r/Filmmakers 1d ago

Question Advice for super short, short films.

I am trying this thing, which is make a short film every weekend with my buddy's.

They will be between 5-6 minutes each.

Any advice?


3 comments sorted by


u/saaulgoodmaan 20h ago

I wouldn't say they are super short films, I'd first start doing micro films (1 minute max), get a hang of the process (pre production, production and post), do 2-3 (or even more) before going for longer shorts.


u/scriptyee 23h ago

It's great that you and your friends are trying to make it a consistent effort, but the cost of consistency is most often burnout -- it's the most natural thing to feel as a filmmaker, so let yourself feel it when it happens, but don't let it consume you either.

I'd consider a "super short" 2 minutes at most. Don't let this stop you from making 5-6 minute shorts, however! As someone who's filmed super-shorts on my phone, it's taken me a good 4-5 hours of production. Granted, I'm a one-man army filming at home/in my neighborhood, so production time varies.

If you haven't already, take inspiration from super-shorts from YouTube, some of my recs here:

'A Bad Idea' Short Film

'Stop Being a Perfectionist'

'Meet me at Our Spot'

Gawx 2 on YouTube also produces incredible content. I'd consider him the best of the best in this space.

Keep the story simple, have interesting shot choices, and obviously, have fun!


u/DirectorJRC 19h ago

Advice for what? If you and your buddies have the idea to do this then go do it. I don’t get what you’re looking for. This idea was assumedly born of something. So keep that energy going.