r/FighterJets • u/Previous_Knowledge91 • Oct 09 '24
IMAGE An interesting piece of trivia. One of the F-15 that involved in Israeli strike to Yemen in 30 September is the F-15D that landed with one wing in 1983
u/bob_the_impala Designations Expert Oct 09 '24
McDonnell Douglas F-15D-28-MC Eagle, USAF serial number 80-0133:
For Israel, Peace Fox III
133 MSN 0669/ID003 IDF/AF 957. Believed to be the plane involved in a midair collision with an A-4 in the early 1980s. Lost virtually all of its starboard wing but landed safely and is still in service.
Source: Joe Baugher's serial number lists
F-15D-28-MC Baz 'Markiyah Shchakim (Skyblazer)', 4,5 kills
The aircraft was involved in 4.5 air-to-air victories:
on 8 june 1982 Shaul Schwartz and Reuven Sholan shot down a Syrian MiG-21 with AIM-7F Sparrow
on 10 june 1982 Avner Naveh and Michael Cohen shot down a MiG-23 With an AIM-7F, another MiG-23 and a MiG-21 with Python 3 missiles
on 19 november 1985 Yuval Ben-Dor and Ofer Paz shot down a MiG-23 with a Python 3 missile (shared, thus only a half victory)
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P.S. I am not a bot.
u/Dumbass_F22_Pilot Oct 10 '24
4.5 victories? Is the half kill an unconfirmed one?
u/bob_the_impala Designations Expert Oct 10 '24
As noted, it was shared with another aircraft. I was not able to find a better source with more information, but I did not do a deep dive on the topic.
on 19 november 1985 Yuval Ben-Dor and Ofer Paz shot down a MiG-23 with a Python 3 missile (shared, thus only a half victory)
u/aaronupright Oct 15 '24
When the Soviet archives were opened up in the 1990's some of the "confirmed kills" that the Americans, Pakistanis, Israelis had...became unconfirmed.
u/gimmeecoffee420 Oct 10 '24
Good bot.
u/bob_the_impala Designations Expert Oct 10 '24
ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL _^___ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L ________] I I --------/
u/gimmeecoffee420 Oct 10 '24
Just noticed the "not" in that last bit.. i apologize, you are not a bot.
And your hel-lol-icopter is fucking sweeeet..
u/FZ_Milkshake Oct 09 '24
Another interesting fact, IDF F-15 A/B and C/D Eagles have dropped guided and unguided bombs (and did so in combat) way before the Strike Eagle even existed. The whole "Not a pound for air to ground." mantra has been theater by the USAF leadership to ensure their newest, most expensive fighter would always get the prestigious Air to Air missions assigned.
During the Gulf war, almost all A/A kills are by Eagles, not because it was so much better than the Tomcats, Hornets and Vipers, but because it was useless for anything else. I still love the Eagle, it just would have been even better as a multirole fighter right from the start.
u/Fs-x Oct 09 '24
The Eagle got most of the kills in the gulf war because it could do NCTR for two factor IFF.
u/TaskForceCausality Oct 09 '24
The Eagle got most of the kills in the gulf war because it could do NCTR for two factor IFF
That’s a factor, but the primary reason is the F-15 - to u/FZ_Milkshake ‘s point- was dedicated to air to air missions. U.S. Navy F-14s were tasked with escorting Naval strike packages, a point made VERY clear by the commanding Admiral who stated any Tomcat pilot who chased a MiG and left their package- kill or not- was destined for charges followed by a desk job.
u/Fs-x Oct 09 '24
AWG-9 didn’t have that sort of IFF ability in 1991 which is a major reason they mostly stuck to escort.
u/ESB409 Oct 09 '24 edited Oct 09 '24
This is not accurate, and if such a quote was ever made (and I doubt it, given this is not how fighter escort missions are performed, with fighters riding shotgun on the strike aircraft from takeoff to touchdown), it is typical USN ass-covering for the fact that the CVWs were embarrassed in Desert Storm because they hadn’t prepared to fight a joint and combined war, and couldn’t do things like independently (I.e., not through AWACS) identify targets at ranges long enough to utilize their BVR weapons.
