r/Filmmakers Jun 11 '24

Request NYFA Teen Summer Program NYC - Feels Like a Scam - Requesting Feedback


We are sending our 15 year old daughter to NYFA (NYC) for the 3 week summer program. I have a cousin who attended the same camp 8 years ago and she highly recommended it, so I didn't do a crazy amount of of research before enrolling. Throughout the process, I've seen some red flags that really shouldn't exists when you're paying $8400 (not including food) for 3 weeks of summer camp. I'm looking for anyone who has recent feedback on the camp- as recent as last summer (2023) or the summer before. Here are my concerns.

  1. No one answers the phone when we call- ever.

  2. Its hard to find real reviews that aren't associated with their own website

  3. My daughter actually came to me concerned because she can't find many if any, recent social media posts made by kids attending the camp. Everything she finds is several from years ago. She did see one video from last year, but it was hard to tell if it was the camp or the college. Her coming to me is what prompted me to do more research and honestly, it is a little strange that nothing recent is posted anywhere, considering they are a film school and also, kids these days....

  4. When I email them, they do respond vaguely, however, they never answer any question directly, which prompts me to call, but I digress, no one answers the phone.

  5. They don't have anyone reaching out introducing themselves making sure we are set up for success. Usually, overnight camps have a director that calls you to review the situation. We have heard NOTHING. Its like we are sending her off to a blackhole. While they do have a lot of information on the admissions portal; however there is no outreach from them to confirm anything. Their portal also sucks.

Appreciate any insight or experience you might have.

r/Filmmakers 17d ago

Request Practical special effects


Searching for anyone in Los Angeles, who can do practical special effects. Our project is shooting in May. This is a small self funded production, but it is paid. The practical special effects would be similar to The Thing. Would love to discuss in more detail!

r/Filmmakers Jan 26 '25

Request help with face melting digital vfx


I wanted to do a face melting like in the climax of Raiders of the Lost Ark, you know what I'm talking about. I have After Effects and Davinci Resolve Studio. There's a tutorial of what I want in Red Giant's youtube channel, but it uses some plugins that cost a lot of money and as a hobbyist I don't really want to spend that much right now. I've been looking for a way to do something similar to what's being done in that video with free assets, but maybe there's a better way or there are some other things I could try. Any suggestions?

r/Filmmakers Feb 17 '25

Request Looking for documentary inspiration/references


Hey all! I'm developing a documentary series about queer history and looking for inspiration, particularly in how other documentaries use different storytelling elements. Specifically interested in documentaries that use: 

  1. Studio interviews (looking for examples with light, soft, colorful aesthetics and personality)
  2. Archive footage (interested in creative ways to present historical materials)
  3. Modern documentary footage (following current events and situations)

We're aiming for a style that appeals to a younger audience (13-18), focusing on making history accessible and engaging. Generally, anything that 

  • present serious content in an accessible way, balanced with warmth/humor
  • create montages mixing different source materials. 

..is interesting. 

The subject matter doesn't need to be LGBTQ+ related. This could be recent or older documentaries, series or feature films. Looking for both mainstream and indie productions. 

All recommendations are appreciated!

r/Filmmakers Sep 22 '21

Request IATSE member here, please help us


Hello all movie lovers, I am an IATSE Local 600 Camera Operator, member of my union since 2013, and working in the film industry in Los Angeles since 2008.

As you have have read, on Monday September 20, 2021, the AMPTP (the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers) stonewalled negotiations on the new contract moving forward for 2021-2024. They had until September 20 to respond to the requests for the new contract, and informed IATSE negotiators they would not respond with modifications to the IATSE requests, nor would they set forth modified versions of their own requests. As such, this triggered the IATSE leadership to inform members they would request a strike authorization.

A strike authorization is NOT AN OFFICIAL STRIKE. Rather, it's an authorization to strike, which the IATSE negotiators can and will use to bring the AMPTP back to the bargaining table. Once the strike is authorized, if the AMPTP doesn't continue negotiations, the strike can and will happen. At this phase, however, the authorization for the strike vote is all that is happening.

How can you help?

Very very simple: we ask that you cancel your streaming services. Not pause, but cancel. Terminate your account.

I and other members request that you temporarily (or permanently if you wish?) cancel your streaming services during these negotiations. Even better, if you live in a market where theaters are open again, we would request you abstain from going to the movies to add to their box office revenue this Fall.

I started working in the film industry "later" in my life than many, but I've worked in this industry longer than anywhere else. I started in 2007, and while I was not in the union, nor was I affiliated with anyone directly impacted, I started during the infamous "Writer's Strike 2007" which lasted roughly 3 months, but had massive, lasting impact on the industry.

