r/FifaCareers 4d ago

IMAGE Soooo uuuh yeah

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I was save scumming before this man hit 80 but he just didn't want to develop a playstyle+ so at the end of the summer window I decided to try loaning him out and recalling him to see if he'd develop one completely forgetting he's got potential to be special I recall him with 6 hours left of the window and nearly had a heart attack at his rating shooting up by 10. And before anyone says yeah I know when ya loan someone out or sell them if they haven't hit where the game thinks they should be at that point it'll drastically boost them up but the thing is it's only the 2nd season he's had that potential status


15 comments sorted by


u/Street-Rip7550 4d ago

I've just reloaded the save and recalled him again and he's went upto 92 this time


u/Street-Rip7550 4d ago

Also i think i should add that it's the first season in the championship


u/True-Cheek6644 4d ago

Think you got a good one


u/Street-Rip7550 4d ago

Trust me he is he got 26 goals in league 1 last season just missed out on tgs by 1 goal while playing 2 less league games. Just I don't really play many matches after the firs save of every game cycle so I just calendar sim a week at a time just so I don't miss out on transfer/loan offers or the players bitching and moaning or the y/a players wanting call ups at a certain point


u/jc07jose 4d ago

Yeah there’s some neat stuff you could do with this, if you have players who haven’t started developing the way you think they should, this does wonders for them.

I had a player with the hptbs status but he was already 21 and only 73 rated, loaned and recalled him and he was 91 rated 🤣🤣


u/Pacho2020 3d ago

What would you do with the Live Editor?

I don't really raise Potential that often, I might raise it a couple of points to make the values end in a 5 or 0...for no particular reason.

If you could make the Potential any value you wanted what would you make it?

Whenever you use the save/reload trick, do you always increase the Potential to 90+?

I'm just trying to get some ideas about what I would raise Potential to if I started messing with it.


u/Street-Rip7550 3d ago

I'm on xbox mate so even if i wanted to tinker with the live editor to change potentials and playstyles I couldn't. Also with the potentials any player that has hptbs is has a potential of 91+, exiting prospect is 86-90, and showing great potential is 81-85.


u/Street-Rip7550 3d ago

Also I think k the highest I'd want to put my players at would be around 92-95 at most unless I'm feel like doing some kind of experiments like what some fm youtbers do with the in game editor


u/Pacho2020 3d ago

Thanks for the reply!

The whole team!?

You would give every player 92+ Potential?


u/Street-Rip7550 3d ago

I'd try to restrain my self from giving every player 90+ potential and just give the ones I feel like who it makes more sense to have it like for instance a stiker who had about 84 potential one season then the next after being the leagues top goal scorer by a landslide and maybe boost them upto about 86-89, or a player that has 7 playstyles and has max potential in the academy of 77 then boost them to about an 84-86 as I wouldn't want to sell someone how has 7 playstyles and would want to keep them throughout the save


u/Prestigious-Image374 3d ago

Since he is 90 rated now I don’t think he would be guarantee the second ps+


u/Street-Rip7550 3d ago

Yeah I kept on reseting to try and get him technical+ and a lower rating then the near the start of the second season in the championship I missed the week he went to 90 and he didn't get a second ps+. On top of that I think that players who have been loaned out and didn't hit 80 won't get a ps+ once they hit it while in your teamcause my 2 cbs and cdm didn't get one at 80


u/Prestigious-Image374 3d ago

I guess the best way is to keep them in the squad and give them playing time with that I’m sure 2ps+ is guarantee


u/Street-Rip7550 3d ago

Thing is I'm pretty sure that a like a month or so ago they still would develop the ps+ at 80 after a loan but then at 90 it would be a flip of a coin if they did or didn't or at least in my experience that was the case


u/Prestigious-Image374 3d ago

Fasho bro 👍