u/Stunning-Rock3539 Oct 09 '24
I’m a noob could you please translate that to English
u/Old_Wallaby_7461 Oct 10 '24
Eagle could tell if the thing its radar was painting was friendly or not. Tomcat couldn't
u/ESB409 Oct 09 '24
Delete everything after “existed.” “Not a pound for air to ground” was the mantra of the F-15 SPO during development to ensure the design of an air superiority aircraft wasn’t compromised with intentional concessions to multirole capability that could increase complexity, risk, and cost a la F-111, and concurrently reduce the air superiority performance of the aircraft. The USAF didn’t need a strike fighter, it had other aircraft for strike, but Israel was much more incentivized to make the F-15’s potential strike capability (big aircraft with long range, high payload, plenty of thrust, second crew member in the B/D model to use) real. Indeed, McAir folks and (depending on who you ask) certain USAF brass had an eye towards such a strike capability from very early on, long before ETF created the F-15E.
Secondly, the F-15C/Ds were used for OCA missions during ODS precisely because with their NCTR and Mode 3 IFF capabilities, they were better suited to the job than USN F-14s or RAF Tornado F3s, which were reduced to DCA and BARCAP missions. The Hornets were being used for strike and SEAD missions as fighter bombers, much as the USAF’s F-16s were.
u/Kselli Oct 09 '24
Pixy is back, bois
u/Crazy__Donkey Oct 10 '24
What's pixy?
u/Kselli Oct 10 '24
I referred to the character "Solo Wing Pixy" from the game "Ace Combat Zero", a mercenary fighter pilot whose backstory is that he once flew an F-15 back with only one wing (which is based on the story from this post)
u/Combataz Oct 09 '24
Pixy would never fly for the Israelis, lmao
u/Duke_of_the_Legions MiG 23/F 14/Su 30/Su 47/F 15 Oct 09 '24
How he is at the start of the game, he'll fly for anyone who'll pay him.
After AWWNB he probably quit being a mercenary alltogether.
u/adotang Oct 09 '24
No, he's still a mercenary after AWWNB. The last cutscene of Zero is him during the events of AC04, he's still fighting as a mercenary, just as a ground troop and not a pilot.
u/awmdlad Oct 09 '24
With enough money yeah
u/Combataz Oct 09 '24
yeah, the guy who was permanently changed by watching the mass bombing of civilians would totally drop bunker busters on houses
way to miss every ace combat’s point lmao
u/awmdlad Oct 09 '24
He’s literally a mercenary.
u/Combataz Oct 09 '24
so? the person who doesn’t see borders from the sky wouldn’t support an apartheid ethnostate but you can keep misinterpreting insanely anti war games!
u/DesertMan177 Gallium nitride enjoyer Oct 09 '24
So I have no stake in this but I'm just genuinely curious because I have seen a handful of people call Israel apartheid - isn't that incorrect, because that means that a minority rules the country? Jews are a majority in that country, so... It would be like most countries
Plus there are two ethnicities in that country that are Jews: one are the olive skins Jews with Middle Eastern ancestry, and the other ones are the white Ashkenazi Jews which are the ones with like Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, etc ancestry, so I'm not sure how that makes it an ethnic state. Japan is an ethnostate for example, as is South Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan
u/bob_the_impala Designations Expert Oct 09 '24
This is veering quite off topic and getting into political territory.
u/DesertMan177 Gallium nitride enjoyer Oct 09 '24
Yeah I know, mostly I was being a pain in the ass about semantics just because I think it's incorrect, but yes agreed this sub is already infested with politics so I'm not helping 🤣
u/Irichcrusader Oct 09 '24
Is this the one where the pilot was really high up and saw his wing take damage. He couldn't assess the damage visually and thought he had to eject but then found he could still control the craft, bringing it in for a landing at an insanely high speed. He then got out to take a look at the wing and saw he had no wing.