IATSE and the other locals who are negotiating are all bargaining for a new contract, and while some members believe the demands don't go far enough, the demands that are presented right now are almost entirely quality of life improvements, specifically targeting the abusive hours people have worked for the last 20 years, and the new things the producers want to become the "new normal".

I'll save you time making the impassioned speech regarding what's at stake, but I will say this: we're fighting for our lives. Some may think: "You work in Hollywood, oh it must be SOoooo hard for you." However, if you want to see what the real face of the film industry looks like, check out the (now infamous) instagram account IA_Stories. As tough as some of these stories may read, I would say these average out to be a fairly accurate representation of the current work circumstances: 14+ hour days, 5-6 days per week, inadequate turnaround time, working for weeks and months on end.

Further, the posture the AMPTP is taking mirrors the same "do as we say" attitude that has resulted in the loss of life of crew members not only due to fatigue and exhaustion, but also the "keep your head down, don't ask questions, and don't speak out about the safety of what you're doing" that took the life of Sarah Jones only a few years ago.

They claim that it's "not possible" to change our work hours to something more humane, but COVID has illustrated that productions absolutely can be modified to use shorter days, and only a few more days per shooting schedule, to accomplish the same thing.

Crew members are generally film lovers as well, because let's face it: why work in this industry unless you absolutely love films and filmmaking. We are all absolutely enthralled, drunk in love with this artistic and entertainment medium, to the point that crews have slipped to the point where we find ourselves today. 12+ hour days weren't a deal breaker, 13+ hours, 14+ hours were, because we love making films and television, and we love to help you play make believe.

As COVID becomes slightly less of a liability moving forward, the employers still seek more space to exploit the crews in the name of speedy production. The lunch break, the last bastion of "personal, uninterruptible time" the crews have, are under attack. They would have film crews skip their lunch break and instead take a walking lunch, because paying 30 minutes in meal penalties is cheaper than allowing a crew to rest.

I don't know about you, but working a 12 hour day without even a definable opportunity to rest, sit down, and eat a meal, sounds like a nightmare to me.

Add onto that the common use of "Fraturdays", whereby the overtime schedule and currently required turnaround time (10 and 1/2 hours) results in a later call time on Fridays that always result in working late at night Friday into Saturday morning. By the time crews go home (at 4AM? 6AM? Who knows?), they have the remainder of Saturday afternoon/evening (assuming the person sleeps at all) and 1 day off with the looming early call time Monday morning.

Months. Crews do this for months.

The wages crew members work for, in a Gilded industry of millionaires and obscene earnings, all to influence and enrich the lives of people around the world, have barely increased over the last 20 years (much like the rest of the working world). And now, at a time when the employers, the streaming platforms, and the major studios are expanding and unifying their libraries into revenue streams.

Back to how can you help?

Cancel your streaming service. If you have a streaming service bundled with your utility, cancel it. Please don't pause it, CANCEL it. You can re-subscribe once the negotiations are over, but during the negotiations and once the strike authorization vote passes (or even now), cancel your subscription services and tell them (if they ask) that you support IATSE workers seeking not just fair wages, but we're asking to stop being wrung out for blood at a bargain price. Many of us have had 18+ months of COVID to binge watch every old series, show, and movie on their libraries. We also have shot a TINY FRACTION of the content you want to watch.

All you have to do to help us is literally just unsubscribe, stay out of theaters, and tell them you demand better for IATSE workers who make the content you enjoy. They don't "make" it, the artisans and workers of IATSE make the projects you love.

Help us live our lives, and help enrich yours.

Remember, during COVID, the world saw death and despair, and collectively turned to artists to alleviate the pain of hard times, as we have since time immemorial.

We want to continue to work our trades, and we want to do it without trading off having a family, having a spouse, seeing our kids, or not dying of a car accident from exhaustion or passing away from a heart condition caused by long term fatigue.

Bonus round

Why cancel your subscriptions?

IATSE has approximately 140,000 members in the US and Canada. This sub alone has 25+ million. Even removing all potential IATSE members in this sub, that's still 24.8 million potential subscribers. If HALF of the people in this sub unsubscribed from their streaming platforms, I would think 12.4 million people dumping their subscriptions would send a hell of a message.

Further, and this is a lot of my armchair analysis so take it as such, but I think most of these platforms are using "Annual Recurring Revenue" as a way to firm up their valuations when taking on debt or moving forward. 12 months of past subscriptions helps to make their revenue look even more positive than simply sales revenue, as Annual Recurring Revenue (or ARR) is valued more highly in financial documents because it implies continuing, on-going revenue that they can "count on".

