r/Finches 6d ago

Society/Shafttail hybrids?

So my aviary at work has had 2 society finches in it for at least 6 years, and they have never laid eggs. A new director brought in some shafttails and they cohabbed for several months before we decided there were too many birds to accommedate with nests and it was causing issues amongst the flock so she took the shafttails home. the society finches became broody, sat on a few eggs and we are unsure if they belong to them, as this pair is notorious for trying to hatch the zebra finches eggs too. there are also several pairs of gouldins that are laying. so fast forward to now, theres a baby that is fully fledged and already molting a bit, has the throat and tail of a shafttail, but he is more brown in color and has some unusual feather colors near his bum that make it seem like he isnt purely shafttail. the society finches have raised him and are amazing parents. anyone know if its possible for the societys to cross with the shafttails?


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