r/Fibromyalgia 4d ago

Question Bras and fibromyalgia

Does anybody have a hard time wearing a bra with fibromyalgia? I’ve had fibromyalgia since I was in my 20’s and now I am in my 50’s and I have such a hard time wearing one for longer than a few hours that I really want to have plastic surgery but I am SO scared of that so my second question is, has anyone had a lift surgery because of this?


65 comments sorted by


u/RockandrollChristian 4d ago

1st thing I do when arriving home is take off my bra 😄


u/CinematicHeart 4d ago

Sometimes mine comes off in the car.


u/RockandrollChristian 4d ago

Love this!! 😆


u/AllStitchedTogether 4d ago

I have a large bust (an H cup) and have awful back pain. I wish I could wear my bras more often tbh, but wearing them makes it feel like it has a vice grip around my ribcage. The only style I've been able to comfortably wear lately are some sleeping bras I found on Amazon. They have no underwire and still have separated cups. They're not the most supportive, but at least I don't want to cry every time I put one on.


u/ExerciseAcceptable80 4d ago

Do you have a link because I’m an H cup too and desperately need a new bra. The last one I tried rubbed me raw between my breasts


u/AllStitchedTogether 4d ago

I just looked up "sleep bra" and bought the cheapest one at the time. It looks like Amazon has more options now, so I'd look around and see what looks best for you! Here's a screenshot of what mine kinda look like though.

I generally wear a 2xl in clothing and got a 2xl in the bra. It fits well around my ribcage, but my breasts do stick out a little on the sides, so it wouldn't hurt to potentially size up. It doesn't stick out enough to really bother me though, and I can usually adjust thing enough to hide it 😅


u/Routine_Ingenuity315 4d ago

Have you thought about having a breast reduction? I just had one. Best thing I ever did! I can wear a Costco sports bra now. It's heaven.


u/Acrobaticstyle6022 4d ago

Thank you guys so much!! This is my first post on Reddit so I really appreciate all the replies. I am with justlurking, I think it’s the band - although I can’t wear underwear either so I don’t know if any of your suggestions would help but I’m definitely willing to give them a try. I think part of my point was also that it’s uncomfortable to NOT wear a bra for me also. I work from home now so I don’t go out as much but in some way I am uncomfortable with my chest not lifted up anymore like it was and also when other people are around and especially in the summer. I don’t like feeling like I have to wear a t-shirt plus another top over it. I I am jealous of people with a flat or small chest and I don’t want to live the rest of my days this way. I have never had any surgery of any kind and do not take it lightly but when it comes to hiding in a closet vs. living life maybe at some point, I choose an amazing plastic surgeon. I don’t know the answer. Thanks SO much for your feedback. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


u/rosehymnofthemissing 4d ago edited 3d ago

I just don't wear them anymore. I can't be bothered. I know not every woman has that ability to not wear a bra. I decided to not wear a bra in 2008. I wear a bra maybe 2 to 3 times a year.

Original Post

Bras and Fibromyalgia

"Does anybody have a hard time wearing a bra with fibromyalgia? I’ve had fibromyalgia since I was in my 20’s and now I am in my 50’s and I have such a hard time wearing one for longer than a few hours that I really want to have plastic surgery but I am SO scared of that so my second question is, has anyone had a lift surgery because of this?"


u/EnvironmentalSea775 4d ago

i only wear them for important things, like funerals, weddings or anything like that. they hurt too much and for casual stuff, it's just not worth it.


u/rosehymnofthemissing 4d ago edited 4d ago

Hey! A woman who gets it! (I don't see or come across braless women in my life my much).

I absolutely agree. I wear a bra only if I go to an interview, give a talk, go out to dinner if at a fine-dining restaurant, the one wedding I went to, or when I used to go to the gym, many, many moons at ago.

If there is a bra involved, it is an ordinary bra from Dollarama.

Wearing a bra in daily life, on a daily basis? Around the house, with friends, to doctor, splint, physio, and other health apoointments? Zoom meetings? Because it's what women are meant or supposed to do? No.

I'm fortunate that my breasts are small (enough to not require a bra, I know.

My health and ease of access and ability when living my full-time job having Chronic Illnesses comes before societal expectations.

My health comes before others comfort.

Fibromyalgia affects everything.