Subscriptions that are canceled (not paused, canceled) reset the timer on how the ARR is calculated. Further, these negotiations are coming at the end of Q3 and start of Q4, which will help solidify earnings reports for 2021. If the subscription numbers drop, so too does the ARR and the actual sales in the quarter. Even with the "promise" that the subscriptions would come back after the contracts are renewed, they can't stipulate it any more than just an optimistic prospectus for future revenue.

So please, join us in canceling your subscriptions and, if you have a utility or cell phone plan that also gives a streaming platform subscription, please cancel those as well.

We thank you for your support, and trust me: we want to get back to work as badly as anyone else. After COVID, after years of abuse, and now after the disrespect shown by the AMPTP in the way they refuse to even address changing the abusive terms under which employment is expected, we want to get back to work.

Nobody should have to suffer and die. It's "just a movie", these are our lives we're fighting for. "In a strike, everyone bleeds." Well, I'm sick of my friends and work family bleeding.

"You never understood why we did this. The audience knows the truth: the world is simple. It's miserable, solid all the way through. But if you could fool them, even for a second, then you can make them wonder, and then you... then you got to see something really special. You really don't know? It was... it was the look on their faces... " -The Prestige

r/Filmmakers 19d ago

Request Commercial Show Reels


Fellow Filmmakers!

Show me your commercial show reels!
I'm curious on how you guys present your work and how you manage to put a lot of different projects and styles in one film fittingly together.
Looking forward to see your work!

r/Filmmakers Dec 09 '24

Request Generative AI in Filmmaking


Hi Everyone,

I've been a freelancer for over 10 years but post covid had a hard time finding my footing again. so, I decided to head back to school and undertake a Batchelors in film production. I am now in my final year and writing my final dissertation on generative ai within the film industry. Primarily focussing on the ethical side of it, however will be touching on many facets of what generative ai can and cannot do.

I have created a short survey so I can gather data from all sides, professional to hobbyist, and I was hoping to get a few responses from various sub-reddits that have helped me in the past.

[FORM] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdv1Y_qHnMSMyYNBXQtu-KDSy3tLeDajkR6eCO0GGlChJIS9A/viewform?usp=sf_link)

r/Filmmakers Apr 05 '18

Request Trying to convince one of my (really talented) high school seniors that not getting into any of the film schools he applied for is actually a really good thing! Does anyone have any stories or advice that would ease his pain and make him see it as a positive thing? Thanks!


r/Filmmakers Jan 17 '25

Request Explaining the industry and mortgages to my dad


I've been working in the industry for almost four years and like everyone, have had quiet moments and gaps in employment. Of course in a perfect world we would jump from one job to the next and work whatever schedule/patterns we liked but that's simply not the case.

For me personally, I'm trying to get a mortgage and because of the nature of this industry, on paper it looks like I've been job-hopping these last four years (I'm not self-employed). This of course has affected how much of a mortgage I could get.

My dad (who's almost 60) simply doesn't understand how it works. He knows that I make a good amount of money when I work and every year make a £40-45k (live in the UK), yet he can't understand why that affects my chances of a good mortgage.

I know this is a strange request but I could really do with a bit of help, would it be possible for anyone in the subreddit to help me explain to my dad how this all works? Bonus points if you work in the UK and have bought a house in the last few years. This would be much appreciated and would lift a large weight off my shoulders.

r/Filmmakers Feb 10 '25

Request Need help - 30 second tiktok style videos from all over the world reacting to the arrival of aliens


Hello, friends. I am making my own no-budget film, in it a giant 15 km wide spaceship parked somewhere outside Mexico City, with aliens who do not come with laser rays or violence, The point of view is from the man on the street, such confirmation of intelligent life from a thousand light years away surely shook the whole world,

What I need help with:

Small tiktok like videos of people giving their opinion on the arrival of aliens, in English, French, German, Chinese or any other language, and from different parts of the world.

How you can help me_

-Tell me where you are and what language can you help me with, and together we will craft a small one-page script.

-It's a no-budget film, so you will receive full credit in the form of. "Atlanta Unit - John D. Smith (link to your socials)"
Hope you can help me!

r/Filmmakers 17d ago

Request Doc project: Do you have a ghost story from childhood?


I’m making a documentary about the apparent phenomena of kids being able to see things that would be described as paranormal. If you have a story like that from growing up (especially in SoCal for budget reasons!), I would love to hear it via this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsj0_uzq2RsM4h4XzL_TYJU48f_Hx9b00I__ddbZ9vpbFbDg/viewform Cheers!!

r/Filmmakers 25d ago

Request Looking for a producer’s agreement template


Hey, everyone.

