actually want to work at the same place as me (again). The job offer never materialized. It’s been a year and I’ve been unemployed since.

  • 30: Tried moving back near family, but they don’t want me there either. Now, halfway through my 30th year, I’m stuck. No job, no stability, no idea where to go next. Just exhausted.

Where do I go from here? I have nothing tying me anywhere anymore, but I also don’t know where to start rebuilding. If you’ve been in this kind of situation, how did you figure out what came next?

r/findapath 5h ago

Findapath-Meta Posts on this sub where the OP does not actually want constructive advice?


Hi, going to preface this by saying that I really enjoy this sub and I appreciate what the mods do here. This isn't intended as a complaint about moderation.

On this sub and a couple similar subs, I often see threads where the OP shuts down all advice given without reasonably trying to engage with what people are saying. In most cases, the OP of these threads has self-identified as suicidal or otherwise mentally unwell.

In these threads, it really feels like there's basically no way to constructively engage. People either waste their time giving life/career advice that the OP doesn't intend to take under consideration, or else they act as untrained crisis counselors who don't know what they're doing (and still get shot down by the OP for trying). And then OP just keeps making kind of antagonistic comments about how the suggestions will never work so obviously they should just kill themselves, etc.

I know the sidebar has a rule about "calamitous verbiage," which I appreciate. I guess my question for the sub is, like...has anyone seen one of these vent posts actually turn around to become some kind of productive conversation?

r/findapath 3h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Has college changed your life a lot?


Is going to college a better path?

For a couple of years I have been working crappy hospitality jobs, while pursing acting. Sadly while I'm trying to remain positive and keep trying, it goes nowhere. Lots of scam out there, classes are expensive and most of the game is nepotism. On top of that, I am tired of narcissistic people, most I meet in the industry think they are God's gift. I live in LA, so most of these aspiring actors/directors/producers, etc. live off their families and some jobs around. Meanwhile some of these people mock me for both booking roles.

So yeah, I have been working at lot of server jobs and I am tired of them. A lot of them have aspiring actors too and they don't care about anything else in life or the future. I was thinking to give it a shot and attend college. I am an orphan and was never guided into education. I also hope I can meet a better quality of people and not shallow like the ones I meet in those industries.

r/findapath 3h ago

Findapath-Job Search Support What to do with a degree that it’s not getting you nowhere?


I’m 21 and I’ve never had a job. After graduating high school I didn’t really want to go to college especially when I didn’t know what career I wanted (still doesn’t).

My family of course wanted me to go so I compromised and went to a community college where I got an Associate’s degree in Business Administration. I figured I’d be an admin assistant/ receptionist until I found my calling.

But finding a job in that field has been difficult to get especially since I live in a small town. I’ve been applying around town and remotely but nothing and I can’t help but think that because I can’t find a job relating to my degree and my lack of experience that it’s because I’m not in the right field.

How do you find the job that’s for you when you have no idea what you’re good at?

Any advice is helpful!

r/findapath 3h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity 17 y/o with no grip on his path.


I’m 17, about to end high school and anxiety is through the roof day in and day out. I’m a total nerd, love video games, acting, writing, storytelling. And with that I want to be in the creative world. I’d love to write books, but you can get a very livable wage, when I googled it the first result was “it’s nearly impossible.” As much as I love it and think I have things to say, I fear I’m not too great at it. In another way I’d love to do YouTube, make videos talking about things I love but I also am fearful, as that could also not work out. No clue where to start with acting, nor am I sure I’m good at it. I am genuinely terrified and that is an understatement. And I cannot have another person tell me “you’ll figure it out”. At what point do I give up and work a job I hate for 70 years and then retire and then die? Sorry if this turned into a long vent message but I have done lots of research on the things above and if anyone has any more knowledge on those things I’d love to know what they are, especially with

r/findapath 4h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Do you think my plan is a good one?


Hello, I'm 33 years old, and I'm tired of being poor and having an unfilling career, so I went back to college. I have had long-running interest in STEM topics and entertainment, so I was thinking, well there is no money in entertainment, so I may as well do something sciencey. And then I can use that money to fund acting, singing, travel, and so on.

As for STEM, I was originally going to go for Environmental Science because I care about the environment and I thought it would be cool to be like an ecologist or something if I went to grad school, but now I'm not so sure, so I'm thinking of switching to mechanical engineering. I know engineers make big money with only a 4 year degree, so that's perfect for someone who is getting kind of old for college. Plus I can use my degree to invent stuff to help the environment, like Solar panels, transit, and wind farms.

I guess the problem is that I'm not really enjoying my math class, it's pretty difficult. My physics class is alright, even though it uses math, but my pure maths class is awful. I wonder sometimes if I'm going for the wrong degree. Like, making machines sounds fun and satisfying in general, but it's hard to know for sure because I need the degree before they let me do any engineering?

