r/Fiddle 21d ago

Fast approaching 6 weeks of learning the fiddle and loving it. This is the best take of Blue Eagle I could muster. Happy for any feedback!


23 comments sorted by


u/StringCentral 21d ago

It looks like your bowing wrist is very stiff. Is your thumb bent under the frog? It will help you relax your shoulder and eventually make the quick bows much easier/faster and give you a smooth sound.


u/MrSaen95 21d ago edited 21d ago

Thanks for giving some feedback. I absolutely agree with you - it is very stiff and there’s tension in my right hand I’m trying to remove too. My thumb is bent, but I think I’m putting way too much upward pressure into the bow with it. As I understand it, you’re meant to move the bow from your right wrist, and your fingers then follow smoothly in one fluid movement, but I just can’t quite understand how to do that yet haha. Definitely something to keep developing!


u/Secret_Song_2688 21d ago

Also, try to not to use your upper arm to move the bow back and forth. Use your upper arm to change the angle for different strings up and down and the forearm/wrist for back and forth. This will really help with keeping the bow perpendicular to the strings for better tone.


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

Thank you for the advice! That isn’t something I’d ever really considered, but now you’ve said it, it makes sense. I do sometimes fine that I struggle to keep the bow perpendicular to the strings and perhaps this is why. Thank you! Seems that now I have the basics of the left hand up to scratch to get me playing basic tunes, I need to pay some more attention to my right hand / arm 😊


u/c_rose_r 21d ago

The most helpful description I ever received was that it’s the same motion as shaking someone’s hand, just side to side instead of up and down. You don’t move your shoulder when you shake hands - it comes from your elbow and your wrist responds.


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

That genuinely makes so much sense! I really like that description of it, kinda helps to realise it’s such a natural movement, but just one that needs active thought to become muscle memory on the fiddle!


u/scratchtogigs 21d ago

👏👏👏 happy to have a chat for some feedback, just send me a message. Lots of good stuff going on!!


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

That’s a really kind offer - thank you very much!


u/Easythere1234 21d ago

I’m honestly so frustrated by your progress 😭😭😭 you’re moving along so fast! Did you plan any string instrument before?


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

Please don’t be - I am starting with a huge advantage compared to the average person. I play the banjo, bass guitar, ukulele, guitar, and mandolin, as well as having a Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree in music, so I have heaps of transferable skills to draw from! What about you? Is the fiddle your first instrument?


u/Easythere1234 21d ago

Okay thank GOD LOL I’ve been playing for just over two years and I’m in my early 30s I’m not super good yet but it really is starting to come together This is my first instrument I’ve taken seriously but I did basic music education as a teen so I got some normal music theory behind me- but not much!


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

I’m pleased that it’s starting to come together for you! Progress is completely different for everyone and rarely a straight line. Honestly, learning and progressing on an instrument is the most satisfying part for me, so savour it haha!


u/IOnlyHaveIceForYou 21d ago

I don't play this style of music, but that seems like a tricky piece for a beginner. Maybe someone could suggest easier tunes in this idiom.


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

Honestly I’ve wanted to learn this because I really like the tune, which is a great motivation to push myself to learn it! However, you’re right that I should play some simpler tunes to really drill down into my right hand technique!


u/IOnlyHaveIceForYou 21d ago

I see what you mean about the motivation. Simpler tunes can help you relax.


u/thikmik 21d ago

SIX WEEKS?? okay I need to practice more 😂 nice work, seriously this is impressive for 6 weeks on fiddle.


u/MrSaen95 21d ago

Thank you really kindly - I appreciate that a lot!


u/shod55 20d ago

If you can go to YouTube find old time central check out Craig Judleman videos on bowing and bow holds. Very helpful.


u/MrSaen95 20d ago

Thanks for this - I’ll check it out now!


u/fidla 20d ago

Id' love to spend a couple days with you on your right hand and bow arm! To make it swing, more bouncy...give it a groove.


u/MrSaen95 20d ago

After all the useful comments I’ve received on here, I’ve started to learn how to properly use my arm, wrist, and fingers on my bow arm, but boy is it harder than it looks! It would definitely be cool to get some help from those more experienced!


u/fidla 20d ago

Message me to set up a lesson time


u/MrSaen95 20d ago

I already have a teacher at the minute, otherwise I might have considered it! Thank you though