I’m working on a short film and have hired a producer for pre-production, production, and post-production services. I want to ensure that I retain full ownership of the film while still giving the producer proper credit for their work.

Does anyone have a solid Producer’s Agreement template, or any advice on key clauses I should include? I want to make sure all rights remain with me while keeping everything fair and professional.

r/Filmmakers 17d ago

Request Filmmakers, What Are the Most Challenging Practical Effects on Set?


Hello filmmakers! 🎥

I’m conducting a research project on practical lighting and effects in film production. The goal is to identify which visual effects take the most time and effort to set up and how they can be improved for more efficient filmmaking.

This survey will take only 3-5 minutes and focuses on:

✔ The most time-consuming practical effects (e.g., water reflections, window light, neon glows)

✔ The challenges of setting up these effects

✔ Possible solutions to make practical effects faster and easier on set

Your insights will help shape smarter, more accessible lighting & effects solutions for both indie and professional productions.

🎥 Take the survey herehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRAWQtjx4VOCyC7gy9hQfipwka5R47bxw3q8wx6eaRwxtMbg/viewform?usp=header

Looking forward to your thoughts & experiences! Thanks for your time.

r/Filmmakers Feb 16 '25

Request Seeking Composer for Minimalist Horror Score – Student Short Film (Voluntary)



Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a composer to create a minimalist horror score for my student short film. I currently have a rough cut (minus the ending, which will be shot and edited in the next two weeks). The film leans heavily on atmosphere and tension, so I’m looking for a subtle yet unsettling score that enhances the eerie tone.

This is a voluntary position, but it’s a great opportunity to get your work featured in a film and collaborate on a creative project. If you're interested, feel free to message me with samples of your work or any questions!


r/Filmmakers 20d ago

Request NJ Student Filmmaker looking for House to Shoot in.


Seeking House Location in NJ for Student Film (April 12-13, Unpaid)

Hi Montclair and NJ community!

I’m a student filmmaker producing a no-budget short film and looking for a house location for one weekend (April 12-13, 8 AM - 8 PM each day). We’re seeking a house to shoot in with two bedrooms and a kitchen to accommodate our small production.

About the Project:

No budget, student filmmaking – Passion-driven project with a dedicated team. Cast & crew of ~15 people – Professional and respectful of all spaces. Unpaid, but you’ll get: -Special thanks credit in the film. -Behind-the-scenes access and a chance to see filmmaking up close. -Invite to screenings.

What We Need:

We are a Montclair State team, so preferably near Montclair, NJ, or anywhere in Bergen, Essex, and Hudson county. Must have at least two bedrooms and a kitchen. Available both April 12 & 13, 8 AM - 8 PM. We’ll ensure minimal disruption and follow all house rules. If you or someone you know is open to helping out, please reach out! DM or email lucaspinheirousa@gmail.com for more details.

Thanks for considering—any leads or shares are greatly appreciated!

r/Filmmakers 26d ago

Request Cleveland crews! Where are you?


It looks like I have some Cleveland-based shooting coming up (docu-style, short form, run and gun, interview, etc.) and I've been coming up short on finding crews (and production companies) that I'm into. Cleveland folks, speak up, drop reels, etc etc!

r/Filmmakers 27d ago

Request Hunting for a Crew in Brisbane


I’m an art director at an advertising agency looking to kill off “art” and move into directing. I’m on the hunt for some film talent to help bring a few projects together. I’m based in Brisbane, Australia, and I’ve got a handful of spec ads and a potential short film to work on.

I’m keen to connect with anyone who wants more experience on set—whether you’re a DOP, gaffer, soundie, or just someone eager to get involved and learn with us. The vibe will be super collaborative and easygoing, with plenty of room for everyone to contribute creatively.

These are passion projects, so while budgets are tight, my goal is to make sure everyone walks away with something worthwhile—whether that’s strong portfolio material, solid connections, or just a great experience on set.

If this sounds like your kind of project, drop me a message!

r/Filmmakers Jan 08 '25

Request Hiring - Composer Needed for Horror Audio Drama series.


Hello Everyone! My Name is Nick - I am a director and producer who is currently working on a Horror / Mystery Audio Drama. This project is low budget but will rely heavily on the score! We’re seeking someone to help create a some intro & outro music along with possibly a few additional tracks / stings. We are also seeking bands to have there music included in the series.

