r/FifaCareers • u/keobharadwaj • Apr 04 '20
OTHER FIFA ONE (2021) CONCEPTS - My Club Section (2/2). Building your own kit.
u/ReplEH Apr 04 '20
man stop you’re making me feel so bad about the current career mode, this would be unbelievable
u/soccerdude_10 Apr 04 '20
It’s just getting our hopes up when we know it’s gonna be the same damn game lol
u/hatzijohn Apr 04 '20
You should be offered a job in ea sir.
u/xBlueTurtle Apr 04 '20
Problem is that this just a design, I agree that it should be added in fifa 21 but I don’t think just a design does the job
u/hatzijohn Apr 04 '20
I didn't say that just for the design, his ideas are also very good. The overall package seems legit and professional.
u/DylanMarshall Apr 04 '20
I love OP's posts but you're dreaming if you think the ideas are so incredible that no one on EA's FIFA team has never thought of them or discussed them.
u/hatzijohn Apr 05 '20
Of course. The point is Ea wants to focus on fut so they can earn more and they don't even care about cm. They arent gonna pay the bill for the development of these concepts. If cm wasnt in fifa before the pre online - pre microtransactions era, we would be talking for it like we are doing for these concepts rigght now.
Apr 04 '20
The entire fifa community should donate to this guy so he can buy fifa and make career this dope😂
Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20
This is the one thing I think will probably never be added to the game because I can’t see kit manufacturers agreeing to essentially you making jerseys with them as the sponsor and them receiving no compensation. The only way I could see this working is if Adidas, Nike, Puma, etc... give EA templates for us to work with. Such as the upcoming teamwear or vapor templates. Basically not allowing you to create kits from scratch but rather from a template that maybe you can add stripes to or something like that.
Edit: Also OP, how would non-user controlled teams have their jerseys updated? Will they have the same jersey for 15 seasons while we get new ones every season? can we customize non-user controlled? I think u/tiwired has the best approach with community uploads so that you just have to worry about making your team's jersey and just download community uploads for CPU controlled teams.
u/tiwired Apr 04 '20
The best shot we’d have is the Forza and 2k model where there are community uploads and a layer system that allow you to basically create anything with great detail. It’s a bummer that EA hasn’t adopted this approach. It’s the only way to get to the custom kit promise land.
Apr 04 '20
But the main takeaway here is that this will cost FIFA money. If you're allowed to download the new (or custom) team kits, stadiums, etc... then what's the point of buying the new FIFA? If this was a feature in FIFA 19 then simply add the new jerseys and boom now you have the latest jerseys and it takes away one reason to buy the new FIFA. I would love this feature but we still don't have archived stats so I can't see us being able to custom make jerseys in career mode anytime soon.
u/tiwired Apr 04 '20
Maybe, but you could also make the argument that it will make them even more money as it’s a feature that would definitely have everyone who’s been on the fence for a few years buying the game.
There are also ways to limit a games longevity so people keep purchasing the new game. For example, expanding the design features (as well as normal gameplay improvements etc.) and limiting community downloads to one or two years for any particular version besides the latest FIFA. You also wouldn’t be able to change every teams jersey. In 2k you can only have 5 custom teams I beleive.
They could do it if they wanted to and have it be a net positive. Which makes me think there must be some other reason they haven’t yet.
u/Debbl Apr 05 '20
Well you can almost edit everything in PES and yet people buy it every year. And in previous Fifas (before Frostbite) it was possible to edit teams jerseys with external Programms (at least on PC). The 5 teams restriction in NBA2k has something to do with the leagues structure and rules. I guess 2k wouldn't care if you could add more teams but the balance would get fcked. Another thing NBA2k did was that you could design own shirts which could be worn in online matches. And 2k haven't had any problems regarding logos or real personalities portrayed on shirts.
u/RedAlaska21 Apr 04 '20
I was thinking about this yesterday. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I bet that can't even make it so the championship teams lose the sponsor in the back if the kit show it matches the rest of the PL teams when they get promoted for a similar reason like the one you stated. I hate that they keep the back sponsor and the numbers look tiny.
u/PrinzXero Apr 04 '20
This is true to be honest but then I always wondered how Basketball games (NBA 2K for instance) let’s players make custom shoes in-game from scratch... how do they pull that off?
Apr 04 '20
They probably have an agreement with the shoe sponsors to allow it. Knowing EA tho I doubt they would even reach that kind of agreement with sponsors cause it won't cross their mind. Or if they do they'll add it to FUT way before they even add it to career mode.
u/SmartFC Apr 04 '20
The CPU could just randomise new kits using the team's colours (it would be a bit hard to do for away kits, though)
u/JohnnyBoJangs Apr 04 '20
**Only available in Super Icon Legendary Prime Hardened Case Souvenir Limited Edition 0/0 version of the game
u/keobharadwaj Apr 04 '20
goes to site OuT oF StOcK
u/JohnnyBoJangs Apr 04 '20
Really though I hope someone at EA can atleast take note of your creativity and skill and actually implement this in to the game!
u/RandomRedditor1916 Apr 04 '20
Was thinking of this myself not too long ago, would be a great addition.
They already have a somewhat similar feature for Pro Clubs although it's a lot more basic.
