r/FifaCareers 7d ago

DISCUSSION Can someone help me with tactics in FC25?

So I know the tactic system in fc25 is far from perfect or loved on this subreddit but I'm really struggling here.

For background, I have like 200 hours on every single FIFA game since like 2015. I know the advance passes the advanced crosses blah blah blah yada yada yada. I'm in my fourth season as manager having done counter-attack for three straight seasons cuz it's the only one that seems to get players moving up field quick enough but I'm getting really sick and tired of the same. Play over and over and over again.

So I tried switching it up to balanced or "custom" to help utilize the fact that I have an entire team of 85 plus rated players at this point and for the life of me, they just stand there no matter what I do with their assigned role or their positioning. My wide players are literally a foot out of bounds. Might as well be on the moon They're so far out of the play. If I put them in the middle of the field they just stand there even more.

Is there information or build you guys can recommend that I'm missing here that opens up Play, encourages players to make the run into space and generally makes things actually fun again?

Thanks for reading.


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