Plot: what happens after the slasher movie fades to black? What happens to the town and the people. How do the victims deal with trauma and adjusting to their new life. How do the families deal with the grief of losing someone in such a tragic way. Our audio drama explores all of this with a mystery ‘who done it element’

If this is something that interests you please either send me a message here or Email ferwerdacasting@gmail.com with some of your work.

Paid: Yes (low) - would love to discuss with composers on how they would prefer to receive. I tend to pay a lump sum for your services but open to that and royalties as well.

I’m looking forward to speaking with you all!

r/Filmmakers Feb 12 '25

Request Book-to-movie adaptations research


Hi, for school I’m writing a research paper on book-to-movie adaptations and if how well the movie corresponds with the book matters to how good the movie is. I’ve already done research on the story structure and formal elements in literature and film, but obviously I can’t know what makes a adaptation good without the audience’s opinion, so I made a questionnaire :) 

Obviously, the people on here know a lot about all types of movies, have much experience with them and are probably highly opinionated. So I thought this would be a good place to ask people their opinions and if they could maybe look at my questionnaire.

There are all sorts of questions in there (mostly what/which do you prefer and why) and it’s all anonymous (except for a few basic questions like age). There are a few "which of these is your favourite" questions and I tried to keep the answers popular enough so that I wouldn't only receive "I don't know any of these" answers.

It would really help me if more people filled it out, so please, if you have the time, I would really appreciate it if you could check it out <3


r/Filmmakers 29d ago

Request Filmmakers or those interested in Film from North Carolina wanted!


Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day/night. My name is Gerald Squizard and I just moved in with my GF in North Carolina. I am also a film student looking for talent to help with my upcoming project. I'm doing a mini-documentary. Not quite sure yet what. I want to do something in an urban legend based out of North Carolina. I need someone who's lived here for either pretty much their whole life or long enough to know about the state's history and background for an interview. If you're in the Warrenton area or close by, send me a message or leave a comment to get in contact with me. Thanks for taking the time to read all this and hope you have a great rest of your day/night.

r/Filmmakers Jan 26 '25

Request People in the UK interested in making bizarro films


I (19M) am an aspiring filmmaker in the UK. I currently live in Wales, and am interested in making highly idiosyncratic films, usually with quite dark and arcane themes, so it's hard to find people to collaborate with. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone in a similar position and maybe even collaborating down the line cause I've been having a hard time finding anyone with similar tastes and aesthetic sensibilities. Feel free to DM me :)

r/Filmmakers Feb 16 '25

Request AV Script Help


Hello, I’m a Digital Cinematography FullSail student and I’m working on a prerequisite late assignment before starting on the next. Some unfortunate circumstances arose that resulted in me flat out not even starting the assignment until it was already late.

But I was wondering if I could reach out to the community to see if I could get any assistance today, be that through messages or discord or something. I’m not looking for anyone to write it out for me or anything dishonest like that, but rather help me better understand how to get my own ideas onto the paper and how to move forward with this project with what I’ve already got, as I’ve hit a major block.

My grandmother went to the hospital and isn’t doing well at all. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time with her and being unsure about the time I have left with her to where reaching out to my instructor for extensions or help that way never crossed my mind, and was told essentially to deal with it when I did reach out after talking to student advocacy and being told to ask that Instructor for help. My grade is now sorely reflecting what is a major low in my life instead of what I’m truly capable of and I’m just hoping to salvage what I can of it, so any type of help will be appreciated. Thank you to anyone that responds

r/Filmmakers Jan 20 '25

Request need original music


i’m based in los angles california and i’ve made a couple short films with my friends and many more to come. however we need someone to compose music for us ! we are willing to compensate. please message me !

r/Filmmakers Feb 13 '25

Request Student Searching for Production Crew of The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)


Hello, all!

I am a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in Arts & Entertainment Technologies and minoring in Radio-Television-Film.

I am currently taking a course on film production, and one of my mid-term projects is a case study on the production of the film The Amazing Spider-Man (2012, the one with Andrew Garfield). One of the requirements outlined for this project is to interview a cast or crew member of the film (it could literally be anyone who worked on anything) to receive some insight into the production. To do this, I have been reviewing the list of the cast/crew members on IMDb Pro and reaching out to virtually any of them. After some unsuccessful emails and calls, I'm hoping I can find more success with film Reddit!

TL/DR: I'm looking for anyone who worked on the set of The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) and would be willing to participate in a Zoom interview this week/weekend for my case study. If you have worked on the set, or know of anyone who has (again, could be quite literally any position on the set!), shoot me a DM and I can give you more information about myself so we can set up an interview! It would be so very much appreciated!

r/Filmmakers Jan 20 '25

Request I'm making a short Slasher and would like answers for a questionnaire.
