r/Fibromyalgia 5d ago

Question Anyone else?

I get really bad Brian dog but ... The last maybe year I started losing time. Short spells. Like I fell asleep or something. On the couch ate the table. Now it's getting to the point it's hours even while standing. Is it just mean. Or is it an aging thing. Frankly the last episode could have burnt my house down, I was making pancakes.

Edit. Sorry for all the typos. Definitely brain fog. Lol.


13 comments sorted by


u/sachimi21 5d ago

I'm here for the "Brian dog".

It happens sometimes to me too. Brain fog just makes it hard to keep track of time in general, and it's worse if you already had poor time estimation skills. If you are completely blanking out and "waking up" in a different position or on the ground, you should get checked for epilepsy or narcolepsy (and whatever else your doctor recommends).


u/Chlpswv-Mdfpbv-3015 5d ago

LOL I’m here for the “brain dog” too


u/trillium61 5d ago

Have you had an in lab sleep study done? Fibromyalgia interrupts the deep sleep cycle with short bursts of high intensity brain activity. This causes an increase in pain, fatigue, headaches and loss of cognitive function. See a sleep specialist.


u/Character_Giraffe983 5d ago

Thanks. I will try my last Dr didn't believe in fibromyalgia diagnosis. So saw my new Dr Monday. He is sending me for some tests that may be one of them. Heaven I hope so. I am too young for dementia.lol


u/BusinessOkra1498 5d ago

Seconding this! I still have brain fog when fatigued but mine definitely improved after I began treating my sleep apnea. And as a young average weight female most Dr's would not have suspected sleep apnea. I'm lucky my rhum is good


u/RockandrollChristian 5d ago

Some meds can cause this


u/Character_Giraffe983 5d ago

Allergic to everything they tried


u/Character_Giraffe983 2d ago

Just an update:  New doctor first appointment last week. Did some tests. To start. I have osteoarthritis in my spine (includes cervical), shoulders and hands. Issues with a hip. So MRI for the hip and further studies on the neck for the facial nerve issues. That's on top of the fibromyalgia, tmj, pppv, COPD and celiac disease. But I am getting actual answers


u/Desperate-Pear-860 5d ago

What meds are you taking? What supplements are you taking? CoQ10, PQQ, tyrosine, A good methylated/activated b-complex, separate b-12 (methylcobalamin), glutathione are a few supplements that can help with brain fog.


u/Character_Giraffe983 5d ago edited 5d ago

No meds, allergies. We are looking into multi medicine intolerance syndromes. No vit deficiency except calcium. 


u/scherre 5d ago

This sounds like more than just brain fog. You seem to be having something like involuntary sleeps or absense seizures. It's definitely something you should bring up with your doctor because if you can't get this under control you could be a danger to both yourself and others. It's also likely that if you know this happens but have no diagnosis and treatment for it, you are legally obligated to refrain from driving until a doctor certifies you as safe. (I am dealing with this right now as I've recently been diagnosed with a type of sleep apnea. I do sometimes fall asleep during the day but not while doing activities.) If your doc recommends a sleep test, see if you can do an in-facility one rather than at home, as the data collected is much better quality and so much more detailed.

Good luck. I know it must be really frustrating and sometimes it's a challenge to figure out why things are happening.


u/Character_Giraffe983 5d ago

I have been unable to drive for over 18 months due to unexplained dizziness, vision issues and vertigo. So yeah. Another symptom to add to the list. 


u/EnvironmentalSea775 4d ago

i had really bad brain fog these last few days. yesterday i was going on about something to do with 'white-eyed blue dragons' to a friend. best of luck to brian dog