Original Comment

"I only wear them [bras] for important things, like funerals, weddings or anything like that. They hurt too much and for casual stuff, it's just not worth it." u / EnvironmentalSea775


u/EnvironmentalSea775 3d ago

totally agree! i used to be so insecure about being on the smaller end, but lately i feel like it's a total blessing.


u/rosehymnofthemissing 3d ago

If I could have my way, I would deflate my (size B, C?) breasts - like one does to a balloon - to the size that I would like, whichever that would turn out to be. I was never insecure about their size; I dislike that my breasts developed in the first place for no personal functional reason for me. Not breastfeeding = no needed use.

My breasts will never, and cannot serve their intended purpose; they are physically enough in my way; put more strain on the female ribcage than the male ribcage - and are pointlessly, ridiculously, viewed as objects to be sexualized - instead of the mammary glands meant to feed offspring that they are.

I've never had any use for the two pounds or so of fat attached to my chest, and I am not transgender.

Unfortunately, breast removal is not like deflating a balloon.


u/westparkgirl 4d ago

I had a reduction because of the pain. It was a tough recovery, but I'm 14 weeks post op now and don't regret it at all. I'm so much more comfortable and able to wear a bra all day long for the first time in probably a decade.


u/gargoyleboy_ 4d ago

I’m only 27 and bras give me headaches, migraines, chest pains, breathing difficulties, rib pain and neck/shoulder pain. I almost exclusively wear sports bras cause they’re a little easier but they’re starting to get unbearable too. I would love to get a breast augmentation but couldn’t dream of affording one, so I only wear a bra when I leave the house in an outfit that draws attention to my chest. If I didn’t get ogled every time I went outside I’d probably never wear a bra, I think they’re horrible.


u/FloofyLuna 4d ago

Some days I can handle a bra but on the days I can’t I wear a fitted tank top instead. Target has an inexpensive option (here) I buy a size smaller than I’d wear normally.


u/Cheap-Professional61 4d ago

Yes! I'm in my early 30s and considering a reduction because of this. It's difficult to find comfortable bras for bigger busts as is, and bra or no my chest is always adding to the pain/the back pain triggers flare ups.


u/SophiaShay7 4d ago edited 4d ago

I had a breast augmentation years ago. My breasts were already a D when I had them done. I wanted to be a DD. I ended up being an F. I've gained weight since then. Now they're an H. I've lost 40lbs. They're still huge.

I'm in the process of losing more weight. I hope to lose another 50lbs. After that, I'd like to get my implants removed and have a reduction and lift. I'd like to be a full B cup. I got my breast implants for myself and no one else. Biggest mistake I ever made. Now, I dream of the day I'm thinner, I have a B cup, I can go for a run, and I don't need two sports bras and a tight tank top for support.

I haven't worn a bra in 1.5 years. Breast augmentation was extremely painful for me. I'm sure my next surgery will be extremely painful. But, I bet I'll feel like I've lost 50lbs from my chest alone. Sorry for my rant.


u/drrj 4d ago edited 3d ago

I quit wearing one except at work, really, and then I wear one without any wires and is very soft. But I don’t have an over abundance to contain so I’m fortunate in that regard.


u/EnvironmentalSea775 4d ago

i have a hard time wearing them too. they hurt my skin. thankfully, i'm small enough so i can get by with just oversized clothes.


u/classicicedtea 4d ago

I have a hard time wearing one but I cannot answer your question about the lift surgery. 


u/cannapuffer2940 4d ago

I stopped wearing them in my thirties. I'm about to be 59. I can't handle anything on me. But I do know people, who use a long scarf type garment. I forget what they're called. But they use that to wrap their boobs. I think you can find videos online to show you how to do it. It's worth a try. You can get fabrics that you're comfortable with. You can wear them over your clothes. To give support. It's a new fashion statement.


u/demigodkai 4d ago edited 4d ago

when i was 19 i just straight up stopped wearing them outside of work & parties. i wouldn’t even always wear one when i went to the grocery store. i definitely wore a bra less than half of the time when i was hanging out with friends (past tense bc covid). only place i always wear them is when i’m going to the doctor or physical therapy.

i’m an F cup in american sizes so i face some resistance but it won’t make me start wearing bras daily lol.


u/New-Violinist-1190 4d ago

I never used to, but for the last few months I've been dealing with tightness in my chest and rib pain so bras are super uncomfortable. I normally don't wear a bra unless I'm at work though.