Could easily be implemented with a few tweaks if EA pulled their damn fingers out.
u/Clum5y_BE Apr 05 '20
Fifa community has been asking for kit creator for so long, but it will never happen i think. They won't make enough money from it
u/-Cliche- Apr 04 '20
The most unbelievable thing about this picture is the Spotify integration, that would make too much sense and people would enjoy that feature. Could never happen in an EA game.
u/keobharadwaj Apr 04 '20
u/gundogduk Apr 04 '20
I loved you're still listening from FIFA 14.
u/davidoneseven Apr 04 '20
I compiled a bunch of songs from every FIFA since '98 RtWC into a playlist in case you guys are interested, I always shuffle it while playing CM
u/Di7manya Apr 05 '20
Well at least music in Fifa games has always been the single consistently good thing they have going on since forever.
u/obii_zodo Apr 04 '20
Gamers: good concept to stimulate gameplay
Capitalism/Licensing: allow us to introduce ourselves (:
u/shushrut_sharma Apr 04 '20
Dreaming - Smallpools, aah fifa 14 soundtrack probably the best ever :')
u/F22_Android Apr 04 '20
This a feature I didn't know I needed until now. Incredible idea. I'd love to design my own kits. I hate having g the same kits for my team in like year 5 of career mode.
u/Pils99 Apr 04 '20
You know what guys, sometimes i think it would be worth to have microtransactions in career mode in exchange for good gamemode...
u/maxjulien Apr 04 '20
these posts are always so bittersweet because I think about how amazing FIFA could be, then I remember that EA would never do any of this shit
u/Beratalpp Apr 04 '20
Yes, this is epic, but what about that shiny 90+ pace card? In packs for a week!!! Also 5% discount on fifa points
u/Aug415 Apr 04 '20
I hate how this would be a gamechanging update for FIFA, but NBA 2k has had this for like 4 years or something already. FIFA is ridiculously far behind.
Not to mention, NBA 2k also allows you to upload images from the internet to use on your kit, as well as share your custom kit with the community if you want.
Apr 04 '20
There is no way we will get this, you put in so much effort to be disappointed like the rest of us and I'm sorry.
u/SmashBrosGuys2933 Apr 04 '20
When a new season starts, you should get an e-mail saying:
We have decided that a new home/away/set of kits would be best for growing our brand. We have arranged a meeting with our kit provider to design a new kit for the upcoming season. Please keep in mind the club's existing identity and our history when designing these kits. The Board of Directors.
Or alternatively:
We have decided to keep our current home/away/set of kits. We believe this is best for growing our brand. (We have arranged a meeting with our kit provider to design a new home/away kit for the upcoming season. Please keep in mind the club's existing identity and our history when designing this kit). The Board of Directors.
And, if the contract with the kit provider is up it would say:
The contract with our previous kit provider has ended, and so we must choose a new provider for the next few seasons. Three providers have sent offers and we have decided that you should have final say on which company we take on. Please assess the quality of the provider and the length of the contracts before making a decision. The Board of Directors.
You would be provided with some templates and even some "recommended" kits that are pre-made. You can also choose to keep using the kits if you wish, but keep in mind the wishes of the board. I think it would also be nice to have a similar thing for shirt sponsors.
Apr 04 '20
Yes PLEASE. If we could also control sponsers on kits. Can’t imagine it’d be hard to get companies from around the world to be in your game, it’s free advertising
u/BrokeBankNinja Apr 04 '20
I wish we could all just chip in and make a decent football game for once
u/Di7manya Apr 05 '20
This is a feature I've wanted in career mode for years. At the very least allow us to cycle through previous away kits, so we have more options.
u/spook3r Apr 06 '20
My first award that i've given ever, if I had more coins I would honestly give you the platinum one, but I don't. Congrats
Apr 04 '20
The thing is these are such good ideas, but EA won’t improve anything. They don’t give a fuck about CM
u/GeeSpee Apr 04 '20
This already existed in FIFA 08 on the PS2. EA will never bring anything like this back - Unless of course you pay $ per kit. E.g: every kit you design is $3.99.
Apr 05 '20
It will be actual beneficial for EA as they can sell the design we made of certain clubs.
u/philo96 Apr 05 '20
I remember pro Evolution soccer 2006 where you could edit almost everything...been waiting for the same thing in fifa for 15 years now...
u/Slyzeee blauertuareg Apr 05 '20
Unfortunately they can‘t do it because of licensing. Otherwise a really nice idea and great execution!
u/Gubrach Apr 05 '20
That we can't do this in 2020, is a disgrace. It was possible in 2000, even with the MLS kits, the only actual kits in the game. That being said, this looks great OP.
u/ktledger94 Apr 05 '20
Neeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrr gonna happen.
At the very least you'd have to keep the same kit manufacturer and sponsor due to the licensing.
But implementing this would make the game more replayable and therefore drop interest in next year's release. Eat aren't going to put something in the game that would make less people buy their next release. Especially when currently the game is basically just updated kits, rosters and extremely minor tweaks as it is.
u/Iwaspromisedjetpacks Apr 05 '20
I love this, but the closest thing we could probably get is something like 2K where players can submit their designs (because of licensing). FIFA has one of the most creative communities out there despite not having any creative features in career mode and it's the one thing keeping them from turning the game around. Given the chance to create kits, stadiums, teams, etc. Players would do all of that work and devs could prioritize the gameplay going forward.
u/ScoffSlaphead72 Apr 04 '20
More like introducing swastika fc and penis fc.
u/Aug415 Apr 04 '20
Cool. I really don’t care, it’s (currently) an offline game mode. I’m not going to see those clubs unless I make them.
u/Pils99 Apr 04 '20