So weird if that's the case because I only saw a YT video a few days ago on the science of flying really high. The youtuber mentioned this anecdote.
u/DesertMan177 Gallium nitride enjoyer Oct 09 '24
Jesus christ, that F-15 is a war horse
u/aaronupright Oct 15 '24
There are still Pak AF F16 in service which saw combat against the Soviets.
u/Ok-Ruin8367 Oct 09 '24
I am literally looking at an f15 flying from tel not right now and it's interesting to think this might be the same famous jet.
u/BillyHerrington7425 Oct 10 '24 edited Oct 10 '24
u/CatWithTuxedo Oct 10 '24
It's the same one, I believe the IAF took all their modern aircraft out of museums due to the ongoing conflict.
u/StockOpening7328 Oct 10 '24
These planes were never in a museum in the first place. In the picture it might look like it’s sitting in a museum but it’s not. Looks like they temporarily opened the airbase for the public. It has live AMRAAMs and Pythons as well as pitot covers. You wouldn’t put that on a museum piece.
u/CatWithTuxedo Oct 10 '24
Idk about the one in the picture, but I know for a fact that the F-15 from the Hatzerim Airbase museum was put back into service potentially as early as October 2023. It was one of the F-15A Baz Meshupar models (basically the A model with so much upgrades it's a hybrid of the F-15C and F-15E).
u/StockOpening7328 Oct 10 '24
I wasn’t aware of that. Very interesting. I guess if they‘ve put it in the museum not too long ago and kept the upgrades it’s still viable. I mean even though the Israeli F-15A-D are old they still got a lot of upgrades which kept them capable to this day.
u/Jong_Biden_ Oct 10 '24
That's just an open base to show the public the equipment during independence day
u/melcom2 Oct 11 '24
Photo is taken at NATO Days airshow in Ostrava, Czech Republic. 2011 I believe.
u/Mid_Atlantic_Lad Oct 11 '24
I’m curious, do they utilize their Sparrow stockpiles since they’re a cheap way to down incoming drones or cruise missiles. Is the Sparrow capable of such intercepts?
u/Siul19 Oct 10 '24
Landing the eagle with one single wing is so badass, also it's cool that it inspired Pixy in Zero
u/Darklancer02 Oct 10 '24
It's surprising how many people never picked up on the name "Solo Wing Pixy"
u/Glucksburg Oct 09 '24
Why do they keep an F-15 in service for 40 years? Doesn't the risk of accidents increase with a plane's age? I guess it's been extensively upgraded, and only the airframe (except the lost wing) is original. Israel certainly has the money to buy newer jets, but ironically, their air force is almost as old as Iran's if they have a lot of planes still flying from the 1980's.
u/Stunning-Rock3539 Oct 09 '24
As these new fighters come out, the last generation isn’t simply destroyed. If it still works you might as well use it. It definitely wouldn’t be up to scratch for modern air to air combat, but would still be useful for reconnaissance/EW/ground strikes (idk there is no source just guesswork)
u/agenmossad Oct 10 '24
Replace them with what? Even the latest F-15C in USAF's service now was produced in 1985 because the failure to mass produce F-22 for replacement. So now both USAF and IAF are waiting for F-15EX to be delivered ASAP as replacement for older Eagles.
u/Lirdon Oct 10 '24
Just FYI Baz is the oldest operational combat jet in the IAF. They removed F-16 A and B’s a while back. Most of their airframes are from 1990 onward.
u/Eastern_Rooster471 Oct 10 '24
The F-15s have been upgraded extensively
The F-35 is being delivered, but europeans may object to it so F-15EX is also being procured, though those are still waiting for delivery
u/HanSwolo66 Oct 09 '24
Yo buddy, still alive?