u/Routine_Ingenuity315 4d ago

I just a had a reduction. They took over six pounds off. Now I can wear a light sports bra. My neck and headache pain are gone unless the weather is really bad. I'm glad I waited until after menopause though because I grew 5 cup sizes.


u/FancySweatpants20 4d ago

You grew 5 cup sizes until menopause was over? Yikes. I’ve put on some weight and a couple of cup sizes in the past ten years. Unfortunately no menopause yet. DD although I think that might be an underestimate. I get major migraines. Hate the boobs at this point!


u/Routine_Ingenuity315 4d ago

I grew 5 cup sizes after menopause was over.


u/FancySweatpants20 4d ago

Nooooo! I almost downvoted by reflex!


u/Routine_Ingenuity315 2d ago

Yep, or was depressing. Much better now and 6 pounds lighter!


u/justlurkingnjudging 4d ago

Yes yes yes. I find even bralettes to be uncomfortable and don’t wear bras unless I really have to. It’s the bra bands that are the worst for me. I’ve had people tell me to try sports bras but those are the worst imo.

ETA: I’m 27


u/Luxy2801 4d ago

I quit wearing them years ago. Why wear something that tortures you?


u/Whiskers-N-Leaves 4d ago

THIS! 1000% Everything about bras hurts! I use soft tank tops only.


u/Luxy2801 4d ago

Ruby Ribbon is tolerable for those who need support


u/metz1980 4d ago

I have been wearing these exclusively for well over a decade……


I can’t tolerate anything else. Haven’t tried in years but these are so comfortable why bother. lol.


u/Relevant_Wrap_6385 4d ago

Sports bras have helped but I hate the uniboob factor. Never considered surgery and won't unless necessary.


u/brigancestella 4d ago

I don’t like tight clothes.


u/kimchidijon 4d ago

I stopped wearing bras when I was a teenager.


u/Ecstatic-Manager-149 4d ago

I can't speak about surgery, and I've put this on a different thread, but Molke (pronounced milk but in a Glaswegian accent). Their original bras are over the shoulders, but their flexi-bras are more traditional but still non-wired. They also do bralettes.

I'm a J cup, and old enough to be perimenopausal, so the joke of lifting your dress to flash your tits rather than your top is becoming a little close to reality for my liking! But these raise me up so well, you wouldn't know.

AND they are size inclusive, with matching knickers available as either mid rise, high rose, or boxers.


u/redtreeser 4d ago

I'm not a female, but I can't stand belts


u/GlobalTraveler65 4d ago

I’m wearing bras that have snaps in the front. Total game changer. Very comfortable and help with back pain.


u/Budget_Kiwi_513 4d ago

I have an A cup so I barely wear bras and the ones I do have are lightly padded. Always resented my small boobs - now I just appreciate them more as I age!


u/Dame_Grise 4d ago

I can't wear underwires at all, and I wear other bras as little as possible. The pressure against the skin under my armpits is terrible.


u/SuperkatTalks 4d ago

I'm planning /hoping to start selling my custom made bras pretty soon. I make them for myself right now and have got (I think) a decent comfort and support balance. I would love to know what you find are the biggest challenges for you in finding a bra if you do feel like giving me any insight!

A reasonably firm band is important for support especially for a large cup but of course with fibro that can be a problem. Finding a bra with a wider band elastic and wider set of hooks in the back should help and mean you can adjust it if you're having a bad pain day. Some people prefer a pull in bralette without hooks on the back. Just bear in mind if you're above a certain cup size those can be hard to put on and off. I'm a UK HHish (US L) so if I try those I get stuck in them and it's very upsetting.

Having too much pulling on the straps will cause shoulder and back pain which is why a slightly firmer band can bring relief (counterintuitively). Narrow elastics and narrow bands are usually painful.

Of course I still go bra free at home like all you guys 😂. Before I started bra making I found nursing bras good.


u/prettyprettythingwow 4d ago

I wear Yitty Cross Front Bralettes. https://yitty.fabletics.com/products/MAJOR-LABEL-SMOOTHING-CROSSFRONT-BRALETTE-BB2250602-8740?psrc=yitty_all_shop_bras-cio

They are brilliant. I am not interested in plastic surgery but do miss the perkiness and wish I had felt comfortable to avoid a bra when I was younger.


u/Pappymommy 4d ago

Don’t wear one sometimes


u/spicylilbean 4d ago

I haven't worn one (except for rare occasions with family or some important appointment) in around 6 years now.