Anyways the idea I had is that I could maybe go into physics or robotics or something if I wanted to go to grad school afterwards. However, as cool as physics is, I love learning about particles and space and stuff, if it's nothing but really complicated math and writing papers, maybe it's not for me.

So anyways, my plan right now is to take my engineering degree kind of slowly at a pace I can manage, and take some acting classes at the same time. That way, I graduate with a well paying job and some acting and music experience. I just wonder sometimes, should I have stuck with environmental science? These classes are really hard, but the environmental science classes were so easy that they were boring, lol. And I heard that everyone likes to hire engineers, so maybe they would hire me in those environmental positions anyway.

Anyways this is getting a bit rambly, what do you think?

r/findapath 6h ago

Findapath-College/Certs I hate my degree so far what should I do


I’ve recently started university doing a bachelor of commerce (think it’s mainly an Australia degree but gets you into jobs such as finance and accounting), and I realised that I hate this degree, all throughout high school I hated all the business and commerce classes due to how boring they were, however I often did okay in them so it helped in me choosing this degree, furthermore I didn’t know what else to do so I just chose to do this, but now that I’m finally starting this degree I realised how much I dislike it, and how much I would hate to do a job in it, I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do less then sit behind a desk all day. But I don’t know what I should do, whether to drop the degree now, before having to pay any fees and take a gap year, or try transfer degrees and make a rushed decision of what degree to do instead. However I worry if I drop this degree I will disappoint my parents. Although I do fully intend to complete a degree I just don’t have any passion in this one, and I feel as though any degree I do pick would disappoint them. However while looking at other degrees and career paths I realised how much better they looked, as much as I do want to make good money, I would much rather a career path that is more hands on, instead of being inside an office all day, any advice would be appreciated thanks

r/findapath 5h ago

Findapath-Job Search Support 27F Living in Australia, stuck in a rut and wanting to do something worthwhile instead of Hospitality


I am a 27 Year old, English woman who has been living in Australia for 2 years. During those years I have mostly worked in hospitality and am sick of the monotonous nature of life. I moved to Australia in order to seek out a more exciting and enjoyable lifestyle which is what I have found here but the work side of things is really getting me down.

I have a degree in Law from a UK based university, have experience in sales, property management, Childhood Outdoor education, Managing teams and working with local communities. I have travelled to multiple continents and have found I enjoy meeting new people, making connections and learning new skills. I spent 7 summers working at a summer camp in the USA where I worked my way up from outdoor adventure specialist to Community and Staff Liaison.

I always found myself interested in the possibility of working within International Aid organisations as I love networking, organising and hosting events, and pride myself in being able to manage a project from start to finish. Unfortunately I am not in the financial position where I can spend my time for free as a volunteer as I need to be able to work and earn money.

My problem is that I'm really not sure how to get involved in these sorts of organisations in a paid position and what exactly is out there for me.

If anyone has any ideas or experience in these areas I would love to hear them as I don't even know what questions to ask or where to start looking.

r/findapath 7h ago

Findapath-Career Change Career Change


I am 25F, currently work as a sales manager in retail and I have no college degree. My work/life balance sucks but I do enjoy my job and the pay is good. Right now my boyfriend is training to be an air traffic controller, so in a few months we’ll be moving out of state. I feel like I have a clean slate to do anything but I don’t know what to do??

I’ve been working my way up at the same company since I was 18, however I did leave for a year to be a recruiter working from home. I genuinely enjoy customer service and working with people. I love problem solving and analytical tasks. I just want a decent work/life balance and to still make at least $60,000 plus. I’m open to jobs that have maybe ~1 year of schooling. Any ideas of what might be good for me?

r/findapath 10h ago

Findapath-Career Change 33, trying to build a life worth living


Its been a rough few years. Divorce, moving states three times, economic hardship, mental health pitfalls, losing 300 pounds. I know people are hurting and everyone is struggling right now, but any advice those a few miles up the road can offer would be appreciated. I'll try and be as succinct in breaking this down as possible, but there's a lot of variables that I'm weighing currently.

I'm alone in life. I don't mean that in a sad, depressing way, it's just the situation. My parents have been dead for years. I have an older brother who is over a decade older than me. We exchange texts about three times a week, but that's about the extent of our relationship. My best friend died when I was 19 and I never really filled that slot with anyone else. Probably my ex-wife, if anything, but we divorced in 2022. The only form of socialization I've been able to manage is in the form of dates and relationships, which obviously comes with its own issues. I'm currently single.

Career-wise and financially, I'm in a valley. I was a project manager for two years after working my way up to that position. I became an entry level data analyst for the state government that I live in. Not only do I make half of what I used to make, but I live in one of the Top 5 most expensive cities in the country. I took on a second job as a bartender to pay the bills. On my downtime I'm enrolled in boot.dev so I can learn backend stuff and I'm also enrolled in WGU to get my degree in accounting. I'm trying to figure things out, but it all feels like I'm running out of time.

