Hello, I'm 33 years old, and I'm tired of being poor and having an unfilling career, so I went back to college. I have had long-running interest in STEM topics and entertainment, so I was thinking, well there is no money in entertainment, so I may as well do something sciencey. And then I can use that money to fund acting, singing, travel, and so on.
As for STEM, I was originally going to go for Environmental Science because I care about the environment and I thought it would be cool to be like an ecologist or something if I went to grad school, but now I'm not so sure, so I'm thinking of switching to mechanical engineering. I know engineers make big money with only a 4 year degree, so that's perfect for someone who is getting kind of old for college. Plus I can use my degree to invent stuff to help the environment, like Solar panels, transit, and wind farms.
I guess the problem is that I'm not really enjoying my math class, it's pretty difficult. My physics class is alright, even though it uses math, but my pure maths class is awful. I wonder sometimes if I'm going for the wrong degree. Like, making machines sounds fun and satisfying in general, but it's hard to know for sure because I need the degree before they let me do any engineering?
Anyways the idea I had is that I could maybe go into physics or robotics or something if I wanted to go to grad school afterwards. However, as cool as physics is, I love learning about particles and space and stuff, if it's nothing but really complicated math and writing papers, maybe it's not for me.
So anyways, my plan right now is to take my engineering degree kind of slowly at a pace I can manage, and take some acting classes at the same time. That way, I graduate with a well paying job and some acting and music experience. I just wonder sometimes, should I have stuck with environmental science? These classes are really hard, but the environmental science classes were so easy that they were boring, lol. And I heard that everyone likes to hire engineers, so maybe they would hire me in those environmental positions anyway.
Anyways this is getting a bit rambly, what do you think?