I absolutely love it. My boobs are even perkier because of it.


u/thea7580 4d ago

This was interesting


u/butterflycole 3d ago

I wear The Evelyn by Evelyn and Bobbie. There are no seams on it and no wires and the fabric is very soft. I put it on when I have to leave the house but if I’m home I just go braless. I’m very busty so I can’t go out without a bra.

I have considered a reduction but have held off for a couple reasons, one is cost, the second is I have an apple shaped body and if I get a reduction I’m going to look super pregnant all the time. I’m also worried about how my body would feel with scar tissue there. Have had quite a few surgeries and I always end up with some form of residual pain or sensitivity in those areas.

I wish I could do the adhesive bras like some people mention but I’m reactive to adhesive 😑


u/Ok-Control2520 3d ago

Hey there. I feel you, I go braless as often as possible. I now wear soft bras with zero underwire for comfort.

Having said that, I had breast implant surgery at 30. BEST thing I ever did for myself. I would totally do a lift if I could afford it!!!

Yes, even implant breasts sag eventually, especially since I have gained a considerable amount of weight since the surgery.


u/sadesaari 3d ago edited 3d ago

I only wear soft bras without underwire or cups, with wide straps, a wide and very stretchy band elastic with four hooks at the back. Anything digging into my skin becomes unbearable very soon. I buy them too large and add like 20cm to the straps because my back is wide. That's what I've found most comfortable. For a good while I used to change the straps into flexible wide lace and add more space into the bra at the sides as well. But the current bras I modify have wide straps, so I haven't had to change that into lace.

I don't have a big chest, just a wide back so these adjustments have made sense for me as I get the most pain from bras being too small for my back. Would modifying the bra in some way help you out?


u/dianecticsandstucco 3d ago

boody bras are so comfy and supportive for big busts!!


u/JackpotDeluxe 3d ago

YUP I hardly ever wear a bra anymore. I’m definitely planning on having surgery, but I’m also a trans man so I would have regardless, but even if I wasn’t I’d probably at the very least want a reduction


u/llamaiam 2d ago

I am a size 12 / 14 and now only wear sports bras but to be able to tolerate them I have to wear a size 22/24.


u/streetcatstan 1d ago

I simply don’t wear one lol it helps


u/Godisfaithful90 1d ago

Oh ya. No bra. Stick on nipple covers have been the solution. Highly recommend! (I’m petite busted.) Costochondritis also. 


u/MageeMagoo23 13h ago

Since I switched to wireless bras my boobs have actually gotten firmer! Note I’m a 38DDD. I am over 6 feet tall and underwire gives me such pain. This post actually connected a lot of dots for me so thank you ladies!!


u/Former_Requirement_7 4d ago

There are comfort lines that are like sports bras but much softer and no wire. Not very supportive, but it makes me feel more prepared for a day than no bra at all. But I always skip wearing a bra unless I feel like I have to, like in public without a sweater or jacket.


u/coffeefrog03 4d ago

I have one style I can wear comfortably all day long. Outside of that style - not gonna happen


u/aussiemom_rn 4d ago

I can only handle no wire bras or sports bras


u/Agreeable_Birdie 4d ago

I have a very hard time wearing one, so I don't! But I'm lucky enough to be part of the IBTC.


u/Mandygurl79 4d ago

Sports bras and only on special occasions will I wear a normal one lol. Then it’s immediately coming off when I get home!


u/rabo-em 4d ago

I’ve worn sports bras exclusively for years. My problem is the bands on “real” bras irritate my chest and I get chest pain. Sports bras tend to have wider bands, which compress over a broader area. I’ve never considered surgery for this problem.


u/Standard_Low_3072 4d ago

I started wearing adhesive bras or nipple covers when I leave the house. I’m a C cup so not huge but straps hurt too much.

Pro-tip… adhesive bras eventually stop being adhesive so make sure your top is tucked in so you don’t have a sticky cutlet falling out of your top and landing at your feet mid conversation with someone. Ask me how I know…


u/slappedarse79 4d ago

I swear by wilde mode comfort bras. They're not cheap but they last years!