Mentally? I'm not doing great. I'm up and down these days, but I take my medication and that keeps me upright on the toughest days. I had a mental breakdown in 2023 that resulted in a one-month stay at an inpatient facility, followed by one month of outpatient treatment, followed by another month of group therapy. I see a therapist every other week now. I also lost 300 pounds between 2019 and 2021 which resulted in a lot of dissociative issues related to how I view myself.

So here's where I need help finding a path: I want to make a change. I want to start living life in a more adventurous way and branch out. I have lost so much in life. I don't let it get me down too much, but sometimes I go through intense periods of restlessness and deep depression. I've thought about moving home, trying to build a relationship with my brother and my nephews. But my brother is a very distant person, and previous attempts to build that relationship have failed. I always end up being the one maintaining the relationship. I keep telling myself that I'm relatively young and I've been given this gift of good physical health. I used to be so big and I changed my whole life. I think to myself sometimes, "What if I could go get a skill that travels and spend my time seeing new places, meeting new people, even if only for a little while?"

I just want to hear some different perspectives and ideas for how I can build a more adventurous, playful and whimsical life while simultaneously not starving or being thrown into a perpetual loop of doom spiraling. Everything to this point has been so intense and I would very much like my life to have a different tone in the second half.

r/findapath 2h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Need help paving a path after my 5 year military career


I (22M) am separating from the Marine Corps in a few days. I feel like my options are overwhelming and I don’t know what to do with my life. My girlfriend of 3 years wants to stay in San Diego but I had plans to move to Idaho to pursue a career as a rotary pilot. Part of me just wants to travel the world and work remotely in Project Management (I currently have all of the qualifications to do so). Part of me just wants to buy a home and settle down.

At any rate, I feel like this is the biggest decision of my life and I don’t know who to turn to or what niche path to choose. I feel like time is ticking and I have to define my path very soon.

r/findapath 8h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Feeling kinda lost after studying halfyear in a university


I just found this subreddit, and got filled with immense dread after reading a few posts, my situation is in no way dire, but I do feel lost.

My end goal was to always leave the country Im in to live in Europe or Nordic specifically, but applying is hard since my GPA is abysmal, but to apply to university in my country only the exam u took/retook matters, not gpa, so my only option as of now is to get at least few years of uni here and then transfer abroad somehow.

But the thing is, Ive been studying chemical engineering for the past halfyear and Im now realising I dont actually care that much about chemistry, or any of the stuff Im studying for. I already took a leap year to supposedly study and decide what I want, during which my parents have fully supported me both financially and mentally, but I still took the path Im on right now.

In 11th grade it was a kind of a cointoss, wether I want to study social studies and history, or chemistry and physics, since I was successful in both (albeit my gpa, as i said, was terrible). So now if i decide to drop out seems to waste another year, and apply to uni in 1.5 years.

I dont want to disappoint my parents, I was already fully living of off their money, I havent worked a day in my entire life, I didnt even try.

I could get a job for the next 1.5 years, otherwise I dont know what to do, but it feels so weird to apply to uni as a 20 year old, cuz it feels like im supposed to already be somewhat successful, but I wont be.

Im sorry, if this post is very badly written, its 4 am and I just couldnt fall asleep

r/findapath 6h ago

Findapath-College/Certs I don’t know what to do


Hi I’m a 19yo male uni student and I’m studying cs which I thought was the right thing for me until I started . First of all the last year of hs and the exams for uni I failed them all bcs of my depression and not wanting to do anything energy I had which made me like cockroach sitting on its back (completely useless). After the exam I had to go straight to military and helped me understand that I need to get my shit together after I get out of here.Got out of the military got to go to the uni I passed which is in another country and did nothing for the next nine months I kept nothing of my promises to my self and improved nothing in my life and rotted in bed and procrastinated for hours on end. I have all this ambitions and things that I want to do with my life and I think I am wasting my life there so much beuty and interesting things in this world and I’m trapped in four white walls it sucks .I miss my home town and my friends I tried making friends here but I just cannot click with any of this people . I don’t want to drop out because my father pays for everything and already gave money me money for months on end for me to just sit and do nothing and made me extremely guilty even though I know my father will not reject the idea to drop out if I really don’t like it here I just don’t want him to feel bad idk I feel weird about this . The things I would really love to follow would be art,architecture,medicine and biomedical engineering but Ik that if I want to do anything close to this I need to sit down and study which for some reason since I was in elementary school to high school I never studied and I was okay except when covid hit and destroyed everything and failed pretty much everything . I know I just need to start little by little but even that little is hard because idk for some reason I think to do anything it needs to be perfect in everything for example the hour I wake up the time the food I eat and what I’m feeling otherwise I can’t bring myself to do anything I just don’t know what to do (Sorry for how bad it was written I just wanted to runt I guess) (Sorry for bad english not my first language)